A brief history of Geometry III: The 19th century | Sociology and Pure Mathematics | N J Wildberger

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Hello everyone, I'm Norman Wildberger. Today  we're carrying on with our sociology and pure   mathematics series. We're moving into the 19th  century. We're looking at the history of geometry,   and this is a really critical epoch in terms  of the sociology of pure mathematics because   pure mathematics as a really sort of identifiably  separate discipline from applied mathematics   raises its head, I think, for the first  time somewhere in the 19th century.   Now tracking exactly when this occurred  is a very subtle and delicate business,   and there's of course been aspects of pure  mathematics throughout the history. But   I think it's pretty safe to say that for  the majority of the history of mathematics,   the focus has been very much in the applied  direction, even though often applied   mathematicians were interested in the theoretical  aspects of their investigations. But the idea that   there was a completely separate kind of discipline  from the real world, the real everyday world of   science and observable phenomena, that  was this world of pure mathematics,   and that it was not necessarily directly in step  with science or with observational reality, that   I think first emerged in the 19th century. And  I think we can trace some of its origins to this   very big broadening of understanding with respect  to geometry that occurred during this time.   So I want to tell you about this because it's  essential for a sociological person interested   in this story to appreciate this huge flowering  of geometry that took place in the 19th century.   It was a golden time for the subject, and  one of the really interesting, if somewhat   disappointing, aspects of the subject  is that in the 20th century, this took   a nosedive and the importance of geometry much  diminished, even though it was still around, but   not in the glory that it was in the 19th century.  So trying to understand why that happened, what   was responsible, what were the forces at play,  what were the reasons, this is something that   there'll probably be a wide variety of opinions  in the mathematical community, and I think it's   safe to say that the entire question really  needs somebody with some sociological training,   some historical training perhaps, to investigate  this. It's not purely a mathematical issue.   So to prepare you for that today, we're  going to talk about a number of different   aspects of 19th-century mathematics,  concentrating on geometry.   But of course, I have to keep in mind that you  are maybe math-phobic. Okay, you're a sociologist.   You haven't had extensive training in mathematics.  You may never have even taken a first-year course   at the university level in mathematics. You may  have dropped out of mathematics in high school.   So I have to attempt to lay out what's going  on here in a very general bird's-eye view.   Okay, so I'm going to simplify things,  I'm going to leave out lots of things,   but I'm hoping that my explanation  will still be meaningful to you. Okay,   so let's jump in now. Let's start. There  are lots of different geometries involved,   and let's start with inversive or Mobius  geometry, okay, named after a German mathematician   Mobius. And this is a geometry where circles  play the dominant role. So we're talking about   the plane, and we're thinking about circles. We're  especially interested in circles, and there's a   particular kind of operation that you can do with  a circle called inversion. So I have to explain   what that is. So here's a circle, okay, its name  is C. I'm going to explain to you inversion,   say denoted by I sub C, in circle C. What this  is is a way of starting with a point somewhere in   the plane and associating to it another point, say  B, in a plane so that this is a sort of a reverse   operation. If you apply this inversion to A, you  get B. If you apply the inversion to B, you get A.   And this inversion has a lot of really beautiful  properties, and it's very important in lots of   things. So how do I define this? Well, there's  a number of ways. I'm going to choose this way,   but here's the point A. Suppose that  it's outside the circle, okay, and here   is the Apollonius dual of that point, sometimes  called the polar. And I remind you that's   one obtained one way to think about it is to look  at the tangents from the point A to the circle.   Okay, the tangents meet the circle at these two  points, that determines this dual or polar line.   Now, the point B that we're interested in is  on this polar line, and it's the meet of this   polar line with the line from the center of the  circle to A. All right, so that's how you get B   from A. Now, that also works the other way around.  If you started with B and you took the polar line   of B with respect to the circle, which is a  projective idea which makes sense, then you   would intersect with that line again and you would  get A. So this is a really important notion which   has remarkable properties. The most remarkable  perhaps immediately is the property that it takes   circles/slash lines to circles/slash  lines. Let me try to illustrate that. So, the inversion of this point A is this point  B. Suppose that I take a little circle over here   that happens to pass through A, and I look at  the inversion of a number of points on A. So,   you know, I populate this with a bunch of points,  and I calculate the inverse of each one of these   points. And I'm going to get, you know, like  for this one here, I have to find the polar,   then I have to join the polar with the line from  the center to there, so we get some other point.   It turns out that what I'm going  to get is another circle, okay?   And the circle's a smaller circle, which was sort  of like this. Okay, so every point on this circle,   its inverse will be a point on this circle, and  conversely, the image of that circle will be this.   Now, there's another sort of case that needs to  be looked at. If you have a line, so for example,   if I drew a line through a point A, okay,  some line like this, and I looked at a lot   of points on the line and calculated their  inverses in this sense with respect to C,   then what I'm going to get is another circle.   And it's a circle that, well, it goes through  this point B, but it also goes through   the origin O, okay, and so, it will  probably be something like this. So, it's not entirely true that the image of  circles are always circles because the image   of this circle passing through the center is  not in fact another circle but rather a line.   So, for the purposes of this Mobius geometry,  you have to think of lines as sort of being   really big circles, okay? You could think of them  maybe as circles whose center is really far away,   maybe at infinity in some sense. And in fact,  you actually do need to think about infinity   because if you ask, well, what's the inverse  of the center itself, there is no point in the   plane which plays the role of the inverse of the  center, and that means that you have to actually   augment this plane with a distant point, a  new point which we call the point at infinity. So, it's a very rich geometry, and okay,  it's an example of a geometry where the   main objects are not points and lines as they  usually are, but rather these circles. So,   geometry of circles which was discovered  in the first half of the 19th century. Now,   it turns out this inversive geometry of Mobius is  somehow intimately connected also with a sphere.   And on a sphere, here's an example of a sphere in  three dimensions. There's also a notion of circle   because if you intersect this sphere with a  plane, then you're going to get a circle on   the surface of the sphere. In the case when the  plane is passing through the center of the sphere,   you're going to get a great circle, the biggest  kind of circle which is like an equator, okay,   like the equator is an example of a great  circle. So, these lines of longitude. Now,   there is a relationship between the sphere and  the plane which is a kind of mapping, a way of   mapping the sphere or most of the sphere  onto a plane called stereographic projection.   And what that is, it's represented by this  thing here. So, here's the sphere, okay,   imagine an equatorial plane, so imagine a plane  which is passing through the equator. Okay,   and so, we're going to define a map from points  on the surface of the sphere to points in this   equatorial plane, possibly outside, possibly  inside the sphere. So, how do we do that? Well,   we start with the north pole, there it is right  up there, okay, north pole, we designate that   as a special point. Now, if we have any point P on  the sphere, we join the north pole to this point P   with a straight line. Okay, so imagine a straight  line passing through the north pole and the point   P that comes out perhaps of the sphere, and we'll  meet this equatorial plane in a particular point,   say in this case R. Okay, so there's that  line, and it sort of goes through the sphere,   it comes out and meets this equatorial plane  at this point R that then gives us a map from   points on the sphere to points in the plane. If  P is in the northern hemisphere like this one,   then you're going to get a point outside the  sphere. However, if P is down here somewhere   in the southern hemisphere, then the line  through the north pole and this point will   meet this equatorial plane in a point inside the  sphere. There's only really one point that doesn't   have a good image which is the north pole  itself, okay, and that's sort of, of course,   if you actually looked at the image of a point as  it moves towards the north pole, the corresponding   image in the equatorial plane will go further  and further away, and so it's usual to sort of   think of the north pole as being represented by  a point at infinity in this equatorial plane.   So that fits really nicely with what we were  just talking about with this inverse of plane   and Mobius, and in fact, there's an intimate  connection between the stereographic projection   and the inversive geometry of Mobius.  Okay, so you can see that by analyzing   what happens when you look at not just a  point but actually a circle on the sphere.  Okay, so you suppose you take some circle, so  you just, you slice the sphere with the plane and   then you're getting a circle, and then you look at  the image of that circle under this stereographic   projection. So, for every point or for lots of  points on the circle, you compute their images   on the equatorial plane and you plot them, and lo  and behold, you find that you're getting a perfect   circle. The image of a circle on the surface  here is a circle in the plane, unless the circle   that you've chosen happens to go through the  north pole. In that case, the image is a line. So, stereographic projection interchanges  circles on a sphere with circles on an   equatorial plane where we sort of enlarge our view  of circles in the plane to include these lines.   And then it turns out that inversion,  inversion in a fixed circle in the plane,   has a really nice correspondence in the terms of  the geometry of this sphere. Okay, so for example,   suppose you have some circle in the plane and  you're interested in inversion in this circle,   and let's say that under stereographic projection,   this circle in the plane corresponds  to a little green circle on the sphere. So, this little green circle on the sphere,  okay, if you imagine a tangent to the sphere,   if you draw all the tangents to the all the points  on this little circle that you've got, okay, they   will all meet at a point outside here somewhere.  Okay, so another way of thinking about that is   if you kind of imagine like an ice cream cone  with an apex outside and enveloping the sphere   tangent to the sphere, then that associates to  the original circle a point, and it's that point   that's out here somewhere that is responsible for  the inversion at the level of the sphere. How so?   We take this point, I haven't drawn it, it would  be out here somewhere in this example, and what   we do is we use that point to interchange a point  on the sphere with the other point on the sphere   which is obtained by taking the line from this  distinguished point, drawing it through the point   on sphere, and out the other side. Okay, so once  we have a fixed point outside the sphere, then by   drawing lines through that fixed point, that gives  us a way of interchanging points on the sphere,   and because the circle that we started  with, are the points on it are obtained   by looking at tangents, those points  are going to be fixed under this   sort of reflection, and so the net effect is that  this sort of reflection in this external point   ends up being the spherical version of inversion  in the corresponding circle in the plane. Okay, that's a whole mouthful, a  whole theory there which I've just   sort of given you in a few minutes. I don't  want you necessarily to understand all of it.   I just want you to appreciate that there is some  really interesting deep connection between circles   on a sphere and circles in the plane  given by stereographic projection,   and that this correspondence allows us to think  about inversion in the plane in another way   using sort of our three-dimensional space and  points external to the sphere, sort of reflecting   points in the sphere with respect to some external  point. So, it's a rich kind of theory which is   quite different from Euclidean geometry, but  it's a rich consistent geometry all on its own. The next important topic that I want  to talk a little bit about is the   re-emergence of projective geometry in the 19th  century. So, projective geometry in modern times   has its origin with the work of Desarg, which I've  already told you about, and Pascal also made an   important contribution, but the subject was more  or less forgotten about for a couple of hundred   years. And then in the 19th century, a number  of people started thinking about this again,   and they had a crucial insight into the nature,  the essential nature of projective geometry,   and this also Mobius was involved  with this also Plucker, and in fact,   there were a whole bunch of 19th-century  mathematicians very interested in projective   geometry. So, I want to explain that a little  bit because it's also quite interesting in that   a notion of infinity arises  here which is quite interesting,   so kind of a geometrical infinity, not a  numerical infinity exactly, but a geometrical one. So here is an ordinary line with some  usual kind of affine coordinates, okay,   and the idea here is that we're  going to look at this one-dimensional   object from a two-dimensional point of  view, okay, so this turns out to allow us   a bigger picture, and the way we're going  to set this up is we're going to think about   embedding this picture in a two-dimensional plane  whose origin is right here, okay, so I'm going to   make, so this is like the real x-axis, this is  the real y-axis, okay, and here is the origin   of this two-dimensional plane. Now, I want  you to observe that points on this line here   are in correspondence with lines through the  origin, okay, so there's a point on our original   number line and to this point, I can associate  the line through the origin, and that point. Okay, so every point on this line gives  us a unique line through the origin. Okay,   so choose one over here, there's another point  that will have this line associated to it. So different points get associated to different  lines. So do we get every line through the origin   this way? What happens, for example, if we start  going in this direction and we start looking at   the lines through the origin that are determined  by some variable point moving this direction?   Well, the corresponding lines are going to  become sort of more flatter and flatter as   we go further and further out, and after we're  a million miles out, the line joining, you know,   the point there will be to us indistinguishable  almost from this horizontal line with the x-axis.   However, we don't actually ever get  exactly to the x-axis line because   this line is parallel to that one, so they don't  actually meet. But any little adjustment to it   and we do get a line which meets the given line.  That means that this x-axis itself is somehow   a distinguished line in this picture, okay? That  line there, okay, has a sort of a different role   and we might end up calling it like infinity.  So the projective geometry is realized that   you could make a model, okay, a model of  projective geometry by looking at lines in a   space of one higher dimension. So the  projective line can be realized as   essentially one-dimensional subspaces or lines  to the origin in this two-dimensional space. And   when we do that, then the point at infinity  ends up becoming completely unmysterious.   Previously had been mysterious. What  do we mean by points at infinity?   From this point of view, the point at infinity in  the projective line is just that particular line   through the origin which happens to be horizontal.  There's nothing magical about it at all.   And moreover, this gives us a  way of describing things. So   this line here, okay, it's determined by that  point, and that point has coordinates. What? Well,   maybe this point has coordinates. Maybe  that's a little bit more than a half.   Um, maybe it's a little more than half. Maybe 11  fifths. That's a little bit more than half, right?   It's a little bit more than one and a  half. Also, one and half, okay? Maybe   11 and seven's. How's that? That's a bit more  than that's a bit more than one and a half. Okay,   so maybe that's the coordinates 11 over seven, and  the y-coordinate will be zero. I will be one. The   y-coordinate will be one now. So this line here  is determined by this point that lies on it,   but in fact, it's really determined up to scale  by the proportion between these two things.   So what we can end up doing, and this is what  the 19th-century geometers did, is they said,   "Okay, what's really involved in describing  this line is the proportion 11 over 7 to 1."   It's the proportion. And a pleasant thing about  proportions is that they're unchanged if you scale   the two entries by the same factor. So in  particular, we could clear denominators   and say, "Well, this is the same as  the proportion 11 to 7," moving us from   fractional arithmetic to integer arithmetic.  So instead of fractional arithmetic with single   numbers, we have sort of an integer arithmetic  of these proportions involving a pair of numbers.   And the beautiful thing about this is that  this new line here, this horizontal line   which corresponds to some point at infinity  which is hard to express in the original   system, can be expressed in this  homogeneous coordinate system by looking at   the point on here. Okay, it's going to be so that  that point there is in the point one comma zero. Okay, and so this line is represented  by the proportion one to zero.   And that then, so that's really like  infinity in this projective geometry.   So this is a way of completely demystifying  infinity in this geometrical sense. Instead of   replacing it with something that's arbitrarily big  or something like that, we just replace it with   this really simple proportion, the proportion  one to zero, which arguably is just as simple,   maybe simpler than this one. So any  proportion between two non-zero things,   as long as they're both nonzero, represents a  line, and that's called homogeneous coordinates.   So this was a great advance because  it allowed geometers to start   understanding projective geometry arithmetically,  indeed algebraically. And this became such a   powerful tool that the 19th-century geometers  were able to start incorporating more and more   of classical geometry into this somewhat  bigger framework where you allow yourself   points at infinity. This is just  the one-dimensional situation. It   gets more interesting when you go to higher  dimensions. In two dimensions, you have to   sort of add a whole circle of points at infinity,  but it's all the same. It's just done with these   homogeneous coordinates very simply,  and so algebraically becomes actually   quite easy to manage and enlarges the subject  dramatically because it turns out that these   points at infinity actually seem to have  often important geometrical significance. Okay, so this subject with this new point  of view, okay, initiated by Möbius also   and Plücker and others, this new point of view was  so powerful that, in the middle of the century,   Arthur Cayley, famous British mathematician,  claimed that all geometry is really descriptive or   projective geometry. That's sort of another name  for it. That's probably a bit of an overstatement,   but you know, there was definitely this view  that, okay, this is like the biggest geometry,   that this geometry includes all others. It's a  very interesting, um, powerful point of view. The next very important chapter in the story  of 19th-century geometry is the emergence of   non-Euclidean geometry, and this is a very rich  story. I do suggest that you have a look at my   history of math lecture. I have an entire one-hour  lecture on this where I go into a lot more detail,   and I think that's a pretty decent lecture.  So I'm just giving you a bird's-eye view,   but you have to appreciate that this  was really a monumental advance and it   really shook the foundation of mathematicians  thinking with regard to geometry. Suddenly,   they're loomed in front of them or off to the  side this alternate universe which was somehow   parallel to the one they were familiar with from  Euclid. Everybody was firmly entrenched in the   logical structure and development of Euclid, but  now suddenly there was this new kind of geometry   which on the face of it was very unfamiliar but  still obviously very rich, so it was kind of an   alternative to the standard genre. Now there  was the question, okay, well, we have these   different geometries around, which is the actual  true one? Does that question even make sense? So the story here is always associated  with Lobachevsky, Bolyai, and Gauss—three   mathematicians, Russian, Hungarian, Gauss  German, of course. And Lobachevsky actually   published this first and Bolyai independently, and  then after the fact, Gauss pointed out that he had   made a lot of investigations on this much earlier,  okay, but had left off publishing it because   he didn't want to shock people too much. So very  roughly, okay, in a couple of minutes here is   Euclidean geometry, and in Euclid's development,  there are these five postulates, sometimes called   axioms, these are sort of things that Euclid  starts his work with, things that we're going to   assume because they're kind of obvious, okay, and  four out of the five really are kind of obvious,   sort of at least if you're drawing pictures, but  the fifth one is more challenging. The fifth one   says that if you have a line and you have a  point which is not on the line, then there is   exactly one, there's one and only one line through  that point which is parallel to the given line.   And what does that mean? It means that it doesn't  meet, no matter how far you go, these lines never   meet. So there's exactly one such parallel  line through a point outside a given line.   So for a long time, this was more complicated than  the other postulates, and mathematicians tried   to prove it independently, and eventually these  three gentlemen started to realize that this   did not follow logically from the others. In fact,  you could create an alternate geometry in which it   was not true, and that's hyperbolic geometry. The  starting point that they had that you can imagine   a geometry in which there's here's a line, here's  a point on the line where there's two different   lines, maybe even more, but at least two different  lines which are passing through this point which   are parallel to this line in the sense that they  don't meet that line even if you extend the lines.  So, this is really a non-intuitive, but from my  point of view, okay, this whole story is, in some   sense, a manifestation of the over-reliance on  Euclid. People were just too fixated on Euclid   that they couldn't see the forest for the trees.  In fact, okay, the reality is that non-Euclidean   geometry had been well studied for centuries, if  not millennia before this, okay, and that was in   the context of spherical geometry, in the context  of astronomy, at the heavens, and in particular,   the Islamic mathematicians' work on the geometry  of the sphere. Also, Indian mathematicians made   contributions there too, and in fact, so did  the ancient Greeks, okay, so the geometry of   the sphere also is a non-Euclidean geometry,  but here you have to think of the lines as being   these great circles that I was telling you about,  the things that you get when you slice a sphere   with a plane through the center. Now, if  you have some point which is on the sphere,   not on this plane, there are zero lines that pass  through this point and are parallel to this given   line. You take any plane, which, any great  circle which passes through the center and   this point here, there's a whole family of  them, but any one of them will give you a   line. In other words, a great circle, which will  necessarily meet the equator that you're talking   about. So, this is a non-Euclidean geometry, but  for sort of a different reason than this one is.   Here we have more than one line which is parallel,  here we have no lines which are parallel,   but nevertheless, this is a really valid, it ought  to be just as valid a non-Euclidean geometry as   this one. In fact, ultimately, it was seen that  these two geometries are sort of on different   sides of Euclidean geometry, sort of somehow fits  in between them, so from my point of view, there   was a lot of confusion in the 19th century, so if  they could listen to this lecture, you know, like   200 years ago, it would  have been hugely influential   because they just didn't think about  things in the right way. They couldn't see   that this spherical or elliptic geometry that  was really completely in front of their eyes   was actually a valid example of non-Euclidean  geometry, and it turned out that, in fact,   these two geometries, the theorems in them are  very parallel, but that required the emergence   of another figure, another key figure in  the story, so this was Eugenio Beltrami,   Italian mathematician, who quite some time  after Lobachevsky and Bolyai did their work,   roughly in the 1830s, so he came up with these  models of hyperbolic geometry, maybe 1870s, 1880s,   and he was really the first person to logically  put this geometry on the map in the sense of   providing actually a completely clear model for  what these geometries were really about. So,   in short, somewhat simplified, here is what  he realized that you could think about both   the elliptic geometry or spherical, almost  the same thing, and the hyperbolic geometry   in very parallel ways by going to three  dimensions. So, we're talking about   two-dimensional geometry, but we're thinking  about it being embedded in three dimensions.   We've already seen this is a key sort of idea to  try to understand things in certain dimensions by   looking at them from a larger point of view.  We saw that already with inversive geometry,   something similar here. So, the elliptic  geometry, which is the geometry of the surface   of the sphere, is naturally studied by thinking  of the sphere as embedded in three-dimensional   linear space, given by an equation x squared  plus y squared plus z squared equals one. That's   the equation of a sphere in three dimensions.  Okay, and he realized that correspondingly, the   hyperbolic geometry can also be viewed in a very  parallel way, just by making a single change of   sign by replacing this plus sign with a minus sign  and looking at the what we call the quadratic form   x squared plus y squared minus z squared. It's  a little bit more complicated when you set this   equal to zero over here, you just get the origin,  but over here you get a cone, more complicated,   and when you set this equal to one, you get  what's called a hyperboloid of revolution,   a surface which has one branch which is like  a hyperbola sort of rotated around and here's   the second branch on the other side rotated  around, and he realized that what Lobachevski,   Bolyai, and Gauss were really doing could  be described as geometry on the surface   of one of these branches of this hyperboloid,  and what you do is you do really the same thing   as you do over here for the sphere to get lines,  straight lines, what you do is you choose some   plane that passes through the origin, and then  you intersect the passes through the origin, and   then you intersect the sphere with that plane, and  you get a great circle. Let me draw it like this.  Okay, so that's an example of like a straight  line in the spherical or elliptic geometry.   And over here you do very much the same thing: you  take a plane that passes through the origin, okay,   and you intersect it with this hyperboloid, okay,  and you're getting okay, something will, this   thing carries on, so it goes up like this, you  get essentially what looks to us as a hyperbola. And when you set this thing up in this  way, then the parallels between elliptic   geometry and hyperbolic geometry completely  demystifies the subject to a certain extent,   okay, and a lot of things become much  clearer. Unfortunately, this is not even   taught in undergraduate courses very much, it's  very unfortunate, and in fact, the whole story   is, you know, sort of extended massively by  what I call universal hyperbolic geometry,   which is my own take on things, which says that  actually what you really should be doing here,   okay, is looking at this whole thing, but  not just the portion inside this cone,   but also the portion outside the cone, which maybe  I can try to draw it here. The portion outside   the cone is also a hyperboloid of revolution but  looks something like this. So here's a typical um,   sort of orbit when you place the one say with a  minus one you get a surface that looks like this   which is found in architecture quite a lot,  okay. And in fact, so when you're studying   universal hyperbolic geometry you learn that  the same formulas once you set them right in   sort of the rational trigonometry format,  um, work, um, both for the geometry of this   two-sheeted hyperbola as well as the geometry  of the one-sheeted hyperblend and there's a   unification that goes on, okay, that you don't  really just want to be studying one part of it.   So Beltrami's understanding is a key point  in helping us move to this much larger,   more beautiful, and more general point of  view which is universal hyperbolic geometry.   Okay, but as you can see that we're expanding  our our vistas, uh, considerably here.   I just want you to get an overview of this, uh,  this sense that from a sociological point of view   the 19th century people were carrying this  big burden of Euclid on their back and that   somehow um, constrained their thinking to  go in certain directions and not in others.   So there's definitely a very  interesting sociological   aspect of this. So I'm just part of the way  through the 19th century story here but I'm   going to finish the lecture with this, uh, other  development that's really important which is the   introduction of complex numbers into geometry  which transformed a lot of the subjects. So   complex geometry we can think of this as  sort of getting two-dimensional arithmetic   for the price of one dimension, okay,  so it's a really interesting thing that   we're enlarging the arithmetic, okay, we're  enlarging the arithmetic and that ends up   enlarging the geometry that's built up from that  arithmetic from a from a Cartesian point of view.   So we're following Descartes and Fermat  from looking at things in the Cartesian   point of view in terms of coordinates then  we realize okay so if we extend our number   system from ordinary numbers to so-called complex  numbers then we can extend a lot of geometrical   objects which are constructed from these from  these coordinates also. So here is the usual   number line and it's best that you think about the  rational number line so 0, 1, 2 and then you can   also you know subdivide so there's 17 over 11,  there's minus seven-thirds, there's one-half so   rational number is more or less represented here,  okay, and over here is the decimal number line   which is a number system used by engineers and  physicists and you know sort of ordinary people   which involves subdividing by 10. So there's  zero, there's one, then we subdivide units of 10   and then we make further subdivisions, subdivide  each one of these into 10 and so on, so we end up   expressing um, numbers by decimals and  the more decimals there are sort of the   more accuracy we're talking about but there's an  approximate aspect of this so a scientist thinks   of 0.4 as not being an exact point but  actually sort of a range of values,   okay, something is measured and it's 0.4 it means  that you know there's there's some indeterminacy   it means that the next decimal point is not  entirely clear that there's some variability   there. Well this number here is representing  a greater degree of accuracy, okay, but the   engineer never has complete accuracy so you  know infinite decimal is not part of this story. So I want you to appreciate this. Of course, the  real number system is some kind of attempt to, uh,   to take this thing, sort of drag it into the exact  world, so to pretend that we have an arithmetic of   infinite decimals that extends this one but sort  of, you know, has the exactness of the arithmetic   involved here. And as I've pointed out many  times, that's a very, very much wishful thinking.   Okay, so what's the complex number story? So  the complex number story is the realization that   these pictures can be extended from their  one-dimensional aspects to a two-dimensional   aspect by introducing a new number called i whose  square is -1. And here is the usual story. So now   here, there's the usual number line much like  this one in terms of fractions and now here's   a new axis which notably has i on it instead of  one, and that allows us then to describe points   in this plane in terms of an ordinary component,  a fraction in the x direction or the horizontal   direction, and a multiple of i in this case one  half i, in the i direction. Okay, so that's what   a complex number is and often denoted by z.  Okay, so that's a complex number four thirds   plus one half i, and to do arithmetic with these  things, well, basically you use this crucial   effect when you add them and you sort of add them  in the obvious way, but when you multiply them,   you have to use that the fact that i squared is  always equal to minus 1. Now this is sort of an   exact system, so I might call this the complex  rational numbers, but there's also a kind of   sort of engineering or scientific version where we  work with approximate decimal quantities. So this   point here, which is no longer quite as precise  as over here, minus 0.9 plus 0.4i, representing   some kind of, you know, rough position, we could  call these the complex decimal numbers. Okay,   so it turns out somewhat miraculously that the  arithmetic of these complex numbers is really,   in first of all, very interesting  mathematically but also, uh, ends up having huge   implications for 20th-century physics. So when  people start doing quantum mechanics in the 1920s,   they start to realize that the essential aspect  of the workings of quantum mechanics somehow   almost requires us to frame things in terms of  complex numbers. This is a deep mystery that   I think we still don't really understand why is  this, you know, okay, it's pretty interesting but   it's telling us that these complex numbers  are not just a figment of the mathematician's   imagination, they do somehow connect very  directly with the real world or as much   of that as represented by quantum mechanics; it  has a little bit of an unreal aspect sometimes.   All right, so now that we have the possibility  of this two-dimensional arithmetic with complex   numbers, we can look at complex geometries which  are roughly obtained by complexifying ordinary   rational geometries. So what we do is we take  some classical geometry like the kinds I've been   telling you about and we think about replacing  the underlying numbers which are involved with   complex numbers; it's called complexification, and  we get a rich theory which is unfortunately much   harder to visualize, so we lose contact a little  bit with direct physical visualization. So it is   challenging and it's sort of beyond our  ordinary experience in lots of ways.   So this is challenging even for undergraduates;  a lot of undergraduates will only sort of dimly   be aware of some of these things, so these  are quite advanced ideas in some sense   but I just want to give you a flavor of  it. Okay, so let's look at an example   of complexification by taking a very simple  kind of geometrical object: the circle. Okay,   the unit circle with the equation x squared plus  y squared equals one in the usual x-y plane, there   it is there, and here is a point on that circle  four-fifths comma three-fifths. If you square   this, you square this and you add them, you're  gonna get one, that means this point actually   is on the circle, and it's four-fifths along here  and three-fifths along here, right? So we can,   we can represent this point really  by two points on the axis, that point   on the axis which is four-fifths, and this  point on this axis which is three-fifths. Now, more generally, if you wanted to  describe more general points on the circle,   here is a really nice way of doing it. So, this is  an algebraic parametrization of the unit circle.   We have these two expressions  involving some parameter t,   and if you plug in any value of t in here,  then you're going to get a point on the circle,   and all points on the circle are of  this form except for this one here.   You might, as an exercise, try to figure out what  the t value is that gives you this point. As a   clue, I'll tell you what it is geometrically:  if you join this point here and look at that   point there, its coordinate is t. Okay, you might  like to see if you can figure out what t is. Okay,   so now let's think about the question: how could  we complexify this story? So, it turns out that   there's a number of different ways potentially  of doing this, but the simplest is probably this:   we just take this equation x squared plus y  squared equals one involving sort of ordinary   numbers. Ordinary for us means rational  numbers; that's sort of the simplest kind,   and we replace the rational numbers with complex  rational numbers. So, instead of x and y,   let's use z and w, so we get z squared plus w  squared equals one, but now z is a complex number,   and there's a copy of the complex plane. It's  really the complex line, but to us it looks   like a plane. This is a direct analog in the  complex world of this x-axis over here, and here   is the w plane, which is a direct analog of this  y-axis. Now, you might say, "Well, why don't you   make it sort of perpendicular?" I could try to do  that, but then it becomes harder, in some sense,   to visualize because it's hard for us to try  to understand four dimensions. Okay, we can't:   two dimensions this way, two dimensions this way.  What does that look like? So, I'm going to keep   them separate. It's a little bit clearer, and I'm  going to ask: okay, so what does this equation   represent in this complex world?  It's a pretty interesting question.   If you're an undergraduate, you might like  to think about this. So, as an example,   let's see if we can find one point on this sort  of complex circle. So, how are we gonna do that?   Well, so we want some analog of four-fifths comma  three-fifths. So, what we could do is we could   say, "Why don't we just use this same formula?  This formula gives us points on this circle,   but we have to put in rational numbers t over  here." Okay, why don't we use the same formula   and just plug in a complex number for t, and  hopefully we'll get z's and w's? So, I'm going to   illustrate some complex number arithmetic for you.  You can check this if you have some familiarity   with it; if you don't, don't worry, it's just  relatively simple, sort of high school kind   of fiddling around with some complex numbers,  basically always using i squared equals minus 1.   Okay, so what I'm proposing to do is to take this  formula, call it e of t, and to plug in 1 plus i. Okay, so I'm going to get two numbers  which are going to be complex numbers.   Okay, so what I have to do... well, I  take 1 minus 1 plus i squared over 1 plus   1 plus i squared and over here, 2 times  1 plus i over 1 plus one plus i squared.   Now, when you square something like  this, like you square one plus i,   you get the square of the first term which is one  plus the square of the second term. The square of   i is minus one, so you get one plus minus one plus  twice the product, and twice the product is 2i.   So now the 1 and the minus 1 cancel, so all you  get when you square this is 2i. So this becomes:   the numerator becomes 1 minus 2i, and the  denominator becomes 1 plus 2i. Over here,   we have 2 times 1 plus i, that hasn't changed  in the numerator, and this is again 1 plus 2i.   Okay, so how do we simplify that? So, in  complex number world, what you do is you say,   "Oh, it's a quotient: one complex number divided  by the divisor." So, we have to multiply top and   bottom by the complex conjugate of the bottom, the  denominator. So, the complex conjugate of 1 plus   2i is 1 minus 2i. When you multiply 1 plus 2i by  1 minus 2i, you get the sum of the squares: 1 plus   4, which is 5. And when you multiply this by  1 minus 2i, well, it's like squaring this;   you're going to get the square of the first  term, which is 1, the square of the second term,   which is four, i squared, or minus four,   plus twice the product, which is minus four i. So,  all together, you can get minus three-fifths minus   four-fifths i. And you do the same kind of thing  over here; you get six-fifths minus two-fifths i.   So, we're getting two complex numbers.  Let's picture them. Okay, so here's this   first one. Is that... so it's sitting somewhere  in the z plane. Okay, there's one minus one i,   minus i. So, where is minus three-fifths? So we  have to kind of go minus three-fifths over there   and minus four-fifths i down here somewhere,  right? So, it will be... okay, there.   Okay, that point represents that number. And what  about this one? Well, this is in the w plane,   so we have to draw it up here somewhere.  The first coordinate is six-fifths,   so that's about over there somewhere, minus  two-fifths around there. So, the number is there.   So, these two things here that I've drawn  sort of correspond to these two things   on the corresponding axes. Okay, so the  point that we're getting in this complex   circle is the point which is... well, this is  it. This is the point. And we can visualize   it as a pair of complex numbers, the pair  consisting of that point and that point.  So, that's one point on this complex circle.  Okay, what does the rest of it look like? Well,   that's an interesting question. And if you had  some mathematical experience and you don't already   know, you might like to play around with this and  try to get a sense of what this circle looks like.   But one thing that's certainly going to be  clear is that this is going to be essentially,   from our point of view, a two-dimensional object.  The circle is one-dimensional, that's true. But   here we're talking about something which is given  by a one-dimensional parameter, but the parameter   is allowed to range over the complex numbers,  which for us is a two-dimensional kind of range.   So when we look at this, somehow we're seeing some  kind of surface in this four-dimensional space.   And that sounds complicated, but  it's also interesting because   technically it should be like a circle. So  we might ask, like, of all those hundreds of   theorems of circle geometry that are known, do  any of them apply to such a circle? What happens?   And once you start thinking in this way, then  all kinds of new things open up because you can   take all these classical curves that people  have been studying for hundreds of years,   and you can start looking at them  from a complex point of view.   So in the 19th century, we had these  sort of two great, you know, and large   number of great enlargements, but in  particular in terms of the study of curves,   we had this point of view of looking at the  projective aspects, including points at infinity,   and we had this idea of extending our number  system to complex numbers. Those two things really   created all kinds of new developments in geometry,  projective geometry, algebraic geometry. Okay,   so I've covered a huge amount of territory here. I  hope you don't worry if you haven't understood it   all. I want you to get a sense of it, okay? And  there's more to come in our next video because   we're not finished with the 19th century.  I'm Norman Wildberger. Thanks for listening.
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Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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