A Bridge Too Far | ArmA 3 - A Fustercluck in WW2

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bleach_69 📅︎︎ May 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
come on let's jump into the [ __ ] hell drop into the water jump into the water let's cross just get in the water life [Music] c'mon Aden as far inland out be Ragab a finger falls huntin want a beer hint on Sutton Baba the avout Indiana rich conifer Nixon ng bottom the Britain common Wendy he might like a pancetta mat under a pants a trooper Spearin as oh I need furniture and I'm help changing colors oh why me cuz I'm awesome anyway oh right well cuz we're also awesome he's British deal with it you're off stirring no I'm not right before we all shoot each other let's shoot the Germans first all right I'll call signs I'll just give us a little run-through on radio as we go we're gonna be hitting a moon first then down to Herman's burg on to Becca door I don't how to say his name that who gives a [ __ ] over to Bergen down to often and our last objective we Everson basically are going to be working in a little bit of a horseshoe pattern we will be assisting the first airborne will be rushing to their bridge we're going to want to do this as quick as possible as we need to actually take out their objectives as well the first airborne and not pulling their weight once we get rolling down that main road we will take the towns of Shawn and gross hell a hat hoechlin whoever and cross the bridge to take out the field HQ and the German air base that is the main goal of the operation the 82nd we've working as and elements of coolants of an anvil they will be holding their bridge and not pushing over whilst the first airborne we waiting for our arrival to begin out their push over the bridge you know how long we really need right now stop panicking and sing lads sing you'll take your eyes off how bad it is I don't want to join the army I don't want to go to war I'd rather hang around Piccadilly underground we landed hold on we are significantly off target lat excuse me sir excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me hi okay Oh Jake Jake you are definitely a German sympathizer he deserved a pound he deserved it the other gun all right he had a gun the other gun guys is Bruce the passenger transport yeah front oh oh glad I caught that [ __ ] Hey all right boys forwards men let's take this town let's show the first airborne how it's done t-bag we are pushing across open ground with a Scott please provide us some covering fire if you can coffee covering your situation double-time it boys let's do this you're already double-time it then [ __ ] trouble diamond let's go hey wait wait I believe there's a German here guys do you think there's a German here you guys think there might be a German here give me a give a sweet moment just gonna put a number 69 in the window oh [ __ ] does it impact grenade give me a sec this is a very big bathroom wouldn't you agree like this is excessive Lee large for a bathroom just in case you need a giant [ __ ] pool table between your bath and your [ __ ] now drop drop drop go go go all this is bad we are way too high and way off mark I was literally standing still come on I'm up this is help help help what's going on I'm not fine this is oh god he's dead I'm not fine help help Tex what did you do to me I am NOT fine well there's one Jeep gone you towed it through a wall and it's on fire I've got eyes on him come to the corner of the building here we'd be advisory of a panzer 4 direct North going into the town p.m. yeah there he is right in front of you shoot him we're going to drop zone crumpet I've marked it for you first that's fine you drop these American time wasters first and then drop the people who are actually gonna win the [ __ ] war don't [ __ ] yourself you crop it that's if we didn't get in this way no gonna lie if you get a [ __ ] that was the indica movement of several people are typing cut the chana Apothecary are you talking on fifty don't be that right I was wondering oh you kept telling my left ear anyway all right lads shut the [ __ ] up oh my god this is a brilliant pub I realized why the xxx core not behind schedule there's a brilliant pub along this res just a great pub crawl in it I get the [ __ ] back in your bags let's jump over gone thanks forward tanks forwards dismount d-bag what well aware thanks Molly got the vehicle honey third Mathis born Vic at Oak we're married safe west 260 260 it's firing Jake Java take West ding-ding go Claymore tranq West 260 he's peeking out of chains it depends up okay help I thought I think I thought I think I thought I think eyes on us put his tail right there [ __ ] page loading loading fire fire fire he's back behind the trees claymore dingo this is your job hunt him down dingo pressing on and we're gonna go around don't be that way moles moving come on dad I hate to tell you this though we we don't know where the vehicles it's along the main road next to the trees just find a box like we have a bigger issue that more headache - you're welcome don't [ __ ] yourself I need you to pack up okay stay stay quiet stay quiet behind you [ __ ] you sauce to the tree line it's in a cheeto service behind us - disturbance with oh I'm moving back yep yep stand by oh come on crowd boo which then let's go [Music] in a boys come on out yeah we [ __ ] ah Germans he's speaking cold [Music] by an atom by an atom oh I capture him capture him capture me that you killed him you killed in catch you the other one captured the other one touching the other one got your stop killing them [ __ ] sake this is xxx this is TV t rag this is a Scott and paw me we just buy a net at the [ __ ] tankers what does the 5 me not the 12 I don't know what the range is correspond to I'd remember that one off handed remote and gills and pans are about something to do with the triangles of their being the length of things Jesus bridge is destroyed bridge boss destroyed box go did this crush my psyche over this wall yes just do that again [Applause] oh Sh see we took the wrong road because a Scot took the rotting away and I was just the top speed sucks it flips all the time and I can probably think of a few other things like I don't know kind of cramped on our driving there's a mirror so I guess it's kind of a plus the interior is really dismal definitely negative can I help you I'm trying to complain about a vehicle you have chocolate I don't need none of your damn chocolate I'm allergic you bigoted why don't you get out of my face before I run you down how the hell do you two speak English insert offensive name for German person here and that is the back first I'm loading the body upon secure if you wanna catch up with us we're riding on the Churchill now we are moving at a blistering 4 km/h you know what Churchill I'm just gonna get up I'll see you guys at the top of the hill hey dig me I tell you what mate again never ask me to be a [ __ ] second platoon ever again what surprise I heard about the tiger and your men in the open ok ok if I sit - you go and sit in that building and don't do anything what would you do well my guys must do it well because they're a xxx Corps on their injury yeah yeah morons after 30 seconds go Boone the winner of the outside and then run around on the bank so he's got a [ __ ] fire range meaning I have to exit my building and run over and yell at you and then I [ __ ] die because I'm trying to wrangle your ass back into a building we are going to be [ __ ] safe can I just delegate command I want to delegate I want I wanna I want to join the land army please give me a tank to near me I hear the single boom and then I feel exploiting this is you have secured our bridge affirmative
Channel: Rimmy - Downunder Gaming
Views: 610,346
Rating: 4.959867 out of 5
Keywords: Rimmy, Downunder Gaming, Gameplay, Funny Moments, Funny Montage, Memes, fustercluck, arma 3 physics, arma 3 milsim, arma 3 rp, arma 3, arma 3 multiplayer, cadian xxth, bullshittery, arma 3 roleplay, fustercluck arma 3, cursed clips, digby, digby tatham warter singing, digby tatham warter, arma 3 montage, world war 2, a bridge too far, operation market garden, 1st airborne, 82nd airborne, 30 corps, ww2, arma 3 memes, arma, milsim arma 3, arma 3 funny moments
Id: 1FhNR5atk1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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