A Bridge Too Far 1977 1080p World War II Sean Connery, Robert Redford HD

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A Bridge Too Far (1977)

Drama, History, War [USA:PG, 2 h 40 min]
Siem Vroom, Marlies van Alcmaer, Erik van 't Wout, Wolfgang Preiss
Director: Richard Attenborough

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 7.4/10 (42,501 votes)

It is near the end of WWII. The Germans have lost most of France, and the Allied forces decide to give them the final hit. They plan to drop thousands of paratroopers in the Netherlands and keep a few key positions there, until reenforcements arrive. The most important spot is the bridge of Arnhem; once it's captured, it can block everything west of Germany (IMDb)

Critical reception:

The film received mixed to positive reviews from critics. A "making-of" documentary included in a special edition DVD of A Bridge Too Far claims that, at the time of its release, "the film was shunned by American critics and completely ignored at Oscar time for daring to expose the fatal inadequacies of the Allied campaign." Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports that 65% of 20 critics have given the film a positive review, with a rating average of 6.2 out of 10. Critics agreed that the film was impressively staged and historically accurate, although many found it too long and too repetitive. James Caan and Anthony Hopkins were cited by many critics for the excellence of their performances, in a film filled with hundreds of speaking roles and cameos by many of the period's top actors. (Wikipedia)

More info at IMDb, Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, Netflix, Wikidata.
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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

What was the composer thinking when he wrote the score for this movie? War is fun?

I wonder how it was received in the UK, considering that it makes almost all the British officers look like total idiots.

I had a friend who took part in that mess. He was in the 82nd Airborne division. Landed OK, captured within minutes, then hauled away in a brand-new Ford truck. Liberated by the Red Army.

"I became an atheist in a foxhole" -- Johnny the Red.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nichijo 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] it's how to remember now but Europe was like this in 1944 Second World War wasn't it 50 air and still going exactly German troops controlled most of usual D they changed all that beeping June 6 1944 when the Allied forces under their commander General Eisenhower landed on the northern coast from but July they were able to begin their own offensive but August Paris was liberated everywhere the Germans retreated but with the Allies it came product supply still had to be driven from Normandy over 400 miles away and became dangerously short the Allied advance began to come to a halt another problem facing eyes now over fist his two most famous General Patton who look in the south a Montgomery in the nose disliked each other intensely a long-standing rivalry have never been more fear if entry we're not enough supplies for both armies each wanted to be the one to defeat the German each wanted to beat the other to Berlin in September 1944 Montgomery devised a new and spectacular plan given the codename market golden ice now were under great pressure from his superiors finally started with Montgomery an operation Market Garden became a reality the plan like so many plans in so many wars before it was meant to end the fighting by Christmas and bring the boys back home [Applause] [Music] you and [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] a job some are different for had a chicken made of six Oh that's a setup the club [Music] I miss the world for me look alive [Music] [Music] Agron beginning that be mr. Nick semi-log on the third strike and nominal on business fine it's also something in the see advertised on hosted Peter to move the face of animation I cut enough of this trial DNA into the biggest eye on come director dr. toaster - Dekker loop published architecting shot cooked Bitzer roof nothing stuck it comfort when John when it's on itself compound cancer total natural comfort well it's fine that's on the other my no not one tribe often sleep in mother's individual a country including T your mind for Sufi fattening t e divided Pitino near Nashville ona vo no you let the Snowman up SS was rapid opening season philosophy on how often it is always was the enemy sumac and then an alum but in person in her large defender it shines the Armand begin and a puzzling direct the explosion is natural public some stimulus need for central clover the contest that's on speech nella to click seemed as if Oregon Oh [Laughter] the fourth person to flop you you look right each investor investor on the Saturday afternoon vehicle a daddy your mother any columns gonna be Vader Vanitas Aviv obey a lot is no need of elope the idiota Ryan is irresistible Laura fact sites for objects Paris no because next Pezzini Kalama evolved they could feed in Moscow election of a father a year Coleman Avenue I just got back to England confess or I had a meeting this morning with Field Marshal Montgomery there was an earlier one with generalized they both feel as I do but when the field marshals plans exceeded which Baird to end the war by Christmas in less than 100 days after the plans really very simple we're going to fly 35,000 men 300 miles and drop the behind enemy lines it'll be the largest airborne operation ever mounted quite frankly this kind of things never been attempted before just where is this all going to take place Holland and where I'm coming to that now right the ground forces 34 commanded by general Horrocks 20,000 vehicles and this is America German frontline now we're going to lay a carpet is it worth of airborne troops over which 30th Corps can pass we shall seize the bridges it's all a question of breeches with thunderclap surprised and held them until they can be secured now first of all general Maxwell Taylor I'm home you take and hold the bridges there 100 and first general gavin with a second you get Nijmegen we've taken hold bridges Roy you'll get the prize Arnhem Barn bridge and you hold it for how long well once he shows me that 30 Corps will do the 63 miles in two days 63 miles in two days yeah they aren't real and I'm sorry general sosabowski you go with your parish brigade with Roy etiquettes I'm so sorry right when you've secured your bridge and set it toward got across it we can turn east right into the industrial heart of Germany the row once we control their factors there's not very much they can do about it and that is the plan and we go next Sunday seven days why not listen we go the better we've got them on the run there's something troubling you general sosabowski I've said nothing precisely your silence is the thunderous get her out Browning knife I am appalled considered by some to be smart if that is so it makes me member of a true minority group minority groups are more comfortable in silence really I thought the opposite is true but you do disapprove I am thrilled that you're great Field Marshal Montgomery has devised such a plan I promise you and be properly a static if it works when it works of course when it works thank you well now let's get down to the details firstly of course we shall have to have a participant lager wave it in interfere when Gandhi pipette guru Brandie pad suppose demanded our patented Ananke me peasantry Umaga mahadeva govision allah so - miss miss tamerline bit response the problem of net was who in the parents were logged on the turret their certain security there the main void seekers the share of evasion of cleaning of a home on him why the emergency meeting just keeping me abreast of the little changes I'll be gone a little changes I'll answer you a typical British understatement gigantic for example they can't get us all in at once too many men too much equipment not enough planes it's going to take three days because the men in Sahana polled and the British how about that we'll be all right - the fact that were parachuting and daylight we have nothing to worry about do you like as it doesn't be tried before not a major drug you think there might be a reason with that let's hope not what do you think it'll be all right it's a no moon period anyway we have to go in daylight it doesn't matter just so they get us over the target area half a mile away three-quarters of a mile subtle for that I don't want anything else is there anything else well you're my Dutch adviser Harry I will tell you something only that the Germans first tried to take Nami control himself back in 1940 and got slaughtered cart over yeah mi huvadhu you screamed energy turn on sometimes loose cannot be our system kedah woman it's custom this dude now joktan if you think of it yeah I get it shake it a good for bomb [Music] Mosel felt max colic you know name you know analysis or a developer client and grab if to the save some of things of those in a doula my model is belonging record an event Novell Lucas view hello you Moodle for metadata we got miss making on texture what that's under can reports from the animal you know disturb history no sir but I've got can today being identified not by our encounters the same rules as before right I believe these rumors sir why the general consensus of opinion is that our opposition which resisted either hit to youth or L men on bicycles I don't really know why sir perhaps because no one intelligence does I just want to be sure our airborne carpet consists of life looks not dead ones I know everybody thinks I'm over anxious er but I would like to order another low-level reconnaissance of the area if that's all right with you sir Bella all right wasn't luck very well Paolo Paolo yep well I wouldn't be too concerned about what people think of you you have to be somewhat bright of the most person tends to make us nervous naturally we'll do our utmost to meet your tactical requirements but please keep in mind the one vector which is crippling all our glance it may seem improbable to you are desperately short of transport there I am aware word in fact I was surprised that nobody mentioned it to Monty when he dreamed up this operation I need drop zones as close as possible for the bridge I clearly this area is no use at all and in my chart on the top chimneys but now this looks inviting here was it thrilling much Sipho all our reports indicate that this terrain here is too soft but glider landings you see the nose digs in first on touchdown the whole thing goes out over tip total write-off right what about birth there afraid not sir is he after the drop when we Bank for our returning run into a whole lot of flack rubbish listeria filled up here to deal presumably you're interning Toulouse alone somewhere oh yes hopefully sir but that as I was saying we cannot afford to lose a single aircraft that is the problem my problem is I don't just need drop zones I need drop zones I can hold and defend the rest of my division arrived for the second drop and general sosabowski spoils forgave the third I understand sir but we really think we found the right place it's large enough for your needs it's flat and firm and also easily dependent well the hell is it well it's not actually on this photograph it it should here serious huh it would be and hearing that could be ten miles from the bridge now just under 8 XS yes if you like have a little bit you see the terrain is easy to diverse all our information substantiates that yes just making sure whose side you are on [Music] [Music] [Applause] now a drop zone eight miles from Arlen bridge might be bought by some to present problems my god he kept me cingulate Rodriguez languished that's more than hi now I should he have 78 miles cannot under any stretch of the imagination be considered ideal but the gliders will be bringing in a reconnaissance squadron of jeeps specially fitted with twin Vickers machine guns now yes that wheel and they will race ahead to the bridge and hold it until the other battalions arrive on foot and they'll be picking up to secure both ends of Arnhem bridge or shuttle bay now you all know where I should be my report will be in the center with a dissection just you remember that we're all totally interlocked this is a bottom to top operation hundred and fairs prosthetic or arm to 82nd 82nd past amount British Airport if any one group fails its total failure resolve all we need now a three days it tears guys thank you gentlemen very much only the weather can stop us now where in our brownie one of the girlís don't you think that's it's we know that I'm so crucial to their safety they might not have to hear the few troops in the area where second-class they're not frontline caliber also understand I think you will have a little more faith in Montgomery's intelligence reports you know he sound pretty well for us the last three or four years I will tell you the care of my faith I'm thinking of asking for a letter from you stating that was forcing to act on your orders in case my men are massacred I see yes I do see do you wish that you listened you know no course in the case of massacre what difference will it make you mean you don't believe me sir well clearly not all right boys messes up take your breakfast go that sir but what then I just don't believe these damned radios are strong enough to carry the eight miles from the drop zone to Arnhem bridge don't have any cigarettes Doosan no but perfectly okay I've used them God knows how many times you've already told me that God knows how many times well I didn't have any problems with them in the desert yes I know you see Kyle what bothers me what genuinely intrude has me more than a bit disturbed is that Holland being half underwater somewhat soggy out in most deserts you have to find takes up a lot more trees in a biscuit Oh your biscuits are in your tin sir should you tell the general if you're so certain about it - if I wear believe me I would what do they really don't work for what difference would it make the general will be on the bridge himself by nightfall you won't have to make contact with the bridge if he's on it Willy sir well if anyone rocks the boat it's not going to be made the regular projector chaps at lunch sir I'm having a moment you're doing splendidly thought I don't worry I don't need lunch be there sir it's really worth your time to believe me there hmm splendid view of the Dutch countryside can't see any tanks whatever I would say it's a lot feel it in the next picture if I can just mouse next I have this one enlarged eyes I should what about them it's safe you see that they are tanks I doubt if they're fully serviceable so that guards serve with so if they weren't serviceable with our they try to conceal them normal routines alone but Sir we keep getting reports from the Dutch underground I've read them and so's Field Marshal Montgomery now look here there have been thousands of photographs from this sortie and from all the others how many of them are film tanks just II sir and you seriously consider asking us to cancel the biggest operation since d-day because of three photographs yes 16 consecutive drops have been canceled in the last few months for one reason or another but this time the party is on and no one is going to call it off is that fully understood yes [Music] you thank you gentlemen you sit down - come on please sit down [Applause] gentlemen this is a story that you will tell your grandchildren and my Talib or they'll be the plan is called Operation Market Garden Market is the urban element and Garvin the ground forces that's us now this is our position on the Belgian border here tomorrow three Airborne Division's will begin landing in Holland 35,000 men taking off from 24-hour fields in troop-carrying planes or towed in gliders the American 101st here around I'd hope American eight is second here south of Nijmegen and our own first airborne boys and a Polish Brigade here at on him 64 miles behind enemy lines now their job is to take and hold all the bridges in these three areas our God is the puncture hole through the German frontline yard and then ride like hell up this road linking up police Airborne Division unaware speed is the vital factor but there is the resigned joven in two to three hours and Arnhem in two to three days that gentleman is the prize the bridge of the Rhine the last bridge between us and German kick off a bid 14 35 hours tomorrow afternoon the Irish Guards under the command of Colonel van Bella will take the lead Christ knows us again why'd you say that joke Oh delighted her truly delighted I've selected you to lead us not only because of your extraordinary fighting ability but also because in the unlikely event that the Germans ever get you they will assume from your attire that they've captured of Richard peasant and immediately send you on your way [Laughter] now maintaining the speed of our advance will no doubt picked up going as it's a single highway but no matter what we must reach those first airborne boys in 48 hours a gentleman I'm not saying this will be the easiest party that we've ever attended a guys - wouldn't miss it for the world I like to think of this as one of those American Western films the paratroops lacking substantial equipment always short of food these are the besieged homesteaders the Germans will naturally have a bad guide and 30 Corps we my friends are the cavalry on the way to the risk oh don't be too fat that as well sir I know thank you wicks are carries job um you haven't forgotten my golf that's area well they'll be coming later in the stuff garter and what about so Lisa what about my dinner jacket are you sure you'll be needing that sir wow that's so sir don't you quit that talk to the vitamin you ready ever those thing hey where'd you put that all right salmon Eddie give it back all right hey uh I wish you hadn't done my problem is I'm not totally crazy about the prospect of dying so don't die thinking that garbage is gonna keep you alive is it what is all this well not getting shot [ __ ] guarantee that nothing for sure you will know what you tell me Andy you tell me I won't die all right you want that no no guarantee me I want you to guarantee me I won't die I guarantee come on let's get some food yeah I wasn't kidding hey Eddie were you kidding magic Allah my name is Sims find a bit of company school [ __ ] soon busier times you must be exhausted I are exhausting who isn't we've been getting reports from number of your friends they are worried about you they think perhaps you need a rest we all need rest why you saying this to me it's because I rock the boat I'm a doctor I'm only concerned with your health I think I have the order to take a bit of sick leave but why I'm not ill or anything I haven't done anything wrong of course not just a little tired yes I am tired I think perhaps we might go how'd it be stopped I don't want to be left behind these South my hands buddy I didn't want to miss the party [Music] you you [Music] tosspot buddy Oh [Music] yes when you think we'll have seven days to get everything organized it's quite a bloody doing it took six months set of the d-day drop that was any harm from how it feels fine I'll be leavin Bederman were in Holland you remember a few months back when I was first appointed to this command I told you I had never jumped but thought I got to give it a go Lucy are you to be a big favor what you said Roy your father'll that kind of thing in much Duloc yeah obviously favor well I didn't quite help you everything at the time but I'm prone to Essex concentration or imprecise while Wilson find out homie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you Oh [Music] [Music] so me home [Music] better than the desert either easier than walking sir you say something [Music] yeah my foot [Music] and the artillery should be able to clear the wave pretty well your initial advance yes we'll move off as soon as their barrels stopped going yes follow behind it is those who can but you know John this isn't gotta been approached over the Bourbon he seems to think it no I didn't think so Bonnie Allen your Sleeping Beauty's know there's a war on today is it true that the German to put more troops into the line ahead of them yeah now he goes integers for the smoke in the front door however that's not my guru like a talk and I'm still desperately worried about having to throw everything off this world and there's no alternative all in power so I've decided to run the road like a real nope repeat nobody will be allowed to put any vehicle on that road without my tourists including me due to is Pressley Yuto all endemic there to see somebody knows where we're going now that's the killer we can't afford the drop behind schedule oh my god sake Keita tanks on the move [Music] good God Almighty that's just a hot confess the other two groups are on the northern HR and 90-minute I better be going certified to ourselves any last minute changes Bob yes sir if the advance on the difficulty we're calling the air force's cuttlebug first night and good luck Joe thank you sir think you'll be able to manage it I've got nothing else planned [Music] [Music] Eto's you should have undercut easily now [Music] Oh [Music] what black okay [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] their mother and we should be all right [Music] [Music] company a company so climb fit Marcellinus you deposit about British ship - vigan untangle and it Thank You lammeter from here but I'm certain she does tune you get this nice web for us ich ich bin here that soil so it's in Anna Nagar kimono mr. Fung and cinnamon or is ranch affair and then one your likeness on yourself about here yellow forgets this Monica [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] okay [Music] more money [Music] [Applause] go okay right let's go I'm so to Kansas writer in game at what she does and obsolete the hill expressing the atom heart an inadvertent know that an important interests a a time God thousand if inflation Meegan's only bahala dispenser cutter out of this race case rested when I'm high I saw Fed Marshall modest solution our choice to come another than hot cut you said he possessed path on the luftwaffe star capybaras in city phone in Bengal and ending abundant would yeah but math Knicks by Giovanni fighter installation usually needs over useful sweetings of personal only to each cameraman I'll see physicians are slaving milk is maddening the English the common names the Alice meat was felt hidden Mandel African what health into the Porter yeah 9/10 Marshall model that's kind of with a common class he missing he brought down the aisle on Stanton heightened first and claw cover the right flank how far away is headquarters papa my baby boy give your left please just left Johnny Frost from the second Battalion are already on the River Road good Thank You Baker any news of Freddie golf teach Walker well it's unconfirmed rather bad laughter considering how few gliders we lost on the way in but it appears that a lot of the special jeeps failed to arrive and those that did have been badly shot up in the NAMM bush so no one's going to get to Arnhem bridge except on foot splendid must be from the lunatic asylums are located on the far side of the would escape when it was bombed this morning [Music] do you think they know something we don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] but you hope to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] I [Music] you talking to one another [Music] [Music] your other health how the hell do they expect us to keep the schedule on the road like that you don't know the word this bit we're on now yes the white part [Music] he didn't general come here how's it going now not too well sir we haven't been able to make contact with general browning 34 or England so no one knows we've arrived safely not as far as we know sir what about those VHF check now sir it appears the sets have been delivered with the wrong crystals so they're quite useless yes I'm afraid our I'm Brigadier left-green Colonel Frost aware of what's happened to the special cheek squadron not as far as we knows here at the moment were unable to contact any of the units moving into Arnhem not a very satisfactory state of affairs to you listen we can't quite understand it sir it's perfectly good equipment for God's sake get it sorted up this is where we have a bloody disaster on our hands [Music] sir Hancock I've got lunatics laughing at me from the woods my original plan has been scuttled now the Jeep's haven't arrived my communications are completely broken down you really believe that any of that can be helped by a cup of tea Canaris s-sure legal method must have any anomaly after a cover of a is much deterring and fitting the 3d Birkin Venice to assist encounters with reporting from Arnheim on invading sprained of relators completion flagon nee Mars the star the rotten see films and gain on deaf gain Angeles Mitzvah version from consciousness llama - seven - anyhow system when we say in - since a follower of entropies are mics on Olmstead case problem exactly for people first African say stones the Gator stone they give us Christ we have we're stuck on dealer daughter shreya abilities working spring and analogy volume deflating car doctor very very angry in the Detroit in vitamin D residuals kilometer patients are Caleb generally you don't recently [Music] [Applause] I like him like as open on the bridge is that near Fasching accessible under glass and rappers I'm so sorry I'm saw the jab where we started shuffling try many yeah for the cotton ball thank you thank you thank you thank you this isn't a victory parade you know to come enjoy the home I will enjoy the moment when we reach bridge and winter fun vision tag it will be things couldn't be going better nothing wrong yes I know [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] stay down [Music] [ __ ] still no contactor then keep at it nice you'd be back shortly look at your laugh but it kind of gone that far all right brah I'm sure we'll have them fixed by the time you get back to [Music] can you get a message down to 30 at 4 on that biggest is there Colonel we just got word from the 82nd up ahead they captured the Gras bridge completely intact oh that's terrific except 30th Corinne about to reach the goddamn intact Gras bridge until the goddamn song bridge gets picked tell our British cousins the Hudson Valley stop yes sir I'll meet them in Eindhoven when they get there tell those Schmucks to do this right and have their barely stuff at the front of their column got that is there and be sure to say please yes sir I'm agin December 6 Mars why Nova we won't make it tonight it'll be dark you'll click tomorrow Giles remember what the general said we're the cavalry it would be bad form for drive in advance of schedule in the midst of time would do nicely Nevada has named a nice Palazzo string I'm on noona has Michelle happy Alice was revolved an item and that's planar of Marcille and restless want to play no divider Alan Hungarian he captive little fun in Vegas or sprang on follow Edna's many to hide an act in you love yoga most isn't a name market garden shot on the home button I can be a LeMat again a rather manipulated first turn comes the rubric the Vanessa s bus for Steven plan is a plug-in Swizzle files join Rick Sallinger certainly finding my Filatova still getting nothing from Colonel frost battalion on the river Rosa thank you call dog Charlie Fox dog Charlie Fox oh let's say Johnny's meeting less resistance than we are there general we've got to break through the break well we're completely blocked to hit us there's a good deal more resistance and we've been led to expect Charlie thought I must see for myself I was doing all right call what is their strength well I can't estimate it some Dutch underground people were here earlier trying to explain the situation but I'm just not sure how much [Music] what about wrong birth have it sir christ almighty limit run behind us I think it might be steeper you threatened like with us so it is back to its cue and for the live sir looking in weeks a little founded over met direction we can get ourselves organized and try and find out what the hell is happening I'm major [Music] [Music] [Music] you yes something just occurred to me was that so we're wearing the wrong camouflage it's all very well for the country but I don't pretty much it was going to fool anyone in the town come on come on I'll okay I'm awfully sorry but I'm afraid we're going to have to walk by our house all right chaps are in here [Music] dick is it I take your man occupy that house crossroad make sure you can cover the bridge from your side right sir sergeant Foley support drip down those curtains I'll all the Senate against the widow all right dog Charlie Fox we'll reach our ticket what is your position over there's nothing I can't contact the gate it's also tied the other stallion any luck sigh hello dog Charlie Fox is megahertz margins [Music] shall we have got the fiery Naza van Gogh is hardly a textbook terminology hi the two lessons tries [Music] [Music] [Music] come on kappa fire Oh [Applause] I'm honored [Applause] are you alright I'll deal with them later get stock made it so far don't you knock I can't you'd better let that slip first time I'll wave blame here to bottle all great after yo calm come on let's get on it now now enjoy a 3050 will you knock my arm you're clumsy faster no we never get over [Music] [Music] [Music] Lucas expired [Music] [Music] [Music] you are much noise she does realize if there is something of a war going on does it she has never liked noise she hates it hate crop they're coming son excuse me any of them can tell sir can only hear them at the moment you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yah oh yah [Music] Wow mom wait for the clock Oh [Music] [Music] Oh Hey sorry not small bunch is really nice again I don't record it see you later get him patched up in Adana I'm telling result about all this you know it's wrong here we go on until it's pointed straight away okay thank you hey hello it's alright sit down alright fine it's only choice you know I think I'll do better good yeah so what is better I'm afraid is this careful sore is it we hope a northern new bridge gem shows up the dad probably control most of the town including the church star so what you're saying is that we're surrounded yes and now it's said I was a bit surprised and it expands our troops here yes I'm sure you didn't believe all that nonsense they told us do you I mean about the enemy had being made up of was it old men children I'll have to risk it it's halfway through the morning and things aren't getting any better also inherited sir we can't leave three sir enemy strength keeps increasing and it's just impossible to get through to the bridge I think son Sir Gerald is imperative that I get back to HQ before the situation gets on to the other hand when it's all right with you sir Cummins and I will come part of the way and how spawn windows up planets get all again and to move your legs no it's fine can you help us how don't you know doctor nearby we can take him to the hospital you got all he will be fine go you go [Music] send me up the back what's it like at the fund surrounded sir yes quite I was rather expecting to see you again general sosabowski do Bryza sedan Paulus drop has been canceled again I would like an explanation it will I expect the up the Faulk has a certain amount to do with issues until the aircraft flying 50 months to the South explain to me please when I'm in an equipment can't be moved from here to there and then slide to Arnhem well now that's a very reasonable question and I don't want to bother you with a lot of a meteorological mumbo chapter but the fact is you see whether we like it or not fog it moves of course it moves where though that's very difficult to say general woods it is very slippery stuff I mean how do you think you've got it and then it it reverses itself and leaves you behind it won't you please sit down in it or what I'm trying to say then words I mean even if we move your troops for 15 mile well I grant you just now the sun is shining the chances are but by the time we get there the fog could quite easily have preceded us so we simply have to wait and do nothing I think that puts it wrong well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] are you I Bobby stop how do you do hell of a day huh look at that while I do you ever be in liberated I got divorced wife to that now yes that can be a fairly crap you got amongst this stuff when you refer to Bailey crap I take it you mean that glorious for seeking made pretty feel free which is the envy of the civilized world Yeah right well the trucks are down there somewhere but how you're going to get through this round I don't know no problem we're going to side rope I doubt it will avoid all this American ingenuity oh really actually I was born in Yugoslavia but what the hell [Music] [Applause] [Music] where the hell have you been with some that's been dynamic look this is why we can't take the beach the Germans have Roofing as a sponsorship do you think they didn't want us to get across a summer they've sealed off the whole area here you can see on this map every street leaving to the beach is blocked every house around it is occupied the Dutch underground people say it's just impossible to break through they could be right let's cap dead master how it was asked to where he was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me take the dog for the husband on the faithful got nine we have known even a mouse [Music] north [Music] [Applause] forty Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] heyyo not know so I'd like to look at my calf sorry so I've come down what in the name of hell do you tell me to put him down sir look sergeant I'm a normal for crapping around no if you don't look at him right now he's gonna die dead now I mean a lot to me sir if you check them out come on sergeant Christ's sake get him out of here look at Alicia right now I'll blow your [ __ ] head off right now I can give them a quick examination tonight thank you very much all away [Music] well I got the bullet out of his skull he's gonna live though right gonna have one hell of a headache if she can turn me and a sir that was a court-martial offense you understand that huh yes what the hell it was worth it this only a motel on that sir my response is Victor limited Jarvis my personal preference you understand up - there's like somebody cheating in school once word gets out you can behave any way you got dan please the disciplines gone forget about getting it back you're gonna have to be arrested over and out Dennett rabbity yes sir hello cousin Rafferty this is sergeant what's your name darling had he done sergeant Dunn pulled a gun on me and threatened to kill me unless I did precisely what he ordered how much you put him under arrest is it I want you to keep them there I want you to keep them there for at least 10 seconds not all that sure I understand it'll come to ten lieutenant fast one two three four five six seven eight nine ten like that's it Thank You lieutenant this is yours I think so it looks like mine scared the [ __ ] out of me a stupid mounted a fine job yourself sir if it makes you feel any better cut down right in there Eddie sir you wouldn't really acure me with you thank you sir right let's Harlan laughs go my man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on soldier pounding we got a schedule to me [Music] [Music] how much longer now Bob another four [Music] they filter down over here yes sir and love this rope yes sir never feels a fairly preach perform no sir neither did I [Music] Oh you Claire come on get a move on your own time Robo [ __ ] [Music] [Music] what's wrong sir 36 hours behind schedule [Music] now yeah [Music] we'll be turning you over to the age of second now they're good soldiers the 82nd just be sure you keep your hand on your wallet at all times [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah handy call the head capsule don't like your lady bastard but we'll forgive you how is greater Toledo take them off they got the pet excellent for the red [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I need a jeep well done buddy before you were dead sir we were totalitarian era [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it was the bleeding chain rule good morning gentlemen morning sir yawns I hear my Bega my James all right apologies for my enforced actions finish set Dillard left he's been put out of action I'd like you to go into town take a little begod how soon can you leave the right way set good put them together then keep pushing forward to the bridge SAP but the rest of the division arrived safely yes sir but we run into all kinds of trouble it would seem that we landed on top of two SS Panzer divisions good God as you can imagine it's hard to stop tanks with rifles and machine guns show me well you can see what we're up against the only frost and some of his chaps have managed to get as far as the bridge with the Germans driving down here towards the river and may even now cut them off completely I see still no the entire division is here we should be able to break through to him so well certainly it gives us more of a chance so I suppose screws polish begin its unit 12 if it arrives yesterday's airlift was three hours late due to fog in England and the glaad is ringing the bells equipment didn't arrive at all now give me the good news I'm afraid there isn't any sir as you can see we're more less surrounded so far we're holding our own but we're desperately short of food medicine and above all ammunition aren't we getting our daily supply drop oh yes but all Air Force are flying in our schedule and trouble is the Germans have overrun the dropping zones but our pilot and all that Fred knock sir in heaven's name why it's the radio sir we still haven't been able to make contact with anyone outside on earth [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] well are they doing it must be emphasized I can see it's all right laddie the round rod is for ignored signal from the ground or they know we could be Germans giving it all suitable uh teacher well maybe tomorrow [Music] yeah [Music] there's pretty slightly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we'd like to know [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Jesus Christ [Applause] it can be messy call about a minor in you know be didn't cook you back together thank you when someone would attack me not shoot okay oh good Eve in case my introduce mrs. de house Colonel Weaver it's your husband's not responsible should have been here by now he must be having difficulties coming through the German war ah in that case we will have to ask you for decisions the cantilever has very stressed to make well what we've done is we've set up a defensive pocket more or less bummer shaped with the river as the base this is their host speaks surprisingly good English oh well then you understand we're in quite a strong position for holding out until 34 reaches us but we have to make certain arrangements the words come soon I don't know I'd follow the military strategy they have the main hospital our hospital is full to bursting perhaps you understand that we have great need of additional space our house would seem suitable it does for the slightly wounded you know we'll pass them up send them back that's something I feel it will need a little more than we resting pack that doctor would you Kate thank you I will see you then I will come back come on the major wants you upstairs still in one piece gotta go my father that's far enough we can hear you from there rather an interesting development my general says there is no point in continuing this fighting he is willing to discuss a surrender tell them to go to hell we haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner sorry what we'd like to but we can't accept your surrender was there anything else all right just behind our special come on Shelton here driving hard common tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] enabled was a time agus not know we're blasting through to the bridge I lose all my men for nothing there's God knows how many lying out there already you mean it's over I didn't say that did I we've paid for that bridge and we're going to collect but to do it I need Hank support will you go to jannat Grenadier Guards will be happy to oblige battle right Alex absolutely sir it's not just tanks I need boats if 30 Corps were American we would have boats did you bring any Mike I think we might have a few about somewhere else oh yes well can you get them here by tonight so it won't be easy sir we've got one Road ten mile traffic jams only thing German ring shows this I don't know quite what we can do except try you can do that can't you thank you gentlemen thank you now yeah invite these birds what is your opinion I mean how many the general is a bit scratchy today sir but it's nothing personal when we dropped on Sunday I think it correctly spine how many both illegal things about to be [Music] where's major cook soldier I think over there sir thank you better believe it Julian where the hell are you dear sir we're going to take Nijmegen bridge tonight what's the best way to take a bridge open-ended one I'm sending two companies across the river by boat I need a man with very special qualities to leave go on sir he's got to be tough enough to do it and he's got to be experienced enough to do it plus one more thing he's got to be dumb enough to do it start getting ready what was all that about major well someone's come up with a real nightmare real life just got word from the Dutch Resistance people at Arnhem and it's not going too well for it'sh the main force never eats the bridge and those that did are hanging on by their fingernails and general urk it is goes back to the river the Germans have strapped his men in a pocket in there squeezing it smaller and smaller how long can he hold where are those goddamn boats [Music] [Applause] just keep it clear right there no further than we thought Julian sir with a little change in plans we're going to make the crossing in daylight stare like the traffic's all screwed up for miles by the time we're ready it'll be all 800 that's when we go fine I'd like to wait and go tomorrow night but the British can hold better by their luck much any news of the boat no we're switching you want some nothing we're switching the start till 9:00 just to make sure you start laying smoke just before we go fine they're going to get cream from the far embankment your smoke screen is going to be their only protection don't worry we'll cover please okay can I have your attention please can have your attention I'm pleased to inform you that our 9 o'clock departure has been postponed till 10:00 you can all have an extra hours fun and relaxation major yeah we got any more information on those boats we're reliably informed that they float outside of that we don't know squat not how many not how heavy not how big we are sure that the river is wide and that the current is strong and is any more cheery information comes my way I'll just be too happy to pass it along in the meantime just think of this as on-the-job training matter no sense of humor god damn it we go at noon [Music] you men are probably wondering why I've called us here together I've reached a decision that I'd like to share with you all I intend to go across like George Washington standing on the prow you guys can do the rowing [Music] [Music] would you expect destroyers come on put it together the scans also the maroc seen a moment nonny already vessels were very opposed to that starting in history to result in disease killing work but mom they are amazing Easter on in Lanka little mellow bless the British planes a dog just completely frog they've all have said function closely you work Leon I'm feelin kinda Burton furnish the dollars playing that Sonya Burke Java layer general Alistair Sangha show synthetic have entrusted me befallen the right words these are broker Resnick still finds agenda by the s negligent and Rodolfo very senior left [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] or use your rifle box anything Oh the cars taking us down see your eyes [Music] what fire auditor right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] too much through come on right right Elmarie you Oh you of the side can you make it through the tunnel no way start up the back cover [Music] [Music] take for crossfire hurry sadly : [Music] yes and now we won't get [Music] getting to the hospital rate of an impeccable husband [Music] [Applause] well any chance witnesses also nice we really do the next year awesome array I'm get up done to the cellar with you very good sir I'm due to HQ where's a good down below we'll get it get it what are they hop hop hop is done otter idea come in what's your situation Johnny Ola I haven't expected letters ah well ah we are holding out [Music] you need reinforcements and above all emanation oh but I'm not sure if it's a case of us coming for you are you coming for us wow we just wait for 30 call event that would probably be best very reassuring time I'm sorry Johnny getting stuck on that bloody bridge for days on your own okay anything else for me no sir I'll give you a call when our feds arrived over alright good luck [Music] [Music] why are you moving what's the matter with you guys those are British troops at Arnhem they're hurt bad you're not going to stop not now I'm sorry we have our orders we busted our asses get in here half my men are killed and you're just going to stop and drink tea but we're not facing a completely different situation we can't leave with tanks up that road Gerry will pick us off like sitting ducks our infantry are still fighting in Nijmegen and I get here we'll move on for Christ's sake let's you do everything but a book our orders are to wait for the infantry I'm sorry but there it is it's major Carlile sir and then hey hello shot he was not so good huh I think they need to ask you something and I haven't because I know you were so anxious that I should and I wouldn't give you the satisfaction but why the hell do you always carry that bloody umbrella memory what bad memory always forgot the password I knew Jerry would ever carry one I had to prove I wasn't English [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing's all right Thank You corporal no use in any event I take my boys hello 32 where our time your nation anyway fight off you go Whigs join the rest of them heads can get back to the main focus what about you sir you're mine just didn't make it this time [Music] [Music] [Music] sang-doo opposed with naming it is good Garrigan's looked soy Gardens guest and up Gaddafi my general says please take it it's very good chocolate your plane stopped at about yesterday English godless Field Marshal Montgomery and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry lads but you gotta have to move surely shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] era [Music] oh yeah sorry about that mafia mafia is only for the people are really earth I thought I was really hurt oh no IRC me come oh but don't you spend the day really listen we've got to do something about Earth what today doctor general okra we have no more space and we have no more supplies and since a prisoner of war has more chance than no chance at all I have a mind to ask the Germans to accept our wounded into their hospitals if we could arrange evacuation have I your permission to try shuttling the Weeble agrees but I hardly think the Germans will those are our guns up that's 30 core I don't think my permission is going to be your major fault yellow villain devour where's neo become a little develop any vanilla I've come with a message from Colonel earth are you manage that ice from the Rhine back and further videos roll up the spout it don't asks if you'll take your men across the river now we've been holding off for six days now dad when you hope that all will be of considerable assistance you should win back whether it died weekends for him now what equipment they have small rubber boss that's all one favorable thing he's Mia did affinity for the Maya I agree three delegator our coming you're coming tonight yes scotch snore snore how we're not snore sure [Music] you [Music] not possible if you will just say yes it would be very possible forgive me but there's a battle and we are in the process of winning it winning and losing is not a concern living or dying is ceasefire one hour to just to evacuate a wounded afterwards you can kill us as much as you want to you're a bit evidence possum the Basking still stumped we can come to hi cease fire three is being on danke when he's thanking players that's just it it can get skin [Music] [Music] [Music] how short are we a mile why don't we just try to bash through for God's sake it must be worth it they're trying to force her get away from the river now once they do that once they've got him surrounded you'll be annihilated not in what his plans tall we replaced boats we lost Nijmegen yes well then about JIT then we're pulling them out it was nine again it was the single road getting tonight Megan it was after not Megan and the fog in England doesn't matter otherwise when one man says to another I know what let's do today is for the war game everybody dies what's wrong two days they say it would been here nine one less my I think it could accomplish that Charles we've been given our marching orders if you discover we're leaving they'll go all of the destroys so we must take every precaution now designed this like a collapsing back McDonald here has agreed demand the wireless in order to give the gentleman something to listen to and all the Padres and the medical staff a volunteer to stay behind his wife now the wounded who are too bad to move will replace the men firing so defense will see mister force while the China Germans find out what's happening we should all be safely across the river pleasant journey maybe sir because they need to believe they're actually going to make itself whatever when you go to the Scott [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] general running be done right away see one of the few perhaps might like to change change your clothes so no one are you I'm not sure that I'll know for a while but I'm sorry about the way it worked out you did all you could yes but did everyone else they've got a bit way off says if you wanted I took 10,000 men into Arnhem I've come up with lesson two I don't feel much like sleeping quiet I've still Altamonte very proud and pleased pleased of course index Market Garden was 90% successful but what do you think well as you know I've always thought that we tried to get a bridge too far that's able to turn into 10 cm finger you know in the fact that feeling that's been into something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you in [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Views: 8,411,489
Rating: 4.7384744 out of 5
Keywords: World War II Sean Connery, Robert Redford HD, super film hf, hd film, best film with sean connery, amazing film with sean connery, market garden, a bridge too far, a bridge too far full movie, sean connery, a bridge too far 1977, operation market garden, english, for free, online, extra movie, a bridge too far subtitles
Id: H21zi9hj9-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 12sec (10572 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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