A Bodger at Work

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That was very satisfying to watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/qaudforce 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2015 🗫︎ replies
so what we've done we've cleaved down a piece of wood and courted it so we have a chunky piece of wood like this and clearly that wouldn't be very suitable for putting up onto the pole lathe so we've gone on to the shave horse and to gradually move the piece of wood into the round using the shave horse and the draw knife this is now going to be more easy to use on the pole lace the term bodger we believe came from the fact that the guys up in High Wycombe Buckinghamshire who made chair legs for the Windsor chair industry and that was all is it just the chair legs I'm getting half the job so we believe the term Porter came about because of only doing half chop but these Potter's used to make a leg stuff in the winter yep and we're high wycombe area sure and the reason they use that is because of the beech trees now beechwood split so lovely so straight and it meant they wouldn't have to waste much wood and so that's how the term Boulder came about we believe just finished off couple of cuts on here and we got a piece of wood that's nicely round and importantly straight so I'm just going to set this up on the lathe now what we're going to do is to need to send to the piece of wood so it goes between the two pockets on the lathe your gravel they're just up the hole and again this end right in the middle you can see no gauge is required to put some vegetable on here which enables it to turn more easily stops the wood burning on it on the lathe with vegetable oil now I'm going to set it up onto the lathe grab the cord take it around a couple of times and set it between the two pockets here piece of wood I have in here is ash we get a lot of ash in this path the world as a group we cut for the National Trust during the winter months helping them maintain the woodlands and the consequent is that we do get quite a large amount of wood to use during the summer sometimes we get smoke which is rather nice I can make some oak chairs take splint oak spindles from that different things I make anything in the round basically not only that the standards of chair legs and spindles rolling pins garden dippers spur tools myrtles for stirring your porridge toying raffles fisherman's priests just about anything really now the piece of wood is in the pole they just quickly showing how the pole lathe works the cords around the piece of woods it acts as a friction device as I push the treadle down the wood then turns toward me the pole situated here acts as a spring takes the wood back to the starting point again and it's just a Jenner action so what we have is a reciprocating light it's not going in one direction all the time so the chiseling action has to be fairly precise got the roughing gouge here we're going to continue the rounding process with a piece of wood what's coming up working our way along and we've got the high points even with the rounding process there they're still high points on the wood okay we've got the shape do we need well I need to do now is to use the smoothing chisel to smooth it off and continue the shaping process now we have the dipper all shaped up we need to put some lines on it to define the inches or markings for depth of when we're planting plants etc and for that I'm going to use a skew chisel little pointy bit there to put the marks on the wood most marks in the wood okay we've got the marks on the wood now I'm going to use a sort of cheese cutter device wrapped around the wood with a bit of friction just blackens up the markings so it can be seen an estate at quite some time and spawn rising there and the cakes would be a nice black line on the piece of wood okay back to the smoothing to just have a clean up a few bits of high wood there so we just take that down that finishes the article ready just to trim up I was doing some shows up at Kew Gardens a couple years ago and someone suggested it's also an old English word Roger an old English word for badger and the Badger is known as told man of the wood so that's the nice little connection blur you
Channel: WoodlandsTV
Views: 508,611
Rating: 4.9112964 out of 5
Keywords: amberley museum and heritage centre, www.amberleymuseum.co.uk, the amberley bodger, bodger, traditional craft, www.greenwoodworker.co.uk, green wood, bushcraft, chair leg making, art, craft, craftsman, carpenter, pole lathe, skittle, workshop, wood, carving, shave horse, draw knife, splitting wood, woodlandstv, how to, woodlands TV, woodlands.co.uk, spurtle, chisel, www.adliberate.co.uk, colin wells
Id: KUv3OwY5Etg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2013
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