A Black Man Begged For His Life, Police Still Murdered Him

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got to give you a warning that this story as well as the video that we're going to show you during it is uh very difficult to watch and to process it involves horrifically run-of-the-mill police brutality of the sort that we have had to face we've had to confront almost every day so far this year as well as standout police lying about the nature of that brutality it involves an individual named ronald green you'll see a picture of ronald here who was killed by police in louisiana two years ago dragged out of his vehicle after a chase we're gonna show you some of the video so you understand how brutal the situation was and then we're gonna describe some of the insane manipulation of the family uh that the police uh employed after what you're seeing here come here [Applause] okay i just i just hate it i hate everything about it about the story and we're gonna describe you know how the the family was misled about what you saw there and and we're gonna have more video the brutality and the the seeing the cops who think of themselves like you hear it in their voices of the people that they think they are um and we've chosen these people to give the power of life and death and so often as in this case uh they side with death yeah so um i think the lie that was told by the police in this story is unbelievable and uh and the fact that people are not talking about it more uh in the that every news outlet in louisiana isn't obsessed with this lie is amazing to me we're going to get to that in a second yeah in terms of of this the chase overall in this first portion of the video that you just saw look uh green was going 115 miles per hour is that dangerous definitely he was trying to evade police is that dangerous definitely um and so am i so were they right to pull them over of course right were they right to be concerned sure uh were with their right to be cautious absolutely right but then they say okay put up your hands in the beginning of that video you see him going like this like putting up his hands through the passenger seat he's trying to show it to the cop coming from the passenger side right and then at some point in the video you saw him doing this and you might say oh well look i'm concerned because he's doing this you know why because a cop came around from the driver's side and used a stun gun on him so he went like ah right and so and that's when he's saying i'm your uh or b right before he got stunned he said i'm your brother i'm scared i'm scared now you're mad at him because he took you on this chase and you're cautious we understand all that right but now that he's putting his hands up that's when you take him out of the car because you did it you did at that point yeah at that point we would lodge you and compliment you thank you for stopping him for getting him off the road etc it's done he put his hands up nope we're gonna stun him and then yell at him to put his hands up well okay now what you're saying is we're looking forward to doing some serious damage on this guy yeah hit we're not gonna wait for the courts to decide what his penalty is we're going to kick the living crap out of him and they did and then when they had him uh handcuffed they dragged him a face first in the dirt as you'll see and then he died he died they beat him to death yep and uh although we keep hearing that it's just a few bad apples apparently none of the good ones were around because you you hear the the swearing the constant stunning him they drag him out they beat him it ends and i i don't even i don't even really want to show the video but like at one point they're they're using like um sanitizer wipes to wash all the blood off their hands yeah and and one of them uh jokes around about how he hopes this guy doesn't have aids because they took so much blood from him in the in that melee and and so but john do you want to go to the video because or do you want to let's look let's do the video then i want to come back to the lives the lie is so important and the reason it's it's disheartening but i want people to see sure because for all of my life until the body cam videos and the iphone videos started to come out i was told that cops were benevolent angels yep and that anyone who disagreed with them were lying criminals okay so i want you to see the reality of what black people have been seeing in this country for hundreds of years [Music] behind your back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you better not move [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this guy got and you see at the end there uh the guy dragging him by his feet uh consists his hands are handcuffed behind his back uh his face is already bloodied and battered uh his bloodied face is being dragged across the dirt um and it so he got punched in the face multiple times uh and you saw the stun gun on several occasions and they'd put a chokehold on him and then at the end after he's totally incapacitated they left him they're supposed to at a minimum put him on the side right so he can breathe no they left him face-first in the dirt until he died tell you that and they think most likely it was cardiac arrest after the tremendous beating that he took uh but john that's not what they said is it no no it isn't so obviously the family was devastated by this um so they wanted to understand what had happened the troopers told green's family he died on impact after crashing into a tree during the chase later state police released a one-page statement acknowledging only that he struggled with troopers and died his way to the hospital so the family was led to believe that he had crashed into a tree and died and that was it it had nothing to do with the cops the cops are totally innocent and if they had not kept pushing that would have been the end of the story the lies that those murderous cops had told would have been the complete and utter end of the story and the they pushed so they got us a lie that was slightly closer to reality but an actual investigation into what happened there didn't start until 474 days after greene died and it took about two years for them to finally release the footage and as is almost always the case the second you see the footage you know exactly why they waited two years before showing it i need you to understand why that lie is so important that means that we can't trust anyone in law enforcement in louisiana they all collectively decided to lie and say that he crashed into a tree and died even though everyone who was part of this investigation knew anything about it had access to that body cam that you just saw that video they might have released it two years later but they had it they knew that they beat the guy to death and they said no he ran into a tree and died that is a brazen lie an outrageous slide that they all agreed to where's a few bad apples there's a few bad apples no that's the louisiana state police saying we are all bad apples if we murder you we will obviously cover it up because we're a gang what do you think thin blue line means it says it doesn't mean hey if you do something great we pat you on the back it it means if you do something terrible we'll all cover for you yep and we'll all lie for you and we'll all pretend that it was the victim's fault that he got murdered and that's what they did here plain and simple the people who run the louisiana state police and the people who put out that statement are unbelievable liars and if you look there's no not seeing it it's obvious right there's no dispute in this case you just saw the video so the question is what are we going to do about it is was there cause for accountability for the unbelievable gargantuan piece of crap liar who put out that statement about how he ran into the tree was there call for the immediate firing of all of the top brass of the louisiana state police who apparently lie like this these outrageous lies routinely and they cover up evidence of crimes they're the cops and they're covering up evidence of crimes yeah why because they're complicit it's not a few bad apples police in this country are taught that you must cover up for the criminality of your fellow officers by the way we encourage that criminality and then we make sure that you're above the law if you ever do it and then we'll all lie for your benefit what are we going to protect the citizens we don't give a damn about the citizens the only thing they care about is protecting themselves yeah so obviously the cops should have been fired a long time ago and some of them there was going to be disciplinary action etc one of them died in a car accident a couple hours after they announced there was going to be disciplinary action i don't know if he grew a conscious i don't know if he was distracted i don't know what he was i don't care honestly um and he's a despicable person before he died that cop that was involved in the beating here uh and all the other cops though they loved it apparently not one of them there wasn't a single cop in this story not one cop in the entire state of louisiana now mind you not all the cops were involved in the story but of the ones that were involved now one of them said no this is outrageous you guys murdered a guy no i'm going to be the one good apple we couldn't find one good apple in the louisiana state police that's a fact you just saw the video it's a fact by the way media do your goddamn jobs call for the firing of the the people who had perpetrated this lie don't bury it in the middle of an article oh by the way they pretended that he ran into a tree well that's obviously normal because all of our cops are goddamn liars but we're not going to make a big deal out of it because there are our sources and they're credible because they're government officials yeah there were no good apples in that video there were no good apples in all of the much wider circle of people that knew about the lie that was told to the family and honestly when when the system lies to you so much it drives you to ask questions that i don't know maybe will make me seem insane so they said that the cop died in a car accident i don't know they said he died in a car accident that was a lie did the cop die in a car accident well i would never trust i'm not going to trust them yeah i would never trust the cop now i would never trust that like if in the old days i guys if you if you're young you didn't grow up in it until about five max 10 years ago every story in the media every one of them was cops are awesome cops are always to be believed the cop would never lie black people lie all the time these criminals of course they're covering up for their crimes these minority poor people they're no the cops are great there are buddies that are proud local news was the worst normally i blame cable news because they're usually the heart of the problem not in this case it's local news local news uses those cops as sources and they all become friends with them and they and they all high-five them and they have them on the set all the time oh here's police officer and he's going to lie with accurate cameras to all of you and we're going to cheerleader yeah yeah cops cops they're always telling the truth black people are always wrong screw all of you in local media that did that to black people in this country and i supported the criminals that run our police departments you did that you allowed for that video to happen you allowed for green to get murdered like that because you gave the cops impunity and you lied to the entire american people about what actually happens in policing in this country so if you all and in the old days they would have thrown me off of television or radio for saying that that is not an exaggeration it is very literal if you said that on tv or radio 10 years ago let alone two years ago it said but definitely 10 years ago you would have been removed from the air it would not have been a conversation you cannot say that the cops are lying the cops are angels they are people in authority you cannot say that so well now we are seeing it and there isn't anything you could do about it because you can see in this case clear as day they're absolutely positively liars who do it to cover up their criminality last thing if you did a poll in the old days review you you couldn't even ask this question on air right but if you ask do you believe generic police officer generic black man right and that the answer would have been depressing it would have been a horrific answer and it would have been completely police officers and and that you saw it unfold in jury after jury after jury because of the brainwashing of the media uh about about police officers and minorities in this country if you ask me today a generic cop versus a generic black man that's not even close uh of course i'm gonna believe uh the black person number one because of the history of of our experience yeah right it is a cop said on this show did you think all the black people in the country were lying to you all through these years all through these decades and centuries that all black people were lying and the cops were always right that was a former baltimore cop who said that on the show and that goes to show you of course they've been lying the whole time the cops right if you give me a generic cop and put them on the stand i won't believe them um it would have to take overwhelming evidence for me to believe a cop these days because this is what we see 24 7. and a good cop a good apple has yet to be spotted yeah to be fair there are a couple including a different baltimore cop on this show we interviewed him he turned in a fellow officer who was beating a man to death they threw a rat on his car they threw a brick through his window they in the rest of the cops intimidated him so much until he resigned and had to go work at a local sheriff's department in a small town in florida that's what happens to good apples in police departments in america and that is why we ask that people finish the saying it's the one bad apple spoils the bunch except there's not one like you might have a good apple and if he you know like he was run out of the area let's say that he had witnessed and talked about something not as bad and so the strike back wasn't as bad is he going to do it a second time probably not that's his community he's going to shut up in the future and that's what they do they they they sync everyone down to the level of the worst and as you can see in these videos the worst is pretty bad hey everyone as you all know coronavirus has been pretty devastating for people's personal finances the inaction in congress or the very little relief that was provided by congress unfortunately didn't do much to help small businesses that were really really hurt by being forced to shut down in order to slow the spread of coronavirus there are a hundred thousand small businesses that have been closed since the pandemic began some of you might feel helpless but luckily there's this wonderful initiative known as the covid rescue fund so all you need to do is go to covidrescuefun.org and you'll learn more about how you can donate or how you can vote and promote your favorite small business and really the whole point here is to offer generous grants to help these small businesses the coveted rescue fund crowd sources up to a hundred thousand dollars for each individual grant so we're not talking about a small amount of money you know i've seen small businesses in my community shut down and these are small businesses where i had relationships with the owners and to watch them lose everything that they've worked so hard for has been absolutely heartbreaking i really wanted to do something then and i'm happy to see that there's an initiative that could help people get involved now go to covidrescufund.org and donate let's come together and bring back as many small businesses as possible
Channel: The Young Turks
Views: 478,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 210520__TB02Leaked, News, Politics, TYT, The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, Progressive, TYT Network, political establishment, John Iadarola, Breaking News, 2020, Trump 2020, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, President-elect Joe Biden, 2020 Election Results, Biden, ronald greene, ronald greene murder, police violence, police brutality, louisana police, cop violence, blm, blm protest, cop brutality, cop murder black man, police murder black man, tyt, tyt police, police training, defund police
Id: dE6r5j8Dhyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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