A Bitter Post-Mortem Of Modern Warfare Remastercarded (The Jimquisition)

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He's not wrong. It's almost impressive how many different shitty decisions Activision has made regarding the remaster.

50% price hike on old dlc, jesus christ.

👍︎︎ 830 👤︎︎ u/Jimlad11 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

I hope that not giving DLC for free with remastered editions does not become a trend. I won't be purchasing any remastered edition games without DLC.

👍︎︎ 115 👤︎︎ u/ass101 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Had they made the game a seperate buy in November last year for $20 would I buy it? The answer is yes of course. But now after all the BS that they added and have done thanks to Activisions greed never ever.

👍︎︎ 331 👤︎︎ u/Stalkermaster 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm honestly surprised they have not separated Remastered from Infinite Warfare yet but maybe that is going to be the next ingredient in this shit sandwich

👍︎︎ 209 👤︎︎ u/SparksKincade 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm starting to wonder if the decision to charge 50% more for the variety map pack was influenced by the fact the remaster probably didn't sell as well as they hoped, to make up for the dev costs of the remaster seeing as they stupidly tied MWR to the "Legacy Edition" of IW. But then again this is Activision we're talking about here; I'm sure they would have done the same thing even if they released MWR separately in the first place.

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/xXKILLA_D21Xx 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

He's absolutely right.

I just don't care enough about anything Activision is putting out to give those fucking swine my money.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Activision shit the bed with this one, and I'll never buy MW remastered now.

Why couldn't they have just made it $30 standalone?

Why couldn't it be bundled free with $60 infinite warfare.

Seriously how were they even allowed to bundle it for $80 behind Infinite Warfare? How do people still even purchase their products after that choice?

That's actual proof they don't give a damn about their community. They know damn well their games can be reviewed poorly, but it pulls in more $$ than your average AAA title. Putting out MW Remastered for $15-30 or heck even free is considered a loss to them. No, not because it would drag in tons of old and new users, but because it's considered a lost of potential $$. Everyone wanted MW remastered so why not bundle it behind an $80 paywall. I can bet you right here, right now that when MW Remastered gets unbundled it'll be for $50-60.

Seriously, just go buy Battlefield 1 or Overwatch. With Battlefield 1, at least the game is properly balanced and you won't be having to spend another $60-80 next year on the next ditch-title.

With Overwatch, you only spend $40 to get access to the game and that's it forever. There won't be map packs, no character DLCs. You spend standard price, and all free future content updates are available to unlock for everyone. No locked content behind paywalls of DLC.

Screw CoD and it's entire franchise. At least Battlefield made a change to try and better its community's ease of access. CoD just wants your $$$ and won't do anything to keep you around.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/PeeInmeBum 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

While I generally dislike Jim's content, I feel like he hit it on the nail here.

And I'm especially talking about the part where he mentions that CoD should be forever associated with this whole fiasco. This whole debacle is infuriating and greedy, even by Activision's low standards.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Vendetta1990 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

This seems like something we should equally blame the consumers on. If people stop buying games with shitty practices like this (and make it know this is the reason they are not buying the games), then the companies will tone down the shitty practices.

Unfortunately, these anti-consumer policies will now spread to other games since it worked for MW:R.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/saxman234 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] welcome one and welcome all to the gym quiz ition with your host Jim sterling and if you've just joined us you may be wondering who I am let me fill you in I am the Beatles of people I am the greatest showman the world of games media has ever known mmm you're gonna [ __ ] love this I got pyrotechnics yeah but pyrotechnics and strip lighting do not come cheap which is why I proudly announce that we have signed a new contract with Kellogg's let's look at their latest commercial for cornflakes or right now let's give it up for beloved corporate mascot the cornflake among Chile's it wants to die great nutritious flavor [ __ ] whatever you may think of call of duty these days it's difficult to deny call of duty 4 modern warfare was one of the best games of its time and if you can't accept that you at least need to acknowledge that it was for good or real one of the most influential games it became the de facto online shooter for its generation spawns not just annual sequels something it's for me I've got an entire wave of modern military bang bang adventures - such a saturated degree we've all been tricked into thinking World War 2 is an innovative setting for a shooter speaking of trickery however let's talk about how its ever exploitative publisher turns one of the greatest most significant first-person shooters in history into an avatar of Activision labyrinth the news that Activision was releasing a remastered version of the seminal shooter was mired almost immediately by the fal'cie and caveats that came with it you could only access the remaster if you bought it alongside that year's increasingly tired Call of Duty release Call of Duty infinite warfare [Music] emmalin's suit in a moment pissed off a lot of people and by a lot of people I mean anybody who doesn't enjoy being treated like a [ __ ] bellend you could not purchase Modern Warfare remastered as a standalone title only as part of the legacy legacy pro or digital deluxe edition of infinite warfare the cynical logic behind this was of course more naked ly obvious than Willem Dafoe's penis seriously its massive while cod still sells bucket loads every year slightly less buckets have been required per annum so what better way to reignite the failed success and have another world record to boast of than prop up its latest all-new release on the back of its most influential and beloved game essentially Call of Duty 4 was held to Ansem in order to bump up the sales of infinite warfare can't buy one without the other and there were lots of people who want adjustable or one of course nobody expected it to stay exclusive to infinite warfare forever better to make an exclusive make as much money as possible and then sell it to the rest of the ship munches but I don't think anybody was quite prepared for the shite Activision was about a bowl next so infant O'War fair comes out and modern warfare alongside it change like a dog - its Kit Harington starring Merce now after a couple of weeks out in the wild Activision decided now was the time to capitalize on the goodwill it didn't have and do something so immeasurably [ __ ] greedy I still can't quite believe they had the [ __ ] goal to do it they rammed microtransactions right up the [ __ ] thing in December 2016 call of duty 4 modern warfare officially went fee to pay as in a game with free to play style microtransactions but is not actually free to play instead you pay a fee so that you get to pay more money imagine that cocaine game execs were snorting off each other's boners the moment they learn they can get away with that [ __ ] [ __ ] people made their usual weak justifications for it including games reporters who made sure to choose a company line that are paid for supply drops worth or cosmetic items and everything could still be earned in-game by grinding for Call of Duty points and death Oh points and what I thought was a [ __ ] I wasn't in there last time I played the [ __ ] thing yes Oh point set on points hello yeah do you know when I last played bomber warfare properly about eight years ago because this is a really old game it'll be celebrating its 10th anniversary this year it was nine years old when microtransactions were retro actively pumped into it the normalization of Micra transactions in premium prepaid games has been a truly sad thing to see these past few years as companies decided they didn't make enough money with expensive collector editions multiple deluxe editions downloadable content expansion packs subway commercials in-game sponsorship season parties merchandise and Monster Energy promotions oh and actual game sales too I suppose employing the psychological manipulation of freemium games but without the trade-off of them being you know three games dubbed fee to pay are excusable to me no matter how many corporate thrall straight-up validate the terminally invalid your basic fee to pay game is bad enough but Activision putting them in a remastered classic from a time before microtransactions were even a thing is a new level of discusting a fresh height for unchecked money-grubbing in the video game industry and a new low for a game publisher that really didn't have many places lower to sync as it was and remember these were smuggled in via an update after the game had already been sold just to make it extra [ __ ] conniving perhaps worse than the base product itself was the door it has opened by introducing microtransactions to an incomplete remaster Activision have begun paving the way for publishers to stop doubling down with remasters and start tripling down not just making money by selling an old game with updated visuals but also by tacking on DLC and microtransactions - why the [ __ ] not the vector vision appears to continue to make money hand-over-fist because apparently you can slap an Infinity Ward logo on salves and people would buy it I can't say I feel optimistic about the chance of other publishers particularly the holy [ __ ] Rinna T not trying this out for themselves I found the whole thing so wretched so contemptuous I awarded call of duty 4 modern warfare a master to the shittiest game of 2016 award and there's only one thing I regret about it that I had to dish out that award before the game somehow beyond all seeming possibility [ __ ] you know how typically videogame Ringmaster's are sold as complete additions including all the previously released additional content and might have launched after the game's original release makes sense right you're trying to coax people into either buying an old game or a game they already own sweetening the deal by making it a definitive edition with all the content even original buyers might of me it's a no brainer value prospect really because Activision is run by drooling new toys with reptile brains and spiders for a sold it decided to try something different not just hold it to remaster hostage not just open a back door post launch for a freemium economy but to not even sell the thing with all the [ __ ] content modern warfare remastered didn't include the map pack DLC that followed its original 2007 launch oh bloody dear in March of 2017 the variety map pack was really mastered version of the original variety map pack that you had to buy because of course he [ __ ] deeds because of course Activision would innovate in the world of [ __ ] and charge for almost decade old maps for an almost decade old game and if you think that's the worst bit you best up ugly nautical bits in preparation for the ultimate autograph not only was Activision charging for the variety map pack it was charging for money $14.99 compared to the original $9.99 charging for the maps at all was a landmark in scumsucker history when it comes to remasters but this DLC pack was five dollars more expensive than it was when it originally came out in 2000 [ __ ] a and don't you dare talk to me about inflation the maps are so [ __ ] old also for anybody who bought infinite warfare seasonpass thinking it would have anything to do with modern warfare now was the time they were quickly disavowed of such naive notions they had to pay the piper to come on its activision have you seen how they handled remasters does all this they're [ __ ] shite this was all announced with a trailer that urged you to preorder the variety map pack [ __ ] what pre-ordering nine-year-old DLC for a nine year old gang that could only be bought with a less popular games and came with brand-new microtransactions only okay so it was that Activision set yet another insidious precedent for the industry that's too insidious modern precedents in one decade old game talk about volume this coupled with the microtransactions was Activision setting a whole new bar for companies to get away with and again of course it bloody worked which meant the audience unfortunately and unwittingly gave the entire game industry the green light to not just triple down with retro actively shoehorned f2p economies but quadruple down with resold DLC but a nice gift Activision's given us everyone what a nice what a nice gift what a nice gift everybody what a nice gift like so many features we used to have in games as standard yet another thing that once was part of a base experience is now explicitly allowed to be carved out and unlike cheat codes or unlockable costumes we didn't even have that much time with definitive remasters before a company went ahead and made to them quite literally non-definitive you know they [ __ ] put crafting into modern warfare remaster to justify some of this [ __ ] it did you can't even get away from [ __ ] crafting and it's any year old shooter someone craft me Bobbie colleagues resignation letter for [ __ ] sake the writing was on the wall really with Microsoft already having put up pre-order bonuses for Gears of War Ultimate Edition explicitly [ __ ] up the ultimate part of the promise by immediately introducing content tiers I mean how ultimate is an Ultimate Edition you didn't pre-order it quite specifically can't be more ultimate than The Ultimate Edition someone pre-ordered because that Ultimate Edition has more stuff it's more ultimate than the other Ultimate Edition its ultimate its ultimate online it's enough to give you an existential crisis of which I've just had about three or four Gears of War was I Ultimate Edition was a warning sign that old games are just as susceptible to new skis as any fresh release and with Modern Warfare remastered enjoying f2p economies cosmetic grinding and fat grafting we've got the dismal message that nothing is too sacred thing is to ultimate to avoid violation by unslaked corporate Rabbinate and of course this will only further normalize free-to-play games in general as companies continue to up the ante in their indulgence greed previously indefensible schemes become more palatable because they're not as bad as they could be but it's still bad it's all bad and Activision in one impressive run after years of keeping its head down and letting ea take the fall for most of the [ __ ] in this industry reminded the world that it truly is the heavyweight champion when it comes to being a grade-a perineum contest exhibition is currently gearing up to sell us on Call of Duty World War 2 finally playing The Chaser two E's liter with battlefield 1 and I apologize in advance to you all because I am going to drive some of you up the [ __ ] wall every time I talk about cards from now on every time I talk about Cod I'm going to bring up how its publisher remastered in decade old game held it to ransom put microtransactions in it then resold map packs with a price hike because I think that something customers should always remember when Call of Duty comes up now and forever I may be a self-obsessed egotist with ideas above his station and not the tiniest shred of modesty in his massive massive penis but I can be a realist and I know I'm not the most influential person around however on my to-do list is to irreversibly marry the Call of Duty name for what Activision Poulter just a month ago and I intend to create that marriage in as many minds as possible before I die which let's face it could be as early as next week it is my job my duty my god-given mandate to bring up the shitheel corporations little scam and one warfare remastered is a scam in my opinion despite how overused that word get every single time a Call of Duty game is discussed in as many heads as possible I want the two things to be immutably linked Call of Duty Activision's contempt I mean the two things already go together like peanut butter and jelly but I want it to be very very specific this time because [ __ ] this rubbish garbage [ __ ] to put it diplomatically and for the absolutely screwed up industry that allowed it to happen that this post mortem exists stands as a testament as a monument to the fact the undeniable fact that the video game industry is a mace and release the rights to metal arms glitch in the system you pricks know I know some people might have been expecting me to talk about the far cry 5 controversy this past week where it turned out that the enemies were a militant Christian extremist cult press ganging a town into fighting a war for them and some people thought that was an attack on the average American and I've not seen Americans doing that know yet anyway so I don't see what the problem is it looks to me like some people want a safe space for militant extremist Christian cultists to press-gang civilians into fighting a war for them and frankly I've got no time to that but what I do have time to say is obviously some changes have come to the gym position here we are it's not a massive departure the music has changed and I just want to put to rest anyone who has complained about the musical change when a change is scary it's unpleasant sometimes and some people need time to get used to it so let me just put any any residual fears to rest ok a the new theme chain I chose because I love it and my musical tastes is [ __ ] impeccable and be well just watch the credits and just see what the band's name is and I think if you're a longtime viewer of the Jim position everything everything will be good and right and make sense and that's it for me thank God for me and also stick around because after the credits we have oh you be soft did I say thank God for me picture it again thank God for me oh you be soft so today's oh you've a soft segment was going to be sort of an ironic celebration because Far Cry 5 was announced early you verse off has been announcing all of its gains a header be threatened so there was this blessed moment this amazing week where far cry 5 was announced and there was no preorder bonus for it that was incredible and then couple of days before I filmed this they announced the pre-order bonus but let's just take a moment to celebrate that glorious rare almost miraculous time when just for a just for a matter of days there was a far cry game that didn't have pre order details shoved out at the same time I just think that's a wonderful wonderful thing I mean obviously I really think it's sad enjoyment on the video game industry that something should be notable that it doesn't have a pre-order bonus announced at the same time as the game but that's neither here nor there when Far Cry 4 was announced I saw the commercial for the pre-order before I saw the game itself before S or the the boxer before I saw the game itself before I thought anything about the game the first thing I saw the first bit of news outlet gate about Far Cry 4 was its [ __ ] preorder bonus and that just typifies both pre-order culture and Ubisoft hunger for at the same time and yet for a period for a brief brief period Far Cry 5 was just a guy no DLC no microtransactions no pre-order bonuses it was just a game I mean some people tried to make it about politics and it wasn't a safe space for them but so the rest of us for most of us it was just a game and then even something else is pretty odd about this Oh Ubisoft
Channel: Jim Sterling
Views: 887,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Jimquisition, Jimquisition, Jim Sterling, Games, Game, Gamer, Gaming, Videogame, Video Game, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered, Modern Warfare, Remaster, Remastered, Modern Warfare Remastered, Activision, Bobby Kotick, Green, Money, Industry, Bullshit, Microtransactions, Preorder, DLC, Downloadable Content, Price, Xbox One, PS4, PC, Commentary, Criticism, Argument, Rant, Angry, FPS, First-person Shooter, Shooter, Shooter Game, Infinity Ward, Far Cry 5
Id: ANu0vnISD0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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