A Better Way to Pray: Week 2, Day 2 - The Gospel Truth

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[Music] before you were even formed in your mother's womb God already had determined a purpose for your life a god-given purpose God has a purpose to train you and what you're called to do and I tell you Cara's Bible College is the place for that man if you want a life change come to Karras come on the kids the next two to three years could be the most powerful time of your life if you sit under the word for four hours a day for five days a week for two or three years I guarantee you you are gonna have God speak to you and start revealing purpose to you every one of you are created for a purpose do you know what that purpose is welcome to gospel truth with Andrew Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses on God's unconditional love and grace God was calling us here and we were like we're coming we're gonna be obedient to God's call for us this was our place called that the provision for the healing was in this place and I know our provision for our ministry or what God wants us to do our purpose is here too and now here's Andrew welcome to our Tuesday's broadcast of the gospel truth today I'm continuing to teach on prayer in talking specifically about New Testament prayer after Jesus has come and reconciled us to God versus the way prayer was done in the Old Testament and this is a new wrinkle in most people's brains most people have never even thought it has never crossed their mind that there is a different way to pray in the New Testament than in the Old Testament some people might say well in the New Testament we pray in the name of Jesus but they don't even know what that means I've been sharing some things on prayer I've got this book this teaching entitled a better way to pray and I have it in Spanish I have a study guide I have CDs DVDs I really encourage you to get these materials because I tell you the things I'm saying here are radically different than the way most people approach prayer and this is one of the reasons that they aren't getting the right results you know when the Lord told us to use his name whatsoever you asked the Father in my name he will give it unto you most people don't understand that's more than just saying in the name of Jesus it's more than just mouthing the words do you understand what that means do you understand what Jesus did and the truth is most people don't because they will pray the exact same prayers that were prayed in the Old Covenant and they will pray the same prayers in the New Testament with just you know in the name of Jesus on the end and in a sense that's taking the name of Jesus in vain when you're saying in the name of Jesus you're saying because of what Jesus did because he has paid for my sins because he has reconciled me to God because he has interceded and he has won your favor for me Father I believe now I receive these things because of what Jesus did that's what you should be saying when you use in the name of Jesus and yet I have had people come to me by the thousands who say something similar to why hasn't God healed me I fast I pray I pay my tithes I go to church I'm living a holy life I'm doing everything I can why hasn't God healed me there's some of you watching this program right now that that's exactly the attitude that you've been expressing towards God I'm telling you in statements like that it says why God hadn't healed you because you aren't pointing to what Jesus did for you you're pointing to what you have been doing for Jesus and you are expecting that because I do this and this and this God is going to move in my life because of what I do that is Antichrist that is taking the name of Jesus in vain you aren't approaching God on the basis of what Jesus has done you are approaching God on the basis of what you have done and you're pleading with an angry God as if he was still angry but the Bible teaches us that Jesus has reconciled God unto us there isn't any anger in God towards you because he has been appeased through the sacrifice of Jesus and for a New Testament Christian to pray the way Old Testament Saints did is Antichrist now I'm not saying that you are Antichrist I'm not saying you are of the devil I'm saying that mindset is against what Jesus has done it voids what Jesus has done and then for you to tack in the name of Jesus onto the end of your prayer is taking the name of Jesus in vain you aren't using it the way that it's intended you don't understand that there is a difference in the New Testament yesterday I used Exodus chapter 32 and showed you how Moses pled with God God was so ticked off he was going to destroy the entire nation of Israel and start over with Moses and make a new nation and Moses told God to repent and turn from his fierce wrath and Exodus 3214 says God repented and and see people I've had them take that exact passage of Scripture and say this is the way we need to intercede just as Moses did we need to come boldly before God we need to beg and plead with him not to pour out his wrath not to do these things there's a number of things wrong with that one of the things is that you think God is still angry God has had his wrath satisfied through the Lord Jesus all of God's wrath came upon Jesus John chapter 12 verse 32 he drew all of God's wrath you know I may teach on that later in this week because it fits perfectly with what we're talking about right here but all of God's wrath was poured upon Jesus and God is not angry with you now I could stop and teach for a week or something explaining this but let me just say that for the New Testament believer those who have accepted the salvation that comes through Jesus all of God's wrath has been satisfied and according to the promise in Isaiah chapter 54 verses 9 and 10 God will never be angry with us he will never be wrought he will never be dissatisfied he will never take his covenant of peace and mercy away from us ever you are never gonna experience God's wrath but even for the non-believer we live in a day where God's wrath has been satisfied through Jesus and God is extending mercy even towards the unbeliever now if they continually reject this there is coming today when the wrath of God will come but we aren't living in that day right now so for the New Testament believer you are absolutely free and clear of any wrath and punishment from God for those who aren't believers there is a grace and a mercy coming towards God that was not evident even in the Old Testament and there will come a time where if they continue to reject Jesus they will be punished for that rejection of Jesus but it's not today God is not pouring out his wrath even on the unbelievers so in the New Testament Jesus changed everything God is no longer angry and so for you to approach God as if he's this angry mean wrathful God that was described in the Old Testament like an Exodus chapter 32 and for you to approach him that way and say repent from your fierce wrath turn from your wrath repent of this evil that you thought to do first of all you don't even understand how God and his holiness and his justice has been satisfied through Jesus and then for you to tell God to repent what you were doing is taking the place of a mediator you were trying to reconcile two parties that are opposed to each other and I'm telling you God's not opposed to us anymore and you are taking the place of Jesus 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 says there is only one mediator between God and man and that's the man Christ Jesus Jesus ended all mediation all intercession all pleading with God for mercy that is described in the Old Testament Jesus obtained for us what we couldn't do what Moses did was effective at his time but what Jesus it is a million times more effective and for you to approach God as if Jesus hadn't atoned as if he hasn't reconciled us unto God and plead with God to repent the same way that Moses did that is Antichrist it is against what Jesus has done here's another example that is often used in that's Genesis chapter 18 where the Lord sent two angels down to Sodom to see if they were guilty of everything that had been reported to him and if they were he was going to bring destruction on the area of Sodom and Gomorrah and in Genesis chapter 18 in verse 23 is as an abraham drew near and said wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked peradventure there be 50 righteous within the city well thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein that be far from thee to do after this manner to slay the righteous with the wicked and that the righteous should be as the wicked that be far from they shall not the judge of all the earth do right here is Abraham pleading with God and saying God you can't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah what if there were only fifty righteous people there would you kill the righteous people along with the wicked a righteous how holy just person wouldn't that God surely you wouldn't do this and in verse 26 it says and the Lord said if I find in Sodom 50 righteous within the city then I will spare all the place for their sake and Abraham answered and said behold now I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord which am but dust and ashes peradventure there shall like five of the fifty righteous wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five and he said if I find there forty and five I will not destroy and he spake unto him yet again and said peradventure there shall be forty found there and he said I will not do it for forty sake and he said unto Him oh let not the Lord be angry and I will speak peradventure there shall be thirty be found there and he said I will not do it if I find thirty there and he said behold now I have taken upon me to speak under the Lord peradventure there shall be twenty found there and he said I will not destroy it for 20s sake and he said oh let not the Lord be angry and I will speak yet but this once in other words he knew he was pushing the envelope here he was getting the Lord down and he knew that he might be going too far so he said this will be my last time this is the last time I'm an inner seed Nass peradventure 10 shall be found there and he said I will not destroy it for 10 say you know we don't know for sure but the Lord came down from 50 to 10 I believe that if Abraham would have kept going and said would you destroy it if there's only one righteous person there there it's possible that the Lord might have pardoned all of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of one righteous person and in verse 33 it says and the Lord went his way as soon as he had left communing with Abram and Abram returned unto his place and then in Genesis chapter 19 you find that there wasn't even 10 righteous people over in Peter it says that lot was a righteous man a just man and so there was one righteous person there and God in His mercy and because of Abraham's intercession he spared Lots life and in Lot's wife he brought Lot's wife out but she turned back and long after the city and she turned into a pillar of salt and lots two daughters came out with him so there was only three people saved of all of Sodom and Gomorrah and that wasn't something that Abraham negotiated or interceded for this was just the mercy of God that he delivered a lot and his two daughters out of Sodom and so ultimately the entire area was destroyed with fire and brimstone and I've often heard people use this as a pattern and say this is the way that a New Testament intercessor needs to be interceding we need to be praying for Americans and Oh God you know please spare America don't bring your judgment don't bring your wrath upon America what about the righteous and we intercede and we we are hoping that there's enough good here that it will you know put off the judgment of God from coming upon this nation I'm telling you if Abraham under the Old Covenant prior to what Jesus did if he could intercede with God and if he could bring God down to where he would not destroy this entire area because of just ten righteous people then I can guarantee you that Jesus intercession was a million times more energy than Abraham's intercession and Jesus has brought it down that even though the United States is guilty of many of the same things that Sodom and Gomorrah was guilty of I'm not saying it's because we aren't deserving of judgment but I'm saying that because of Jesus intercession he has satisfied the wrath of God if God could be turned from destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah if there were only ten righteous because of Abraham I believe that today America or whatever nation you are watching this program in I believe that Jesus has interceded for us he ever lives to make intercession for us Court in Hebrews chapter seven and he has turned the wrath of God and God is not going to destroy this nation or your nation or any nation because of their sin Jesus has made a difference I used to say things like if God doesn't destroy America if he doesn't judge America he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah and the logic behind that was that America is becoming as corrupt and it's perverse as Sodom and Gomorrah I mean this the main sin there was many sins but the main sins of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexuality matter of fact homosexuality today is often referred to as sodomy you know why that because that was they came from Sodom and homosexuality is so associated with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that they call it sodomy today and I mean that was the main sin of Sodom and Gomorrah they were blatant with it they were open with it America now is his per day aren't just tolerating homosexuality I'm not against homosexuals I've got people I know that have had problems with homosexuality and I haven't treated a one of them badly I don't do bad things to them I don't ridicule them I don't insult them I don't do things to them I treat them with respect and honor I'm not against homosexuals but I am against homosexuality because it is an abomination it is a sin it's wrong and it's one thing to operating grace and mercy towards homosexuals where you don't sit there and condemn them and just treat them as trash but it is an entirely different thing to actually promote homosexuality and the government and so much of our society today is actually promoting it it's not a matter of just tolerating it and let people live the way that they choose to you have to promote it you have to sanction their marriages you have to sanction something that is ungodly there is a push to try and make ministries like mine hire homosexuals and if I don't then I'm a homophobe and stuff like that and I tell you that is absolutely wrong I had somebody contact me recently and say why would you criticize homosexuality you don't criticize lawyers and what they did they went on to say lawyers lie and still they have a terrible reputation why don't you come out against that and did you know what I do criticize dishonesty I do talk about things but the difference the reason I don't single out lawyers is because for one thing not all lawyers are dishonest in lyin cheatin still that is a gross you know I don't know overstatement it's a putting people in a box and stuff not all lawyers are like that I know some lawyers that have great integrity and stuff so I speak against lack of integrity and lying and stealing and manipulation and control I speak against those things but the difference the reason I don't come out against lawyers or against some other sins the way that I do homosexuality is because the lawyers who are dishonest don't sit there and promote it as being this is the way all lawyers should be this is the way God made me to be and you have to accept me and if I apply for a job and if I want to be your lawyer you're gonna be discriminating against me if I lie and still you have to accept my theft in my line and all of these things and lawyers don't have parades promoting dishonest practice and and taking bribes and doing stuff like this there are lawyers sure there are you know doctors there's all kinds of everybody there are in every profession there are people that do things wrong but they don't hold parades and bragged about it and demand that you accept their immorality but homosexuality has gotten to a place where it's not only practiced it's promoted and they are trying to cram it down my throat and down your throat and that's what's wrong with it so anyway that's my little sideline let me get back to what I was saying that America has become like Sodom and Gomorrah in many ways that they not only are practicing homosexuality but they are promoting it they're having parades there they're bragging about it they are flaunting in the face of God so when I say that God you know I used to say that if God doesn't judge America he's gonna have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah the logic behind that was that America has become just as corrupt in certain ways as Sodom and Gomorrah and we are worthy of judgment but now with the revelation that God has given me I understand that if God did judge America for our homosexuality and for these other things he would have to apologize to Jesus because Jesus paid for this jesus atone for our sins it says in first John chapter 2 in verse 2 that Jesus is the propitiation for our sins that means the atoning sacrifice and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world Jesus didn't only forgive the sins of people who he knew would one day accept him and become Christians but Jesus paid for the sins of the entire world those who don't accept him those who are homosexuals and who are flaunting their sin in trying to promote it and trying to change society so that they embrace it and promote it and protect it Jesus paid for the sins of those people and now God would be unjust to judge those people because of the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ now am I saying that therefore it's okay no it's still wrong and it's giving Satan and tremendous inroad into their life you know I could just I've taught on this recently I won't go into detail but I've got a little booklet type of thing that we put out about abortion about homosexuality and about creationism versus evolution and I put a lot of Stax scientific things in there that you know I just don't know off the top of my head but we put them in this little thing research interviewing people and things and homosexuals they tend to live like 20 years less than heterosexual people did you know that cigarettes take an average of seven years off of a person's life and yet we've come out in the Surgeon General puts a warning on all cigarettes that this could be hazardous to your health and that takes an average of seven years off of your life the average homosexual lives 20 years less why don't we put a warning on that because it's not politically correct because we're hypocrites and we aren't just looking at things in an objective way there is now a politically correct way to look at things and so what I'm saying is I I am NOT saying that homosexuality is okay because God bore the sin and he's not mad and he's not going to destroy America because of our embracing of this lifestyle just because I'm saying that the judgment of God is not coming is not me condoning it and promoting it is a destructive lifestyle it hurts people it destroys people's lives it takes years off of your life and on and on I could go just because God has paid for the sins of the whole world doesn't mean that it's okay then just to go live in sin no Satan is going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour out of first Peter chapter 5 and if you you give place to Satan he is going to come in and eat your lunch and pop the bag you do not want to live in sin but I'm saying God is not going to be judging your sin he judged your sin in Jesus and the only way that you will ever suffer the judgment is God is if you reject his atonement the payment that Jesus made for your sins if you reject his atonement then you will have to pay for your own sins you will have to pay primarily for the sin of rejecting the greatest sacrifice that was ever made and that's the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus but your individual sins have been dealt with and the church as a whole hasn't embraced this they are telling people repent because God's going to judge you but repent because God is going to destroy America or whatever country that you are watching this in and they are trying to get people to intercede against an angry God and stop him from pouring out his wrath the way that Abraham tried to do it here in Genesis chapter 18 and I'm saying that under the new covenant prayer has changed Jesus and satisfied every single demand of God for justice and now God is not dangling America are you or any other nation over hell with a thin thread that's on fire about ready to burn and drop you into hell no God has rescued the entire human race he's paid for the sins it doesn't mean that it's automatic you do have to put faith in the Lord Jesus but if you have put faith in Jesus you are redeemed from the wrath of God God is not going to be angry with you and it's wrong for you to approach God as if he is still angry as if the atonement of Jesus didn't make a difference and you're gonna plead with God the way Abraham did you're gonna plead with God the way that Moses did and ask God to turn from his fierce wrath I'm telling you that is not New Testament prayer chronic fatigue fibromyalgia tennis elbow plantar fasciitis I'm completely healed so you don't have your expectation ah by now you better get it on you all right oh god that healing is already Facebook I just believe that God is the god of miracle I'm gonna go and get back with the devil stall right now I don't have any pain I'm calling us to a greater place of signs wonders and miracles I will not be using the wheelchair ever again it's time for you to get up and take your authority and tell the devil where to go experience healing August 13 through 60 that are healing a seer conference 2019 in Woodland Park Colorado register online at our website or call us at seven one nine six three five the eleven eleven you know this teaching on a better way to pray is powerful and it leads right into the believers Authority so we have put these together in a package and you can get both of these books which really you need this believers Authority as the next step and you can get either the CD or DVD on a better way to pray and the same thing with the believers Authority and either CD or DVD if you'll listen to our announcer he'll give you all of the information and please call or write today in Drew's teaching titled a better way to pray is available in the better way to pray package which includes two books a better way to pray and the believers Authority as well as your choice of either the CD albums or DVD albums from both teachings this package has a catalog value of one hundred and five dollars but you can get it today for only $75 if you prefer the better way to pray resources are available individually as either a book study guide CD album or DVD album made from our daily television broadcast each of these valuable resources is available for a gift of any amount go to a WMI dot now to see all the ways you can get these products you can become a grace partner or order resources through our website at aw mi dotnet or call our helpline monday through friday from 4:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. mountain time at seven one nine six three five eleven eleven welcome to the awm minute a quick look at how your partnership with Andrew Wommack ministries in Karis Bible College has been raising up disciples and leaders for 25 years enabling Kerris to spread to over 60 campus locations worldwide campuses on nearly every continent are disciple angst udents in their own language and culture with the same life-changing message of God's love and grace not everybody can come to Colorado so I think the satellite schools make it possible for a lot more students to go through the Bible school courses the schools provide a very needed ingredient to modern day living and that is more of God's Word in a concentrated form they're allowing Christians who are hungry for more to get more without having to move to do it Thank You partners for 25 years your support has sent the message of God's love and grace to students around the world visit Kara's Bible College org to find a campus near you and start your journey today I want to let you know that we are doing what we call a live Bible study every Tuesday night at six o'clock Mountain Standard Time we are broadcasting from our facilities here in Woodland Park and we are just sharing the word I teach for about 25 to 30 minutes and it's actually live you can text in your question you can call and ask for prayer you can get product but we will answer as many of your questions as we can about 25 30 minutes worth of teaching and maybe 25 minutes worth of answering questions it's just a great interactive thing every Tuesday night 6 o'clock p.m. Mountain Standard Time
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 5,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gospel Truth, Andrew Wommack, A Better Way to Pray, Verse by Verse, Andrew, Wommack
Id: jj5C4stf07E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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