How to Make VR Buttons | Beginner Unity VR Tutorial

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I've done a lot of tutorials recently about  how to you know use your character move your   character that kind of stuff but let's do a  video about how to interact with the world   let's uh talk about buttons in vr this  is going to be one of the most basic   go-to ways that the player is going to interact  with your world you want to have be able to   press a button you want to have a console with  a whole bunch of different things on it and   all that kind of stuff so today we're going to  talk about how to do a normal physics based push   button so without further ado let's jump into it  out of like the other videos where we completely   start from scratch I'm actually going to copy and  paste one of the old tutorial videos that I did   about the physics hands so I'm just going to copy  and paste that into this folder and rename it to   physics button and now I can open up unity and  we're going to add a new project and then find   that project physics button select the folder  and select the new version that I just downloaded   confirm and this is going to put us right where  we left off with the physics-based hands tutorial   so if you have not seen that video check that out  up here I'll link it just so you can get caught up   to speed and then catch up with us here now when  you first load it up it's not going to load on the   correct scene so we're going to click on scenes  and click on the sample scene and that's going to   bring us into where we left off with this table  and grabbable cube we're just going to go ahead   and delete both of these won't be needing that  and then I've also noticed that you need to do   one thing in the project settings just to update  it to the newest version just go into xr plugin   management click on this little exclamation point  next to open xr and then click fix all and that'll   fix any issues from the last version to the new  version so I'm going to go in here and create a   3d cube object set the transform back to zero and  this is going to be a pedestal for a button to   sit on pedestal and I'm just going to resize this  so it looks like a actual pedestal you know and   then let's grab that blue material and make the  pedestal blue all right now let's make button so   we're going to make a new empty game object we're  going to call this one button and then inside of   the button we're going to create another 3d object  and this one's going to be a cylinder and we're   going to scale this one down try not to move it on  the x y or z axis just on the scale we're going to   move the entire button with the parent button game  object so make sure everything else underneath it   is set to a zero position rotation so if you need  to reposition just go back out to your parent   button and reposition it and this is going to  be the base so we're going to rename it to base   and this base comes with a capsule collider but  we're actually going to remove that and then we're   going to add a mesh collider and set the convex to  true and then we're also going to add a rigid body   and we're going to set this one to is kinematic  just so that it doesn't move around while we're   hitting it with physics all right now we're going  to make a new game object inside of button and   this is going to be called push make sure the  transform is set to 0 and then we're going to   go back out to the base press ctrl d to duplicate  it and then put it inside of this push game object   and then we're going to rename this new base to  uh clicker and the clicker is just going to be   the visual part of the button so we're going to  remove the rigidbody remove the mesh collider   and we're going to scale it down just a little bit  and then go back out to push and you can move the   bush game object up so it looks like a button and  then we're gonna take this other material and drop   that on the button and I'm actually gonna turn it  into like a red color that looks better so now we   have a little button object but right now if we  were trying to push it nothing would happen we   need to do a few more things onto this push game  object first we're going to add a box collider   and scale this down it down a little more  just enough so it covers most of the surface area   of the pushable part of the button and if you want  to get super detailed with it you can add another   smaller box collider inside of these little areas  here but for the purposes of this tutorial it's   totally fine you can mess around with different  kinds of colliders here I'm just going to use a   box collider because it's easy now we're going  to add a configurable joint and this is what's   going to join the base to the top and allow the  spring action when you press down the button so   let's go through this bit by bit a configurable  joint will actually mimic any of the other kind   of joints so springs or hinges or anything like  that you can mimic each one of those joints from   the configurable joint and we might have been able  to use a spring joint with this or a slide joint   or something like that but we're just going to do  configurable because that's the one i know how to   do it with this connected body is going to be the  base and the base has to have our rigid body in   order to go here the anchor we're going to auto  connect it and then each one of these motion and   angular motion values we're going to set to locked  except for the y motion the y motion is going to   be limited everything else is locked this will  allow us to move the push part of the button   up and down in a limited um range and that way it  can't get pushed all the way through the base and   it can't be released up above and give us some  weird behavior and then linear limit is how far   the button can get pushed down and we're going  to do a small amount like .015 or something   like that we can adjust this later and then  last thing inside of this configurable joint   is the y drive we're going to set the spring to 50  and we're going to set the dampener to 10 and so   this will be the velocity that it balances back up  with and the dampener is preventing that kind of   springiness at the top let's go back to the rigid  body we're going to want to uncheck use gravity   and then for constraints we want to freeze all of  the rotations the configurable joint also helps   with this but we're never going to want to move  the x y or z so we're going to freeze all of those   and everything else here is fine as it is and now  if you were to play I'm just going to switch back   into scene view with the game playing and you'll  see that the button will bounce up and down and if   you wanted to play with the threshold you go back  into rigidbody and click use gravity that'll push   it down to the minimum and then you can adjust  it using the linear limit and so you can set the   bottom limit of the button here and I'm just going  to keep it at 0.015 because that's that's a pretty   good spot we've got the actual physics of the  button working correctly now we just need to make   it actually trigger an event whenever we press so  to do that we're going to need to make a custom   script I'm going to call this physics button  let's start by adding some events we want a on   pressed in an unreleased event this is going to  be public unity event on press and then we can do   two in the same line by adding a comma type in on  released unity event will need to be added with a   using statement so with my ide I can alt enter and  it'll give me suggestions if you're using visual   studio you can press control period that'll give  you some suggestions or you can just type in this   using statement using unity here at  the top let's add a couple configurable variables   these will be serialized field and private we want  a threshold value so this is going to be a float   threshold and we're going to set this to about  0.1 float this value you can set in the editor   because of the serialized field portion and it's  going to be the percentage of the button press   that is going to be needed to activate the button  and we're going to make another serialized field   also a float and this is going to be a dead zone  I'm going to set this to zero two five float and   this like with a uh any joystick controller it's a  dead zone in the middle where if there's any kind   of bounciness there at the end it's not going  to press and release the button a whole bunch   of times so this is just to prevent any of that  and then we're gonna want three private variables   we want a private bool is breast we're gonna want  a private vector three start position and then a   private configurable joint and we're going to  call this one joint is pressed is going to keep   track of if the button has already been pressed  so that way we don't send the on pressed or on   released event over and over and over again  every frame it's only going to happen once   so this is basically our state management the  start position is going to help us compare the   start position to the current position to tell how  far the button has moved and then the configurable   joint is obviously the joint and we're going to  get the linear limit from that let's go into the   start method we're gonna set our start position  equal to the transform dot local position it's   important to use local position and not the dot  position because those are two different things   and then let's set our joint that's going to  be equal to get component configurable joint   all right in the update method this is where we're  going to determine when we're going to call the on   pressed and on released methods so let's actually  create the those methods first so these are the   two methods we want to call when the button is  pressed or released inside of these we're going   to want to set these pressed variable and then  we're also going to want to call the appropriate   event so when it's pressed we're going to set is  pressed equal to true and we're going to invoke   the unpressed event and then we're also going to  add a debug statement just so that we know our   code is working and then I'm going to copy this  move it into the released method and change the   appropriate values so is pressed will be false and  we're going to be invoking on released and instead   of logging press we're going to log released all  right how do we know when to call these methods   well in the update method first we want to check  to see if is pressed has not been toggled before   so we're checking for the case where the player  has just pressed the button down but we haven't   registered it yet so if is pressed is not true  and we also need to check to see if the button   position is in the right spot to do that we're  going to make a method called get value and I'll   go over that in a minute we're going to use that  value plus the threshold and see if it's greater   than or equal to one and if so we're going to call  pressed and then we do the opposite how do we tell   if the player has just released the button we're  gonna check to see if is pressed is true and the   value minus threshold is less than or equal to  zero and if that's the case we're going to call   released so let's make this get value method the  reason I'm doing this instead of just getting you   know the difference in the values is because we  want to actually be able to have multiple kinds   of buttons and multiple sizes multiple you know  push depths that kind of thing so in order to   do that we're going to standardize the distance to  a percentage so the percentage is going to be from   zero to well actually it's gonna be from negative  one to zero to positive one based on you know the   spring pushed in or the spring released but in  this case the dampening should prevent the button   from getting you know pulled back out so let's do  a private we're going to return it float get value   so inside of here we're going to create a variable  called value and that's going to equal a vector   3 dot distance and the distance between the  start position and the current local position so   transform.local position and then in order to get  the percentage we're going to divide that by the   joint linear limit we're going to call joint  linear limit dot limit and then we're going to   check for the dead zone so if math.abs of value  is less than the dead zone then value is going to   be equal to zero so if it's within that small  number it's just going to set it back to zero   and then we're going to return a clamped  version of this mathf.clamp value between   negative one and positive one and that just  prevents any weird numbers that pop up there   we go and now we can test it with the pressed and  released debug logs so make sure to save your code   let's go back into unity you'll see over here  with the physics button now we have a threshold   and dead zone that we can manipulate and then  also we have an unpressed and unreleased event   that we can add any kind of object or thing so  if we wanted to you know turn a light on and   off we can put the light object in here and then  have it turn off or on based on if the button is   pressed or released you know normal unity event  stuff so let's hit play run this just go back to   scene view click over to console and then when  i push this down push the push down you'll see   the released and the pressed and then we can  swap over to vr and try it with the physics too and you'll notice that each time we press that  the console is registering the pressed and the   released so in the case that you add an event to  this the event will also get fired off whenever   the pressed or the released happens and from here  you can play around with the threshold how much   do you want the button to be pressed down you  can play around with the limit that we talked   about earlier before the code and the dead zone  all that kind of stuff and this can be picked up   moved around you can reposition it turn it rotate  it whatever it's going to work exactly the same no   matter what you do to it so you can use this  for doors escape rooms have fun with it and   let me know what you do with it there you go a  working physics based push button can I just say   what an amazing support you guys have been  since I've mentioned Patreon last week I've   gotten such an overwhelming support from you guys  this has been incredible and on that topic we are   doing a Patreon live stream next week and I  think we're just gonna do a private zoom call   small group of people we're just gonna talk  about you know what projects you're working   on what projects I'm working on in the future  you know a fun discussion for an hour or so so   if you're interested in jumping in on that  check out my Patreon consider supporting   it would mean the world to me and if you just  want you know the source project the project we   talked about today or any other previous project  it's all available there as well and I want to   give a shout out to the newest VIPs on Patreon  Eva and Jane thanks so much for your support   and Tim and Austin your continued support blows  me away I am so appreciative of everyone on   Patreon thank you so much and as usual free of  charge I reply to every single comment on any   of my videos so if you run into any bugs or any  issues or if you just want to chat just throw a   comment out there and I will reply as soon as  I can and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Justin P Barnett - VR Game Dev
Views: 14,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Justin P Barnett, unity xr, unity new input system, xr interaction toolkit, unity vr tutorial, beginner, how to make a vr button, unity xr toolkit, vr tutorial unity, how to make a vr game, how to make a button in vr, vr beginner tutorial, unity vr beginner tutorial, configurable joint unity, physics button, physics vr button, vr physics button, vr physics unity, vr development, unity vr development, unity gamedev, make a vr button in unity, unity button, vr button, button
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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