A Beginner's Guide to Installing Moodle 4.1 on Windows 11 with XAMPP

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welcome back to 3D Hub today as part of our lab exercises for the course on cloud computing we learn how can we set up Moodle which is an open source course management system use exam now xamp is a tool that you can install regardless if you are using Mac operating system Linux or Windows you can install them it would set up Apache Mario DB PHP and Pearl on your system so you don't need to install those things individually this is an excellent application to check various different applications on PHP platforms for testing purposes so I'll take you along what are the different steps required to install it so in order to set it off we might need four different tools first of all we'll use zap then we'll download Moodle which is the course management system itself and in order to find the things and modify the PHP files Etc we'll be using with tools that's an excellent search utility and we'll be editing the files using plus plus notepad plus plus because it's really helpful in editing the files so first of all you'll go to zap and you'll click on downloads and you download this latest version which is 824 or whatever latest version is available on their website the reason of selecting the latest one is that it would have the updated PHP version and mySQL database versions which would help you in the installation process second thing is you'll go to moodle.org and then you'll click on downloads and here it would show you the latest release of it and in that release you'll go for the stable version of it and you'll download the zip file which would be around about 81 MB third thing is you'll go with tools depends if you're using 32-bit or 64-bit system you can download the file accordingly and then you'll be downloading notepad plus plus which is 852 at the moment you can download the latest version whenever you're watching this video and the version which is available over here now this is our Windows 11 on which we'll be setting up the xampp and we'll be installing Moodle on it so I have already downloaded the files which are saved on my computer over here so out of these I have already installed notepad plus plus and search so if I'll click on this thing you can see that it really helps me in finding the files by just typing in whatever I am looking for for example if I'm looking for text files it would show me all text files on the PC second thing is notepad plus plus that's an excellent utility to edit the files so that's notepad plus plus I can easily search find and replace files on this one then we'll be installing visual C plus plus in most of the cases you might have it installed on your PC but if you don't have it install it first before you will continue with the installation of rest of the things on your machine so that's installed as well now we'll try to install the latest version of Zap and we'll start the installation of it Knight would ask you that you'll have to enable UAC you can ignore this one press OK press next and select the things that you need to install in this one since I'll not be using FTP server on this one or mail server or Tomcat I only need Apache and MySQL so I'll select those things same thing is I don't need these two things as well I'm more interested in phpmyadmin which would help me in setting up my database on the server itself so all these settings once they are checked press next and it is asking that it is installing in C drive on zamp I would not recommend you to install it at this specific location because on C drive directly Windows 10 and windows 11 restrict certain applications to create files directly on the C drive since I have only one partition I'm proceeding with that but it's highly recommended that you must install it in any other partition other than the C drive so press next press next and next now it would take some time to install the things on your machine in the meantime we can look at the Moodle file and we'll try to open it with the win RAR and it would show us that there are some folders in this one but we want to extract these files in the root folder of Zap just like we do it in a web server so since the installation has started it might have created a folder of xampp on our drive and you can see it over here so we'll go to that folder and then we look for the folder called HD docs like this one we'll open it and we'll extract the files in this one folder so let me arrange the window and then I'll simply drag and drop the files of model in our root directory so that these files will be copied in our C root folder in the main time and this installation is in progress so it would save some time it usually takes some time to copy the files and to install xamp on your machine so you'll have to wait here for a while till it would complete so we have successfully copied the files on the computer itself and they are over here in the folder called xampp as you can see Moodle folder is here and we have all the required files in this one just make sure that you have copied it in the same path and the name of the folder is Moodle as you can see over here so we'll wait for the installation to finish for examp and then we'll continue with the rest of the setup now as you can see the installation is finished and it's asking you to load the control panel of it but I don't want to do it and I would highly recommend don't try to start the notepad or don't try to start the control panel at this moment of time the reason is that since I have installed it in the C drive and on the route you will find the folder as app and there are some restrictions or the admin privileges on this one it would require a administrative access on the folder so in order to do that I'll click Start and you can see the shortcut over here you'll right click on this one and run it as administrator if you don't have the password or you're logged into a different account it would ask you for a password but since I'm logged in as the administrator I can directly see this interface now if you want to start your Apache and my SQL rest of the things are not there since we didn't install it you'll click on start for both of them and and it would start the services now if you want to make any changes or if you want to go to the administrative portal of it for Apache it would open your favorite browser and it would load the settings on that so you can access it from this one and if you want to manage your MySQL server you'll click on the button and it would open your PHP my admin but I'll not recommend you to create a Moodle database over here at the moment because I tried it and I ended up having lots of issues so will not be doing it like that we'll go through the normal process how we run the applications on a PHP server now once that's done what I want to do at the moment is that I'll open my Chrome browser and I'll try to browse to the folder which is this one where I have my Moodle files copied in C drive in xam folder HD docs and I'll open modal and then I find the admin folder in this one and you'll find a file in this one called index.php so Moodle is recommending that if you are having a web-based installation you must Target to the Moodle admin folder to start the installation so I'll type it over here as localhost then I'll type Moodle and then I'll type admin slash enter and this is the first error message that you'll see over here now in order to solve it as I told you that we might need notepad plus plus for that so in order to locate the file you'll copy the path of it from here and then you'll open your file which is everything and you'll try to locate the path of it so here as you can see it has identified the path of it we'll open it and then we'll try to see that here it's saying that go to line 56 to locate the error so we'll go to line 56 and here as you can see this is the thing which is actually calling for the PHP version so in order to avoid that we'll convert these three lines over here and instead of that we'll put a code over here which would be Echo your version and then the is not supported you need 7.2 or later and then save the file I'll give the exact code in the video description as well once that's done you can close this application and refresh this page and as you can see the error message disappeared now we'll press next and it would ask us for some things for example we have copied the folder in czamp model Moodle data and you can check it over here that if we go to the Zam folder on our computer in Moodle rather on HTTP and if we'll go here we'll see this Moodle data folder it is available here so we have provided the path of it over here czamp model data and then we'll press next here it would ask you that which database you want to use since we saw it on their website that they are using Maria DB so we'll select this one and we'll press next now here you'll have to provide the details of the database that you want to create on your my SQL database so we'll keep all the settings as it is the database user that we are using is root which is the default Setter but if you want to use any other account you must provide that account and its password over here since we are using it on this computer and it's only for testing purposes our root account is open which is not recommended that it does not have a password but for the actual installation you need to have an account with the password but make sure that any account that you'll choose over here that account must have full admin privileges on the table of model that would be created in your database once that's done we'll press next now that's a basic notice for coopyrights ETC you can read the details on their website and then press continue now here it's telling you that there are certain extensions which are missing on your computer which are required for the installation of Moodle on your PC now again I will use the same tool that I showed you earlier we'll go to everything and this time we'll search for PHP dot ini and once we find it over here we'll open this one again with notepad plus plus and then we look for the things which is talking about the extensions of PHP to enable certain things on the computer as you can see there are lots of extensions over here so we'll go through one by one I don't need this one I'm not enabling FTP so I'll leave it as it is I need GD and then I'll enable GMP as well so you'll just uncomment it from here I need i e n t l as well IMAP is used for email so I'll not check it rest of the things are for Oracle and odbc I don't need that I'll open use openssl as well I'm not using Firebird so I'll leave it and I'll enable PG SQL as well and I'll enable the shamop as well and then I'll go down and I'll enable um now I'll leave as an MP I'll enable so and sockets and sodium and SQL light and tidy and xs1 and zip and I want to enable the end as well so that's all as far as the settings were concerned now there is another setting which is about something it's saying thousand so we'll try to locate it in our PHP dot ini file and you'll find it over here Max import variable so I'll uncomment it and I'll instead of adding 1000 I'll add it 10 000 because here on the installation it's saying that it should be at least five thousand so I'm making it 10 000 and I'll save the file now once you'll make the changes to your PHP dot ini file you'll have to restart your Apache and MySQL so you'll click stop and then you'll start it again over here make sure that they are both in green color it means that it's running you'll minimize this thing and you'll go to the installation page and you will reload the page now as you can see that most of the error messages are gone some of them are quite basic and once that's done we'll press continue now you'll have to give it some time just don't rush don't refresh the page otherwise you'll have to start everything from the scratch again it loads certain things so it is checking PHP it's checking your database it's checking all the plugins and extensions so give it some time till it loads and then it would automatically scroll the page and once it would show you continue only then you will press on the button to go to the next page as you can see finally it has started installing and let it install as you can see it's scrolling the page automatically and new things would be coming here at the end it would show you a button of continue only then click continue to proceed to the next page just give it some time to finish the installation process as you know it's finished and it showed us this button so now we'll click on this one to continue now that's another typical error message that you'll see and just like we solved the problem earlier we'll copy the path from this one and we'll open our everything file and we'll try to search for this file and it showed us that it is in this one and it is line number 146. so we'll go to line number 146 and this is the actual reason why we are having it because it is configuring the lock mappings Etc so in order to resolve it we'll go to control F and we'll try to find the class cache configuration and as you can see class cache configuration is here and in order to suppress the error message I'll put an enter anywhere after this protected and I'll paste this message over here private configuration lock mapping is equal to array and then you'll save it I'll copy this code as well in the description of the video so once it's saved now we'll go to our installation again and we'll try to refresh the page and as you can see the error message disappear from here now we'll proceed with the installation of Moodle you will provide a password which has a special character and a number so once that's done you'll provide an email address for example test at EDU test Dot test.com and then rest of the things are fine I'll press update it would take you to the next page you can call it my first EDU site and then you can type in as LMS over here you can select the region wherever you are I'll keep it as it is since it's for testing purposes you can type in an email address as support as test.com and I'll just change it to.com so that it accepts it and press save so this is your initial interface of Moodle and it's initially showing the calendar over here if you click on my courses it would take you to the courses that you have for site Administration you can click on this one and it has lots of different options just like any content management system if you go to appearance of it there are themes you can select the themes the free themes are available on Moodle website as well you can download them and simply install on it since I'm logged in as the administrator I log out from here and it would show you the first screen of your course management system if you want to log in again press the username as admin and provide the password that you selected earlier and you'll be able to login to the Moodle so that's how we install Moodle using xampp which is a free open source software to run PHP applications and mode is itself an open source program that you can use now since we have set it up the server to configure a PHP applications you can use either Joomla Drupal WordPress or any other PHP open source content Management Systems as well on Zoom servers so that's it for today thank you very much
Channel: Free Education Academy - FreeEduHub
Views: 3,326
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Keywords: A Beginner's Guide to Installing Moodle 4.1 on Windows 11 with XAMPP, Moodle XAMPP, Moodle Windows 11, Moodle 4.1 Windows, install moodle on windows 11, setup moodle on windows 11​, installing moodle on pc​, install moodle locally windows 11, moodle download for windows 11​, install moodle on local computer​, download moodle for windows, how to install moodle on localhost xampp 2023, Install moodle on Windows 11, how to install moodle in XAMPP, FreeEduHub, Free Education Academy
Id: Gk9OuWArE5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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