A Beer Expert Gave Me His Recipe - HERE’S WHY I CHANGED IT

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when it comes to home brewers there aren't many better known than denny khan denny has authored homebrew books co-hosts a podcast the dude even has a yeast named after him but one of denny's favorite recipes is called nick danger porter over multiple batches denny has perfected this recipe a juxtaposition of smooth dark grains with just a little bite combined with fruity and herbal aromas so i'm gonna take denny's perfectly crafted recipe and brew it up but but just one thing i'm gonna change it and then i'm going to send denny the finished beer and see what he thinks i first came across a nick danger porter which by the way is named after one of denny's cats on the home brew pub that's a podcast by fellow brit in the us andrew hello and welcome to the homebrew pub the only pub in existence where every beer on tap is made by a home brewer andrew invited me onto his show where i shared my recipe for a soured guinness clone a recipe that andrew himself has been experimenting with now over a couple of batches so how and why am i changing this recipe well firstly batch size i'm bringing a three gallon batch the recipe on the homebrew pub is for six gallons so i've scaled it down the other change is related to ingredient availability i didn't have access to mecca grade malts so i've switched them out with epiphany a local craft monster in north carolina i'm using 72 epiphany foundation 11 epiphany munich 7 crystal 60 5 chocolate malt 4 special bee and just a sprinkling of black patent malt at one percent one thing i'm not changing is the mash temperature matching at 153 fahrenheit or 67 celsius now i've been sent a can crusher to try out pretty handy for recycling beer cans potentially i actually don't have any beer cans on hand right now but i need a coat zeros precautions for use number one you must wear shoes when using this product ah [Music] i'm not gonna lie that was uh that was pretty satisfying gonna keep this next to the recycle bin there are three hop additions to this beer because i'm shortening to a 30 minute boil my bittering and flavor hops both go in at the start of the boil that's magnum for a clean bitterness and tetnang for a floral and herbal flavour then he designed this recipe to combine both german and american hops so in addition to these german hops i'm adding cascade at 10 minutes to bring a grapefruit fruitiness to the aroma of the beer at the end of the boil i chilled my water down to 68 fahrenheit or 20 celsius so i can add y east 1450 otherwise known as denny's favorite 50. and denny's a favorite is such a versatile yeast you can just apply it to all sorts of beer stars and it should accentuate the maltiness in this beer but also the fruitiness as well i uh i can't wait to see what denny thinks so i'm getting thirsty can i open this beer yeah does everybody have their beer handy i'm about to pour here we go cause you've sent a couple of cans and i've not drunk this yet i've been holding out good just yes oh that is nice yeah that's that's pretty damn close buddy that's close i'll take that yeah yeah um i'm getting i'm getting the little licorice note that should be there yeah you know the the malt is nice and rich which comes from using those specialty malts the castle chocolate i found was a real key to this beer and i don't know if that's what you got or not i did not no i used a sub for that as well if you can ever get the castle i highly recommend you give it a try because i mean and then like i said this is really close so who knows if you really notice any difference but the castle has a really nice kind of soft mellow flavor to it one thing when i was designing this beer it was when everybody was into the days of you know smoothing out the roast character in beers and stuff like that so for a long time i was making this with karafa and stuff like that and it got so smooth it became totally insipid oh yeah so i went i went back to a real chocolate malt and actually threw in just that little tiny touch of black patent it could just all be in my head but to me that gives it just a touch of an edge that i think it really needs to keep it from because because there's sweetness to this beer right from all the crystal and the uh and the uh craft malts so it needs that little bit of an edge to it to cut the beer the world that comes to my mind for this beer is rich it's a very rich yeah yeah and the taste of it actually reminds me of a barley wine i made it just has that really nice like forward roast as you say like the sweetness and oh just delightful it reminds me a lot of sort of a some english porters that i've made the other thing that i was trying when i did this recipe you know in my uh my rye ipa i combined both german hops along with columbus you know with american hops so i wanted to try that again in this beer so that's why i've got both tetenang and cascade in it because i wanted to try the the german american hop play again when you're making a dark beer though you always have to be careful to to balance the hops against the the the astringency the roastiness of of the dark malts uh it's one of the things i never cared for in in the black ipa fad was that you know because they were in ipa peop people would hop them heavily and i just felt like that was a real clash with all the dark balls at least for my palette so in this one i tried to get a balance in there so that it won't be like a lesser black ipa well look thank you both you're very welcome it's a great chat andrew i always love talking to you man yes it's great maybe maybe one day we can all get together in person and do it
Channel: The Homebrew Challenge
Views: 11,139
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Id: opvQEb1naXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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