A AA 2 (Chal Mohan Ranga) Full Hindi Dubbed Movie With English Subtitles | Nithiin, Megha Akash

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[MUSIC PLAYING] [RAINING] [AMBULANCE SIREN] I have nothing to do with this city. The girl who is with me, doesn't love me. Since childhood I am shameless. I have no choice other than making fun of my problems. When a small boy turns to be a young man. And when he achieves a status in life... …then he is called a celebrity. But a girl is a born celebrity. These wounds are so deep that... ...the operation may take some time. In the meanwhile, I'll tell you my story. [CYCLE BELL RINGING] Even though it was rainy season, it wasn't raining that day. [MUSIC PLAYING] Be careful. Dear, are you hurt? [BIRDS CHIRPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Dear, you are injured. Things that happens once can never happen again... [MUSIC PLAYING] What if it happens again? ...if it happens twice then it will surely happen for the third time [MUSIC PLAYING] It was winter season, when sweaters are a little expensive. -Listen. -Yes, what happened? It's January, buy a new calendar. To keep track of my bad days, why should I spend 25 rupees more? [WATER SPLASHING] At least buy a geyser... ...guests are coming over for the festival. On last festival you said guests are coming so.... I got new sofa covers. Your this year budget has exhausted in that purchase. -Now don't ask for anything else. -Look at this. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh God! It has not been more than three days, I got this for 3000. -Son, let's go and leave him somewhere. -Please, father. Look dear, in my present financial condition I can't afford to keep you both happy. At least let him live happily. Let's go now [ENGINE REVVING] [MUSIC PLAYING] That day, I saw that girl again. I wanted to ask dad to drive faster but I knew he would hit me. That's why I kept quiet. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Look... Huh! When the signal is red, we should stop. Okay By the way, he never followed any traffic rules... ...but today he had to definitely stop at the red signal. [Rumbling of heavy vehicles] [MUSIC PLAYING] Come on, now come back. [SWING SQUEEKING] Hey, come. Come. Jimmy! Summer time! Is the only time when you're not worried about exams. -Be quick. -Wait, buddy. [ENGINE REVVING] [BIRDS CHIRPING] Hey, listen. Look, the same girl in that car. Whom are you looking for? The girl who stays in this house. That girl has gone to America to study. Oh dude, that girl has gone to America. [PANTING] [MUSIC PLAYING] -Father.. Father! -What is it? Father, what do I need to do to go to America? For the first time in your life, you have asked a good question. If you want to go to America, you need to pass class ten with 80% marks. You have to score a good rank in MSAT, because I can't afford donation. Even then if you don't get admission, then you study engineering. Pass GRE and then you can go to America. When my dad started to talk, first it boosted my confidence... Later as he kept talking, I understood... I won't be able to do all this. Through studies it's impossible to go to America. I forgot the girl but America was still in my mind. I got into a habit of smoking at the age of 18. At the age of 20, clashes kept increasing. At the age of 22, subjects to pass increased. At the age of 24, I achieved a worthless degree. [MUSIC PLAYING] Your life is exciting! Wine, chickens and music. You can drink and live your life happily. -What will I do? -Hey, wait, I will show you. [PAPER CRINKLING] I have secretly stolen this. [LAUGHING] Don't you feel ashamed, stealing from your own shop? Dad will never give if I ask him, so, I have stolen it. What a futile life is this! Is this even a progress? -Oh pal, atleast we progressed. -What progress did we do? We used to smoke discreetly, then at the cigarette shop, now on terrace. This is not progress. We have just become more daring in life. Whatever it may be, everyone has its own weaknesses. Your weakness is America. By the way, why are you so crazy about America? If middle class people like us want to live a lavish life... ...then we must definitely go there. By the way, tell me... ...with such a marksheet it's very difficult for you to go to America. Why is your visa always rejected? [SAD MUSIC PLAYING] [DEEP BREATHING] It was in 2014, I was little petrified. I am Mohan. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sorry sir, your visa has been rejected. After that in 2015, I went with confidence. Hi, my name is Mohan Ranga. [MUSIC PLAYING] Rejected. Next please. After that in 2016, I went very casually. -Thank you, ma'am. -Next please. -Hey, what’s up? -Hi. I am Mohan.. Mohan Ranga. [MUSIC PLAYING] [WHISTLING] Sorry sir, your visa has been rejected. Whether I go petrified, confidently or casually... ...they would send me back. Now, how will you go tomorrow? Tomorrow I.. Hi. I am.. [MUSIC PLAYING] Next! [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] -Mother! -I'll talk to you later. I have got the visa, father. In this world, no will be as sinful as you are. Is this the way you will go to America? -Why is he saying so? -He is jealous. [LAUGHING] You are good for nothing. I'm not jealous. What do you mean, Uncle? I have no feelings for him after what he has done. Enough now. Tell me, how did you get the visa? Thanks to aunty Saroja, mother. Saroja Madam? Who is she? She was our neighbor. What do you mean by ' she was'? Is she no more now? By God's grace... Yesterday only... [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh God! She has four brothers and sisters, they all stay in America. Huh! Instead of they all coming here, it's better we take her there. So, I gave them this idea.. .. That means you asked them to pay for your ticket. Are you not ashamed of yourself? [MUSIC PLAYING] Bye mom! Bye dad! Gosh! Let's go inside. See you, mom. Hey, I am asking you to come inside. -You go, I'll call you back. -Okay. Eat on time. -Where is this Pammy? -Hey, dude, listen. -Did you get it? -Yes. -How much is it? -Two lakhs. What about the interest? Interest is less. I have taken 10. You have taken 20? -I have taken that extra 10. -Why so? My commission! No problem, you can return me later. Pal, you will return it to me for sure, right? I'll return you in dollars. We are doing a big favor on them. As I get her there, they will quickly offer me a job. Wow! [AEROPLANE ZOOMING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC CONTINUE PLAYING] [CHURCH BELL RINGING] Oh God, the graveyard here is bigger than our airports. [GASPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Without any reason, people don't bring other's luggage also. And you have brought a dead body. -You are great, bro. -You? Just wait. I am Vilas, her far off relative. Did you never go close to her? I hate funerals but I like this place. In fact, its rating is 4 out of 5. Huh? Yes dude, this is what happens in America. From hair pin to helicopter... ...reviews are checked for every damn thing. I am MR... Mohan Ranga! I knew her very well. You knew her well that's why you got her here. When the need is your own, then one has to do it. [GIGGLES] I like your frankness, bro. They are also just like you. -How? -Very frank. -Mohan.. -Yes sir, tell me. [FOOTSTEPS] What's the matter, sir? Should I book India's ticket for tomorrow? [MUSIC PLAYING] [SNAPPING FINGERS] What happened? For when should I book? No sir. I have got a job that's why I am here. -Oh great, congrats. -Congrats, bro. You got a job? Where is the party? [MUSIC PLAYING] Is there any bar close by? [SOFT MUSIC PLAYING] I thought they will offer great hospitality. But they said, good bye. -Why, what happened? -Everything is over. After all what do you want, bro? Want a house to stay, company for shopping, car for sightseeing? To maintain all this I need a job. -That you had. -I thought, they will give one. [GASPING] On their mother's death, they didn’t go to India, they are so bad... ...depending on them, how could you come so far? I understood it after coming here. Now I have nowhere to go. Please, now as long as I don't get job, I'll stay with you. Now you are my savior. Please don't refuse me. Now what to do? I've to find a job for him? -We can talk to my boss. -Brother! -But he is worse than them also. -I will fall on their feet. [MUSIC PLAYING] Now drinking water is hurting my throat. It was alcohol, bro. -You should have informed me before. -I am sorry, man. Bro... I will let you stay in my room. Crazy guy! People say one feels easy after drinking but why am I feeling uneasy? -First time you feel like this only. -Later on? Then you have to drink like me, till you're completely drunk. After I am drunk! [MUSIC PLAYING] [EXHALING] -I'll do it and show you. -Okay, man. [MUSIC PLAYING] [FOOTSTEPS] -Ah, sorry ma'am. -That's okay. Seems like all input will become output. Before I do anything humiliating, it's better I get going. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh. Sorry sorry, sister. -Sorry, sister. -Megha..Megha, be careful. [GROANING] [GROANING] -Oh God! -Oh no! [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello...are you okay? Excuse me. [MUSIC CONTINUE PLAYING] I will be right back. Mega, we are dead! Police has seen us, come on be quick. Last minute, your brain really worked. Alcohol is also working well. -What's your problem? I need a job. -Need a job! Give me job. -Where should I drop you? That uncle has already dropped all my hopes. -Who is this uncle? -Saroja's son. -Who is Saroja? -She was very close to me. What nonsense are you talking to him, stop the car and get rid off him. Get down. -You can at least help me. -He is drunk, I will not hold him. [SIGHING] I am tired, lift me up. -Hey, what are you doing? -Lift me. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sit. Mega, enough now. Let's leave. [MUSIC PLAYING] [HICCUPS] Will he die if you don't make him drink water? [SIPPING WATER] [HICCUPS] -Oh God! -You keep helping him. More than him, you're irritating me. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BIRDS CHIRPING] [SIGHING] Last night, where were you, man? What did you say? You did everything in one night? -By the way, who was that girl? -Don't know, I was over drunk. -I don't remember anything. -Oh God, that's scary. Boss is scarier than her. Come, let's go. Get out of here. I am very busy. You want to go on leave? Get lost from here. -I'll break your legs if you come back. -I think he is in bad mood. -Everyone wants to come to America. -What happened, sir? His wife is pregnant, wants to go on leave. So, have you sanctioned it? Sanctioned him permanent leave. -Sir, he my friend, -Hello, sir. -He has come to US yesterday only. -How are you feeling here? Feeling scared, sir. [LAUGHING] I will tell you a small story. New York is a small place. It's spread over 13 thousand width and 15 thousand breadth. [SIGHING] -By the way, where do you hail from? -Hyderabad. Hyderabad! Do you see Manhattan and Brooklyn? These Jubilee Hills are like our Banjara Hills. Do you see this Queens Brown? This looks exactly like ours Chandryan ghata. Do you see that Jersey? That's like our Vanasthalipuram. For name sake it's in Hyderabad but it's close to Vijayvada. -Where do you stay? -Vanasthalipuram, sir. -Here, where you stay? -In Jersey, sir. Jersey! [LAUGHING] What work do you have from me? Sir, if we can get his H1b1. He wants a job here. Documents? [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh God, please get my work done. -Third class? -Yes, sir. -Superb! -Thank you, sir. In day time, you are of no use to me. But at night you can be of some use to me. Bro, please you request him. -Sir, last month you had processed one. At least look carefully before comparing anything. I can't afford to spend so much on him. If you want, pay 7000 dollars and get it processed. -7000 dollars? -But darling..! [MUSIC PLAYING] We can't process it. How will you arrange so much money, bro? [MUSIC PLAYING] [CAR ENGINE REVVING] -Please give your phone. -Yes. [WHISTLING] [PHONE RINGING] Hello, my dude. -You got a job, right. -Give me a packet of bread. Money lender had called twice. I told him, you'll return in dollars. After all we are Americans. Work hard, dude. Everything is fine here. Hello...hello... There is lot of network issues in America, it's not so in India. [CAR ENGINE REVVING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [PHONE RINGING] -Hello. -Hello, papa. How are you? Have you delivered the dead body? Since yesterday your mom is worried whether you've reached safely or not? -Have you eaten? -Such questions don't suit you. -Why such a change? -Nothing... I need five lakhs to process the Visa, if you give me then I.. .. Why? Have they kicked you from there? That means you had received this honor also. If you want, I can feel sorry for you. But never call again to ask for any money. If you want you can come back, I have fridge, tv at home... ...same way I will put you also in some corner. -Never gives money. Keeps blabbering. -What is it? You stay out of this. Here we are talking about big money. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CLEARS THROAT] I understood when you got coffee for me... ...you are going to do something like this. I just have 1000 dollars. I can't give anything more than this. -Please bro, you help me. -Hang on..hang on, relax. My dad's friend's is over here... ...he is the one who helps people like us. Let me call him once but don't have high hopes on him. -Please bro call him. -Hold on. [MUSIC PLAYING] Please don't touch. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello uncle, one of my friend has come from India. He wants to meet you. Okay uncle. -What did he say? Please tell me. -Bro... Day after tomorrow he is going back to India... He wants to meet you tomorrow. It's five-hour journey from here. When will we leave? Please..please when will we leave? Not we, only you. I am very busy. How can I go cheap and fast? [EXHALES] Cheap and fast! Carpooling is best for you, bro . -What does that mean? -That... Instead of travelling alone... ...or to save money they share the car with each other... -...that is carpooling. -Oh, I got it. -Your car is booked. -Thanks bro. [MUSIC PLAYING] Don't forget me after your work is done. Shameless! By the way, what is she doing there, bro? [MUSIC PLAYING] She sells peanuts. What's your problem? Keep it. You are like a mobile company in my life... ...in such a short span of time you have given me so many offers. My uncle is very strict. You will not get such offers there. Keep that in mind. -When will the car come? -On the way. [CAR ZOOMING] What is this fool doing here? Bro, is this the car? -Don't know. -Okay. [MUSIC PLAYING] [PHONE RINGING] -Where are you? -I'm waiting where you asked me to wait. Right now a yellow car has also come and stopped. -Huh! -But where are you? -It's you? -Yes, it's me. -Hello! -Wait, I am coming. -It's you..you! You..? I will definitely not take you. That night you troubled me a lot. That night she... [MUSIC PLAYING] She almost looks like the same girl, bro. You broke my phone and you don't remember me. Oh my God. Was I so drunk? I just had three pegs. I was rotating like a giant wheel, I don't remember anything. -Still I will not take you. -Huh! -Brother... -Huh! Why? Ma'am, I beg at your feet. It's matter of my life. You sit in front, I'll sit behind. I'll not utter a word. What are you doing, man? Do I look like a driver? If you say I'll sit next to you. By mistake also I'll not utter a word. Please..please ma'am. He may be senseless at times but not harmful. You can trust me. Please madam, please. [MUSIC PLAYING] Come. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello sir, I am Mohan, Vilas's friend. I have left from here. I will be in front of you in five hours. No problem, we'll meet over a beautiful lunch... ...talk about it and close this matter. [MUSIC PLAYING] Do you have any choice for music? [MUSIC PLAYING] What do you mean? -Jazz, Blues, Trans Opera.. .. -Are they item songs? -What do you mean? Any Indian song item... Understood. [OPERA PLAYING] -What is this, madam? -Opera! -Will you switch it off. -Definitely no. No matter. [OPERA PLAYING] Whatever it may be, I had a very good sleep. I am feeling very fresh. So, where have we reached? -Still at the same place. -Huh! Madam, it's matter of life and death. -If you sleep, I'll not drive. -I'll never sleep in my life. Please madam let's go. [CAR ENGINE REVVING] Ma'am please drive faster. [CAR ENGINE REVVING] -Speed is 100, fine. -Please press the accelerator. [SIREN VAILING] Enough? Ma'am, ambulance is coming, please give way to it. [SIREN VAILING] Why did you stop the car? [DOOR OPENS] [DOOR SHUTS] Madam, give some money and settle the matter. Then they will put us behind the bars for 5-10 years. Oh my God! We have to leave the car here. After registering a complain we can take the car. Madam please give me your leg. Dad is very serious, madam. Doctor is calling, mother is crying, madam. Sister banging head, that is why we were speeding, madam. That's why this brother was going, save me, madam. -It means.. .. -Understood. Now what to do? [BUS ENGINE REVVING] -Sir, it's me. -Yes say, where are you? Sir, stuck in traffic jam, will take few hours more. We'll meet over a beautiful snack with a cup of tea. And close this matter. [SIGHING] Oh god! -Hey, what's up? -God! God is up! -Angry on me? -Why will I be angry? You are late because of me. That day I was drunk, still you gave me your shawl... ...why will I be angry? Basically, my fate... It's okay. [PAPER CRINKLING] -Thank you. Looking at you, it seems like you've come to America for the first time. -Why did you come here? -I came to deliver a dead body. What? An aunty called Saroja who was very close to me... ...during my childhood she gave me a valuable advice. What advice? Not now, you need the right time and emotions to tell that. Not now. Sometime later, okay? -By the way, what's your name? -Megha. -Megha Subramanian. -Miss Mega.. Not Mega, it's Megha. It's not 'ga' it's 'gha' -Come on, say. -Miss Megha Subramanian. What's your name? Mohan Ranga..it's not Rangha..it's just ga. [MUSIC PLAYING] [FOOTSTEPS] Oh God, I am very late, don't know how he will react. Nice meeting Mr. M.R. Mohan Ranga Nice meeting you Miss Megha Subramanian. -All the best for you interview. -I will rock the interview. -I am sorry. -I am so sorry. -That's okay. -I am sorry. [MUSIC PLAYING] [PHONE RINGING] Where have you reached? -Maybe I'll take an hour more. -Don't you have sense of time, idiot? He is scolding me even before meeting. [CRICKETS CLITTERING] No problem we'll meet over a beautiful dinner... ...with glass of wine and close this matter. -If I delay it any more, he'll kill me. -If you go like this, he'll fire you. Now what to do? -Madam, what is this? -My shirt. Nowadays shirts are common for men and women. -It's my shirt I'll not give you. -Miss Megha!!! Get up! What is this? So far, we have come together, just tolerate me for 1 hour more. It's matter of life and death. Please help me. -Take. -Thank you. [MUSIC PLAYING] -How am I looking? -Sunny Leone’s sister. That's so great of you, comparing me with such a great personality. Come let's go. [MYSTERIOUS MUISC PLAYING] [DOOR BELL RINGS] [SIGHING] I'm very late, don't know how he will react. [DOOR OPENS] [MUSIC PLAYING] -Sir, I am Vilas's friend. -Let's have dinner first. Okay sir. [MUSIC PLAYING] You have not studied from any good school or college. No good academic records. I thought you will be having good sense of time. Even that is not there in you. Now I've no courage to talk about your dressing sense. Okay tell me, why should I sponsor money for you? Just give me one reason why should I sponsor you? -Uncle. please heed me once. -Tell me. What you said is 200% correct, even my opinion about him is same. Whole day I was along with him, do you know why he has come to US? To deliver a dead body. [MYSTERIOUS MUSIC PLAYING] Exactly, even my reaction was same. Has the police ever let you go scot-free? Left him! Shirt that he is wearing now is mine, uncle. Coffee spilled over his shirt so he wore my shirt. He was saying, nowadays there is no difference between men and women. -Truly speaking, I've never seen a character like him. -Yes. You and I can go to India but he will definitely be here. Trust me, uncle. He is here to be a successful man. Not flee away from here. Just give him a chance to be successful. You will never regret. [SIGHING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Still I don't like this boy. But I liked what you said. But for your sake, I will do it. -Thank you, uncle. -Pass the cheque book. [HAPPY MUSIC PLAYING] [BREATHING DEEPLY] Take it. [CRYING] What happened? Why are you crying? Hello! -No one has ever been so helpful. -Okay. -Not even my dad. -Okay, I understand. Megha, I am ready to do anything for you... ...in America you met me just like a God. [CRYING] Keep quiet. [CRYING] Quiet! [NODDING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Tell me Megha, how can I help you? -Do you know to say 'yes'? -Yes, I know. You have to just say it three times, whenever I ask you to say. Not three times, I will say 'yes' for 30 times. First change this shirt, looking very cheap. Go and take a new shirt. Why have you got me here? [FOOTSTEPS] -Hey, hi Megha. -Hello uncle, I am Mohan Ranga..MR Cool! I’m so excited to meet you. Mom spoke a lot about you. Finally, we are meeting, come on give me a hug. -My boyfriend. -Huh! [MUSIC PLAYING] -Boyfriend? -Yes! [MUSIC PLAYING] I like your frankness. It's good to clear everything before marriage. Come on dude, let's talk about Megha. -He is not here to talk to you. -Huh! [MUSIC PLAYING] [THUD] Yes! Then why is he here? He is here to hit you. [MUSIC PLAYING] You want to beat me? You mean, you will beat me? -Yes! -You!! [MUSIC PLAYING] [BREATHING HEAVILY] You are not any ordinary girl. People say 'no no' and fall in love... ...but you made me say 'yes yes' and called off your wedding. Oh God! What a guy was he? Boy should come to meet the girl... ...instead of that you've come to meet him. I didn't like it. The night I met you I was going to meet him. -Because of you I had to come so far. -I see! That's the reason I asked you to say 'yes'. We are even now. You are great! If he sees me, he will not spare me. Now let’s go. Come. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SIGHING] Today, I am very tired. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Miss Mega.. -Didn't I tell you? Yes, I know it's not Mega, It's Megha..gha. Right? [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR CLOSES] [BUS ZOOMING] -Thank you so much. -So? So? Let's meet someday. [BIRDS CHIRPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR OPENS] Oh! [FOOTSTEPS] [DOOR CLOSES] When did you come from India? -How was the boy? -You could have called before coming? Did you meet that boy? Is papa fine? You're not replying to my questions. And how is everyone else? Megha, can we talk seriously? Have to go to college. I will come and talk. Come. [FOOTSTEPS] [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh God, when will she change? [COMMOTION] So, this is done. But don't be happy with this much. In a year two lakh people apply. From them only sixty thousand people are selected. You be happy only if you are one of them. [MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you, sir. -But sir... -Keep quiet, you fool. Megha, you should talk politely with aunty. -Forget it. -Excuse me. Hello..yes. Who is this? [MUSIC PLAYING] [MOBILE RINGING] Hello Megha, I was just thinking about you. Is it? Why? Just gave the cheque to boss. This wouldn't be possible without you. Even I was thinking of you. Why were you thinking of me? Here a man's mannequin is wearing the same shirt. Now forget that incident. [MUSIC PLAYING] -So? -So? [GIGGLING] Can we meet? [MUSIC PLAYING] What's the matter? Lost in deep thoughts. Confused! Life is swinging between happiness and sadness. What do you mean? You got me the cheque, so, I should be happy... ...or should I be tensed whether I'll get the visa or not? I can't understand. If you don't get it, you can go to India and do a job. Wherever you go, work is same. For the same work if one get's 60% extra salary... ...then one should work here only, right. Even if you earn so much, what will you do? [MUSIC PLAYING] Will buy a big car, nice huge house. -After that? -What after that... ...then get married to a girl who will bring good dowry. Will you demand for dowry? Not for myself but I need it for kids’ safety. What if the girl is fat? I will get the treatment done. -What if the girl is arrogant? -I will become humble. Seriously you don't want a bride, you want an ATM card. What can I do, if you think so? No girl can stay with a guy like you for a minute also. Look Megha. Richer the girl, the happier I will be. It's useless talking to you. You have a male egoistic mentality. Enough madam! Listen to me, I would love to live life the way you do. The way I live is my compulsion. Understood. I am hungry, let's go and eat something. You also come. Not today, tomorrow at my place for lunch. Bye. Bye. [BIRDS CHIRPING] Such a big house, bro. Control both, your language and your body language. Sorry, bro. Anyway, why should I come along with you? After very long time we'll get scrumptious Indian food to eat. Come on, let's go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Scrumptious Indian food! We stay in Conoor but mom is from Hyderabad. Mom likes Hyderabad. Mom, even he is from Hyderabad. -Oh nice! Where at Hyderabad? -Jubilee Hills, aunty. Oh nice. And you dear? -Ameerpeth, aunty. -Oh nice! [MUSIC PLAYING] -What does your dad do? -He is an industrialist. Oh nice! And your dad? Clerk at electricity board. Oh nice! [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHING] [CLEARS THROAT] Why so much of discrimination between us? This is injustice. -Did you say something? -Yes aunty. Pizza is very tasty, aunty. -Desserts are more delicious. -Ohh!! You all are good friend then put some sense in her... ...that guy is so nice. -Mom! -she has got such a nice match. Now you all persuade her. -What does the groom do? -He is a Jockey. Jockey means radio jockey, aunty? No, he has stud farms, he has horses... ..he is a jockey. -I love horses! Oh, you too! Me too! Nothing, just my nail. Huh! [MUSIC PLAYING] [GIGGLING] Mom, infact MR is also a jockey. Oh nice, since when are you a jockey? May be after 10th. -Oh nice, he is jockey since 6th. -Wow! Megha, you're so lucky, he is jockey since 6th. -Infact Vilas is also jockey. -No, bro. I am not jockey. I have seen it. You are also a jockey. -Aunty, is uncle also a jockey? -No son, he is a VIP... ...he doesn't have time for all this. [GIGGLING] Why are you laughing? [GIGGLING] So, you were talking about that Jockey, I couldn't understand a word. Megha, however the food may be but I had a good time with your mom. What happened? What are you thinking? Nothing! Weekend is coming and mom is going to be here. She will keep talking about marriage. I don't know what to do. So, what does that mean? -Will you suddenly run away from here? -No, no way. Yes. [MUSIC PLAYING] -I don't have money to spend. -I will sponsor the trip. [AEROPLANE ZOOMING] -This is gift for you. -Why? I don't drink so often. This is not to drink alone, whenever we meet again... ...there is a memory to share. -Do you have any girlfriends? -No, I don't have any. -Do you love someone? -No! Don't know how people can talk for hours... ...forgetting what's going around them. Even I feel the same. [DOOR OPENS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR CLOSES] Megha, tell me, if you don't want to get married... ...why did you elope secretly? If you don't like him, we'll not get you married forcefully. [MUSIC PLAYING] [GIGGLES] Fa..so la ti... [MUSIC PLAYING] [WHISTLING] [CAMERA CLICKS] Megha... [MUSIC PLAYING] Bro, lovely song, lovely weather... ...lovely wine bottle, let's have fun. Bro, everything is not for drinking. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Mohan Rangha? -No, Mohan Ragh. -Oh I thought it's a boy's name. -I can understand. 'What are you doing?' [MUSIC PLAYING] 'Hey, what's up?' [MUSIC PLAYING] 'Can we meet?' 'Let's meet.' I like him, I should tell him. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BIRDS CHIRPING] Bro, I am going to meet Megha. If someone ask for me, say, I am busy. -Will you tell them? -Why bro? Because I want to meet him alone. What's your problem? [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC CONTINUE PLAYING] -Megha is superb, bro. -You are right. I forget about time when I am with her. He is gem of a person. He doesn't hide his feelings. Don't you feel all this is happening very quick. After six months also I will have same feelings for her. It's better that I propose her now. Both of your lifestyles are different, how will you live together? [BALL THUDS] Why we will not get along, bro? Do you think that purchasing a car will change your life? Police stopped her on the way, so, she left the car and went away. You both are very different. You are citizen of this country. That's why he will want to settle here with you. But how did you even think that you both will get along well? I didn't think of all this. Brother, think again. You only said, when Megha's alliance was broken... ...that he was good looking and well settled... ...when she rejected him, how will she accept you, brother? Neither can you accept aunt’s proposal nor can you refuse her. Even if you say, you like him and go back to India and settle... ...or if he leaves everything and come here... ...will this be right for both of you? -You think yourself. -What I felt right, I told you. What she will feel, you only know that. [MUSIC PLAYING] No girl can stay with you for a minute also. [MUSIC PLAYING] I like your life style but the way I am living is my compulsion. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [SOFT MUSIC PLAYING] [MUNCHING] Yesterday, Megha must have surely come to meet me, bro. I didn't go there. Maybe she felt it bad, she didn't even call me up. I'll go and meet her. [MOBILE PHONE RINGING] [MOBILE BEEP] -Hello. -Come immediately to office. He always calls up at the wrong time. I asked you to print 'Paul', then why have you got nickname 'Paddu' printed? -Fool. -Sir. One more incident has struck in your life. You are not fit for this place. Investing money in you is wrong. And biggest mistake is getting visa. In so many mistakes, do you know what is good for you? It's my bad luck that I'm offering you the job. [MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you, sir. Sir, I will just come. -Darling? -Stop it! Come. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR BELL RINGING] [KNOCKING ON DOOR] Hello, no one is available to take your car... Please leave a message after the tone. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CAR DOOR OPENING] [CAR DOOR CLOSING] You have received your master’s degree. Now what do you want to do? Now I just want to relax for some time. -Brother. -Hello. Tell me. Just got the news that Megha went back to India. -Shall I ask Ashu? -No brother. She has gone without informing us. We won't disturb her. Take care, bro. -Hello. -Did you meet Mohan? I thought you called to talk to me. -Forget him, he didn't call once also. -Okay, bye. -Hi, father. -What is your sister doing? Since last two days she was sleeping... I don't know what she is doing today. Dear, she has locked herself in the room... [LAUGHING] -Take her somewhere out -Okay, father. [MUISC PLAYING] -Sir. -I thought you are useless. But you are useful. Do your work. Yes, sir. You called me so I came here. I came here without informing him. I don't know whether I like him or not. Who is he? [LAUGHING] [LICKING] [MUSIC PLAYING] This is sweet. All my life I used to think alcohol is always bitter. But this one is sweet, you taste it. You don't believe me, try it. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Sing Megha, I love you. - [SONG PLAYING ON TV] Wow! I like this song very much. What a song! All lyricist are male, that's why they picturize all females as villain. [LAUGHING] Father, sister has fallen in love with someone in US. That's why she is so frustrated. Shut up. [MUSIC PLAYING] If your sister eats so much, she has to go for Lipo therapy. Otherwise she won't get married. Hey MR come, hi guys please come. -I am promoting MR, congratulations. -Thanks. [APPLAUDING] -Congrats. -Thanks. -Go party MR! -Yes, Sure. Never thought that Chandu will do this. Take, chicken lolly pop. Where will I go with two children. Don't worry everything will be FINE. Drink coffee. -Hey! -[MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHING] So much has happened with me and she is laughing. [LAUGHING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Mom, what is this? Dr. Mitra, please take care of her. Thank you. -What is the problem? -I don't have any problem. Maybe you and my mom have a problem. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Anger. -What did you write? Curiosity. Tell me, what are you writing? I'm talking to you and you're busy in writing. This is too much. I am asking you and you're not even replying me. Frustration, you can go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Doctor I don't have any problem. You believe me, I am fine. Why are you calling me here? Why are you writing all this? -I don't understand it. -[MUSIC PLAYING] Split personality. -You can go. -Damn. I don't have any problem, my friend has a problem. -Her problem? -Actually... ...she met a boy in US and they were together for some time. That girl didn't know whether she likes the boy or not? And one day they both wanted to meet. But that girl came here without informing him. She is feeling guilty now. She is confused whether what she did was right or wrong? She must have informed that boy, isn't it, doctor? So, this is your problem. -Not mine, my friend's. -Got it. -You can go. -What? You can go Miss Megha Subramanian. Problem solved. -Yes Mitra. -Mrs. Subramanian. Girl has fallen in love in US. -Really. -Take care. Okay. Thank you. [FOOTSTEPS] Megha! -Do you love someone in US? -Who said this? Doctor Mitra told me. I wasn't talking about me, I was talking about Ashu. It is Ashu's problem. -So, you don't have any problem? -I don't have any problem. -So, we look for alliance? -Yes. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DRINK POURING] This is our company's 10th anniversary. I would like to say a few lines. Whatever you may think this to be... But hear it out. It is said that behind every successful man there is a woman. -Absolutely right, sir. -Nonsense. -Didn't understand? Are you shocked? -Yes. Take the example of our office. After me, a progress like me.. ...has been achieved only by him. -Do you know, why? -No, sir. Because I got divorce and he had a breakup. -So sad, sir. -Hey, hey, hey, hey! Focus in life is quite different when there is no girl in your life. You can fly like rockets. You know, all night to be online on whatsapp... ...deleting message before going home, mouth washing after smoking... ...I have left everything in life to achieve this success. I have a marvelous doubt on your great speech, sir. Yes, tell me. I love doubts. -Am I becoming like you? -Of course. -Sir. -Thank you. Brother, am I becoming like him? -He is drunk, sir. -Am I loner like him. I am loser like him. I am saddest like him. -Hey, hey! -Shut up. I am irritated that I am becoming you. You are not like me. Did you get it? [MUSIC PLAYING] Now I've understood, Love is very important in life. -Or else you become like him. -Hey! -What are you saying? -What you can hear. Hey, first take off your shirt. -Give me the glass. -Hold it. But don't drink. -Take off the shirt! -Taking off. He is drunk. Chill. In life you should have one companion for sure. Because when we go out in such outdated outfits... ...they tell us how disgusting we are looking. Fake laughter, working just for money... and absence of your lover, all these three things are not right. Absolutely not. In olden times... ...one who used to sacrifice everything were called monks. But nowadays that is called success. I have understood clearly. Now I know very well. -What you understood clearly? -Is it necessary to say? -Don't say. -Come on. Darling! Don't tell anybody what happened here. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Do you know, what are you doing? -I know very well. Do you know what all could have happened in a year? -Brother she must have-- -She may be married, had children... In worst case, she must be dead. Even if she is dead, I will take flowers and go to graveyard. But I will definitely go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey Ashu, how are you, babe? Not to be seen for long time. How are you? -How come you are here? -I came to drop mother. -And how come you are here? -MR is going to India. -Oh! Who met at Miami. -Yes, but after that we couldn't meet. Did you guys come? You didn't come? That day we were busy so Megha and I couldn't come. -Oh. -Did you guys come there? No, we were also very busy in office so, we couldn't come. -No, we didn't come. -Okay. -Got lot of work in the office. See you. -Bye. [AIRPLANE ENGINE REVVING] [CAR DOOR OPENING, CLOSING] 'This number is not reachable' [AIRPLANE ENGINE REVVING] [MUSIC PLAYING] After two sleepless nights, after travelling 9000 miles... I reached here. Can I hire that red jeep? Where do elite people stay in this city? In the gym. [JEEP ENGINE REVVING] Hey. Where will I find elite people in this city? In tea estate. [MUSIC PLAYING] [JEEP ENGINE REVVING] Man, wants to know the way to tea estate. -So, ask someone. Each and every person in this city is a specimen. [JEEP ENGINE REVVING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [CAR HONKING] [MOBILE PHONE RINGING] Damn it, why bro is calling me again and again? [JEEP ENGING REVVING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Dear where is the girl? -They are getting her. -Okay. What is he doing with mobile? -Hey Snebh, give me the phone. -No. Stop dear. [MUSIC PLAYING] Where are you going, stop? Please mommy, only one game. Please I will play only one game. Please mommy, mommy please. Madam please it is matter of my life, madam please. [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [JEEP BANGING] [TYRES SCREECHING] [JEEP ENGING REVVING] [HONKING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Pammy, you have come. In inebriated state you called me so many times, that I had to come. [MUSIC PLAYING] I can't give blessings to this couple. Tell her to go, I can't tolerate. Hey, hey where she is going? In an intoxicated state, you banged into her mother. And the marriage stalled. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh! Nice. -Dear-- -Tell me, what happened? Last minute when we were getting the nuptial chain... ...she met with an accident, her leg is fractured. -Told to rest for one week. -Who was that idiot who banged into her? He is there. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MOBILE PHONE RINGING] Since when am I calling, why are you not picking up the phone? -What happened? -You were feeling guilty for that day... ...even he didn't come. Who told you? Why will I listen to anyone? Vilas personally told me this. Okay, bye. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Papa. -Don't worry, dear. -How is mother, dear? -Earlier she was not fine... At present she is better. Don't know, later how she will be. -She is crazy. -Speak softly. This is serious fracture, who did the accident? He did. [MOBILE PHONE RINGING] -He is the one? -How come you are here? -How come you are here, sir? -Had come for the marriage. You are great, sir. You met that girl once and you came so far for her marriage. Not come to attend the marriage, I've come to get my son married to her. That day I told you that I liked the girl. Sir, visiting hours are over, please all of you leave. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [AUTO ENGINE REVVING] Such a big house! Whose it is? -Of that same girl. -And this bouquet? -For her mother. -Will you give her? -I will say sorry. -To whom, mother or daughter? -I will just come. -Shall I come with you? Am I going to sit and booze with them? You! Okay, pal. Okay. Why has he come here? Sir, I will go and meet aunty. [MUSIC PLAYING] After banging into her, you've come with a bouquet. In your village, after banging into, do people go to meet empty handed? You must learn driving, you can't just keep banging into people. -I feel you should be killed. -Killed! What a man! -I never thought all this will happen-- -Hello aunty. -That I... -Sister, he did the accident. Oh. -These flowers for you. -Okay. -It seems all are very upset. -What else. What are you doing? I'm well settled now, aunty. I have bought a big car, just like yours. Now I am making my house. It's quite big. May be as big as this one is. I am getting marble flooring. Got carpet also. Please take my card, aunty. -If you need-- -Give me. What are you doing here? -Here, aunty? -Yes, here. -Must have come for the marriage. -Yes absolutely. He should be in the marriage hall, what was he doing on the road? -He must be stuck in the traffic. -How can one bang in traffic? -That-- -He could be in hurry. -Yes correct. -Will you have tea? You fool, I drink coffee. Aunty, where is Megha? She has gone to station to pick her sister. Oh. Okay, aunty. Okay, aunty I will leave. I have some work. Okay Bye. Get well soon, aunty. Bye uncle. [MUSIC PLAYING] Damn! [FOOTSTEPS] I posted a status as marriage postponed and got 100 likes. I hate it. -[MOBILE BEEPS] -Sorry sir. -Marriage stalled because of me. -Hmm. No problem, there is nothing to be so serious. If not today then tomorrow. Anyway, nowadays there is no dearth of auspicious marriage dates. Important thing is that you are fine. By the way all this food, tent, chair according to me... ...it is not a big loss. But I have a small doubt. On inviting also if you would have not come... ...we would have thought that you were busy. But you have come here without the invitation... What should I think? Well, you rest you must be very tired. -Am I right? -Yes. Get some rest. How do you know, he is uninvited? He is saying sorry but he is not guilty. His eyes are looking something else. [MOBILE PHONE RINGING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Again, his call. [MOBILE PHONE RINGING] -What is it, brother? -Where are you, brother? How many times I have to call you? -First tell me what is it? -You left for India in such a hurry... -...she didn't come to meet you there. -Really? -Who told you? -Ashu herself told me. -And what did you say? -I said, even we didn't come that day. -Did I say anything wrong? -No, good, very good, brother. This is the right answer. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, sister. -Tell me. -You say. -Why didn't you come that day? -That day I-- Shall I tell you? You are selfish. -You need car, house and money. -Yes. -If possible, you'll die there only. -Yes. This is your thinking, that's why you didn't come. All this is right, but that day why didn't you come? -Hmm. -Shall I tell you. Basically, you are escapist, you want to escape from everything. You made me your boyfriend to get rid of that boy. When your mother was talking about alliance, you eloped to Miami with me. You can't take your decisions, you are coward. -You are an escapist. -Get out. Whoever has a platform ticket, can stand here. [MOBILE PHONE RINGING] Hmm, I thought of something else. But something else is happening and I thought something else. That's why I called. He is that boy? -Though sad he looks handsome. -Shut up, let's go. [MUSIC PLAYING] [RAINING] Serve us two cups of tea. Oh dude, look at the girl, she is looking beautiful. You can go and talk to her, I'll not tell anyone. [WHISTLING] These goons have no standard, they whistle at everyone. -Keep quiet! -Do you want to come with me? [LAUGHING LOUDLY] [CONTINUE LAUGHING] She is looking very beautiful! Who whistled at me? Whistled? Dude, he thinks himself to be too smart. -Who whistled at me? -Hey... Didn't whistle at you. [LAUGHING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Who whistled at me? Hey, get lost. [THUMPING] When elders are talking kids should not interfere. Who whistled at me..you.. is it you? I didn't whistle at you but whistled looking at the girl. [MUSIC PLAYING] Come here. -At this girl. -Yes. Tell me, who is taller, she or me? [MUSIC PLAYING] Your height. Who is fairer, she or me? You, dude. That mean, who whistled at me, right? Am I right? You will not let boys live peacefully. [THUMPING] [GROANING] -Why will a man whistle at man? -What did you say? Why will a man whistle at man? Listen, I will not explain the same thing again and again. It's good that each and every one of you get this very clear. -Am I clear? -What dude, are you serious? Will I do comedy between the fight scene? [SMASHING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GROANING] [RUMBLING] Come here. [MUSIC PLAYING] Just now you were saying something, what was it? -Nothing. -Tell me. -Tell me. -He said, are you coming? Tell me, where you want me to come? Tell me, where do you want me to come? [MUSIC PLAYING] If you are feeling hot then take off your sweater, Stop flirting with men. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR OPENS] I thought you will be late, so, I left. -Get lost. -Okay. -Hello sir. -Hello. Send me four large whisky, please. -Sorry sir, service has been closed for the day. -What? -Please try. -sorry, sir. [BANG] [CLINKING] [LOUD MUSIC PLAYING] What are you doing? [MUSIC CONTINUE PLAYING] [WHISTLING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [RELISHING] -Dude, she said get out. -Who? Whoever she may be, how does it matter to you? Don't know, why was her mom gazing at me? Who was her mother? Whoever she may be how does it matter to you? She said, I came without invitation. Who said? Whoever she may be how does it matter to you? Then why have you got me here? To fill the glass. [CLANKING] [FIRE CRACKLES] [MUSIC PLAYING] Am I someone who will run away? May be and maybe not. -Am I not beautiful? -May be and maybe not. Madam.. .. [FIRE CRACKLES] [MUSIC PLAYING] Look, what he did. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOG BARKING] -Do you have his number? -I knew, you will ask for it. [MUSIC PLAYING] Put it on speaker. [PHONE RINGING] Now, who is calling? It's so disturbing. -Who is it? -Where are you? -Who is it? -Megha. -Megha Subramanian! -Oh god! Why are you trying to sound like James Bond? When you sound just like a goat..maa..maa.. -Oh shit... -Don't tell me, how I look. -In which hotel are you staying? -I am staying in Taj. -I am coming. -I am waiting. Come, I will see you. Let her come then I'll teach her a lesson. It's damn irritating. Come on, madam let's go. [MUSIC PLAYING] -This is the room. -Ganesh, let's go. You will not be able to tolerate what's going on inside... ...so, it's better you close your eyes and stand here. Your blessing is needed. [MUSIC PLAYING] You have gulped down so many bottles. Have you come in some procession? [GLASS SHATTERRING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Who is he? I was talking about him, he threatened me that he'll smash me. So, come let's smash him. Will you smash me? Where have you come, what are you doing, what are you talking? We have come to Ooty, we are boozing and talking in Hindi. You have said enough, now if you utter a word also... ...then I will kill both of you. [MUSIC PLAYING] [NODDING] You want to decide your fate by tossing a coin? If it's head, I'll smash and leave you. If it's tail I will chop off your head. [CLINKING] [THUMPING] [GROANING] [SCREAMING] Why did you switch off the light and hit me? ...if you are so daring then come in front of me. Where did you disappear? [SCREAMING] [THUMING] [THUMPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [CRYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] So many scars on my body, you didn't think of my dignity... ...you will take off my clothes and hit me? Please don't hide and hit me. Oh God, save me from these devils. [THUMPING] They just left the underwear on me, shameless devils Are you humans or beast? [SCREAMING] I shall go myself and see what's going on. -Now what should I do, sir? -Get alcohol. You have consumed the entire alcohol of Ooty -What crap are you ranting? -You Dumbo. -Madam! -What happened? They smashed me to pulp. [CRYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] In day light who looks like a hero... ...was behaving like a villain in dark, madam. -You are complaining about me. -Sir! Sir, maintenance of this room is very bad, power failure is very frequent. I will complain to house-keeping. I will wait outside, madam My dignity! Aren't you ashamed of yourself? It's my money, it's my alcohol... -...why should I be ashamed? -Do whatever you want... I don't care. You very well know, why I have come here. Return it to me, I will leave. [MUSIC PLAYING] You have come so far for alcohol? Had you said it, I would have got it for you. Isn't it Pammy? -Obviously. -Yes!! Where is Jimmy? [MYSTERIOUS MUSIC PLAYING] Jimmy? But this is whisky. And that is over. Since when have you started robbing dogs? Dogs! [DOG BARKING] This sound? [DOOR SQUEEKING] Jimmy! From far she was barking at me and when I went close, she was licking me. I felt I have some old bonding with her. That's the reason I got her along with me. Sorry, man! [MUSIC PLAYING] Jimmy, come baby. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOG GRUNTING] Couldn't forget me because we were together for some time. When I was a child, dad asked me to abandon her. Don't know, where you found her. You feel, I have found her. And I feel, you had abandoned her. [MUSIC PLAYING] [STRETCHING] Bro, don't hit me. Early morning why are you hitting me? This is not called hitting, pal. No..no..please. You hit me at night also. You call yourself an expert boozer. Please dude, don't hit me. From when have you started stealing dogs? I thought I had old bonding with the dog, it's my mistake. You didn't get any other dog to steal, Pammy. Are you my friend or an enemy? Today I will definitely find this out. Don't him me.. Because you took two lakhs before going to America. You are such a disgusting man, I will not spare you. I should take off your clothes and hit you. No...no..not my towel. [SCREAMING] [CRYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] What is this? What are you doing? [MUSIC PLAYING] Papa, how come you are here? [BIRDS CHIRPING] Last night why were you crying? -I want to meet you, please come. -Where are you? At Conoor in Taj, Room number 405 What are you doing there? [MUSIC PLAYING] I had thought that something else is happening here... but I have understood something. Hiding from sister... ...I've got her here, keep it for today and return it by tomorrow... You are servant, right? Hold her. [SIGHING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Who is that sister? Who is this dog? Don't know about sister but have old bonding with the dog. Can we get out of this hell and talk? Jimmy.. .. Eat..eat. [MUSIC PLAYING] Why did you leave America and come to Conoor? Last night why did you call me? Why were you crying over the phone? Why are feeding biscuits to this dog? Mom, you make him understand, why will I cry? Maybe you felt so, because of poor network. Listen, please look into the matter. But why were you crying? I was missing you so I started to cry. That's the reason. If you miss someone, you can be worried... ...and you can be sad if someone cries. By how can you be worried if someone is crying? All this is side effect of brandy. [MYSTERIOUS MUSIC Playing] Listen, don't leave him alone. I know, what to do with him. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC CONTINUE PLAYING] Tell me, what's your problem? Here you don't get alcohol after 10 pm, doctor. [MUSIC PLAYING] I am not asking about your requirement, I want to know your problem. Problem is not much, loved a girl and I came here for her. ...after coming here, I come to know, she is getting married. I started to drink in depression. -Is she married now? -It stalled. -Did you do something? -Yes, I did. -With that girl? -No with her mother. [MUSIC PLAYING] -I see! -I didn't see, doctor. -I can understand. -I didn't understand, doctor. [MUSIC PLAYING] I can understand your emotions. -A girl was also facing same problem. -Really? But now she is very happy after the marriage. -I can't believe it. -You want me to prove it. -Please doctor. -Excuse me. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BEEPING] -Keep it on speaker. -Yes. [PHONE RINGING] -Hello, doctor. -Sorry, dear Megha. Because of medical conference, I could not attend your marriage. No problem, come next time for sure. [MUSIC PLAYING] -You didn't get married? -Got postponed. [LAUGHING] It's postponed. Doctor, mom want's to talk to you. -Yes. -Dr. Mitra... You have to definitely attend the dinner party. Sure, Mrs. Subramanian. Thank you. What happened, doctor? Tomorrow I'm visiting their place for dinner. You also join me... In fact, looking at the change in my old patient, you will also change. I am very excited, doctor. That belongs to me. Sorry, doctor. -You can go now. -Thank you, doctor. [MUSIC PLAYING] Fools want cold drink in winter. Oh God, he'll ask for coffee. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Listen. -Yes, sir. -He went away without offering us. -You don't drink cold drinks. But he should have atleast offered me. I would have refused, that's the different story. -Should I call him? -Let it be. It will look as if we are begging. -Should I scream at him? -We will look like arrogant beggars. -Hello doctor, how are you? -I am fine. -How is Mrs. Subramanian? -She is better now. -Where is she? -She is inside. I'll meet her and come. Dr. Mitra. -Ramesh! -Oh my god! How come you are here? [LAUGHING] Do you all know, Dr. Mitra was nominated for Noble for Mental sickness. By the way, how come you are here? Their daughter is my patient. With her my son... [MUSIC PLAYING] Damn it. I had a doubt. I thought you were very broad-minded, Ramesh. [MUSIC PLAYING] Now how is her condition, Dr. Mitra? [MUSIC PLAYING] -Now everything is alright. -Is it? Yes. Looking at her, I don't feel so. [LAUGHING] Tension before marriage is quite normal, Ramesh. Do people behave like this in tension? In medical terms, this is already proved, Ramesh. Now, I understood. It was so wrong that you didn't receive Noble... You are brilliant, Mitra. I know, Ramesh. Mr. Mitra, don't let them feel that I know about this... ...-they will feel uncomfortable. -I have already forgotten it, Ramesh. Wow! So great of you! [MUSIC PLAYING] -Dr. Mitra. -I'll just be back. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Dad, you know many people here. -Of course. -Yes, Mrs. Subramanian? -Do you know Mr. Ramesh? -It's a big story. -Then don't tell me. I mean, Megha is your patient, don't tell him. If he come to know, he will feel uncomfortable. Same to same dialogue. [LAUGHING] Wow, what a picture. Look at it. Dr. Mitra, share the joke with me also, let me also laugh. Everyone's thinking is alike. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh God, why has he come here? -Do you know him? -How you know him? He is my patient, I have invited him. So that even he can change easily looking at the changed patient. You have linked everyone in Ooty. This is cool place that's why mentally disturbed people come here more. Oh, you are wonderful. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh God, he is here. -Who? -One who is wearing suit. Who? One in white suit. Don't worry, I will handle him. [MUSIC PLAYING] Dr. Mitra, there can be power failure any moment, be careful. Hello Dr. Mitra, how are you? -I am fine, how about you? -fine. -Hello sir. -You always arrive at the right moment. We are very punctual. -I'm talking to him. -But I was talking to you only. Dr. Mitra, quite a few people here are related to you. Because it's a cool place. [ANKLET TINKLING] -I didn't invite him. -Hey Satya. I didn't ask you. [MUSIC PLAYING] Dr. Mitra. Hi Megha. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Hi, Megha. -It's just a humble request to you. Don't let him know that I am your patient. What if he comes to know? He will himself feel responsible for my condition. Because of him? -Dr. have you worn your underpants? -Why? -Because this is very cool place. -What is he saying? -Dr. Mitra, I request you. -Even you have a request? -Okay, tell me. -I know that girl is your patient... ...and I even know she must have said not to tell me. So, you know her from before? I know her mom also. How do you know her mom? That girl introduced me to her mom. Why did she introduce you to her mom? -Because I know that girl, doctor. -How do you know that girl? -It's because of Ramesh. -How did Ramesh come in between? Because of that girl Ramesh had helped me. How did Ramesh know that girl? I introduced her to Ramesh. If you had introduced them, why did she request him to help you? Because more than me, he liked that girl. -Oh, that's the reason for the marriage. -Don't know, doctor. If you don't know then what are you doing here? What else will he do? Marriage was postponed because of him. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Did he bang into her? -Yes, he is the one. -Whom she loved? -He is the same guy. -He came here.. -Purposely. -This means Mr. Ramesh... -Became a fool. [MUSIC PLAYING] You are roaming with militant and terrorist. Now what should I do? I don't know, how have you become a doctor? Everything will be very clear once you get the dose. Oh my God! So, tell me, what is your sister saying? Isn't she happy with the marriage? No, she isn't, will you marry her? -What are you talking? -Enough of your drama, leave from here. Dr. Mitra, on meeting your new patient, you forgot your old friends. -Why are you so worried? -I am being careful. About the patient? -About his deeds. -Come on, enjoy the party. We need to leave immediately... ...else there are chances that work can stop in between. If it stops, it will start again. The work that has started again can be stopped again. If it has stopped for so many times then it will never happen. -Exactly. -You keep quiet. Are you saying all this purposely or unknowingly? Talking from experience. -Oh god, here everyone needs treatment. -Because this is a cool place. Yes, that's true. Why is this dog licking you? Because dogs are scared of me. -I asked him. -But I told you. Come on Mitra, do something. You were the one who didn't heed me and asked to enjoy the party. First tell me, out of everyone, why is the dog licking him? You're worried because he is licking him... ...or are you sad because he is not licking you. Come on, Mitra why are you so frustrated? I am not frustrated. Dog is licking his own master... ...then why are you asking so many questions? Dr. Mitra. Calm down. It seems like this cool place has affected you also. Yes, it has. It's affecting everyone. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Hey, everyone, -Yes! -Please come here. -Yes, everyone go. I want to tell you something. [LAUGHING] I saw her photo once... ...the very next day I came to India. Next day we were suppose to get married. Just four minutes before the auspicious time our marriage stalled. I know it's very sad. Aunty, I am so glad that you have recovered. [LAUGHING] And then again, our marriage date was fixed. And today I am standing in front of you... Claps..claps.. [APPLAUDING] You see, in a week's time you will get divorce also. Here everyone is one better than the other. My lovely Megha, she is a very special girl. She is not very talkative. She is always very clear. [LAUGHING] She knows what she wants. #Clarity! You and me are going to be the next trend setting couple on social media. Virat and Anushka are #Virushka! Surya and Megha, it's #Sumeg [LAUGHING] Thank you, guys. Thank you so much. [ANKLET TINKLING] So #SUMEG I will go and call her. Claps..claps. [APPLAUDING] Why were you laughing? [SIGHING] Just like that. Forget it. Tell me, why were you laughing? [MUSIC PLAYING] I know you very well but that poor guy thinks... ...in the world no one's mind is as clear as yours. That's his misunderstanding. Don't talk about my character. I am not talking about your character but about your clarity. [MUSIC PLAYING] Will you help me? Please go away from here. [MUSIC PLAYING] Megha, what's your problem? First you hold my hands and then you ask me to leave. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ramesh uncle has seen you here and I have seen him looking at you. Now should I tell this or not? [MUSIC PLAYING] In this family it’s just you who has the clarity. Okay fine. Megha, do you remember, once you had asked me... ...what advice did Saroja aunty give? [MUSIC PLAYING] What happens once will never happen again! And if that thing happens twice... ...then it will surely happen for the third time also. [MUSIC PLAYING] First time you called off the marriage... I didn't stop you. Second time, unknowingly met with an accident. Your marriage stalled. It happened twice that means ...for sure this thing will happen for the third time also. But this time I will not stop. [MUSIC PLAYING] Will meet again. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sorry. Maybe we don't meet. [MUSIC PLAYING] [ANKLET TINKLING] Listen dear. [FOOTSTEPS] Tell me, is everything clear? Now everything has become clear. [ANKLET TINKLING] [SIGHING] It's quite obvious to feel bad. After all, it's your best friend's wedding. -Cry, if you feel like crying. -Now tears also laugh when I cry. You have had good experiences in your life. I went through a lot when I wanted to be successful but now I've changed. I'll return your money with interest, sir. I shall leave. [MUSIC PLAYING] [FOOTSTEPS] He was so rude and you didn't say a word. There is very little difference between a coward and courageous man. And you should not underestimate them. Otherwise it could lead to explosion. [MUSIC PLAYING] Really upset, let's go and booze out somewhere. Is it? Come, I'll take you to a good place. [MUSIC PLAYING] [FIRE CRACKLES] Drink it, you will feel good. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CORK POPPING] What is your problem? Don't you understand, he is in love. [LAUGHING] By the way, who fought, you or she? -We don't have choice! -Shut up! [LAUGHING] Seems like he is the one who fought. We met in the monsoon, fell in love in winter... ...had break up in summer. I hope you both are not weather reporters. [LAUGHING] -How long you have been in love? -One and half year. -That's less. -Not a very long period. Cut the story and narrate it in short. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CRICKETS CLITTERING] [SIPPING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Will you get ready? Do you want to say something? Come. Quickly finish all this work. Come. [THUD] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC CONTINUE PLAYING] [BEEPING] -Hello. -Yes, say. [BELL TINKLING] -Papa. -Hey. -Hello. -I am going to America. -What are you saying? -Leaving just now. -Where are you? -Bye. Hello. [BEEPS] [MUSIC PLAYING] -Pammy. -Huh! Pammy, let's go. [CAR ZOOMING] Where are you going? Stop! [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHING] Looking very beautiful. Go and meet dad. [TINKLING] -Is everything ready? -Yes. [ANKLET TINKLING] Where are you going, dear? Stop, come back. Come back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Come with me. Come. Rohan, come on come with me. Come. [MUSIC CONTINUE PLAYING] For some time, she stayed with me that's why she couldn't forget me. [ANKLET TINKLING] [RAINING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [ENGINE REVVING] 'Number you are calling is switched off right now. Please try later.' [MUSIC PLAYING] [RAINING] [ENGINE REVVING] [BANG] [THUD] [GLASS SHATTERS] [DOOR CLOSED] [BEEPING] [BANG] I am going back to America. [CLICKING] Please go away from here. Will meet again! Sorry... Maybe we never meet. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GROANING] [BEEPING] [GROANING] [BEEPING] Doctor... Call the doctor on duty. Patient's pulse is dropping. Doctor... [MUSIC PLAYING] [DOOR SQUEAKING] Doctor, patient's pulse is dropping. Pulse is below 40. It can cause brain failure. Nurse. I think it's a cardiac arrest. Nurse, get it quickly. Take it, doctor. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BEEPING] [BREATHING HEAVILY] No improvement. Let's try once again. [MUSIC PLAYING] Pulse is still low. Doctor, try once again. Doctor, this patient's pulse is going high. [BEEPING] Nurse, pulse rate is increasing, immediately get the injection ready. Yes, doctor. Pulse rate is fluctuating. It's not stable. Oh no, doctor. It's again dropping. Have to give her CP once again. Nurse, get the injection fast. Doctor, pulse is still not stable. Should we get CP ready? Yes. [BEEPING] [BREATHING HEAVILY] Pulse is getting normal. [MUSIC PLAYING] Now everything is alright. Don't worry. [MUSIC PLAYING] Let them talk. Now she has understood what she wants. -Don't tell her anything. -Hmm. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Please. -Okay, sir. Neither am I the right person for you... Nor are you right for me. That's why.. we must live together. We always say hot and sweet, never say hot and hot, sweet and sweet. I know we both are different. We will definitely fight. Every day we may fight. But Megha... It's better to stay together and fight rather than staying away and fighting. Think it over. By the way I love you so much... I left you for your betterment. [MUSIC PLAYING] Even I! I'll not get dowry. Did I ask for it? -Occasionally I drink. -I won't open the door. Okay, I will give up drinking. -I am little egoistic. -I'll reduce it. I go out with friends on weekends. Only one day. Okay, only one day. If I became fat after marriage? Together we both will go to gym. -Hmm. -Hmm. Then, it means. did you say yes? When I say, you say 'yes' three times. Understood? I will say. [MUSIC PLAYING] -Uncle. -Yes. He says I don't have clarity. -That's why I am saying in front of him. -Hmm. From quite some time we love each other. Yes. -He purposely banged into mom. -Damn. I knew this. Yes.. yes. In marriage also he had said, you just come, I will handle everything. Yes. It seems everything is clear now. It is always painful. If you feel like crying then definitely cry out. Cry, cry, it is good. What would you do, if I wouldn't have accepted your proposal? Nothing much, first I banged your mother then you. This time I would have banged Ramesh... ...marriage would have postponed for six months. I sponsored this boy and he is talking about banging me. Sir, because of your helping nature, you wrote the cheque and gave him. Listen, once he said, help me, I will remember you forever. But he has done such a thing that I can never forget him. [MUSIC PLAYING] Did you know about this from before, madam? -Yes. -Hmm. -And you, sir? -What? -I knew from before only. -Oh. Hmm. -Mr. Ramesh. -Dr. Mitra. Hmm, they went away, right. -So even you knew about it. -I told you so many times. You didn't pay any heed. Said, enjoy the party. [MUSIC PLAYING] Everyone made fool of me. -This is cool place, Mr. Ramesh. -Yes, it is. Mr. Ramesh! Mr. Ramesh! -What are you doing? -It's affecting you also. -Papa has gone crazy. -Oh my god! Dude, at least now introduce her to me. -No. -I will do it myself. My name is Pammy. I am his childhood friend. -You know her since childhood. -Who held your hand in childhood. She is the same girl. -Oh. Since childhood he loved you. -Is it necessary to say this? -Why didn't you tell this to me? -Even I didn't know. Why do I have to tell you everything? By the way, did you come to know about this thing in USA or Ooty? What do you have to do with that? -Did you tell her first or to me? -Do you need 2 lakhs or not? Yes, I want. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Aditya Movies
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Keywords: A Aa 2, A Aa 2 hindi dubbed movie, AAa 2 full movie in hindi dubbed, A Aa 2 movie full hindi movies, chalmohan ranga, chalmohan ranga in hindi, nithin all movies in hindi dubbed, Megha Akash, aditya movies, chalmohan ranga hindi dubbed movie, south indian movies dubbed in hindi full movie 2021 new, chal mohan ranga hindi film, New south indian movies dubbed in hindi 2021 full, New Movies, Hindi Movies, south indian movie, south movies, south movie 2021, latest hindi movies
Id: JDzXR_mV_fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 31sec (7471 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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