99 Year Old Physician Reveals the Secret to Health and Longevity with Dr. John Scharffenberg

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and we're good to go perfect hey everyone and welcome to Chef AJ live I'm your host Chef AJ and this is where I introduce you to amazing people like you who are doing great things in the world that I think you should know about I have a very exciting guest today his name is Dr John scharfenberg and he is a physician who is going to be a hundred years old this year I wanted to have him on for his 99th birthday and we tried but the date didn't work out you know it's interesting if you watch my show Regular you know one of the guests that comes on frequently is Dr Hans Diehl who's a beloved friend Dr scharfenberg was his professor at Loma Linda and Dr deal told me to make sure to tell Dr scharfenberg not only to send his regards but that it was Dr scharfenberg's tutelage that really inspired Dr deal to found the world-renowned ship program and hopefully today he's going to reveal the secrets to Health and Longevity please welcome Dr John scharfenberg it's so nice to meet you well it's good to be with the group here I'm excited about this little presentation I want to tell you first about the name sharpenberg a lot of people haven't heard of that that's a German name but let me tell you about the notables among the sharpenbergs you know in in 1561. the first polish Bible was printed by two sharpenberg brothers in Krakow they moved from a town in the Germany but now it's part of Poland but they moved to Krakow establish this printing press and then that was the only Bible they had in Poland for 38 years it's called the scharfenberg Bible I've seen it in the museum over there another interesting person in in my tribe is Johan scharfenberg from Norway he was a psychiatrist and he stood up against quizzling and Hitler he said I can prove him this crazy and anyway he became a national hero his sculptured head is on two different Corners in Oslo then another interesting one is I have a minister of war from Denmark who was a sharpenberg he was born in 1880 uh 18 no 1810 died in 1889 but there was also a general Sharpsburg we are listed among the notables in Denmark but in the book of the notables it says these people are really Germans they aren't Danish but they have helped Denmark so well so much of the time that we list them with our people uh and my grandmother's maiden name was wolf and all her friends are Jewish so I think that some Jewish in me I wish there was but I I don't know I haven't been able to save money like they they're able to but but I think she was Jewish but my father doesn't think so because we got all through Hitler's regime without being persecuted here and if they found out she was Jewish I think they were Potter but anyway I have a couple of sharpsburgs that were King Frederick's bodyguards they were also over seven feet tall and a couple of those were sharpenbergs but anyway that's about the name sharpenberg now I've heard the name sharpen Burger because there's a famous chocolatier name that's right we spoke with that the same food company once just an artwork but anyway I'm primarily a physician trained in nutrition I got my training at Harvard and I tried to make everything very clear and concise and I have a whole university nutrition course in one sentence believe it or not I can give you everything you need to know in nutrition in one sentence yeah it's going to be a short show but sure enough go ahead okay this is a sense eat that's the proper time a variety of natural non-processed food and quantities for ideal weight so we're having proper time that means no snacks either only a meal huh okay the second part of it is variety not too much variety of one meal or you get too fat okay so it's a variety but over a period of 10 days or so you get all your nutrients you need and then non-processed natural that's vital that's vital and then the right amount so you don't get too fat or too skinny those are the basic things you got to know so I can make the university course in nutrition very simple well that's fantastic I agree with you I wrote a book called unprocessed because we're not supposed to eat processed food yeah that's right you were born in 1923 did they even have processed food back then oh they had processed foods even back then yeah they did uh but but not to the degree they do today though right no it's been getting worse the major thing I think in everybody needs to know is that people should be on a vegetarian diet I think that's extremely important nutritionally uh next to tobacco and alcohol meat is probably the greatest thing that's causing death now we've done some good studies on this Dr Gary Fraser did studies in California they took all the general population and saw how long they lived and then he watched to see how long the vegetarians lived and he wanted to see who lived the longest and he found out in California the vegetarian men 48.6 of them lived to be 85 or more but the general population only 19 and a half percent of the men lived to be 85 or older now the women live longer than the men so the vegetarian women 60.1 of them live to be 85 or older but in the general population only 39.3 of the women live to be 85 or older so one of the major reasons for being a vegetarian you're going to live longer now why do you live longer you just don't get sick as often you don't get the cardiovascular disease you don't get so much cancer you're not so much likely to be overweight so it's good to be a vegetarian but another good reason for it is you have more endurance more physical fitness High carbohydrate diet which is a vegetarian type of diet gives you more physical more endurance it's better economically you get more nutrition for the dollar if you put your money in plant Foods instead of animal Foods ecologically environmentally it's better and the scientists have so many recommendations of how you ought to eat to get this nutrient or that nutrient it's easily done on the vegetarian diet but if you're not a vegetarian it's very difficult to do you have to work real hard to figure out how to do it how to get the fiber you need how they get less cholesterol all that kind of problem so it's the key the vegetarian that is a key to good health okay well you look great so you must be doing something right now is it okay though if we're vegan because I've been vegan for 45 years I don't eat any animal products yeah well that's very good subject now there haven't been enough on that side of the fence to do good scientific should I do but we do have some good informations from the Epic Oxford study the Epic Oxford study said that the vegans had 37 percent more fractures of the bones that was because of the lack of calcium of not using the milk but if you get 525 milligrams of calcium a day you have no increased risk of calcium that's why it's important if you're a vegan to make sure you get enough calcium and I'll give you three natural ways to do it and number one is cut your salt intake in half that controls the excretion and reabsorption of sodium in the kidney from the kidneys you see so if you cut your salt intake in half it's like taking a calcium pill with 900 milligrams in it every day so that's the number one thing a natural way to get more calcium second thing is make sure your vitamin D is adequate right vitamin D has to do with the absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract you know if you get adequate vitamin D in your bloodstream you will absorb two to three times more calcium so that's why vitamin D fungi is important now the other thing you've got to think about is when you are trying to get adequate D make sure you're not counting the vitamin D and calcium and things from uh the things that have oxalic acid or phytic acid because the sodium for example oxalate calcium oxalate uh that sort of thing forms an insoluble salt and you can't absorb it so for example spinach that's going to keep you from absorbing the iron in the calcium if you go to a a Chinese cabbage for example does better than American type of cabbage Chinese cabbage doesn't have the oxalate and so that helps you get more calcium now another big problem we have around the world is lack of iron there's two kinds of anemia problems one is lack of iron that makes a microcytic type of Red Cell small red cell and fewer of them but macrocity anemia can also occur that's a large cell a few of them uh they carry more chemical with more iron than all this sort of thing it's it's good but there's not enough of them to do the job now microcytic is iron deficiency problem macrocity is the deficiency of folic acid or a deficiency of B12 or pyridoxine so I I met a lady she was pregnant over there in uh but but not Botswana what's the town over there I'm trying to think of the name of the town over in Asia no not Beijing but anyway we have a a place there helping ladies with their health and this lady had been pregnant four times had lost babies every time she is pregnant now again she was anemic and I she said what shall I do I said stop your drinking tea the usual English tea decreases the absorption by 60 percent of your calcium or you're hiring I should say of your iron but it decreases calcium too see so uh we we need to get off the things that decrease the intake of iron and uh keeps it from getting absorbed tea is number one a cup of tea decreases the absorption of calcium part of iron it should say by about 60 percent a cup of coffee decreases it by 50 percent now here's something you'd be interested in a cup of milk will decrease it 50 percent is the calcium in the milk helps to decrease the absorption of the iron okay so you can you drink the milk if you want to but don't have it as the same meal you expect to get your iron because it's going to decrease the intake of the iron so the the vegan the total vegetarian has to make sure he's getting out of the calcium and that you're going to do in a natural way quite easily for example instead in Poland they did two studies two different groups to the study and they found out that if you uh the average person who doesn't use any dairy products will get maybe only 250 milligrams of iron a day but to avoid that extra fracture risk you got to get up to 525. well a cup of milk has 300 milligrams now most of the milk substitutes that are made today have per cup the same amount as dairy has which is 300 milligrams so a cup of a milk substitute every day would be enough to put you over how much you have to have to reduce the fracture risk so we can we can do that quite easily now we should let people know how to do it let's salt uh adequate vitamin D and don't count the calcium from the foods they have oxalic acid or phytic acid okay well I'm allergic to milk so I'm not going to have it no matter what yeah yeah but you can get calcium anyway oh yeah you know I eat a lot of greens and I I mean you know I've broken bones but not because I'm vegan I think because I've been in like accidents you know like serious accidents but I broke my bones three times too yeah even though we drank a lot of milk yeah growing up I still have lots of fractures okay but anyway I would say you need some fat in your diet uh-oh now let me let me explain about this a little bit why you need some fat I wrote a book on what you need to know about bats okay lift it up a little bit I can't see it can you see it can you see it nice where do we get that book well I don't have any more of them but I get I've been giving them out like water uh but in here I give uh six reasons as why you need some fat in the diet okay and by some do you mean like a certain percentage a certain amount of grams of fat per day yeah now you you can get it in Natural Foods most of it see the one reason is you need fat to absorb the fat soluble vitamins and even beta-carotene beta-carotene is a water-soluble nutrient but it's usually surrounded with fat and you have to have fat soluble material to take off the fat to absorb the the the uh parachute team another reason why you need to get uh some fat in your diet is obviously here and give you the second reason I got about six of them here reasons one is uh Nature by the way most of Nature's foods natural foods has that soluble nutrients in the foods okay but the food industry doesn't but you need fat to absorb the fat soluble vitamins okay the amount of fat needed to absorb the carton or it seems to load only about three to five grams you're talking about a teaspoon you're not talking about very much uh but that is a needed for infant development their brain is developed because of the fact and the retina the eyes and that's not developed it's been developed in the embryo as it the baby is growing but even it's not completely developed after there mourn so the nerves the brain and the retina needs to be developed and you need particular fatty acids for that then there's DHA and EPA those are fat soluble long chains fat soluble nutrients that are good long chain triglycerides uh yes that mostly from fish that's what helps the brain and helps the retina but I don't like to eat fish and but they said you have to have fish at least once a day I heard that as a vegetarian Congress one time the Dr Fraser at Loma Linda he's a cardiologist he got together about six or eight girls who were vegans didn't use any Animal product took a big needle stuck it into the butter pulled out a fat girl and Hannah had analyzed for EPA I cost a pentanoic acid and for DHA they had more than the people who ate fish had where'd it come from nobody knows maybe some unusual sorry probably I don't know how they got it so we don't know about this business that you have to have separate you know added to no for the infant this DHA we're not sure you do uh the scientific recommendations of how much you needed the DHA and all you you can get that other ways because here these people didn't use any fish had plenty now you need these are not fat to keep the LDL particle size as an Optimum level the LDL cholesterol is what raises the blood cholesterol level that causes the damage to the heart that cholesterol is bad the LDL type now there's two kinds of ldls one is the large light buoyant type which only increases the risk maybe twofold for a heart attack but if you have the small dense type like the diabetic has you increase your risk Sevenfold now we should measure how large these LDL cholesterol particles work we don't do that anymore because we know from the triglyceride level what it's going to be okay you see your your cholesterol is three types you have the HDL high density lipoprotein cholesterol which we used to think you needed exercise to get that up high and that decreased the risk of heart attack but now we don't think it has anything to do with heart attack race okay then there's the LDL cholesterol that's what we treat people by if that is hard I we like to get that down but it's the type of cholesterol that's very important how do we know what type it is you look at the triglyceride level that's the 25 word for fat in the blood so if the triglyceride level is normal but at the high level 90 of the LDL cholesterol particles are the bad kind the small dense kind like the diabetic has and you're much more apt to have a heart attack if you get instead of 150 milligrams get it down to 68. 80 milligram a day that's okay because then 90 of the LDL particles are the light large buoyant type which doesn't have near the possibility of causing damage to the heart so the size of the triglyceride is important and that depends on your triglyceride level so when you go to see a doctor and you ask him about what's my cholesterol level he'll usually say you're okay don't worry about it tell him that's not enough you want to know the numbers you don't want to know what your LDL cholesterol is and what your five glyceride levels are LDL is what's killing the men from heart attacks but the women are dying from the triglyceride being too high now the LDL goes up because of the snakes too many snakes the triglycerides go up because you're overweight you're obese and that's the women's major cause of heart disease you see uh so she needs to know what her triglyceride level is and if this if it's low that's good because that means the LDL particle is the better kind looks likely to cause heart attack uh another interesting thing uh the overweight of course is a problem how do you prevent excessive triglyceride elevation after you've eaten some fat if you don't eat too much fat at one meal if it was 50 grams it should be over two males not all eaten of the same meal okay so we want don't want to get too much uh now [Music] we said there are studies done that showed with a salad dressing if you didn't put any fat on it that you don't absorb the carotene there are quite a few studies like that but I'm good at getting on the phone and calling these people who write these articles so I call this lady and I said your name was on that paper that said you need a fact in order to absorb the beta-carotene okay she says you know it's not convenient to talk to you right now so I asked when was a convenient time well she gave me a date I called back at that time it still wasn't convenient and I said to her I've got a question for you you had your name on the paper that says you have to have fat with your diet in order to absorb the carotene why is it when people take care of Jews that has no fat in it they get carrots anemia she didn't know how to answer that she didn't want to talk to him anymore so some of our science isn't always right we've got to figure that out uh but it's good to have some of that but you don't need very much fat okay that's great people want to know oh go ahead about longevity I'm getting to the age now being 99 be 100 before the years off and people want to know how is it you live so long in fact I have lived not with both of my brothers 113 years and one sixteen years these two older brothers already passed away and I don't plan to die next year either so I'm going to be but the number of years I'm outliving them is going up right away okay uh now why did I live longer I've checked everything out we were all vegetarians so that was not the answer and the main answer was exercised I when I was 51 I quit my job at teaching nutrition School of Public Health alone Linda University I've been on the faculty there for 63 years now and teaching nutrition so I quit the job because it was too smoggy and I was too busy so I moved out into the country went up to Northport the exact center of California east west north south above Fresno into the mountains okay it's a nice location I bought 20 26 acres of land for twenty eight thousand dollars it backed into the National Forest and they've got a chainsaw because it was all Woods and I started putting down trees made a road about a quarter of a mile back into the forest uh and then I uh uh a chainsaw enough and clear enough land for about maybe two acres to grow Garden I had 80 fruit trees one year I planted three thousand strawberry plants people say what do you do with all those strawberries they don't understand everybody likes strawberry so the best way to make friends there is grow strawberries okay but all that exercise my brothers were in the city they didn't get that exercise I worked hard every day developing the land building a house and things like that and so my exercise was so much better than my brothers I think that's why I have outlived there so many years so longevity exercise I think is one of the main things we need to do now here's something you need to know we've been treating people with drugs medicines to lower their blood cholesterol we've dealt just recently as of about 2010 learn that lifestyle is more important than the drugs okay they took the people who were taking these Statin pills to lower their cholesterol and with 93 of them there was no CR increase in longevity it didn't help them live any longer and seven percent it did because they were the group that already had heart disease we don't really know how to tell who has atherosclerosis and who doesn't if you've had a heart attack you know if you've had a stroke you know but it's too late but they're giving all these people these medicines these statin drugs to lower their blood cholesterol but for 93 percent of them it doesn't do a bit of good they find the best thing to to lower your blood pressure a lower your risk of heart attack the best thing is lifestyle now what is it that we mean by lifestyle we mean there's seven risk factors tobacco alcohol uh lack of exercise overweight and lack of or too much meat and sugar then also high blood pressure and high cholesterol they added to that but if you do these first five you're not have to have high blood pressure or high cholesterol think about that a minute tobacco and alcohol what about alcohol we've known for a long time since about 19 84 when the Surgeon General came out and says look tobacco's not good we've known that but alcohol people still using a lot of alcohol but they've done the biggest study ever done with alcohol a man up at the University of Washington did it he did it in about 191 countries something like that and he found out there's no safe level of alcohol he want to know what level was safe because he used a little while for himself he was a social drinker yeah he discovered there's no safe level it's zero it's the only safe level the more cancer by alcohol for example breast cancer for the ladies breast cancer is a big deal alcohol is one of the major causes of breast cancer but we need to live properly getting the exercise keeping our weight down and you can lower your risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease stroke we can lower the risk 80 percent with lifestyle without any medicine and so many of the medicines are not doing us any good anyway so we should promote lifestyle but our problem was we don't know who really has heart disease and who doesn't we've got to do something medically to find out some simple way to tell who has atherosclosis of the heart and who doesn't we've been going by cholesterol level it's not a good guy because 93 it didn't help anybody at all see so we've been having people take all these pills and now they've said we should tell them we've made a mistake we used to think that if we lowered everybody's cholesterol we do away with heart disease we should tell our patients we've made a mistake it's not true but then what should we tell them to do tell them what really benefits them is lifestyle handle those risk factors tobacco alcohol uh exercise uh keep your weight down and they didn't like the idea of not eating meat they rebelled against that when the American Heart Association brought that out so they changed it eat more fruits and vegetables they really mean Less meat but they didn't want to tell people because they didn't like that you know I've been handing out a piece of paper here comparison of dietary fats showing the different kinds of fats I don't know if you can see that can you see that at all let me see um where you have to talk to make it so I can see it all right all right anyway here's a comparison of various dietary thoughts I've had more different colors and the way they handled with me problems they didn't talk about me the Heart Association just said lower your intake of saturated fat down to five to six percent of the calories now let me tell you what that means that means vegetarian diet because they haven't said it they say get people upset they didn't talk about me they didn't talk about vegetarianism or anything like that but saturated fat now what is the where's the saturated fat coming from it is the red represents the saturated effect and coconut oil has a lot of it Now coconut oil is a gives you a lot of the teeth is a ketogenic diet so if you have little kids that are having a what do they say they have these smells where they you know lay down and they they can't the epileptics attack things how do you handle it you put them on the ketogenic diet polka that off until you can get that lesson and then you take them off of it but instead of glucose in the brain it's the Ketone of this this form that they're living on in their brain uh so we should cut down the saturated fat but coconut oil has more than anything else butter milk is high now milk has Butter fat Okay so that's very high in saturated fat palm oil is high Lord is high uh beef that is all right cottonseed oil sorry but from peanut oil soybean oil olive oil corn sunflower flaxseed canola all those are okay because there's less saturated fat so we should avoid the foods that have high saturated fat that means meet that it means dairy fat and what other one other thing chocolate people don't realize it but chocolate has saturated fat in so it's the dairy fat the meat that chocolate that we should avoid avocado is a good fat that's a monounsaturated fat uh that's a good thing that lowers the blood cholesterol so avocado is excellent there's two fats you have to have in your diet one is linoleic acid and the other is alpha linolenic acid okay linoleic acid is easily found in most of the oils vanilla oil sunflower or all these have it easy to find okay that's okay you should get 10 of your calories from this according to the Heart Association but the alpha linolenic acid was the Omega-3 is hard to get flaxseed oil has it chia seed has it so we should know about those two fatty acids they're important to get uh a fat word in fact where I'm living right now they have a whole sack of uh flaxseed ground up flaxseed you gotta grind it up because you won't get the oil out otherwise it just goes right through you it's their screening but flaxseed is important chia seeds important to give you what you need in the alpha linolenic acid any questions about that yeah I want to tell you about my life story I grew up in China 16 18 years I lived over in China and at the age of 12 I finished my father's first year of Chinese language which is a thousand characters takes about 3 000 to read a newspaper but I finished the first year and I was wondering whether I should be administered I was religiously inclined whether I should be a minister or doctor but I saw all the doctors had more influence with the people than the ministers did so I chose to be a doctor so I went into the medical field we had a doctor there in China who had some special training in taking out thyroids from Johns Hopkins and he was known all over China for taking out goiters thyroids and here I was only 12 years of age and I said to myself that's silly why doesn't he give the people iodine so they don't get the goiters in the first place and now iodine's gotten to be a big thing did you know that breast tissue next to your thyroid has iodine a lot of iodine a lot of people don't know that so if you have any best lumps or some something they're treating it now by giving the people more iodine to make sure they have ethical eye of that so iodine is important and anyway watching him do all those sirens uh operation I said that's so he should give the people high neck that pushed me into going preventive so I went in to preventive medicine and you can do that quite nicely with the diet now another thing too you should think about the kids you know we think think you've got to have an MD or PhD to teach anybody nutrition it's not true kids can do it I've taught kids how to do this I had a five-week course teaching kids how to do what people pay a lot of money to get their masters in public health and nutrition you know they pay a lot of money for that they don't have to have that you could just give them five reasons why not to smoke and have them go out and tell everybody not to smoke and this is why and so we can get kids they teach nutrition in the same way I took some students over to the Philippines it was exciting I said you've got to find a village over here where there's now electrician in the under five year age group design a program to cure the problem we finally found the little village uncle lidlio and our first problem was toilets they didn't have toilets they had outhouses and they didn't like them because when the boards got old somebody fell through he got a bad nickname okay so so we we didn't uh they didn't like toilet houses and we had to dig our own hole there was a snake there I said don't tell the girls about it they won't use it so we had to dig another hole and we dug it so because the girls could sit on these two branches that went out slaves and uh go to the bathroom out there that way and we cleaned the branches off real good but they were they were from a tree that put a lot of a lot of sap so when the girls sit down there they get it from there and there's all these strings of sat hanging onto them so so but we had a tall ability contest and of the hundred homes in that Village before we left 50 of them had toilets and uh we had to build our own first so that's one thing we did for those people it was a coconut Island they grew rice they had fish they grew some soybeans and uh they had a little bit vitamin A and C from Cancun that's a swamp cabbage and these little drainage puddles pools there was some green stuff there that had vitamin A and vitamin C there so they have that but they were all eight to ten inches too short compared to the well-nourished kids in the Makati area of Manila so we had to get them to eat more that meant we had to see some gardening as a result the governor of the province made a rule her law every school must teach gardening that in itself was a remarkable thing all schools were teaching gardening nutrition was the best way uh to get what they need well my experiences overseas really were useful to me in China it pushed me into being a doctor pushed me into going into prevention an ounce of uh is an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure that's true and I would say next to giving up tobacco and alcohol the next thing is get exercise is extremely important then we should get to the vegetarian diet it keeps you from getting overweight it's really good uh a lot of people don't realize that it's that good any questions you have well I have a lot of questions actually like I'm curious what you eat Dr scharfenberg and what did you eat growing up and has that changed much well it's changed a little but not a whole lot I was a vegetarian from the beginning I've eaten fish three times in my life when I was a kid I remember we were at the neighbor's house once for Thanksgiving they served turkey I don't usually eat turkey but I tried to eat it I couldn't chew it up it was too tough I said to my mother what do I do with it she said spit it out no so I was not used to me I wake up even I ate a little bit but not much uh but I I think the vegetarian diet was the one difference we didn't use a lot of sugar either that's another important thing we now know just recently it was a little alert that Sugar increases the risk of heart attack it's interesting so the Heart Association recommends no more than uh well let's see nine grams a day for men and six for women you don't mean much okay somebody else has a question yeah yeah no but can you tell us like for example like like what you ate yesterday breakfast lunch dinner what you did for exercise right now I do something quite different in that other people don't do I didn't do it when I was a kid but I'm on two meals a day I don't eat in the evening so it's just two meals did you know that today scientists are saying the same thing there's a dietitian down in Alabama I think it is that she has that movement going here uh don't eat after 2 p.m is what she says so I don't I have two meals a day if you don't eat late it helps for weight control which is our major problem in this country it helps for sleep apnea it helps for your metabolism your metabolic Cycles keep the glucose level doesn't bounce around so much so this two meal a day idea is good don't eat late in the day eat early in the day what time is your breakfast and what time is your lunch yeah I usually eat about 6 30 in the morning and then lunch 12 30 or 1. no more till the next morning so that's what worked out very fine for me then I can usually eat with other people at lunchtime what time do you wake up and what time do you go to bed well I I am an early Horizon I usually get them at four o'clock and that means I'll go to bed early I I'm gonna go to bed at eight nine easy at least that early uh so I go to bed early breakfast is the best deal of the day for me it's so good that I even sometimes have it twice a day what do you have for breakfast at 6 30. so there's all different kinds of things you could have now let me give you some I like dry cereals but it's got to be less sugar in it you know it should be like Shredded Wheat that's fine I have cook sir Lots oatmeal I like waffles but waffles aren't healthy quite far A little sugar honey on top you know it's not a healthy food so my wife designed a good falafel recipe 222 recipe two cups of Oats two cups of water two teaspoons of uh or two tablespoons of oil and half a teaspoon of salt that would make a white waffle people like ground waffles so you got to get some carbohydrate in there so you add two and a half a banana a little bit of apple apple sauce something like this carbohydrate to make it brown then on top of it you put your almond butter peanut butter whatever and then you put I put slices of banana uh with a cashew cream of it which is very good and we make an ice cream you want to make ice cream well you make it from bananas get real ripe bananas you peel them you freeze them bring them out Frozen and run them through a Champion's user bait they're made in Lodi by the way the industrial ones are the better ones you you use those uh champion juicer run it through it it comes out like a ice cream it's if you want to make it the strawberry ice cream make some strawberries with it but or a mango but it takes the banana to make it thick like an ice cream but that's tremendous then of course you can put another waffle on top and keep going up you know that sounds great and I didn't realize because I lived near Lodi now that the champion juicer was made there I thought they went out of business after the pandemic well maybe they did I don't know but I agree I love the champion juicer for banana ice cream so if you eat breakfast at 6 30 getting up at 4 30 and you said you ate lunch at approximately what time uh 12 31. and but you don't get hungry the last seven hours of the day not having any food when you change your diet you do for about two weeks but then you get over it you get in there yeah no I ate two meals a day too but I eat lunch and dinner yeah yeah but uh they're trying to get the people have the longest time from the last meal till the next meal they want 16 to 18 hours is what they're trying to do they say that really helps in a lot of things they say right so there's I'm sure you've heard the old adage breakfast like a king lunch like a prince dinner like a hopper that's right yeah nice so so waffles for breakfast so what is your typical lunch right but it's Chinese food I I can eat vegetables on Chinese food do you want cooking do you cook for yourself Dr scharfenberg do you cook for yourself I do so yeah but what cookie is good I love Chinese food see rice I'm great on Rice I like oats too but I'm great on Rice uh foreign waffle is a good thing for breakfast now uh for lunch I have a harder time with lunch I eat my vegetables usually at the lunch time not in the morning now for breakfast for example the other thing I like is an egg substitute tofu scrambled tofu with a little turmeric makes a yellow color you know and so I like Tofu for breakfast but I'll eat that for lunch too I like Chinese food for lunch okay uh I'm trying to think pastas you can have pastas but most pastas are refined it's better to have foods that are not pastas you can get whole wheat pastas but it's good to get something that's natural now actually if you start to think about cancer what's the best foods for cancer greensberries yeah tomatoes are one of the best tomatoes uh a food that has both vitamin A and vitamin C is especially good there aren't many of those I don't know or a sweet potato might fit there but a melon yellow known that would fit in there that's very good beans are very good for example if you eat meat once a week you increase your risk of colon cancer about two and a half old but if you ate beans six days a week it negates all that bad effect from the meat did you know that I did in other words in other words colon cancer is down to zero just like a vegetarian is if you ate beans six days a week okay so that's kind of exciting hey I was preaching at the church in Romania there was a gypsy on the front row and I told him the story that we've done this study to show how good these beans were well we got up to sing the closing hymn he couldn't sing with the words he just said saying God praise the bees God praise the peace he was so excited on the Beats they gave them the bad effect of the meat uh but I I like food a lot I have a lot even for lunch time instead of instead of the vegetables but the greens are very good in lowering your risk of cancer the greens Tomatoes greens melons beans those are all excellent Foods lowering cancer risk but the same risk factors the seven risk factors the reduces cardiovascular disease is also reducing cancer risk too but this is a natural way of living food in the natural state we got to get we got to get more fiber in our day absolutely in other words the people we talk about vegetarians that's a good way to go but another way to say the same thing is they get more fiber in your diet we need to get 30 to 50 grams of fiber every day in our diet Dr scharfenberg I know you've mentioned that there's no safe amount of alcohol so I'm guessing that's not what you drink what do you drink just water well I take water yeah the nutritionists say it used to be for some juices they're against juices in them let me give you a why orange juice increases the risk of diabetes but whole orange decreases the risk of diabetes so most nutritionists are saying let's stick the foods in the Natural State the whole form not juices they're back to water for in between me leading thanks what about exercise what kind of exercise do you get every day I like to promote the idea of useful exercise people don't know what that means but it's not running a marathon walking through a game but gardening is what I did I get a lot of gardening and I wish the sun would stay up longer so I could do more because I I did Garden did you know Dr Ellsworth Wareham yes very well yes I knew him well I had a Chinese lady in their family come to see us in Norfolk where I lived in the mountains I wanted to show them around this beautiful area and I said are you physically if it can you walk around oh yes we're physically that we have a tennis court in our yard I play tennis every day well I was walking with the husband ahead of the wife and the daughter and my wife and I overheard the daughter their daughter say to the mother mom tell them you're pooped this is no tennis court in other words exercise on a level Place compared to our Hills up and down is quite different it's quite different I think you get much better uh results from exercising the country over ground up and down rather than just just uh on the pavement you're familiar with the blue zones right yes I'm from Loma Linda so you you are you are the blue zones do you um do you remember anything about Hans deal as a young man and a student did you know he was going to make good he was nice dude he was my student in my class so I knew him well he married a Filipino girl whose father was a banker in the middle good friend of my father's and so I I knew how to deal quite well who is very good Don Hall I don't know if you've heard him no I haven't no he excellent nutrition and he had left my school and used my ideas to sort of like constant only years before him hey he went up to Portland Oregon worked in a hospital for a year and then started his own business and he made a million in the first year it has 40 or 50 employees make brings in about 5 million a year teaching people how to live he has a program he got the safe way administrators and to a hotel on a weekend I said good food children how to do it and you he said you will lower your Insurance costs because your people won't be getting sick they put three million of their workers on that program that he did so he got a lot of people doing his program and what do you remember about Hans deal what do I mean well I I think I knew his wife to better she was she was a Pianist her name is Lily Lily yeah Louis Vuitton and her father's Pawn he's a banker in charge of a bank in Manila uh but hunts was from up in Canada they came down to the U.S so what do you oh oh I got a surprise with you there you there's somebody that would like to say hello to you that just joined the zoom I am so thrilled and he'll be here any minute and I think you'll remember him are you there surprise guest yeah if I'm going to be a surprise I guess I am hi John hi it's been a long time John McDougall here John Casey I know you look quite different well you know the the 50 years makes a difference John it does I don't remember yeah I still remember you in Hawaii years ago describe it it's private I don't know whether you had a chance to introduce John scharfenberg properly but he was one of my my first Inspirations as far as the fact that diet particularly a vegetarian diet had anything to do with illness in fact he wrote a an endorsement for my first book the McDougall plan and we used to fight with some of those neat some of those neat loving guys at Castle Hospital because you were putting the pregnant ladies on total vegetarian diet and they got upset so the Yamashiro had me into the meeting when your name came up well you know John they never talked to me to my face it's always behind my back but but I saved your neck that time you don't know it but the essentially evicted they finally asked me what do you think about this can I said if you know what you're doing you can do that as a total vegetarian you can do that well we certainly went through a lot of fun things I remember the guy you fought you fought over uh us being meat eaters and I think you showed him a picture of a lion he said that's something do you remember that looks like sure you gave it was one of the big the big uh Heart Association people that uh that was sure we had to have meters we'd end up dying it was crazy you know I I had a meeting with the American what is it I had to myself AAA s meeting American before the events American Association for the advancement of Science and it was in Washington DC and I had to debate the guy from Vanderbilt and it was something he wasn't even prepared but he was going to beat me in that debate the newspaper is quoted everything I said and didn't quote anything he said you know you know we've we certainly come a long way and John and I uh you know I was like in my I was probably my late 20s when we first met so that was quite a while ago I'm not saying I'm now 75 John I hear you're approaching 99. I'm 99 now I'll be not under this year are you are you still enjoying life John that's what I need oh yes I am I'm enjoying life sorry that's important well now where are you living now still up enough up there no we we uh we had a little roasting in October of 2017 that convinced us we needed to move we got coffee wildfires John where'd you move oh we moved up to the Northwest yeah oh you did yeah yeah it's a little a little cooler up here a little Rainier but the important thing is one of my sons was a medical doctor and a uh a professor at Oregon Health and Science University lives up here with his family so it was a matter of moving from one family situation to another and uh yeah you know I uh I I miss California a bit but we were in Hawaii together that's where we spent our time yeah that's right yeah good to see you again Joe good to see you it's it's good to see you doing so well you give me you give me hope John maybe this vegetarian stuff's gonna work out yeah you know a fellow died from Cobra the other day A friend of mine he talked to me a lot and he called me up before he passed away he wasn't sick and he called me up and he said John you have a lot of funny ideas but certainly paid off hasn't I would love you so much longer than other people he said it certainly paid off hasn't it well you sure look good to see oh nice to see I'm glad I got this I wish you a happy birthday Dr McDougall thank you so much for stopping by maybe you'll come back December 15th and Dr scharfenberg will come back on December 15th when he actually turns 100. oh really wouldn't that be nice so I'll be here I hope to be here you will thank you Dr McDougall that's such a treat thank you it was nice to talk to you John thank you for making this happen AJ of course it's my pleasure from one John to another so did you like your surprise Dr scharfenberg yes I did all right I haven't been with you very much for years and so I tried to get Dr deal too but he was working but we'll have him back for your 100th for sure won't that be great so what what else do you want to accomplish in your life Dr scharfenberg yeah well you know I've accomplished quite a few things and I would like to show you something I don't know whether you can see this or not uh can you see this at all yep it's got something with a stethoscope on it yes oh that's the bottom part how about that world nutrition guidelines yes this is all based on the vegetarian diet I have my once at University course to start with then the first page is really on cardiovascular disease those seven risk factors to avoid and then I have cancer prevention preventing obesity the optimum diet vegetarian doctors yeah but anyway I this is laminated opens up six pages and obviously things like this getting out good material that looks attractive colorful that is fantastic I love that you're not afraid to take a stance on alcohol because so many people will not come out against it yeah that's right that's fantastic so what is your best piece of advice to somebody that wants to age well like you have well I think one thing is exercise and with Alzheimer's we've shown that too it's it's it's exercise in midlife that's important not any old time not when you're young not one year old exercise in mid-life is the thing that's important and see it was 51 when I moved to the country to start the exercise and I exercise a lot I finally at 80 decided how to get a wood splitter to help me split the wood but otherwise I did it by hand I filled up with three sheds wood sheds for every winter Mona's wanting to know if she can buy a copy of your book is it available anywhere well I have a reading the other things I wrote in book form there are all time but all my lectures that I have are in little booklets like this one I showed you in fact I have one of vegetarian diet they have a whole lot of these little booklets can you see that one yeah I've got to raise it a little bit higher and you have to talk when you're showing something okay all right so anyway that book is good on vegetarian diet somehow I didn't use a lot of that I wrote a book once back in the 70s 1970s problems with meat the most total vegetarians have seen it know about it uh problems with me I was showing all the problems with me the disease and everything couldn't be but it's really exciting that you don't have to have an ND or PhD kids week could be taught one two three simple little rules and it's their choice if they choose the right thing they'll go in the right direction they'll be healthy what about like what about things like sleep where do you stand on how important sleep is to one's Health and Longevity I think I think is sleep is important but I have a hard time my mind is going so fast even at night I wake up I think of something I'm blessed I forget it I go to the computer and write it down and so I said I think his sleep is important what about thinking what about thinking good thoughts or just like a mental aspect well I think I think mental thing is important I didn't talk about that with longevity but have you heard the term Ace adverse childhood experiences the more Aces you have you can shorten your life 20 years if you have six Aces and most of our diseases in adulthood start and sell it and there's a lot of studies about by government Canada now putting all the studies together about how it affects the brain how the every all the factors that affect the brain and these adverse circumstances like divorce in the family or uh going to jail somebody jail or somebody in the family with mental disease all these kinds of factors Aces there were about 10 of them and if you get those you can't get over that very easily but there are some who are resilient and can get over it if they have good mentors who are religious people get people out of the country you know uh but otherwise they just get one generation to the other again yeah but I I think for childhood it's very important that we spend our money in having people in the right environment in childhood tell me what have you seen change the most in the world since 1923 good or bad well I'm just trying to think what it is or what new advances are you uh um are most are you happy with because when you were I mean there's a lot of things that weren't invented when you were born that we have now I think the thing that we have to do now we haven't learned how to do we know a lot more than what we do we need to learn how to get people to do what we know we should do we haven't learned how to do that and that's too bad we do we know a lot about what we should do we can't get hardly anybody to do it I think the next breakthrough in health is going to be in learning how to get people to do what they know they should do I don't know how to do that yet but I think that's what we got to work on I think you might write another book I might I just wrote a book my story of my life but yeah you know um Dr scharfenberg you know Esther loveridge right yes she's watching live and she said please come visit us at vegan plate again if you go I'll go I'll go if you go it's during my show but I'll change my show to come meet you in person yeah I'll be about to go was was your family I know you I believe you I believe you had a wife for a long time she passed away I believe 10 or 11 years ago yeah yes was she also vegetarian and did you have any children and were they vegetarian she's a vegetarian I had two children one of each kind they're trying to make more coins you know but I had only two and and they were vegetarians brought up vegetarians they're still vegetarian nice do they live do they live near you oh the one my son does he's three hours from me uh but I turned my property over to him up there in the mountains you know my daughter was a long ways away oh well I bet they'll both be there for your 100th birthday where are you going to celebrate your 100th birthday probably with my son and his wife but are you gonna have like a big party at a it's like nothing nothing very big but we'll have some celebration well I think we should make a big party you know we got Thunder Mountain Casino up here that's you yeah that I did when it was 95. you look even handsomer now than you were at 95. and see on the back you've still got your still working okay okay I'm gonna make one like this when I'm 100. I can't wait well you'll have to come back on the show do you have any pets no but I like them but I haven't been to the same place enough to like but I had dogs I had I had monkeys I've had rabbits I'd had a deer had Deer uh the birds parrots you know I've had lots of pets cats I think to our Health and Longevity yeah I think so too yeah I think so too do you do you allow sun on your face do you get out in the Sun every day no but I should right I'm for that I I'm for getting as much sun as possible without getting sunburned we need Vitamin D now that's really a hormone that's a hormone we call it a vitamin but it's a hormone but uh we need that and when you get old your body your Skin's working has to be so we don't live so over the Sun as well uh her liver's working has to be doesn't work as well so kidneys working it has to be so we have a little problem with the age on the vitamin D and overweight people have are deficient D they have to get big doses to get it in their blood to get their blood level up have you noticed like since you've lived almost 100 years that that people are becoming more and more overweight yes us used to be number one now of Mexico's leaders they're number one yeah being fat were there a lot of overweight people that you do growing up because I only say that I was not trying to shame or make people feel bad it's just notice that the world seems to have changed when I watch an old movie on television even the extras they don't there didn't seem to be a lot of overweight people in the 30s and 40s yeah we have in our where I was in Shanghai there's one or two people that were overweight but most of them weren't no we didn't have it so I noticed that you do not wear glasses you do not have hearing aids I don't know if you use a cane or a walker but do you have any medical infirmaries or disabilities well my eyes and everybody passed 80 usually gets and so I had cataracts so they took them out and put lenses in so I had 20 20 Vision so I no longer needed glasses nice very cool my hearing is not the best but it's not too bad either and you you walk well do you walk well on a system yeah I walk I'm not walking okay and do if it's not too personal do you take any medication well as of in the 80s I started taking lisinopril for blood pressure just going up a little not much it didn't start till in the 80s and then that's faded a cough and so they changed it to something else so the half of the cough uh but besides that the other medicines I take are B12 vitamin B12 that's what people asking what supplements do you take yeah B12 and I take um vitamin D nice yeah those are the two two things nutrients I take but mostly we can get it from our food but those who you can't always do so well what do you do for fun you know I like to do bird watching I've got a nice scope uh that I can go out and look way way to the distance down to the lake or palm and see all different kinds of birds identify them very nicely I like that we're watching that's my favorite do you ever go to the movies or watch television or read books and if so what do you like I I don't go to the movies but uh I'm seeing more where I'm staying right now I see TV much more than I used to I get the news all the time Fox News you know they have all these murder cases so I'm tired of them oh no that's not that can't be good for your you know you're uh in your brain that's let's see if there's any more questions oh somebody wants to know what do you like more beans or potatoes yeah you know I like beans but they're hard on me you know more gas and problems uh I although lentils have least problem lentils uh potatoes you know we say people should be more let's eat more vegetables but we don't really mean potatoes when we say that we mean other things but but potatoes uh the greens particularly I had a trouble with greens I grew up in China and we never ate any fresh greens because they use human manure for fertilizer uh-oh so we never use fresh greens and I came home and I wasn't used to using them but then when I read about if you eat these you let your risk of dying from everything so well I started eating them more so having a salad every day I think is good yeah absolutely well do um do you do you like balsamic vinegar I don't use vinegar at all not at all oh no because the reason I say is because every guest on the show gets two free bottles so oh no you don't use it I don't use vinegar but uh what else do I need stop news okay but me fish I don't use any of that what about uh I'm guessing you don't drink coffee no I don't use that me neither let's see what about chocolate I don't use chocolate yeah well the chocolate's a little bit different than coffee for the caffeine for example a couple of chocolate might have uh or a candy bar chocolate candy bar might have 10 milligrams of cholesterol where's your coffee cup might have 300. so it's a degree a caffeine a caffeine I mean yeah Randy wants to know how long did your parents live so does longevity run in your family no it doesn't my dad died when he was 70s six and my mother died in her late 60s she kind of had Alzheimer's but uh but out with my brothers so much you know 13 years 16 years already you ever think I think is the exercise that made the difference I think you'll get married again I don't think so I'm just married marrying another person with a disease should I eat marry somebody the same age you're just delightful you're cracking me up do you know Dr Wayne Dysinger oh yeah I knew his father we were I taught his father physical diagnosis in medical school his father Bill Dysinger when I I don't live near him anymore but when I did he was my personal medical doctor he's fabulous yeah yeah I know the dice of your family that's great that's wonderful um Stephanie would like to know if you still drive yes of course wow that's amazing I love it Susanna says do you have any advice for someone in their 50s who switched to this way of eating three years ago there's keep switch yes don't go back the other way it's important to keep on the vegetarian program nice and uh Joy says do you have any comments on the on the Advent of GMOs in increased pesticide use okay uh GMO at the World Health Organization has a document out answers to so many questions on GMO and they say it has no health problems okay it's got another problem but not health there's some Italian scientists that got together and reviewed every GMO study 17 1800 I know and they couldn't find anything wrong health-wise then the next thing that happened was at the University of California in Davis they studied about 600 billion something like that animals before and after they were allowed to have GMO Foods and they couldn't find any difference between before now so the GMO thing there's electrical problems with it but not really health problems now as far as a insecticides and things like that pesticides fruits have a lot of them on them but fruits have done us so good that we say it outweighs the bad effect of any pesticide so they say don't stop eating fruits because of that fruit's great but you mentioned potatoes but but sweet potatoes are good right yes yeah sweet potatoes are good you know the okinawans they eat lots of sweet potatoes and there they have a great longevity as well yeah I could grow them up where I was it was too cold yeah up at North Fork I was at 3 800 feet in elevation do you miss living in China I miss China I like I like China I feel like it's home and it's interesting about China when the Chinese is your friend he's your friend for life even if you get put in jail he's still your friend I like them as a people you know Dr McDougall who came out a few minutes ago said that there's something do you speak Chinese because he says that they greet each other with not Hello or goodbye but something that means have you had your rice today is that true I don't remember what he's thinking about I don't know but I I speak Chinese well the thing is is you know people in our world today are so afraid of eating complex carbohydrates you know like rice and beans and potatoes and yet the Asians they don't they they do very well with rice and rice is amazing the brown rice was fed to the prisoners in jail The Good the good rights they thought was white rice which is not right really but most people eat white rice over there yeah I like what I like to eat in a home where people don't know nutrition so it's only time I get to eat white rice which do you prefer oh you oh you have white rice and it's like you you get afraid to say it in the vegan world to get bashed but I think white rice is delicious yeah yeah oh I just got you won't know what this means but I got a Super Chat donation from Lou thank you very very much well let's uh get you on the calendar for December okay and come back and see what you've learned between now and your 100th birthday you know it's Chinese New Year's this past we used to see that means happiness wealth everything with you with wealth and happiness and all that for Chinese New Years and we wish the very same for you Dr scharfenberg this has been so much fun getting to know you I hope you will come to one of the local events so that we can meet you we actually have one Monday night at Himalaya it's a restaurant in I don't know how far you are from Sacramento but it's a restaurant in Sacramento and they it is owned by a former Tibetan monk and the food is very clean and healthy and it will include rice and uh maybe you'll come oh but you don't eat at five o'clock you can't come we'll have to do a lunchbox have to do one at lunchtime for you okay thanks very much well thank you so much Dr scharfenberg I can always talk to you even though I'm not eating so that doesn't matter oh that's true you can come and you can have some water you can because you have a cup of herbal tea or is that I can um yeah or have some water and thank you Dr Ing for helping with these and we have another wonderful plant-based Doctor Who's In the Shadows who who was helping facilitate this so we'll say goodbye now and thank you so much Dr sharpenberg take care okay bye bye-bye and thanks all of you for watching another episode of Chef AJ live please come back tomorrow when my guest is Dr Gustavo telosa for a new show called breakfast lunch and dinner with the plant powered pianist you got to be really careful when you say that I hope you guys
Channel: CHEF AJ
Views: 627,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan food, Vegan lifestyle, Healthy vegan food, plant based, vegan eating, vegan living, veganism, diet, health, healthy, nutrition, plant based life, healthy vegan, Dr. John Scharffenberg, chef aj live, plant based doctor, food medicine, live longer, live better, healthy lifestyle, longevity, secrets to health, plant based nutrition, plant based health, manage your health, plant based solutions
Id: qZXwha0Vug4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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