975 - Ryan Taylor And The Easy Power Plan - Is It A Scam?

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[Music] hi so i was sent an email by somebody who is having problem building something and asked me if i could help work out what was the issue and point them in the right direction the thing that i was saying concerns ron taylor and his easy power plan pdf it's this amazing machine that is able to generate electricity of stuff you find lying around and cut your energy bills and that of course sounds great so i had a look into it it did capture my imagination i had a look into it and i'm going to do review but before i do that review which can be a bit talking a bit long i can say quite categorically if it was me i would run a mile from this thing i would not touch it with a barge pole i would not throw my money down that particular drain i just wouldn't do it okay and there are reasons i wouldn't do it and i'm going to go into those reasons but straight up front if you're thinking about ron taylor's easy power plan then if it was me and it's just my opinion i would not do it okay so why why wouldn't i do that well there are a few main reasons actually and the first one is to do with the way it's actually advertised i mean he's got a lot of money from this and he has clearly spent some of that money on an underhand advertising campaign because when you read something like that the first thing that you actually do is search to see if it's a scam so you put in the search terms scan review warning danger all that sort of stuff and if you do that then you'll get pages and pages of reviews when you look at these reviews and i can tell you i've watched about a dozen of them they're all the same they're a computer generated usually female voice on a slideshow externally the virtues of the power plan while conclaiming to be a scam alert i just think that well i think two things what i want to think is i think that's horrendous the other thing is i think it's stunningly clever i mean the guy has clearly thought about what people would search and then he scattered answers to that that are only positive because that makes me even more suspicious honestly things like that now i did find two reviews one was uh some i think he might have been an indian chap talking about it and he didn't come down one way or the other he's kind of on the fence about it and the other was a young lad who who extolled the virtues of it in in a kind of a video log something like that um they were a bit weird if you found them watch them and you found them a bit weird but the bulk of them were just exactly as i described these slideshows and of course that makes me suspicious so the advertising campaign that guy is running i think is underhand and i think horrendous for that now the advertising campaign taps into all of those things that we're worried about um prices of rising electricity uh the conservation of the earth protection of our children in the future all that stuff has been pulled into his advertising campaign to touch that nerve that we're interested in and then he's done something really rather clever like i say if not horrendous is to make sure that anything or as far as he can make sure that anything negative is actually twisted into a positive about the thing so that's the first thing that warned me really and made me think about twice about it sorry the second thing is now let's take that aside even if it is a little underhand let's say to ourselves will it work can i actually build it and of course this is my friend's problem he was trying to build it and couldn't build it so because i had to look at all those instruction videos to see if i could actually build it and to be honest there is insufficient information contained in those instructions for you to be able to build it it's just not enough information the product has shown is different from the one that you're actually told how to build they're clear and distinct differences between the two products it's not like a minor difference they're just massively different so you can't build what he's showing from what is described because he's describing something else and then the description is incomplete it doesn't tell you everything that's actually needed this is a trick this is a trick used very often because we're all a little insecure about our ability to do things particularly when it comes to something new so like my friend what you think is you've made a mistake you don't automatically think this is tosh you think oh i've done something wrong and of course that is a trick used now it's incredibly difficult actually to describe in full something so that anybody can make it i try to do that with batteries and they're essentially a five component part we go through the five components and i demonstrate them and i get lots of emails about people from people who say they're not being still not being able to do it and i tend to answer those because i really genuinely want people to be able to build it so i'm very open about that and i give very full descriptions some of the videos i do can be very long and just full of intricate descriptions about how to build batteries so they don't get many views but you have to try to be able to do that if you want somebody to replicate something and something as complicated as this machine in a dozen video tutorials or not the chances if you're replicating it to mine are insignificant anyway because there's just no way that can happen and then information is deliberately missing which is really quite sneaky actually there's not enough information for you able to do it that's the other reason i wouldn't actually be interested in this the third reason which is perhaps more fundamental is what's the guy actually doing now i don't get confused about a lots of things put together to make a complicated machine what i tend to do is break it down to its basic parts and ask myself can i build those basic parts so because the thing you need to do with this device is ask yourself what are those basic parts now first part of it is is actually real the first part of it is nothing more than a generator the guy goes through a little coil structure and then he builds a spinning magnet set up and he spins the magnets and it generates now of course it's going to do that if you have any arrangement of call and magnets and you spin that magnet past that call you're going to generate and we've made loads of those generators just any arrangement will do that so ryan's little arrangement is actually going to generate and then what does he do with it well he straps on an alternator now an alternative tradition of course is another generator but actually transforming an alternator into a motor is a an easy enough exercise again we've done one we've taken this which is an alternator and we've changed it slightly we actually took out the restrictions on it fed in three wires and it's suddenly become a motor so that's actually a three-phase motor so we rewired the the alternator as a three-phase motor if i want to run that what i need is a three-phase motor controller and ryan's electronics aren't basically that but they're basically a set of mosfets to run that generator as a motor so he has built a generator strapped to a motor now that's every school child's dream isn't it if all you have to do is get a generator and a motor and strap them together you'll have perpetual motion doesn't every every child think of that it doesn't work of course it doesn't work and if you want to prove that to yourself just go buy yourself two dc motors a dc motor and a dc generator identical strap them together wire them together the theory is when it runs as a generator it'll create energy that energy will be fed into the motor and turn the motor which will turn the generator and it should go on forever okay that's the theory and you can give that a go and you'll find yourself it just doesn't work it doesn't work because of the losses in the system and they're considerable it takes a lot of energy to turn that magnet through that coil to generate and you can't do it now sometimes you think okay let's break that section let's put some capacitors in there so we turn the generator and charge the capacitors that gap that can then take that charge from the capacitors and spin the motor and we can do that with the switch and you can try that and you'll find that it equally doesn't work you spin the generator for a bit and charge up the capacitors you will spin the motor and the motor will spin less than they took to spin that generator try and see a couple of capacitors a couple of motors ten dollars will sort you out and you will be able to see that strapping a motor to a generator however complicated the electronics isn't going to work now that's exactly what he did this black box of electronics is very little more than a motor controller and a capacitor bank and a switch that's about all it really is and then we've got our alternates been adapted to motor and we've got our generator so those are the basic components of it and when you strap those together it's easy enough and cheap enough to prove that that actually isn't going to work you don't need to spend fifty dollars on a book to see that you can go down to the hardware store spend ten dollars and see that now this stuff is supposed to be able to be built from things lying around just general bits of scrap that you found lying around i couldn't build it i would have to order special parts the solid state relay that it uses with the mosfet removed you can't buy those a local hardware store you have to order them online or go to a specialist store to buy them so it's not going to be bits you're going to find lying around particularly so there's quite a few reasons there i think one the advertising campaign just screams horrendous to me two the information is insufficient and incomplete to be able to reproduce what he's showing three fundamentally what he's actually doing i don't think can possibly work that's enough for me to be able to say i'm not spending my 50 on that ebook and if you want a recommendation i would recommend you don't either for all of those reasons but equally if you have hopes that it might work then go back to the fundamentals of what they're doing and look at the components of stuff and you may be able to reproduce it from those fundamentals rather than trying to reproduce it from the incomplete information but again i wouldn't bother i would just run a mile anyway i was asked to look at it i hope you enjoyed the video i do hope it helps and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 59,122
Rating: 4.9262137 out of 5
Keywords: ryan, taylor, easy, power, plan, scam, alert, robert, fwg, murray-smith, consumer, advice, help, discussion, warning, free, energy, scavenging
Id: 1W8y9KihSag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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