917 engine starting - 1st time in 30 years
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Channel: teamgunnar
Views: 3,700,971
Rating: 4.6592708 out of 5
Keywords: Porsche, 917-021, Porsche 917
Id: tU0r99fyD0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 12 2008
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My god this was painful to watch.
Stacey David did a great episode on how to get an old engine that's been sitting for a long time to fire up.
He took some old piece of crap and got it to fire up easily. Which is why it pains me to see some guys take an ultra rare car/engine and herp a derp it to start firing.
Arguably they said it was sitting in a museum, and might have had all of it's fluids drained before entering the museum.
But still it should've been fully flushed. If somewhere in the oil system there was gunk blocking it, it could starve of oil and cause some serious damage to it. The same thing for the fuel system. My god it's 917!!!
There is a reason why it wouldn't just start, and they had to keep flooding the engine with ether.
Love the random UPS guy.
I love it. Whether it's the 30 year old motorcycle left neglected in the tool shed, or a 30 year old pure-bred, boxer-12, Le-Mans prototype racer stored in a museum, nothing is above a quick shot of starter spray.
is that a radiator fan of some sort spinning?
Dat distributor.
love this video makes me want to know how to do more then just my basic auto repair.
It's alive, IT'S ALIVE!!!