9 Zoom Webinar Tips and Tricks Every Host Should Know #feisworld #zoomwebinar

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hey what's up guys it's fabul from face world media i'm so excited about this video it's all about zoom webinar and all the tips that every host should know why if you need a zoom webinar chances are that you are going to run this meeting for a larger group of people it doesn't matter whether it's 30 people or 300 people you want to make sure you get it done right especially if you're a solopreneur if you're a mom and pop shop or if you're a corporate executive who's doing this on your own for the first time you may or may not have a virtual assistant or an assistant at all so what can you do to make sure you have a seamless experience that you look like a professional and you look like you've been doing this all along welcome and i'm gonna show you everything you need to know before we get started i want to mention that this video is supported and sponsored by restream restream allows you to multi-stream to platforms including but not limited to facebook personal profile groups pages twitter periscope youtube linkedin and so much more so first you will see that we are now in a practice session as mentioned earlier attendees cannot join until that we start the webinar and you can also see on the screen right now there is a panelist that is me and that is my mom's gorgeous buddha painting right there in my room so let me go ahead and click on participants so you can actually see who's who here so let me reduce the size of the window so now you can see that there is host and there is a co-host so let me go ahead and just name this rename this okay now even though you see that my icon is the same me as a host and also the same icon but pretend that the other option that you see here is just some other panelist who joined me okay so in case that you have someone who joined as a panelist by mistake or you no longer want that person to be a panelist all you have to do is click on this withdraw co-host permission button and now this person is just a panelist without being a co-host so i invited my mom and so from here if you invite someone as a panelist to join in and you change your mind what you can do is you can change this person's role right from the current panelist to attendee so as you can see literally xiang just left as a panelist and became an attendee over here on this tab so you can allow this person to talk as well which is a feature because otherwise attendees will not be able to sound will not be able to speak but to move this person back or promote this person back to panelists is also available so what you can do is you can move this person you can move any attendee over to be a panelist a lot of people a lot of hosts don't know this option it's actually very important otherwise you know i sometimes have parents or other members of the family to join into a webinar and they panic because they share a family account they don't know what to do but then you as a host you will know what to do so in this case i'm going to promote xiang back to be a panelist just like this see there's a little notification attendee is now reduced to zero now you have the other person as a panelist this is super important now whenever you're ready to broadcast what you can then do is click on start webinar when you click on start webinar now the webinar is live i mean it doesn't mean it's live streaming anywhere it's just that people attendees are able to watch this and you want to keep that in mind because the label the banner is very obvious on purpose you definitely don't want to run an entire webinar without making it public now let's talk about views this is the second most important thing which is hosts or webinar hosts often wonder what are people seeing what are they looking at the most important things are you have these views options already built in which is speaker view or gallery view just like this right a lot of you guys are already familiar with this however what you don't realize is that you know what's most frustrating is by the hope by having the host switch the view to gallery view doesn't mean that your attendees are watching exactly what you're watching so instead what you want to do is what you want to do is actually go to the more button here and under attendee video layout you want to make sure you select the right option that is huge because i made the mistake of thinking that my attendees are seeing whatever i'm seeing and an hour and a half later they said you know what it was great faith to see the active speaker view but it would have been even better if i'm able to see other people's expressions so what you want to do is especially this is an interview with multi multiple panelists and a single host is you can either follow the host view if i choose that now my attendees are looking at this because this is my view or what you can do is click on more again and change it to gallery view right so the what's the difference here the difference is if you follow the host view uh in this case if my attendees follow my view i can be changing between the active speaker and the gallery view and they're going to follow exactly what i'm seeing but if you're certain you want everybody to see either the active speaker or the gallery view then you want to have these pre-selected in fact i recommend all the webinar hosts to have a little checklist personal checklist that are tailored to your organization to your meeting needs so you'll never forget it now we're on to these more options there are a few things that may be intriguing to you such as you know asking everybody to unmute or asking participants to mute upon entry you can you have a lot of control as a host essentially um so you can play a sound i mean i don't typically play around with this especially if you have a lot of people joining your webinar like why do you want to play a sound when people arrive or when they leave lock webinar is interesting i think with password protection there is just a lot more security for zoom these days so if you believe that everybody has shown up or you don't want anybody be late for the webinar and then you can just lock the webinar i haven't really needed to do that because you know if i'm running a concert if there are more attendees showing up i kind of don't really care you know more the merrier that's everything you basically need to know for the more options so now let's take a look at the q a right now there is uh the q a is open um but this is the window you're looking at nobody has asked a question yet so i'm gonna be faking a question faking myself as an attendee and ask a question first i'm to move shang to be a attendee so now you can just see me right here and i'm going to ask a question the there's one feature called ray's hand so i'll show you what it looks like so somebody raised her hand what i can do is i can lower that hand i can promote that person to come join me as a panelist or allowed to talk so another option is simply ask a question so i'm gonna say let's ask a question hi what's the weather like so also here this attendee can actually choose to list or show her name but she can also choose to ask a question anonymously as well so what's the weather like right here i can say i will answer live where i can type the answer so once i answer this live what i can do is just done so you know the weather in boston here is great it's about 55 degrees and when i'm done i just simply click on done and here is the answer and but i can also choose to type an answer so um here's uh more to my answer dot dot and you can send privately or you can send publicly right and you can also delete the answer there's some options here that are quite helpful so that's the q a feature right there there's another feature people really like to use to help the audience they engage which is the polling option right here so you can ask a question as you notice that sometimes it's easier to prepare these questions ahead of time i would certainly agree with that so here when you say ask a question you're bounced right into uh the zoom setup so add a poll so color question what's your favorite color green red yellow so i can add another question similarly but here i'm just going to click on save so once that color is there you're able to see it ahead of time so again it's much more helpful to actually create these questions ahead of time now i can come back to my meeting and click on polling again right here so when you select polling directly in your webinar this this question is not going to automatically show up right away so instead you're going to look at it have you know make certain edits if you need to and that will bounce you right back to the page which is kind of convenient just in case if there's a typo if something needs to be changed but otherwise you can launch the question right away to do that um you can click on launch poll and by default this question is posed at all the attendees but if you want to include the panelists as well you can simply use this check mark that's it once you start a poll process you will notice that there's a green bar and there's a time limit and you can basically end the poll at any time so i just pretended to be the attendee on my phone and i was able to submit an answer right away and as more answers come in you're able to see the results calculated in real time which can be really fascinating one key point is that these questions don't have to be sophisticated it's ideally these questions to be very scannable relatable and the results should be interesting and relevant so let's end this right now here i can also click on share results or i can relaunch the poll so share results everybody gets to see what the results are so i think it's safe to say that to share the results and the questions you can give people just you know about a minute or a couple of minutes depending on the number of questions if you're unsure and if the questions are important as they should be and if you're unsure how much time you should give to people you can always run a simple test with your friends and family or with people who work with you last but not least i want to talk about something that's on your screen that you may ignore which is you can also go live with your webinar content check it out clicking on the three dots down here and choose live on facebook workplace by facebook youtube or custom live streaming services now when you first come into webinar you'll notice that the last option live on custom live streaming services is not there that scared me because i like to multi-stream with restream as much as possible so let me go ahead and show you where that option is right on zoom's website turns out there's a hidden path so you need to go to webinars under account management webinar settings and next to in webinar settings click on edit to enable custom live streaming service right there so let me show you where that is on my screen as mentioned go to account management and then here are all the hidden webinar settings right here this is the page you really want to study carefully because a lot of people are not looking here maybe they don't need the advanced options but it's really good to know that you have all of these available at your fingertips so don't just assume that something is wrong um look through these and i tend not to i tend not to manipulate that if i don't need to but if you scroll all the way down here in webinar settings you're going to click on edit and make sure you check the last option here called custom live streaming service and this is the only way for you to connect live streaming services third-party tools such as restream once you're done editing this field make sure you hit save changes and you're all set so as you can see these are the most important features every single zoom webinar host should know of course there are more that you can do for your attendees for your panelists in this case especially if you're facilitating with multiple panelists it's really important for you to start a test if you're running whether a facilitated sessions or if you're presenting with other panelists it's really important that you run a test if 15 minutes is all you have that's much much better than not having any time rehearsing at all so earlier this year i found myself facilitating running a lot of these musical concerts for people who are stuck because of the pandemic and to help musicians to get their voices their music out there it was proven to be very very helpful especially with performers from around the world different time zones it was just critical for us to absolutely consider rehearsals sometimes more than once to check your camera your sound your lighting everything so we do have a separate video to teach you how to do all of that the right camera and to look and sound your very best thank you so much for watching this if you have any questions please leave a comment below and help each other out i absolutely love this community and thanks to all of you for making this a reality i love creating content on youtube and i cannot wait to see you again if you haven't hit the subscribe button please do and i'll see you in the next [Music] one [Music] you
Channel: Feisworld Media
Views: 104,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zoom webinar tips, 9 Zoom Webinar Tips and Tricks Every Host Should Know, Zoom Webinars, zoom webinar, zoom webinar tutorial, zoom webinar panelist, zoom webinar controls, feisworld zoom webinar, zoom webinar demo, zoom webinar tutorial 2020, zoom webinar practice session, zoom webinar example, zoom webinar training, feisworld, feisworld media, feisworld zoom, zoom webinar live stream, zoom webinar vs meeting, zoom tutorial, zoom tips and tricks, fei wu, Zoom webinar q&a
Id: 4W5MD0f4fLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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