9-Year-Old Celine Tam Stuns Crowd with "My Heart Will Go On" on America's Got Talent 2017

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Hi How are you doing today? I'm doing good. What's your name? And how old you my name is Celine, and I'm 9 years old the 9 years old This is my dream being an American talent So what are you gonna be doing for us today? I'm gonna be singing. Oh wow Have you got any brothers or sisters? [I] got a little sister, and what's her name her name is Beyond all [mean] and Beyond. Oh Really, so I'm guessing [your] parents love Celine dion quite, right? So when did you realize [that] you had a great singing voice when I was in the car my dad's driving? And then suddenly. I just sang my heart will go on and they hear that wow [I] [mean] beautiful Yeah, we [got] that. We've worked that out mel. There's a celine dion cleaner [so] what what kind of music do you like to listen to I like? Collegium yeah, and and what is your big dream would be the native Indian she's got it? This is your dream yeah, yeah Celine can ask you a question. What artists are you going to be singing Celine dion? Well Celine good luck. Thank you my treat you feel oh [the] My heart we oh Cool
Channel: Angedelile
Views: 28,317,930
Rating: 4.9033608 out of 5
Keywords: Las vegas, Celine Tam, Tam, china, Hong kong, chinese, asiatique, girl, woman, trump, lady, sexy, sex, porn, food, show, simon, cowell, live, stage, song, my heart, my heart will go on, judge, ovation, baby, face, celine dion nue, vogue, nude, playboy, fashion, fitness, erotic, america, uk, london, topless, chanel, paris, france, celien dion, young, artist, justin, britney, katy perry, melania, korea, war, scandal, tv, singer, montreak, migrant, canada, high quality, hd, 譚芷昀
Id: V-2NWzdenFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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