9 wounded in shooting at splash pad in Michigan

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we began though in Michigan tonight where police are investigating what they're calling a random shooting a gunman firing over two dozen rounds into a space designed for children that is supposed to be fun and safe instead families ran for cover and for their lives at least nine people were shot including a mother and her children one of them an 8-year-old boy struck in the head tonight he is in critical condition the shooting happened Saturday night at a crowded Recreation Area in Rochester Hills North of Detroit it was one of nine mass shootings across this country this weekend cbs's Charlie dear is at the scene tonight Charlie what more do we know about the suspect and this horrific attack jica good evening the Oakland County Sheriff's Department said that this Splash Pad was filled with Children and Families simply enjoying the day when a gunman got out of his car and fired at least 28 times they are calling this shooting random chaos at the Brooklyn's Plaza splash pad in Rochester Hills Michigan a lot of blood a lot of blood I know I know these people this is my neighborhood just after 5:00 p.m. Saturday sheriff's deputies say 42-year-old Michael Nash exited a car and fired nearly 30 times nine people were wounded it's the exact antithesis of what you design a splash pad and what a splash pad's purpose is for and that's to gather community and to celebrate family among the victims were Michaela and Eric Coughlin who according to a GoFundMe were struck seven times while shielding their two young children from gunfire Rochester Hills mayor also tells us a city employees's wife is among the wounded she was uh uh shot in the wrist a broken arm uh and then another uh bullet uh entered uh the abdomen exited out the back she's going to be okay she's going to be fine a 9mm pistol and three magazines were recovered at the scene sheriff's deputies say the shooter had a history of mental health challenges and killed himself inside his home at a news conference yesterday the sheriff showed an image of a semi-automatic weapon found on the suspect's kitchen table detectives investigating his motives said he had no connection to the victims where can you go nowadays there's a lot of people um that need help and sheriff's deputies say they were able to respond to the scene in less than 2 minutes thanks in part to technology that allows them to hear 911 calls as they're happening and respond quicker Jerica Charlie dear thank you to you and your team there thank you
Channel: CBS Evening News
Views: 47,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS Weekend News, CBS News, video, news, splash pad, detroit, gunman, shooting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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