9 Top OBS Scripts to POWER UP OBS Studio with new features!

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Splitting file sizes, controlling your  home with OBS, zooming in on your cursor,   Shadowplay alternatives - an entire world  of untapped potential for OBS Studio exists,   and not enough people know about it.  Today we're talking about 9 OBS Studio   scripts that can enhance your OBS  Studio experience and streaming. I'm EposVox, the Stream Professor, and OBS Studio   version 21 introduced Lua and Python Script  compatibility, but not many people really knew   what to do with them. After polling you on  the Community Tab, some of you said you had   never even heard of it until now! Let's crack open  this functionality and reveal the possibilities. This video will be a 3-parter, this  first one focusing on OBS enhancements,   the second one on cool on-screen widgets,  then lastly next-level ideas. So check the   playlist link below and get subscribed  so you don't miss all the releases. ## OBS Enhancements The first type of script we'll be looking at  provides tweaks to OBS's functionality. These   don't directly show up on your stream, but could  make your life easier as you record or stream. First up is AutoSplitter. This is a  basic script which will automatically   split your recordings at a set interval,  measured in hours, minutes, and seconds.   Unfortunately, this can't do it by file size,  but this is as close as you'll get for now. Automatic file splitting is actually one of the   bounties that the OBS Team have set  up with their new bounty program,   so hopefully a full implementation will come in  time - but for now this is the next best thing. Next up is a quick mention because I have nothing  to test this with, but there's a script to allow   OBS to control the home automation system Home  Assistant based on states such as streaming,   recording, and OBS even being open or closed. This  could be used to control your lights to automate   setting up a nice moody scene, turn off  your noisy AC, and more. It's pretty wild. Next up is a silly one, but  one that some might still want:   Open Last Recording. This can be set up to  automatically open Windows Explorer straight   to your latest recording file as soon as you  hit Stop Recording, just to save an extra step. This is a bit of a silly workaround, though,  as you have to manually tell it your recording   directory and the file extension - so it  doesn't work for remuxing, you'd have to tell   it the MKV extension instead. BUT it still  could save you a click or two, regardless. Next up is a script project that lets you build  network-controlled tally lights for cameras.   These use Raspberry Pis and let you immediately  indicate which camera is active in OBS, through   OBS. Very useful for big multi-cam setups,  especially when you're the producer   for a stream where other people are hosts,  or you just forget which camera to look out.   This would be pretty involved, but  definitely worth it for some bigger setups. Do you want OBS to automatically load your  Starting Soon screen when you open it,   so everything is ready to go? This  "Default Scene on Startup" script   helps inch that automation goal  one step further. Pretty basic,   but combined with other automation ideas  can help make your life a little easier. I've mentioned this one before,  but OBS-Filter-Hotkeys is an   incredibly important script. As the name  describes, it lets you assign hotkeys   to your filters on your sources - be it cool  effects like the Time Warp filter we showed   before, chroma keying, color grading,  audio effects, anything. This helps   take your management of special effects  and production value to the next level. Honestly, OBS needs to implement this  directly into the software anyway. SimpleSlides kind of addresses a big  limitation I ran into when trying to   use cool topic indicators for my StreamerNewz  show: The default Image Slideshow source in   OBS Studio has a memory limitation that only  allows you to use a small number of images.  SimpleSlides acts as a slideshow  within a singular image source   and does not have any memory limits. Instead,  your images DO need to be labeled in order,   and it won't do any transitions -  but this is a sweet alternative. If you happen to edit video in Reaper, someone  has made a script and a control interface for   it that let's you add markers to your recording  that can be read by Reaper. This is useful for   marking edit points, important segments you want  to highlight, etc. I've been asking for someone   to make a plugin that can do this for Resolve and  Premiere-compatible markers for a very long time,   so it's exciting to see someone make  this for a NLE, even if it's not mine. OBS Notification Sound plays a basic sound when  you start recording or streaming so you get   direct confirmation that you pressed those  buttons. I've used this for my video-shooting   installation of OBS and haven't had any issues  with false starts shooting videos since! By the way, if you want dedicated videos  on any of these, leave a comment below.  If you're watching this and have thought of some  cool script ideas that haven't been made yet,   I seriously encourage you to contribute them   back to the community - that's the  only way any of this is possible. Learning to script and improving your   skills for future projects is  actually pretty easy with Skillshare. Skillshare is an awesome online learning community  where millions come together to take the next step   in their creative journey. They have thousands of  inspiring classes on topics such as productivity,   film and video, photography, and even web  development. Skillshare is for beginners,   pros, dabblers, and masters who want to  improve their skillset or learn a new skill   entirely. No matter your goals, Skillshare has  classes to fit your schedule and skill level. If you want to do what I do, I  highly recommend checking out   the YouTube course from Marques Brownlee or MKBHD.   It's got some good stuff in there, I enjoyed  seeing how his team's workflow works, too. The first 1000 people to use my  link in the video description   will get a free trial of Skillshare  Premium Membership. Check it out! There's a lot more to cover: This was originally  one video that had to be split up into 3 because   there's just so much awesome stuff to be  done with Scripts. Join us on Discord to   chat about these more at Discord.gg/eposvox.  Consider checking out this other video on 5   free streamer tools to keep yourself safe and be  more efficient. And remember: Be kind, rewind.
Channel: EposVox
Views: 39,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs scripts, obs scripts tutorial, top obs scripts, best obs scripts, obs studio scripts, obs studio tutorial 2021, obs studio lua script, obs python script, obs sound when recording, obs sound for start recording, obs notification sound, obs open scene on startup, obs tally light, obs home assistant, obs slideshow hotkeys, obs slideshow limit, obs slideshow transitions, obs slideshow not working, obs ppt slideshow, obs studio image slideshow, simpleslides, stream professor
Id: fvBvn08eIqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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