9 Steps to Awesome with Kubernetes by Burr Sutter

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well hello and good morning it's an honor for me to be here this morning with all of you here at devoxx because this is obviously the greatest conference for developers there is globally if you don't feel that way I actually knowed this to be true because I see all the different conferences around the globe so this is one the longest standing one of the highest quality developer conferences out there in the market so kudos to you guys too for being here today and of course buying your tickets before it all sells out now we have a lot of ground to cover today I tend to talk really fast I'll try not to talk too fast but we have easily four or five hours of things to talk about but we're kind of try to dream it all jam it all into three hours now we have normally there's a break that happens in the middle but we have a lot of things to cover so let's see how we how far along and how fast we move we may or may not get the break is that okay okay now I'm a bit nervous you guys are a large audience this could get really go sideways on me I got all kinds of crazy things to show you as it relates to kubernetes and OpenShift and technologies like that now well quick show of hands how many people have put hands on docker at this point you know you've done some docker run docker build fantastic that's practically everybody so that was well as I expected how many people but hands-on with kubernetes at this point all right a fair number of you but maybe only 20% of your so 25% so this is kind of an introduction to kubernetes but I also have lots of little advance tips and tricks and things like that to show you as well depending on how far along we get so there's a lot in this presentation we're gonna spend a lot of time showing you things from the command line cube CTL cube cuddle cube control depending on what you name you have for that but at the same time I want to show you a bunch of different demonstrations of the different capabilities you can find in this kubernetes world okay so we're gonna have a lot of fun now the first thing you should note is the slide deck is that bitly 9 steps awesome do you see that the bottom of the presentation there bitly 9 steps awesome you have to have that link because there'll be a bunch of other links that you'll want later on so grimm make sure you grab that link and then also look at the github link as well I have all the notes for my presentation in that github link and as well as the sample application for this introduction and therefore you don't have to take a lot of notes because I already wrote them all down for you as a matter of fact I refer to my own notes because I can't remember all these things either so we're gonna actually dig into that github repo at great in great detail and you're going to want access to that okay but like I said there's a ton of other links in this presentation you're going to want access to as well so I do this axe the three-hour class mostly for O'Reilly with safari live typically that's a virtual event meaning I was actually the last time I ran it was in Turkey last week I was sitting in Turkey in my hotel room and broadcasted out live so we also run an sto one on a regular basis as well so a 3-hour sto deep dive with a safari live team so keep that in mind now there's going to be a raffle okay we're gonna have a little fun maybe towards the end maybe somewhere in the middle depends on how sleepy I think you guys are because for me it's really early in the morning I don't know about you folks but for me it really is early in the morning it's what 3 a.m. or something of that nature so I'm totally not switching into the right time zone so maybe this will help wake you up also we're gonna give away a couple Chromebooks I actually have some Chromebooks here you must be in the room to win for those people watching the livestream or whatever or the recording you won't be a part of that but just send out a tweet you know follow at birth Sutter sent out a tweet with a picture of the session and of course mention at birth Sutter and dev ox and then we have a little system that just simply randomly picks from the tweets to see what's out there and then we'll just give away a couple Chromebooks is that cool you guys like Twitter no alright then email me now I'm kidding just go to Twitter okay so normally I run this is kind of a hands-on session we won't be able to do that today because you guys don't have power strips and laptops and we don't even know if we have enough network connectivity for everyone to be trying this sort of thing plus the setup by itself is the hardest part I have already done the setup here on my laptop so getting a working kubernetes environment can actually take a long time so we're in that neighborhood of let's say 30 minutes if you have really good hardware and you really know your hardware well 2 somewhere around 3 days and in the case of this little AB setup that I have here with a mini cube or a mini shift you can still take an hour or two and often when I'm putting students through this little class they might take the whole three-hour class to just get set up so just be aware of that setting up can be very challenging I do have it documented as well on that Kasane github repo and then I have some links to tips for virtualization drivers the biggest challenge for most people is do they have enough hardware number one and number two have they ever set up with a virtualization hypervisor at all on their laptop before like it might be turned off near BIOS it might be you've never used them Mac that way before you've never used Linux that way before so that's where it gets challenging if you have a lot of experience of virtualization on your laptop then you're probably fine it won't be that hard okay so this is one of the things I use in all my presentations I've spoken devoxx now I don't know over the last twelve years or so and so I probably use this before so if you've seen this before please forgive me because I use it all the time but it's my favorite thing I like to think about your journey to awesomeness your journey as that means to your learning journey as you go from one place to the next to the next because we're always learning right we're always growing hopefully we're always trying to consume and understand that next new thing and when the key things in this new world is organization around DevOps right really focusing on DevOps and how dev and ops build better software together I imagine many of you who work for a large organization probably already have a dev team and an ops team and then last year or two or three your ops team declare themselves the DevOps team has anyone seen that happen you have a DevOps team now okay are there any devs on the DevOps team often there's not right you have some fantastic so that's one challenge already we've basically like when software developers all declare themselves to be architects probably 10 15 years ago so we can make more money ops people declare themselves to be DevOps so they can make more money and we have that's a problem if you think about it because dev and ops are supposed to be together all right we'll keep going here you have to have some form of cell service on demand elastic infrastructure this is where kubernetes really plays and all the cloud infrastructure really plays because if you're still waiting for a virtual machine from your centralized IT department and you're waiting three weeks or two weeks or one week or three days you're waiting vastly too long you should put a spin up a new VM in this case we'll spin up in the case of kubernetes you should be to do that instantly and wait not at all and of course it should be quota driven an API managed so therefore you basically will spin up only the resources you can are allowed to but you should be to turn on a new experiment instantaneously and try something instantly that's the beauty of the cloud that's the purpose of software software infrastructure that the sound software-defined ok so we're gonna do a lot more of that you got to think in terms of automation you got to think in terms of I'm no longer feeding CDs and DVDs and the trays anymore like we used to back when MSDN used to ship a big old catalogue to us we do have to feed CDs or DVDs into CD trays DVD trays no no and you're no longer going to SSH into a machine and um install this or apt-get install that you now we're going to fully automate your environment meaning you're gonna use an answerable playbook a puppet a chef or even a bash shell script for that matter and automate the building of your server from scratch and then tear it all back down again so they call that the phoenix server right the concept of you can burn it to the ground to ashes and rebuild it from a script so that concept is going to be fairly important and you're gonna see that concept as we get more into description anything you also should think in terms of your CI CD and deployment pipeline we won't have much time on it for this session just because there you know it's another thing like another thing that's kind of advanced and set up for you depending on the environment that you have but we we should mention that the fact that you want to fully automate your deployment pipeline as well it should no longer be on the back of a napkin or in a presentation that your architect or CIO or CTO has in a slide it should be something fully automated with maybe a jenkins to environmental jenkins file we're gonna see some advanced deployment techniques though on this presentation we're going to show you some basics of blue/green deployment a little bit of kind of canary deployment if we had enough time if we have enough time I'll show you some SDO as well we can do really smart canary deployment you can do dart launches and things of that nature but you can really take advantage of super interesting ways to deploy and what this fancy new deployment model means is you can test in production I know this kind of mind-blowing you're probably thinking oh my god I don't want to test in production that never happens around here but there that's the new idea what Bluegreen deployment canary deployment dark launch basically you are trying to deploy your new software as fast as possible because one of the things always like saying in my presentations that tends to bother some people I recognize this but then for all you folks are software developers you know you people who put hands on keyboard and you're knocking down texts into that text editor or IDE and you get it to compile that actually adds no value your code offers no value to your organization until it runs in production okay so it doesn't matter how many months or weeks or days you spent crafting that awesome algorithm until it's running a production and demonstratively adding value to the business organizational function is supposed to add value to then I had no value perhaps you've seen that survey that came out of a while back is by by filename KO havi where they have quantified now that most software that makes it to production only well is for this way one third of software that makes the production actually increases the metrics it was intended to increase only one third another third basically adds no value and another third adds negative value all right so it's a great study that done by Microsoft a guy who came from Amazon went to Microsoft I'd encourage you to check that one out guy check it out by again in Mohave so we tend to produce a lot of software but we have to make sure we demonstrate it running in production so this concept of deploying quickly deploying every week deploying every day you can start doing that with these new techniques that you'll see here and then you to Akutan be a micro services unicorn is even recognized for I stole this image it's the github unicorn it's the 503 they've used before so that's actually the give up unicorn but maybe we want to think about this centerpiece because that's where we're gonna focus we're gonna focus our attention on how we deal with some self-service things and automation things not too much on deployment pipeline but definitely some advanced deployment techniques this is where kubernetes really shines is where OpenShift takes advantage of those things this is where sto as well really shines and then we can be a really awesome unicorn okay all right so the fundamental focus that you have to think about here is we're all about agility now so this there's often a question that arises in these kubernetes sessions that i do i've talked a lot of people about kurby Nettie's and the number of question is okay I've got this application this big ole WebSphere application you know it's still yeah still a monolithic application with a big old ear and I'm thinking of you know putting in a docker in kubernetes and when the responses I have is well this criminality is actually gonna add value and agility to your situation how often do you deploy we deploy we deploy like clockwork you know we're on a mission we deploy every three months and how many applications do you have we have one one big ear okay I don't know if cribben is gonna help you a whole lot if you're only deploying every three months and deploying one thing kubernetes really shines when you're basically you're going to deploy every week every day every day at noon during the business day right and I got 25 or 45 things to deploy now you're really living in this new cloud native world that's really where micro services has taken over and you'll focus on technologies like kubernetes to give you greater agility that's the trump card so whenever you're asking a question of well that looks hard that looks painful I'm not sure why I'm going through that learning curve fundamentally try to understand is it giving you greater agility or not so I want to show you a demonstration real quick we got to keep this interesting and it's more fun for me if I show you stuff live and probably mess things up along the way because it keeps it exciting for me too I want to show you this little thing that we have right here okay what I have is I've deployed so by the way openshift this little orange sent red symbol here is red hats distribution kubernetes right so when I say openshift kubernetes kubernetes openshift they all mean the same thing and you'll notice I'm actually running both I'm running a little mini cube here I get pods okay nope I'm not in in the right namespace namespaces let's see here uh-huh so I got a bunch of pods running on this criminales cluster but I also have another kubernetes cluster here okay cube CTO get pods all namespaces so I actually have at this point I have this cluster as well as the other one they're both running on VirtualBox let's see if VirtualBox will come up for me here we go so the mini q1 running right here is running with 6 gigs of RAM 2 cores as an example and I'm running this one that I've named sto but 10 gigs are ram and 4 cores so I'm running 6 gigs a RAM just for these two VMs right together and then I'm running about six cores I only have a six core machine so that does tax the Machine a little bit but I have 32 gigs of RAM on this machine so that makes it very doable I'd still have Headroom and all these VMs but I'm not only just running that I'm also running three publicly hosted cloud environments because here's really the point and reason why there's the whole the whole lie the whole reason you should be thinking about using kubernetes is once you learn it you can run your application anywhere okay any cloud private cloud laptop cloud a bunch of raspberry PI's or in the public cloud across massive virtual machines if you want so I want to show you this little application I have this little guy running here locally make this window a little bit bigger maybe bump up the font make it look easier see and so what I have here is this thing called hopefully you guys have heard of AMQP right so it's an interoperable message broker protocol so basically you can move messages from one broker to another to another but one of the things we've done is we've we've actually taken that message protocol and we built a router around it so no words this is not a broker it's just a router there's no message storage there's no store and Ford like you have in traditional message brokers it's purely always for it as long as it can make the next connection the next handoff it just seems continues to route the message but as long as you can speak AMQP you're good to go so anything in the Java world we're AMQP or nodejs or Python it doesn't really matter and what this little application does is arouses around all these clouds okay so we're gonna try that real quick so I basically have here my Amazon environment running with a single virtual machine and running and openshift instance in it okay I have my Azure environment I got a connection error okay my Azure environment that's Azure console but the OpenShift running inside it I have the Google console ok GCP and OpenShift running inside it so here's the point right I have all these different environments and quite honestly on this side of things they look very different and they behave very differently so if I'm an infrastructure person I do have to learn a lot about those individual clouds you know how do I set up my keys how do I get this virtual machine spun up is being attached correctly like in the case of a sure it attaches a regular hard drive instead of an SSD you got to know that because it's slow you know and there's a lot of infrastructure things but at the developer level they all look alike right so if I if I come back out here you know they all look alike from the developers perspective and and again this is just a standard kubernetes kind of environment okay but what we're gonna do now is have a little fun with this let me put in a message here I'll just put my name in and hit Send okay it says merhaba cuz I was last in Turkey notice my message went my my message message flow screen ax also pushed to pushed up a message you saw that flash up there but watch what happens it actually says it went to the burger cloud alright so the bird cloud is the one running on this laptop but there's also Amazon Azure and Google there but let's actually kill the local burger cloud okay so let's say there's no more available capacity in my local cloud and I'm just basically going to turn off this message consumer all right so that's the consumer and responders to that message so never ever remove that let's do Stefan here right I'm gonna hit request and notice they went to Google and notice it flashed up red there too because red is Google okay so right red was Google so when to Google this time there's no distinction from the user standpoint where that message would process it was just processed in a different cloud that's the beauty of the router but that's also the beauty of the flexibility the agility gained by using an architecture like this one so if I come over here and go to Google let's go to Google okay and that's this guy right here I'm gonna shut it down all right I'm gonna turn it off so it can no longer process messages all right and let's just put in another name here helps if you get your keys your fingers on our keyboard and then we go to Alex and notice they went to AWS and AWS okay right there so that's kind of the point you can fail over now more importantly if you run out of capacity in any one cloud you have all the other available CPU available to you now and memory available to you so like let me bring up my local processor again okay this is the local one alright we're just spinning up pods taking pods down remember and I mentioned earlier you need that elasticity you need that ability to self-serve this is kind of that concept I'm not waiting for anyone to provision anything for me I'm basically saying I want one now I want to now I want three of these now so if I come back over here and type in my sister's name is Dax someone put Dax in here okay notice Dax came back to burr because burr is online now receiving messages but let me pump a little load into this thing okay let's actually drive some load in so this is load on the local system the local cloud and you kind of see what's happening right now okay by default we try to keep all the load local and this gets local cloud birds running about a thousand for 1,400 transactions per second you kind of see it the number changing there but some are going out to Amazon eight transactions per second or so and then some are going out to Azure based on the overall load and actually if I bring my Google one back online I have it set so that Google is a higher priority than the other two so we'll see Google actually grab some load and take advantage of those transactions also and you can kind of see if you'd notice over here this is also showing the state of each of these component processors that are running up there and this is a little vertex java application but you can see Google now is taking a little bit more load okay and then if I basically come back to my local system and let's go here and here and watch what happens I've basically took the local one offline again mase again we may have run out of resource and now we can burst out to all those public clouds and if I take down one of those clouds you'll see it spill over and spill over and what's really kind of cool if you have too much load let's say in Amazon it'll also spill back over to the select on which is kind of far out if you think about it in other words I can drive too much load in Amazon so it then starts running transactions here or vice versa so this little concept of being able to run anything across a cloud environment you can kind of see what's happening here basically burr is driving load out to the other three but again I can reverse the flow if I want to and you can also put other connections between these different clouds but this is just based on the cupid dispatch router okay so if you're familiar with Apache cupid project it's called the dispatch router and that's what this technology is an open-source Apache project but we can once we have the infrastructure in place we have kubernetes everywhere we can do some really cool things with it so what do you guys think about that is that cool okay so I just wanna kind of give you that perspective so you may be basically have a better feel for what it means to live in this new kubernetes like world okay so let's get back over here to the presentation and let's get marching along here now looks like not all of you have joined the slide deck I see 52 people have but we can should get more of you in here there's a few hundred of you in here right now so make sure you join that slide deck because there'll be other links that you want so the whole concept here is we have to reduce our deployment cycle from so many months or so many weeks down to basically one week or two weeks or three weeks basically if you if you think about it the whole concept of agile and what we do with our scrum teams and everything else is that we should be the deploy to production at the end of every sprint not at the end of a batch of Sprint's is which is what we normally do where we have let's say three weeks friends and we do six of those and at 18 weeks later we deploy no we should be deploy it in of a three week sprint directly into production that's kind of goal okay now here's our nine steps you can see it actually starts to zero and I have a bunch of bonus items the steps are now probably some are getting close to 15 or more because I keep adding things to the presentation and trying to figure out what to take away so we're gonna give you a quick introduction to what kubernetes is we're gonna quickly talk about installation and getting started only because we're not here to do the install you guys won't be to get a chance to get to the installation but I'll just kind of show you some tips and tricks of how to get it running locally and then we're gonna talk about you build images and run containers in this architecture we're going to talk about the cube CTL exec command or OC exec command will kind of show you that one and why that matters because you're gonna need to know that when it comes to debugging your containerized application one of the things I'll show you is how the java virtual machine by default blows up in a cgroups architecture right so in other words if you use docker or if you use kubernetes and you have you ever used docker in production and you notice that the JVM every now and then restarts and you probably don't know why I'll show you why because it does blow up and deep and restart by default and if you take default settings and so we'll talk about configuration and logging we'll talk about storage discovery and load cleansing the live and readiness Pro which are super critical to this what it means to truly be cloud native truly kubernetes native and then we'll show you some Bluegreen deployments rolling updates things that nature okay and then I had a lot of feedback from my earlier classes I had a little section on debugging and people like I forget debugging I don't it's it's just setting up the right port and setting up the debugger it's not a big deal assume you can get the port open which can be a big deal but the real big one is databases so I have a whole section on databases now how to run Postgres as a containerized application within kubernetes also again all of this is documented so if you go to github repo you're gonna see a document for one two three or four or five you can see two number 9's and there's even number ten I start working on as a for that matter ok so this is the challenge that we've tried to address over the last several years as a matter of fact when we learned the j2ee specification we learned about the different roles associated with who builds what and who does what with the artifact and we put our jar and our war and our war in our ear you guys remember all that good stuff I know it's ancient history at this point everyone only uses Wars at this point but here's really the key thing to understand your application sits on an entire stack of configured other points of infrastructure it's not just the things in your pom.xml that matter to you and the versions really matter they're obviously a lot but it also your custom configuration your JDBC driver which version of the JDBC driver am I supposed to use how is that configured what is the name of the data source to have beena JMS cues that are predefined any users and passwords associated with that what is the app server or application runtime is that a spring boot this WebSphere WebLogic JBoss whatever it might be okay Tomcat and then you got your JVM right that has to be set up correctly because you know that it only works on this version of JVM it doesn't quite work on that version of the JVM hopefully you know that at least and then if you deploy analytics environment what version of Linux are you running what version of the kernel and what you know dependencies might you have there because that matters too in some cases and then of course you have your server hardware so the good news is we've been trying to solve this problem for quite some time you know we actually would bake out golden images of virtual machines if you live on the Amazon world you bake out a Mis and that's what Netflix did they have a Mis now to solve this problem okay but here's really where it got rough for us here in a traditional data center on Prem world we would as developers and architects we would basically identify our stack we would write it all down if we you did our jobs well with email the QA Department say here's how we think you should set up our war file that we just baked out of the development team and here's they came out of a Jenkins bill right we have a nice war file here's where you pick it up from and here's they set it up that's what we used to do we used to email everybody with those configuration parameters well the promise the email has always gone stale what version of the email goes with the version the source code right that was always a problem too and so we got really clever a few years back we'd start using wiki pages instead right how do people still use a wiki page that identify the configuration for their application only a few of you fantastic well actually a few you not willing to waste your hands too but here's the issue I'm running on a Windows desktop or Mac desktop or a number two desktop or something like that but my production environment is really rent Hat Enterprise Linux or some form of Solaris or AIX whatever might be it has this version of the JVM it has this WebSphere version WebLogic version whatever might be and it's running on a certain version of the of the JVM right so that all matters the certain version operating system the JVM all that stacked and so that's really where the challenge comes in and this is really the beauty of the docker file the docker file codifies your stack it basically is a programmatic artifact you can check in to your source code repository and helps everyone understand oh this is what that application needs it needs this version of the OS with these dependencies from the operating systems perspective it needs this version of JVM right with these configuration parameters for the JVM it needs this app server layer whatever the application runtime might be and that could still be no js' or Python or Ruby it doesn't really matter it's just your application runtime environment and of course whatever custom config that you have like oh I need this data source connectivity I expect this kind of driver for my Oracle database whatever it might be you can then build that in your docker file so that was really the beauty of docker and that as we saw earlier with most people raising their hands we've certainly took advantage of that most people now are living in that docker world at least from a development standpoint even if they're not using it in production just so they can take advantage of the docker file right this is what we mean it's no longer wiki page it's no longer an email this is we need to run our app now it gets a little bit crazier though when we run a bunch of these things as I mentioned earlier right you don't really enter the kubernetes ecosystem when you only have one single application and you'd only deploy every three months but we know that we live in this new digitally transforming world where we're the heroes of that story we're the people who create digital assets we're the people who know how to put hands to keyboard and create new code new configuration new scripts new infrastructure whatever it might be we're the people who literally can take what's in our minds and make it real in the world okay and what we need is those digital creators to work ever faster than ever before that's what's happening so the fact you can deploy every three months was nice but we need you to apply every week now as a matter of fact the business has regulations that they have to respond to from a government entity standpoint in a particular country or they might have a certain set of business rules and requirements based on let's say the marketing campaign that has to get run and somebody has to change okay somebody has to change quickly and then how do we get that change into production so when we scale this out across let's say six servers and actually have yeah six nodes here technically I have to running on this laptop and three running in the public cloud so I only have five and I think about it running right now but how do i scale out across those architectures how do I avoid port conflicts how do I manage all those hosts how do I deal with the fact that something might have died and so if you live with a pure docker world okay when I say docker I mean - docker command line tool and actually if you notice in my laptop I'm not running docker for Mac or docker for Windows I turned it off because I'm using kubernetes as my docker environment if you will all I'm using from docker is just a docker command line tool you know docker build docker run docker PS docker images can thing but what this means is I can now go into each of these machines and have them managed for me I don't have to go into SSH into each machine and go docker run docker run docker run docker run docker run docker run and actually if something dies come back around and go up it died docker run that again Dokka run this again docker run that again especially if it's Java okay because Java tends to fall over if it's been docker runned because of the nature of something I'll show you in a second okay so how do we keep it up button healthy how do we keep it alive and well how do we basically make sure that all those docker runs are happening magically for me and that's really where something like kubernetes comes into play so this is the symbol icon for kubernetes it's pretty awesome stuff kubernetes is actually the greek term for helmsman I like to think it was the pilot if you will ships pilot or the governor it's basically the orchestrator that's going to basically make all those docker runs happen for you okay across all the servers that you've applied it to and it ensures that those docker images and docker containers those containers Linux containers are up and healthy and the cool thing is kubernetes is and doesn't require docker you could use other container formats as well but it supports multiple cloud environments you saw five different clouds two of which are on this machine running in VirtualBox and three of which are running on the public cloud but bare metal environments also so you can actually run this completely without virtual machines and just use bare metal literally plug in real physical Hardware into your data centers racks and light them up as a communities node also it's inspired by Google's focus on containers you know they have ten years of running containers of scale and so this is where that project originally came from it's open source written and go and it manages applications not machines it was meant to be for us as developers to take advantage of though honestly it does look a little bit like infrastructure often when we're looking at it okay so some key capabilities some self-healing and we'll see some of that horizontal scaling automatic restarting and that's a very important aspect of this as well in other words it looks for this health and readiness of your application if it is not healthy in a restarted automatically and that becomes very important later on and then you're going to also schedule across multiple hosts it has built in load balancers and has rolling upgrades and lots of cool stuff the first term that you're going to hear in this criminalities world is this thing called a pod and so the most common question I get is why is the pod called a pod and some people remember that 70 science fiction horror film you know the you know the Body Snatchers the pod people yeah it's not that no and you might say it's a pea pod you know multiple peas in a pod right nice piece like that but realistically it comes from this icon you see here the concept of the whale and a family of whales is a pod okay because you can actually put more than one container in a pod and that becomes really important when you get into an architecture like sto is an example which has a sidecar container which lives alongside your pod so the pod is more than one container Linux container potentially typically you only put one in it and then you have a shared IP shared lifecycle shared storage volume and all those things get cycled together okay so if I have two pods in there or sorry two containers in my pod they all get cycled together and that's important to know so therefore you don't want to put your database and your application in the same pod I get that question a lot to know the database should be in its own pod and your application in its own pod because you can think of this pod as the machine from the applications perspective in other words my Java app my node.js application my Python application sees that pod as the machine itself okay it's like them and when you restart the pod it's like the whole computer got restarted that's how the JVM responds to it so just keep that in mind the shared life cycle of multiple containers in a pod is the key unit of work that we're mostly dealing with we're trying to get pods out there and running and they weren't you know tearing pods down rolling update the pods things that are nature and then you have these other two constructs that you might have seen in the communities ecosystem the replication controller is the concept of I want to basically make sure that I have two or three or four of these pods running and you can kind of pick the number you want so a replication controller is looking at the desired state and ensuring that we have in numbers of those pods running okay and then we have this newer concept and when I say newer it's actually pretty old at this point called the deployment so in this session we're going to focus on the deployment because replication control is a bit older and the deployment is that truly declared state meaning what image am I going to use to deploy how many of those do I want what are my liveness produce readiness probes my constraints for memory and CPU your deployment artifact is that one you primarily interact with at this point okay so deployment yeah Mille but is that desired state okay you also have this concept of the service will play around with the service because the service is incredibly powerful if there's anything that kind of really set this architecture apart from previous architectures that I've seen in this kind of you know highly elastic style way of doing computing the service being separate from the pod is really a piece of magic okay the service holds the real IP if you will the DNS entry for the thing and our words that's my customer service that's my human resource service that's my accounting service that's my billing service think of it like that it is not ephemeral how often do you have customers that you decide all of a sudden oh we don't want to do customers of this organization we're gonna only do inventory and we're gonna drop customers I mean it does happen but not too often right how often do you move away from inventory to move over to patients or maybe you move from patients over to you know we're gonna just do people you know you don't tend to ten you don't tend to change those major artifacts you and your domain-driven design right that often so the service represents that it represents something that tends to be around a little bit longer if you will like customer patient client inventory HR but it then sets itself up to invoke or basically pass through the invocation into the actual pod the pods are very ephemeral they can come and go all the time they can get rescheduled from one machine to another machine to another machine and that's the point the service is kind of what sticks around and then you have the concept of labels and the labels really make the magic happen because that's how the service knows what pods belong to it it's based on the label something simples that all right so your criminales cluster would look something like this set of nodes I have all these different VMs or actual bare metal servers I might have like Tomcat and Postgres and Bob fly and spring boot and you know who knows what running across those different nodes and they don't have to be like for like you know decide use the icons here to represent the fact that some nodes have more load than others they have different components and others and then you have this master right the math kubernetes master is responsible for ensuring that the workload lands on the right note okay your application is basically going to make it out there to one of those things and your dev and ops people are interacting with this API API servers some people like to call it and this is the endpoint if you will for your cube cuddle command cube control command and then once you give it the declared and desired request I want this to have two of them I want this image to be running two times two replicas with this liveness program this readiness probe it makes it happen okay you make the request it eventually makes it happen okay so the concept of labels as I mentioned are very important across your different nodes you can might see here that I have this Bob fly icon here and it has an app called cool so it's just a key value pair that's all the label is it's an app called cool over here it's an app called cool as well you can see it's basically in the environment called dev this one's also an environment called dev but it also this is version 1 and this is version 2 ok so literally I have a different maven build a different piece of code running is version 2 simultaneously alongside version 1 that's a very powerful concept and this is something you want to take advantage of because that's how you get your Bluegreen deployment that's how you do your canary deployments you'll see a little bit later okay so these labels really matter and you can notice we kind of mixed prod and dev here so pre prod and prod obviously that's not overly common there are definitely organizations running these clusters at great scale that run one big cluster that is production and non production but more often than not you have a production cluster but a bunch of big honkin servers and then you have a pre production cluster okay and you just have to move the image and the right artifact over from one to the other that's all that's not that big a deal and that's if you look at those three public clouds I showed you earlier that's all I do right I just basically say you go to that cloud basically update it with the right set of deployment artifacts now here you can kind of see we have app called cool but also this is a different environment and a different version okay then what we had earlier but if we look at it from this perspective here's our dev environment here's a production environment here's our version one okay make sense so the labels really matter and you will want to make sure you understand that aspect because that's exactly how the magic happens how does the deployment know what it's managing through labels how does the service know what its load balancing two labels okay right so here's your key commands I'll remove it too fast by the way you can tell me because I tend to move fast because there's always a lot of things to show okay cube code will get namespaces all your components do you create all the pods you launch need to go in a namespace the easiest way to think of it typically you might have in a development environment one namespace per developer or you might have a namespace per department like oh that's the HR department these are all the application components for the HR team right human resource team or these are all the application components for the customer service team maybe that's a namespace the namespace matters though because that's actually how you set up your our back right your role based account control right that's where you set up your security also it's where you set up your quotas so in other words I'm going to basically have a namespace for developer or for human resources and they're only allowed to use so much CPU and only so much memory as an example so that you know the namespace we're not gonna really delve into that that's more of an ops issue but as a developer just recognize you either are going to create a namespace for yourself and there's going to have some default quota and privileges associated with it or most likely the ops team the dev ops team is going to give you a namespace and that's what you're going to work within with the dead again with the quota and the certain privileges associated with it okay so basically you can use - in namespace that's a fairly common thing to do cube cuddle cube control you notice this command right here it has a lot different names we were confused from the very GetGo when terminators was born several years ago we called it cube control cube cuddle cube CTL often I used cube CTL and other people did too but I think the correct name is cube control though some people refer to this cube be cuddle that's kind of cute also isn't it okay but just keep that in mind you hear that phrase you might be confused and you're gonna see that little CTL thing show up again and again for instance the sto command-line tools sto CTL okay I'm wearing a t-shirt from the podcast called pod CTL pod control right so you might hear control CTL cuddle you know in that phrase then you can see on my run command logs exposed and scale all kinds of good stuff there so let's actually hop over here real quick show you some things that's my mini shift environment let me go to my mini cube environment okay so I can say QB cuddle cube cuddle cube control get namespaces and you can see I have several namespaces here I've default demo cube public cube system and test the ones I created were demo and test we're gonna create another one in a second but at the same time I can come over here to look at my mini shift environment and not that mini shift environment and QB cuddle get namespaces you can see I have a lot more namespaces here I have a bunch of different ones here because within a mini shift environment an open shipped environment actually sets up a few more things for for me like a cool console and other things of that nature but I have one call tutorial there and I can say cube cuddle get cube cuddle get pods in tutorial okay and you can see I have three application components running there this is actually a spring boot app spring muda application and a vertex application you can think of that is like three application servers running and here's one cool thing right out of the gate that's three JVM it's all running on port 8080 on this laptop right now so if you've ever tried doing that before it's actually very hard or release painful and you actually give up on it right you basically put one on 8080 and one on 8080 one and one on 8080 - and then if you have this tomcat running over here and messes you up when you try to run JBoss which messes you up and try to run spring boot which messes you up when you run vertex and so in this case I can run everything on 8080 because it's handled being handled within the criminais DS environment for me okay so what else do we have here oh a couple key tips that you'll see in the documentation that I give you again on the github repo I tried to document all of these things right so we basically talked about how to set up mini cube to be your docker environment so if we look here don't uh this is actually a good tip to have okay if I come over here mini cube docker env look what it does here it basically experts these for environment variables one of which is the host name and the port now this is very important if you've done docker before which most of you have this is one that's going to bite you so just mentally plug this in because I'm using mini Cuban mini shift I can expose port 2376 on that virtual machine and treat it like a regular docker Damon keep in mind a dr. Damon doesn't have a login requirement okay you would not have this in a production setting or in a public cloud setting you do not expose a docker Damon on the public cloud because if you do then people can come play with your docker daemon right they can come over and go oh what is what does that person running oh they're running a lot of cool stuff maybe I want to you know kill those processes stop those processes maybe I want to build my own image and run my own image in your doctor in vironment so don't expose to dr. Damon unless you can know what you're doing so what that means is in order to move artifacts especially images from one cluster to another whether docker Damon's are not visible you have to have another tool for that and there's lots of tools right you can just find one worst case scenarios you can sport the docker image to a tar file put it on a flash drive and sneakernet it over if you had to okay because you can actually do that it's just a tar and move it if you had to but there's one called scope EO that's fairly popular one the Red Hat team worked on okay but I can say docker images here and I can interact so I'm actually messing around now with the docker daemon running in my mini cube same thing if I go back to mini shift here if I go docker images same thing applies okay I can actually see I got a bunch of sto stuff running in my in a much of SD are running in my mini shift environment that's why I gave a more memory but you can see I got a bunch of stuff right in there lots of docker images and there's the messaging application I was showing you earlier to write the that's the front end is this guy over here and then the worker was the message processor okay so there's a bunch of stuff running there already and you can see again another vertex application another vertex application all running there okay so cube cut will get pods in to just demo to a MQ right so there's the pods associated with that okay so let's keep marching along here I just want to show you that briefly to kind of make sure you're still woken up and paying attention but that's what you're gonna do use these command line tools and interact with your cluster that's the good news is you don't have to learn a ton of things you just have to learn this one tool if you will okay and then you can rack for your cluster now micro-services are fundamental about distributed computing as I mentioned earlier if you have one big ear and you're just pulling that every three months this is overkill okay this is just your take bringing a shotgun to kill to kill a fly is kind of the way to think of it right and that's the exact phrase is it but the concept is you want to be in a micro services like architecture so you might use something like a drop wizard which is the people that came out came out very early but the concept of fat jar so drop wizard in verdicts came out really early on many years ago with the concept of java - jar and running a fat jar spring buddha course is very popular well flies swarm is now called throwing tail right that's a micro profile invitation there's this whole micro profile effort there's actually a microphone file session happening concurrent with this one right now what ir so you might be you know missing that but the concept is we've been thinking about how to break up big applications into smaller applications for quite some time and this little chart kind of gives us a little history lesson if you don't mind we've been thinking about how to break up a monolithic waterfall big old team into smaller units for quite some time so we think we thought about extreme programming XP back in 99 we have this concept of continuous integration how do we move a little faster instead of integration every now and then let's integrate all the time okay ideally we integrate every day because we check our code in every day and the automated build runs and runs our tests the agile manifesto came out in 2001 again how do we take big teams and make them smaller teams the cloud was born in 2006 as an example so this check this changed the rules on us it's like wait a second I don't have to wait for the my IT department for three weeks to get a virtual machine I could spin up a virtual machine with my credit card that was a game-changer for us to software developers we could then take the idea in our head and immediately start trying it out with a machine because think about that for one second if you're a software professional and we used to tell you I'm sorry please file a ticket two vice-presidents will sign off on it and you'll get a virtual machine later on we're telling you you can't have a computer for so many weeks or so many days you kind of need computers to do your job right it's kind of like if we told a homebuilder they couldn't have hammers or nails or saws or things like that for so many days so this concept the cloud was very powerful just to put that in perspective Java 6 was born in 2009 the phrase DevOps was born in 2009 what really got interesting that was Netflix and drunk wizard in vertex okay so Netflix moves to the cloud and starts thinking about cloud native architecture drop wizard and router decks were born in 2011 they showed us this concept of not building big o wars and ears but little tiny fat jars and running a little tiny application ok Netflix of course then open sources what they were doing with history Eureka and ribbon in 2012 and the micro services starts showing up with a thought works radar in 2012 so here's we've been thinking about this for many years over 6 years in some cases and then docker was born in 2013 it was actually born based on a five-minute demo and a so lightning talk at a Python conference and from that five-minute lightning talk the world was lit on fire they showed a stalker build they showed a stock a run and we lost our minds for like oh my god that changes everything we knew about Linux containers for many years they've been out there for quite some time but no one had ever made it easy to use ok until we dr. bill doctor run spring boot born in 2013 okay microservice is officially defined by the thought works team in 2014 that really made it popular once we had a formal definition for what that was and kubernetes born in 2014 so Caribbean itis has actually been out there for quite some time too as a matter of fact in 2015 based on this announcement in 2014 we I worked there's a presentation I have on YouTube where you actually see us launch a thousand containers live on stage in two and a half minutes a thousand app servers by the way in a thousand application containers and then we invite the audience to claim one we had over a thousand people in the room and they all claimed their own container by uploading their own little flag a little image that they painted on their phone and actually we dropped that image on a every one of those individual machines and I say machine I mean pot okay because from the developer standpoint it's just like a computer so a thousand and two and half minutes is an example so this is an incredibly powerful technology but what else happened in 2012 Netflix reinvented TV as well can you imagine that seriously we went from cable you know people who've watched cable all the time to people who were cable cutters so they actually did a lot of innovative things in that same time window so maybe as of 2015 you were thinking of using spring with Eureka spring with history exprience Ringwood config server as of 2016 because of kubernetes and technologies like it we could eliminate eureka we get service discovery for free Whitaker Benes architecture we get load balancing for free with the criminis architecture where you get configuration as part of the kubernetes architecture we see all those things in this presentation and then of course we still hadn't Zipkin and Zul and hysterics still out there as of 2016 but as of 2017 we move from Zipkin to open tracing okay open tracing being a standardized API around the tracing concept and in iaeger from the uber team became more popular and so lit Yaeger is the current winner if you will in the space Zul was still out there and history is still out there okay but as of 2018 we've it further streamlining this further with sto so sto allows me to eliminate let's say histories in some cases not all cases but you know you actually a circuit breaking at the network level now witnessed EO plus you get additional tracing and additional monitoring and metrics and to kind of make that point where this is not a session on is TOS T is rather advanced but I'll just show you this right here just so you get a feel for it this one right here let's see here let me just run my polar script so if you remember I had the cube let me type correctly QB cuddle get pods - in tutorial I had these three pods it helps if you put the L at cube cuddle cube control there we go so customer preference and recommendation you can see it's basically making that three little micro services three different JVMs all being connected there together and then I kind of see I have my monitoring here with the workload dashboard in this do so I can look at the customer I can look at preference I can look at recommendation here you can see it's charting along okay I also have the tracing built right in to let's look at the most recent traces and you can kind of see here there's the spans associate with those traces you can see how long each of these invocations take you know five milliseconds you know three milliseconds dead thing and you can kind of see it marching along there let's here we go okay so that's one thing you get with STR out of the box you get some instantaneous tracing you get some monitoring and metric gathering and then of course you can do some really fancy stuff with playing with the route rules which I might get if we have time I'll show you that too okay so that was that's really the point of this slide is to say that sto further augments your architecture and then you might start looking at is do to augment your kubernetes architecture okay so let's get going here one thing that's also important to note is all this awesome Netflix stuff and spring stuff was awesome for people on the JVM and most people here are probably on the JVM but is there anyone who actually has workloads that are not on the JVM right now like nodejs python a lot of you okay so a lot of python know jess c-sharp maybe some c-sharp workloads things that nature so the good news is this applies to any of those workloads now you get load balancing you get configuration you get service discovery you get circuit braking even if you're no Jess even if you're Python even if it's a c-sharp even if you're go it doesn't matter what it is because it's now applied at the infrastructure level you don't have to have annotations in your code anymore for service discovery you don't have annotations and a jar file for client side load balancing you don't have to carry the jar file for circuit breaking anymore on your pom.xml because it's now at the infrastructure level okay so all these concepts here really matter the concepts of do you define an API and how do you manage the API through your application logic and maybe have a swagger document etc and it doesn't really matter what you build that in but these other aspects of micro-services architecture are things like how do I discover another component in the architecture how do I discover another service how do I invoke it is it elastic in other words if I call it as they gonna failover if the one that I'm talkin to you is not performing very well can i scale out can I scale back you know resiliency what happens if it's too slow you know things of that nature is there a pipeline driving my application workload to production or through at least the stages of dev you know dev stage production kind thing what is my authentication authorization mechanisms my logging and monitoring and my tracing all these things should be considered as you enter into this world where we're no longer dealing with one ear and deployment every three months we're dealing with twenty five things and we want to play every week right when you live at that scale deploy rapidly you gotta start thinking about all these items okay so installation is can be the hardest part of learning kubernetes you got to get your hands on a criminai DS cluster and make it work okay and mini cube is really awesome I use it a lot and mini shift I use every day right so that so mini cube is nothing more than a little tiny kubernetes cluster running in a virtual machine I'm running it here on VirtualBox I showed you this earlier I'm just running on VirtualBox but I could use hyper-v if I'm running on Windows I could use a VM if I'm running on Linux you know you just have to pick the right virtualization solution and launch your VM but I'm also running mini shift here okay and this is also running sto and a bunch of other things so I have that running here as well so you can basically run either those pretty easily assuming you have virtualization support you can also use gke up at Google very easily Amazon of course has e KS now elastic kubernetes service a measure has a KS as your kubernetes service there's OB chef comm there's another thing called OC cluster up that requires a doctor daemon this is also very popular there's tons of options to run a crew Benes cluster okay at this point you can find one somewhere and run one now again this prep is part of the harder part to think about the the way I would demo this normally and we're not gonna do this here but you'd kind of see I have a whole document that walks you through how to set these things up so what to download what you know your prerequisites are like you can see I do have docker installed because I can do things like docker images here and I am talking to that you know my local docker Damon right so that is that is mini shift docker env or mini cube docker NV right depending on which one you're on so just remember that trick right there that's an important one but again you won't find this in a production cluster all right what else we have here Oh in the case of kubernetes mini cube there's one thing OC project I'm on the mini shipped environment so right look right here I'm basically if I say OC project it tells me I'm on the tutorial project namespaces you also notice I'm we're using OC and cube cuddle interchangeably because you can OC is just the OPF command-line tool which is just you know a superset of cube cuddle cube control but if I come over here and look at something else let's see OC project sto system I can switch namespaces and now if I say cue cuddle get pods right I'm looking at the pods there so the concept being at a switch namespaces is something built into the OC command line tool we refer to this project in the case of mini cube it's a little bit more cumbersome so there's another tool called cube CTX I highly recommend and cube NS that you can download and that's recommended in the document and you can say cuban s and i want to switch to the demo namespace and now I can say cube cuddle get pods all right if I say Cuban s NS test and I say keep code will get pods and kind of say I'm dealing with the three different pods here this is a go app node app Python app and this other was a spring boot app running against Postgres is an example okay so you can jump back and forth between your namespaces with cube in s4 mini cube just remember that this important tip because that one is painful unless you know that trick okay download everything set up your environment set up your mini cube home mini shift home the good news is if there's a distinction in how many shift our mini cube work I do call that out okay but otherwise they work the same all right the cube cut' on OC work for the same so you kind of see how it basically talked about how to set up your memory how to set up your CPUs again you can use VirtualBox a lot of people are now starting like hyper kit on Mac I still use VirtualBox because it's available everywhere I can pace they take this script if you will and run it on Windows run on Linux running on Mac okay we're VirtualBox and it's kind of what I'm used to and there's VirtualBox once you have it running ok you can also look back at your fig you can see right there there's the mini cube config view let me go here back to this one and mini shift config view okay there's also mini shift dashboard and so we we've already seen this already so there's the main dashboard for mini shift and the case of mini cube okay they also have a dashboard we have one there it helps if you spell it correctly though and then you can kind of see what that looks like okay so you can kind of look at your different namespaces so we saw earlier I had test and we had our three pods there then nodejs the python to go okay so you can see what image decide two things of that nature so you do have graphical consoles to interact with the kubernetes cluster you're dealing with also if you're dealing with the kerbin at ease cluster hosted by a third-party like a cloud provider they're gonna have their own console their own way to look into their console so kind of just know that there's always gonna be kind of a unique console per criminai just cluster that you encounter the only thing that's kind of the same same is really the command-line tool okay what else do we have here make sure we cover our key ground well show you the consoles get namespaces showed you that already which talked about docker env with that you knew docker images showed you that oh this is actually important one so how do you know if your mini cube or mini mini shifter happy you can SSH into the virtual machine so now I'm inside that VM and I can go look at my free memory I can look at my disk space these things can be important so DF - H free - H because if you're running out of resources within that little cluster because you can you might have run way too many pods right let's say you run fifteen JVMs that's probably gonna eat up all your memory relatively fast and actually how do you know you're running out of resources as because when you come over here and Duke you cuddle get pods and you're looking at your pods man I forget the hell look at that you see how it's running here you'll see pending instead okay pending is like I'm trying to schedule it but I can't find a server with enough resource available yeah this thing is going to need too much memory and you might see pending that happens a lot for a developer on their laptop I've seen that a lot of students in my classes so just keep it in mind so you might go check out you know do I have enough memory to have enough to space what's eating my CPU right inside the VM alright so there you know looks like I don't we made that too small but if I had a bigger window you could see what top shows can we see it here not that one not top on the Mac but top in the VM yeah it's not gonna display properly for me made its you small okay but you can look and see what's using your CPU things of that nature so knowing how to get into the VM is important so that's mini shift or mini cube Sh SSH alright and in the case of open shift you do have to log into it so opens you're just secure by default mini SH you have to secure by default that's a little bit different than a regular kubernetes that's why they call it out there but you can just come out here now and just run something so if I come up here and say cube cut I'll get namespaces I want to be in the cube NS default one right cube cut I'll get all what's running here it does have a single service and this is one that comes out of the box so don't mess with it okay but I'll leave that there and what I want to do is run this cube cut one command so what this basically the run command which is not normal for you to use but it's a little bit like your docker run okay a little bit like your docker run so normally you do docker build docker run but in this case you're basically running a built image this was coming from the Google registry alright you will see things like docker i/o for the docker registry GCR i/o things like that and then you basically say what port you wanted to run on but look at everything it created when I just did that run command it missed they created the deployment okay we're gonna learn more about deployments it created a pod and it created a replica set ok so just that one command created these three different artifacts which I could have managed individually typically you just deal with a deployment and it takes care of the rest ok and now we have that thing running and so it's pretty straight forward to run something but you got it also an extra let's do this cube cuddle exact like t let's actually go in to the pod so into that container all right bin bash now I'm inside it I think it's running on 8080 it's what we said right there we go so it's a little engine next application right there engine X application running on 8080 and when I basically go inside and say curl localhost because I can because I'm inside that pod now so I'm inside the machine therefore localhost matters I can do other things like PS right what else is running in here oh it doesn't have PS running so it depends on what you know what tools you have available to you inside that Linux machine right inside that Linux pot let's get back out of it though and what I want to do is expose the deployment via a node port via service now we say get cube cut' will get services alright now I have this hello mini cube service and notice this concept of node port so by default when you're dealing won immunity cube architecture there's no built-in externalized router right that's how we think of it so basically you deal with this concept of a node port this port is open on the VM open on that open on that node so if I say mini cube IP like that right that's the IP address of the things like say 1 92168 and then 99 102 and then 32 6 5 7 there we go so that's the same application that's running I just curled it from an external standpoint so if I come over here and bring it up in my browser right just a so show that it's is running here there we go alright so that is what that application is doing even gives us the hostname notice the hostname there it actually is the same host name as cube cuddle get pods right see the host name right here - in other words just a pot identifier alright so you can basically say what is the idea that virtual machine or sorry pod in this case and then what is naming them a name up for a hostname standpoint you'll see that in a Java way also okay we have our services you also there's another way to get the URL for it with mini cube here you can gonna just run this command tell you what that URL is for it but just know the real secret sauce is this concept of the node port okay and we're gonna drill down on this a little bit more in a second but basically this lets you know that your environment is working pretty well all right so I have setup I've installed you can delete the service so I can just wipe out that service now if I want to get rid of this and actually free up resources so I'm gonna delete it I'm going to delete it and watch what happens if when I delete this watch you could all get pods okay I'm going to delete the deployment so cube control delete deployment hello mini cube and it actually will tear down the pod okay because the deployment as the unit says what state would you like in this world I want one replica of that pod running right therefore it has the replica set associated with it and once I delete the deployment it basically marks that pod for termination and will eventually get around to cleaning that up and and therefore you get that resource back right the memory and CPU associated with it so you can kind of just watch that happen and then if you have to you can mini cube stop mini cube start so if you actually want to turn that virtual machine off stop and start works fine if you can also wipe it out entirely and recreate it okay I'm not gonna do that now because I don't have time to wait on it but keep that in mind there are two directories you should be aware of one called config dot JSON here in the mini cube home and another one called dot cube config these things can get a little bit trashed at some times okay meaning you've done you connected to this cluster in this cluster and this cluster and this cluster and ten different clusters and you're like wow I've got way too many things listed in my config dot JSON and and and so over time you might want to decide to clean those things up a little bit let me see if I have a more messy one I can show you real fast here let's see cube CTX over here like here's a good example over here my open shipped environment you can see all the different places I've been connecting to and actually see it basically has a reference to the Amazon one you know the Google one the azure one things like that so that's what this in those files basically your configuration in your context and you might every now and then decide just to wipe those out and start from a clean slate so that's a good tip as well because in the early days of kubernetes they would get a little bit bungled up and we would tell people could just go wipe those files and try again and then magic happens okay so that is really all there is to kind of getting set up those set up can be very hard all right we got to move along a little faster here we got lot more ground to cover okay you guys still with me is this worth your price of admission it will be we'll get there okay so getting your Kirby's architecture kubernetes cluster setup is can be fairly hard especially if you want to set it up across multiple servers because by default you're going to set up if you for a real production environment somewhere around 6 to 12 servers because you need to have 3 for your your quorum on your sed server your master node needs to probably have three of those that's pretty typical and then you have so many worker nodes right like I'm gonna have to run my apps across so many workers in the case of mini cube and mini shift and what you see me happening here I'm running everything in one big VM ok so the master as well as the workers are all really one thing you can do it that way too but that would definitely not be recommended for production typically you have three masters and then you have so many worker nodes based on your workload so you're into the 6 range pretty fast you know and beyond and so you just have to make sure you set those up correctly ok but building an image for a developer is gonna be a fairly common task and so here's the pattern I want you guys to get in your head right away ok I'm gonna build my application like my node.js application with NPM I'm going to build my Python application pip I'm gonna build my ruby application with Jim I'm gonna build my java application what maven let's say and I'm gonna get a nice executable fat jar or war or whatever you might have as your artifact and then you have to do the next thing so I had my application I have my bore file I have my java application I gotta find a base image to run this on and there are a number of places to find base images docker hub is the most popular one and most well-known and you can go to docker hub and just search for a base image do you think meets your needs just but just be aware that you know you don't really know the Providence of that docker image you don't know who worked on it you don't know what things they put inside it you don't know if they fix the Seavey's in it so just got to keep that in mind certainly the docker community tries to keep those things up dated but to some degree it might just be what Joe or Fred or Sam or Mary created on their own and they could have stuck whatever they wanted to in there okay something that runs and then you won't even know okay and this is a Linux machine so you can do really cool stuff with it so just keep that in mind there's also Quay io GC r io which is a Google one and then Red Hat also provides a certified set of container images so you can start with like if you want to run a java one or if you want to run with Postgres you want to run what node etc so figure out where your base image is going to come from I highly recommend for anybody going to production with this kind of architecture thinking about how to roll your own base image that way you know exactly what you're getting in your base image you know exactly what the base Linux operating system is what kernel version what dependencies you need installed there you can wipe out stuff from the distribution you don't need we don't need an FTP server we don't need Firefox right you can make sure those things are gone if that's what was in your base image to begin with and then you put the right version of the JVM with the right dependencies underneath it with the right node.js runtime Python runtime etc so think about building your own base image for getting started purposes I'm just showing you bases I'm mostly pull from docker hub okay you didn't have to craft your docker file where the from command is the key element there to figure out where you're gonna get that base image from then you're going to build your image and then you're gonna have two other artifacts okay you're gonna have a deployment yamo and a service channel which is how you would launch that thing into a kerbin at ease architecture so two additional files now there's a lot of effort in the space to remove the need for those two files you're gonna see lots of tools out there in the ecosystem that have removed this remove that and but in many cases they've introduced yet another yamo file so in this class I just try to show you the basics for what you would have across any kubernetes cluster you encounter okay it doesn't matter where that criminis cluster comes from or who what vendors gave it to you the deployment yamo and service animals should work for you okay and then of course you have to expose your URL that you've created out to the world at large now this is actually an important step to understand because every kubernetes cluster has a different form of load balancer slash ingress some externalized routing architecture and they're all unique okay so depending on what kubernetes cluster you're talking to this concept of exposing URL is going to be unique for cluster biking a case of OpenShift react ship out of the box with one called H a proxy you probably heard of H a proxy before that's the externalized loaded balancers all you do is say I have one an externalized URL outside the cluster and you get one and you have one to use right away but in the case of mini cube doesn't have that out of the box right you don't have an externalized URL that's why you set node port trick to access the actual service that I've declared and in a case of GK or Amazon you know you're going to get a different solution for each one of those so just keep that in mind number six is unique per cluster okay you would do a docker build and then you could do cube CTL run like you saw me do earlier but there's a lot of different tools like the fabricate maven plug-in one thing cool about the fabricate maven plug-in is you don't have to have a docker file or deployment or service llamó it will try to figure those things out for you okay now you may or may not want that you might want more control but it is a nice quick and dirty way to just try something just throw it a criminal's cluster just to see if your jar file won't work so if you give it a fat jar or war it just tries and sends it out there so it's a maven plugin and they'll try to deploy it but it will fail at times because it's picking in the base image that may not be appropriate for your your your application there's also Jib which came from the Google team not too long ago and it also is another maven plug-in that per that generates a docker image for you so you don't have to do a docker build with Jim you just basically do a jib build and it does the docker build for you there's also concept of he'll he'll charge that's very very popular again you got a different set of gamal then a deployment Yam on the service camel but what a helmet art if you have three or four different application components that get deployed together right three different deployments in the case of kubernetes maybe you want to orchestrate deployment 1 then 2 then 3 and help them helps you with that the problem with helmet relies on the service called tiller and tiller has to operate as a privileged service within your cluster meaning it has more privileges than it probably should and so that's one reason we never recommend it in production because you now have something with elevated privileges which means if someone gets into it they have elevated privileges and you don't want us so I want that when helm charts 3 though tiller will be an optional element and you can basically just use helm shirts in the command line perspective there's also a tool called compose takes your docker compose yamo again the original docker compose concept would allow you to basically say oh this Apple with this database with this network setting you could compose those melt will docker images into a you know say a full stack well you can also just consume that file and make kubernetes llamo out of it okay catch is kind of going away there's a project actually a team that I work with had started but we kind of given up on at this point it was a way to shorten some of the yeah mole down by a few notches because you'll see that the yeah mole and kubernetes can be a little verbose though it has a purpose and there was a way to kind of shorten that down and then there's a lot of other things so the one that you'll also see coming out right now is build a pod ban and Kaneko this from the Google team these two from the Red Hat team different ways to build images without docker right that's a very common request it's like how do I eliminate do cker from my repertoire and toolset we've been working on that too so you wouldn't have to use any docker at all you would just use something like pod man and another thing about this it doesn't require doctor daemon which is pretty even more awesome which because dr. Damon's by themselves require their own care and feeding like I mentioned earlier when I went and SSH into the VM I showed you to look at the disk space because if you do a ton of builds you'll sometimes see the docker daemon eats all your disk space inside your VM and then you got to go fix that manually sometimes okay so lots of stuff going on build packs is a new one by the way just proposed by the Heroku team and the Cloud Foundry team alright so your docker file for a Java project we use this one called fabricate a lot but you can pick and choose all sorts of different ones you in the case said the base image that you pick though you then have to know how to set my application into that base image and the fabricate one has this concept of slash deployments you drop your fat jar into the deployments directory and that's all you're gonna do okay but I'll show you a different one only because it is somewhat more interesting to show you a different one let me go flip over here to my mini cube environment and actually let's turn this polar off so we're not wasting CPU cycles on that and we'll come back to that in a second alright let's go here and here and where I'm at let's go hello and let's just go to my spring boot application all right I'm gonna bring out Visual Studio code here this is my new favorite tool official studio code just so you're aware of it it's a free tool that you can download it's not Visual Studio its Visual Studio code it's a lightweight editor but the Java language support is comes from Red Hat now so that's why I work with the team that does this so we've had 9 million downloads of this tool the Java support for vs code but let's go to here ok so here's a little java application right a little spring food application pretty straightforward stuff if we look at the pom.xml nothing unusual here because it doesn't really matter what the application is ok at this point because anything runs in a crib nineties architecture at least if it runs on a Linux container being kinda CEA's has spring boot starter web has dev tools which is nice because you can make code changes now and see what the result of that is and then of course it has a nice little rest controller end point here and the one that we'll focus on right now is this one this at the root level and it basically is going to return it looks like Aloha so let's see if we can make that work may even spring boot run ok let spring boot run come on come on come on it takes a few seconds to startup and I'm just running this on localhost in this case the Mac localhost and it does say Aloha spring boot and notice it has this number that is just a little counter and increment that helps me know that the JVM is still alive and well and hasn't been recycled and aloha string right here and unknown meaning it doesn't know what hostname it's coming from so right here it says system get envy hostname and it puts down unknown because it just doesn't know that right now and if I want to change the loja to something else let's go Bonjour ok and actually I was just in Turkey so let's go back to Marhaba how about that save that and you can see but dev tools it automatically reloads for me back there and there's Marhaba so let's say that's the java application I want ok I I've tested it now that's what my believe by business wants so I can say maven come yeah clean package and I can get the fat jar out of that so made McLean package will give me the fat jar standard kind of thing there alright so it's in the target directory there it is so I can say I can double check that real quick so jute demo run it let it run and there we go alright so there it is more but still fantastic and now I can build remember I said we can do our docker images right we can do a docker build - t9 steps awesome helps if you spell things correctly and then my boot and let's just call this version 1 version 1 I don't think I have another let me double check real quick docker images grep 9 steps I have some others out there but not this one so yeah let's do this so I have version 1 now and put the dot there there's my docker build happened real fast because I've already cached these layers on this application so again this is working off the docker daemon I have inside my mini cube environment ok so if I'd well let's just actually just run this one again alright so there is the my boot v1 with the tag 14 seconds ago so that's the one I just created and so I now have that one but let's actually look at the docker file this is the one that picked up by default I'm just gonna use open JDK version 8 coming from docker hub and again I pre pulled it and if I use that base image I define this environment kind of thing I copy from Target over here and then I say Java - jar just like it did the command line earlier Java des jar and I'm running that Java micro service now okay that spring boot up so it's very straightforward and I'm exposing a DAT ok I'm not exposing a you know anything for jmx or anything like that just 8080 just to keep it very simple I had that thing come built now so you could do cube cuddle run and run it if you wanted to but the right thing to do is actually have a deployment yamo so I have some deployment yeah moles here you can see I have several them I have the my boot deployment that's this guy right here ok so let's look at it real quick my boot deployment there you go ok you can see this is what a deployment Yamma looks like to get this to run in kubernetes the first thing you do is give it a name right this is I'm gonna call it my boot to keep everything the same and it has this label with my boot so the deployment has a label I want one my boot running ok the label selector is also my boot so this is where it's a little bit verbose it seems like I'm saying my boot a lot that's because the labels the the actual pods that get created have labels - all right so this is the pod label and then I and well the pod labels here actually and then we have the concept of the image that I'm going to be using and the port that has to expose so really what really matters here is this concept of what image is going to be run and what port what port do you want to expose okay so I said cube cuddle create wait first let's see get namespaces or let's figure out what namespace I'm in cube cuddle create namespace let's create one real quick to have a place to play let's call this my dev ox just kind of make it different cube in s my dev ox just because you create it doesn't mean you're in it so now I'm in it that's the one thing this little bit tricky there so now I mean it with cuban s so I can say cube and let's just back up a directory cube cuddle create chef Q files my boot deployment dot yeah Mon all right and let's come over here watch cube CTO get all okay looks like nothing is really running let's see if this works as I hope it will there we go so by the creation of deployment you can see I got a deployment I've got a pod all ready to go and if my window is a little bit bigger you'd see I'd have a replica set to there we go so I basically have now created those three objects just by that one deployment yamo and now it's running a crib Nettie's okay I do need to create a service so cube cuddle create Jeff cube files my boot service and now we have a service and there you can see the service is now in there okay and the service has this node port exposed and now I can do some fun stuff with it I can say curl I went let's do this mini cube IP alright so curl one 92168 92169 in kubernetes so it's really a couple simple steps even if you do it all manuals so this is the full manual way that should work across any cluster no fancy tooling at all I just took that jar right got a docker image out of it that's might be tricky if you're dr. Damon it's not available to you you got to get that image created and then you basically run your deployment you have it and now you can have a little fun with this so let me come in here say cute cuddle edit the deployment my boot and I have cube cuddles set up to run Visual Studio code as my editor by default it's just like a VI environment like you get with git so just keep that in mind let's see here and I like that trick by the way is cube editor right there so you basically define an environment variable called cube editor and my case I mapped it to code and this dash W says the open a new window all right so that means I can now use an editor of my choice to do some editing here but let's say I want 3 replicas I'm gonna hit save close that watch what happens I now have 3 app servers running okay they're now all running and so what's cool about that let's see if this works for me well I didn't want to do that sorry move it you vest okay let's curl it curl it curl it curl it notice look what happened there with the zero okay because it's on a different computer okay so this is the hostname that Java sees right this is the hostname that one maps to this one right here okay that pod right there and you kind of see it starts zero cuz it's the first time anybody's interacted with that JVM and if I come over here and run a curl a couple more times there's another zero okay that right there is this one right here first time anyone touches that JVM so that's why I actually like having that little environment variable in there because I can kind of watch the load balancing across the different different JVMs okay and you kind of see it's kind of random as far as this little balance and go that's there in this case I went back to the original one which is that guy right there so again each of these JVM is all running on 8080 all thinking they're uniquely owning their machine that's the beautiful part about the Linux container the beautiful part about running in and accruing at ease at scale architecture I can declare it we say I want a lot more of these things to run okay so that level of elasticity is pretty powerful all by itself if I want to come back and say cue pedal edit deployment my boot and I want to come up here and change something else like we could like we could add label an example you can see there's the label right there but let's say I just want to go back to one okay might want to change the type of rolling update you can kind of see there's a bunch of other things that were added for me that I didn't have to worry about okay but let's do the let's just make it one go back here because I said one it takes two of them down that's actually removing those two things I'm no longer using the CPU and memory associated with them but I still have a working application oh I didn't keep doing that let's go back to a curl okay duh there's my curl and that's the original one that was running and I'm only dealing with one now okay so that is kind of a point of that pattern that I mention of you basically have to have your right you've got to build your image you got to have your deployment yeah more your service yeah mo and you're ready to go okay so that's what it takes there and then so building your images can come in a lot of different ways I use docker build primarily as a way to build an image but you can use something like fabricate or jib there's an example of fabricating jib in the in the github repo and I don't have an example of helm charts though that's a very popular option as well okay and I'm still working on some examples of docker and pod man I'm sorry bilder and pod man but those were only run on Linux distributions from Red Hat right now I'm trying to get them to ported also the Windows and Mac because that tends to be where a developer lives right on a Mac or a Windows machine Kaneko comes from the Google team as I mentioned earlier okay in the case that the fabric game a plug-in you just do something like see the setup command right here and then fabricate deploy we're just kind of cool all right meaning you do basically no docker file no yeah Milles just run and it'll try to make the right assumptions that it can all right now there's one important element to know about java running in docker this is an important tip that you guys should walk out of here with and that is by default the JVM does not respect the container constraints placed upon it the JVM was built long before virtual machines became popular okay it was built long before Linux containers became popular and were even known to exist the JVM assumed that it was going to be installed on a nice Ford core 64 megabyte machine you know back in the late 90s and it gonna own the whole machine that's what the JVM was built to do but it's called Java Virtual Machine for reason it's it's own VM right so that's one thing that's a bit of a gotcha in Java you just have to be aware of it and just have to be aware how to work around it okay so by default if you just simply say user constraint like a memory constraint here at docker run or or use it within cuban at ease it will blow out its memory by default because it assumes it has access to all the memory so let's try to let's have a little fun with that okay let's kind of let's go poke at this guy all right so we still have our one pod running right there okay and actually let's let's streamline this a little bit so get pods all right so there's our pod running okay and if I come over and curl it I have another endpoint on it called recess resources look how much memory and cores it thinks it has okay let's go look at the code real quick and this is this resources is just simply doing runtime get runtime max memory that's how much heap it thinks it has and available processors so it thinks it has access to all the CPUs that I've given it because I've only given it to that's defined here right there to two processors and it's basically that one 1.3 megabytes or right there yeah it's based on the fact that um I'm sorry that's 1.3 gigabytes it's basically a you know about 25% of the total memory so that's how much you have available for heap so it's that's as default calculation right it's the standard thing for Java basically say okay how much memory do I think I have and how many available processors and then we have another method that it called consume okay and what consume does is it basically uses an immutable string and just tries to use up to 80% of the memory and thinks it has that's all and so it's pretty straightforward what's happening here but let me do this let's do this while while true okay do curl grab this one no not that one this one all right okay make it easier for myself I'll just copy it out of here so like I said I do have all these things documented is it not that one no no here we go right I'll buy all true where did I put that one Wow true there we go so let's just do this I'm gonna just copy and paste from here there okay so there's the spree boot app that we're talking to you right there and what I want to do is just grab this little curl command I'll just come down this other bottom window here alright so there it is and this resources let's double check that there's how much memory it is and let's just call the consume method now on it now this is actually well now think about it it's actually okay because I'm not actually applied the container constraint yet so I forgot a step there let's do that real quick to do an event intent yep okay notice there's a there's two different docker files here I'm going to ignore this for now but I'm going to come over here to look at my cube files again all right there's my boot resources my boot deployment resources to kind of let you see what that looks like my boot deployment resources what it is it simply has a resource request and a resource limit so it's very much like what the deployment you saw earlier but basically how much memory does it want up front and is there a node available in the scheduler in the kubernetes cluster to basically schedule that request requested load and then what is the overall limit and this is actually a hard limit ok so I can come over here and say queue deployments look at that one I can say cube cut oh replace we're gonna replace that deployment that we had earlier and my boot deployment resources replace it get pods didn't it you'll see that pod getting recycled alright and we have a new one up and running let's loop against it again alright so there it is you notice again it went to 0 because basically on the concept that I changed the deployment and of course terminates the old pod and recreates the new pod under the new request right so basically this pod now has those container constraints let's see here and then see what happens there okay so when I try to basically say use up to 80% of the memory it thinks it has available if you watch carefully it went 200 M killed then their words and there's a new pod that was born and notice it started back at 0 so now this is an important element understand kubernetes by default is trying to keep the desired state that you've requested running at all times I said I want one replica of this image running somewhere in the cluster and it basically restarted that pod for me and here's one things kind of cool about this I've showed just a lot of different people at this point I had one senior manager talk to me about this and said this is awesome my developers write really bad code uses all the memory and this means that restart automatically yeah and actually when you see the live this program readiness probe you can actually be very clever about your readiness probe like in one case I have an example where I show how we basically ensure that all the in memory session state is replicated to the new pod before the old pod is torn down therefore you can have full in memory state like traditional JSF JSP session state like we used to use back for our shopping carts back in the day and it's all good okay because you basically determine when the rolling update can occur right with all readiness probe but this means this for all those programs you wrote in deployed in production where it eats its thread pool never you know you forget the finally block and you don't put the thread back in the thread pool or the connection back in the connection pool and the application is still running the JVM is still up but it won't respond at all this will fix that too it'll restart it for you automatically so let's see here we're running this guy running here let's actually hit it again again look at the city sources it still thinks it's got 1.3 gigs of ram and two cores so even though the constraints were applied the JVM is completely oblivious to it by default and if I hit consume again it blows up the JVM and it goes om killed out a memory killed because the real point of this is let's go here cube code we'll get pods okay is that this guy cube total exact IT pod identifier been bash all right and actually I'm gonna look back at my notes here to make we do this correctly as this step we're in step three we're moving fast here some step three over that one up okay so notice I basically have exact into it just like you see there and I can also do things like psdf based on this one you can kind of see there's the jvm process that's running I can say Java - version ok notice I'm interacting with it inside of it vitam ISO curl localhost colon 8080 and now that's 26 you know it's 26 you get skipped here and it did because I burned that number right internally but I can see my java virtual version there I can see I'm on one 181 as far as the micro number goes and then I can look at other things like I can look at and see what operating system this is running okay it's running a debian one based on the image I grabbed okay I can look at free memory that's also good to know alright so looks like you notice and here's actually an important point free is also wrong so it's one thing to blame with JVM for being wrong but a linux utility is also wrong it doesn't have four point four gigs of available memory to it it was constrained to 400 Meg okay so don't use free as your as your way to say wait a second things aren't quite right here so go here and if you look at this is where C group stores its internal constraints right so realistically it's not kubernetes that's doing this and it's not docker doing this either it's actually C groups that it's doing this right it's a Linux thing that's in saying how much what is your actual real memory constraint and so when I set that up let's actually go it's this limit and bytes right here okay right there so you can kind of see that's how many bytes that has access to that's basically the 4400 Meg I gave it inside the deployment ya know so if I come up here to two didn't intend end in toontown queue files I wanted to show you that yeah mol file one more time so we're all aware of it but if you look here I basically said that's my deployment like I had earlier the difference is I have these constraints you're limited to one core and your limit of the foreigner Megan's around I'm right and that file you see right there right here inside the actual container so that's an important thing to understand that JVM is not picking the by default however there is a way to make it pick it up by default and that is if I come over here and use experimental options wait did I get these two commands all right Java that pasted incorrectly there we go notice now the calculation is 112 mega RAM so no words just going back to that quarter calculation about 25 percent or so like it had earlier but instead of using all the memory on the VM it's using just the memory that was constrained to within the actual container constraint now you might be thinking and I have heard this a lot well we're just not gonna put that in my deployment yamo that's why the developers like I'm gonna skip that step they don't worry about this JVM thing blowing up your operations team we'll put it back okay because they're not gonna give you unlimited room to run your application they're not gonna let you give unlimited memory and unlimited CPUs all on that host because often when you deploy a criminalities node you're not deploying it to little tiny Raspberry Pi so you can you're deploying it to a big honkin machine I'm running it at a public cloud provider or in a big data center server in other words that machine may have 128 gigs of RAM and 16 cores and you should not eat all of it for your one little application so they're gonna actually apply these container constraints if not in the deployment yamo in the namespace itself in which case you're still gonna have to abide by them alright so just being aware of this is important because by default it does blow up okay let's see here and actually let's see what happens here yeah I don't know if you noticed I was actually inside that pod and I just ran consumed on it which means it got killed and it threw me out so get cube cut' Oh get pods it's here alright so that guy was oh um killed now you can also see the crash to back off is another thing you'll see a lot in a criminai nice architecture in this case is simply basically saying back off for a second without trying to restart that okay it's going to take a few minutes to restart or a few seconds to restart notice the number of restarts that's an important number for you to understand as well why is it restarting you should be kind of looking into that and if I come over here and get the pods cube cuddle described pod okay so the describe command is important one for you I can kind of come over here and look at it and it'll tell me submit your information about it right there's the resource constraints that I applied through deployment Yambol one what was the last time it restarted due to OEM kill okay yet you can get some information about why that pod is misbehaving okay and there's the port number and things like that an image name okay so why why did it die you can also describe your deployment and deployment my boot and and see some information about it as well again the deployment provides the template right so the this they call it the pod spec template and so there's cailli the image name the port number again those constraints you can kind of see what it is there but this helps you know did the cube cuddle create a chef or applied a chef or use the apply verb did it actually take effect over on the actual object running in memory okay so on that deployment artifact alright let's keep going here you guys still okay and we have we warned you out yet all right we got lot more to go okay so we kind of showed you a little about this already you basically can SSH into your container and poke around this is a very powerful capability if you're trying to figure out why is it not behaving correctly as a matter of fact I want to get into that actual machine right that into that actual container and as you saw me do earlier I can basically just run Java from the command line and see what's going on like what version of the JVM is it really running because I don't know where I pulled that image from how is it set up I can look at the logs directly associated with that application server I can maybe figure out why it can't find the database is supposed to connect to can I ping it you know things like that so it gives you a nice tool for basically understanding why is our things not running correctly okay if you can kind of get in there so it's the exec command exec - IT and then you'll see me use like a bin bash you can also run commands directly right like you can see here you can kind of run this concept here basically looking at that limit of bytes from Penn State a container constraint standpoint and so that's a very powerful way to go figure out what's going on inside the actual container all right there's a lot of other things you can do in there but one thing I'd cost you to think about is don't don't do this in a production environment it's easy for you to take down the pod once you're inside the pod and you know where you might start a process that basically uses the rest of the available memory and of course it gets killed again as an example you don't really want to start to JVMs inside that container you want to hopefully get the one that you wanted running running and so there's things you don't really want to mess around in there from a production setting standpoint but for a development I use it all the time like why is that application not running it's an example we'll go ahead and just kind of we kind of did that rather quickly but let's go ahead and talk about logs next because I think logging gets to be interesting okay cube cradle get pods if I come over here you can kind of see there's my pod that's running cube cuddle logs and let's look at the logs associated but so you can kind of see there's the logs the spring boot logging you can see the converse that are my rest controller health okay you're gonna see a slash health slash consume slash resources these things have all been called that is the log dissociative of the soak cube cuddle logs that's pretty straightforward by itself but there are some other tips you should be aware of okay one is this concept of - pee so if you have a failing pod for some reason the pods just not coming up okay and that's gonna be a common thing it can't connect to its database and therefore it keeps failing over it can't basically for some reason run something in particular - P says look at the last failed pod and pull the logs from it okay last failed pod meaning I want to see what's failing and understand that better there is also a couple of other great tools that I like using a lot okay now one thing to understand is you notice I do system.out.print line up there anything that goes to standard out is available to the logs so always log to standard out if you log to a file then you have to come up with another way to get that file exported to make it visible if you log to standard out that means anything that you have running your company's cluster that does the log aggregation for instance a lot of people use efk elastic search fluent D Cabana right it'll grab all those logs from standard out and aggregate them for you in a central location or ALK logstash instead of flu and D but fluent D by is the default in the kubernetes ecosystem but you can kind of see I can say cute catalogs but I can also use this thing called cube tail which is nicely tailing the logs but there's also stern and kale and I like Stern a lot and that's one of my favorites right now so I can wit stern I can say Stern my boot and I can basically and now monitoring my boot ok so Stern my boot and if I come over here and run my I guess I can let's bring this consume again alright ok we killed it and notice that said my boot killed ok we killed it but it should be coming back to life get pods alright see it says om killed but it should come back online come on come on restart that pod and so it should be restarting ok so it's trying to get events this is another good tip get events basically will show you what is happening from the kubernetes cluster standpoint you can kind of see it's trying to restart that container and let's see alright trying to try to notice also the 0 of 1 so basically this is an important thing to understand also is I have 0 available and ready that's an important statistic to look at if you're dealing with an sto environment where there's two containers in that pod you'll see two of - alright or one of - and until your two of - you know you not ready to go so it looks like it brought my pod back up finally ok my pod came back up and notice Stern starts logging automatically because Stern is just looking for anything that matches the my boot phrase which is kind of Awesome you can also do something like this with kale okay so I'm gonna show you kale and and you can basically say cube in s let me see what names my salmon so kick kale my dev ox is it as a dash in I sometimes forget what it is there we go okay and let's try consumed there we go I killed it again cute cuddle get pods all right so again I killed it one more time but notice what kale kale allows you to kind of look at all the logs across the entire namespace so if you're dealing with a lot of micro services where I might have four or five or six things calling each other I can use stern or kale as a way to say let me look at the logs across everything because I'm not sure where the problem is so I really like those two tools so those are good tips for you guys to be aware of Stern and kale and you can see it's trying to bring my little pod back on line there and I'm curious to see how long it will take one thing one thing you'll notice too especially on a system that's kind of overloaded like mine is right now it takes a little bit longer for those subsequent restarts if you are really abusing it like I am right now and beating it up so you can see it's taking a little bit longer on that crash back off it should have access to the image because we didn't change anything about that but you will sometimes see that it can't find the container image in this case it did write a container a majority present on the machine and then let's see here Oh about that window and there we go and you can see it's the back office basically basically it tries and then as if it can't get it going it kind of backs off for a second or two and gives it another to go so it's still trying to get that pod we started we'll come back to in a second see if it's happen all right so the logs are very powerful just be aware that you can use stern kale great little tools for that and then there's also one called cube tail as well as just cube kind of logs but remember this - Pete last failed pod also at kale you can do a look back look back over the last hour show me all the logs over the last hour which is awesome you know you can kind of do things like that okay environment variables in config maps who told you we got a lot of things to cover here all right so the one key thing to understand as I mentioned that you don't have to have a configuration type solution per se because there's one that's built into kubernetes this may or may not meet your needs but it is nice if you think of 12 factor apps right the concept of the app config is separate from the application code therefore if you move it from development to production you know things like your database connection string will change you know that your JMS Broker identifier will change the user ID and password or whatever it might be those kinds of things can be externalized into less say properties files or into some other externalized reference point that you can then update and also store in version control right that's kind of the idea so you have two things within criminales out-of-the-box one is just environment variables that you can manipulate and the other is this thing called a config map okay so let's show you that one I'm just gonna open this up and again all this isn't github everything I'm showing I've documented and I've tried to make it you know as clear as possible that so you can follow along and do this as homework I'm hoping does anyone gonna try this is homework at all you think only one of you I'm not done my job if only a few you think this is worth the homework okay you gotta be thinking okay this is kind of fun stuff I want to try it on my own all right so let's go over here to that little spring boot app I had earlier notice that it has this thing called configure okay and I have this concept of a get database environment get property I want the DB connection when the message broker I want this thing called greeting I want to thing called love and I just use that configuration parameter to call it it looks like my pot is running again that's good cube cuddle get services what was that node port okay good node port notice stays is basically saying so 192 168 oh I've already forgotten already what was the IP address mini cube IP so I use these tools lot else 99 102 for this one and then third one nine seven two yep and then that was called configure right so right now it basically says default default default because I'm not said anything at all okay there's no environment variable set for any of those things at this point in time and so I can set them using another command you can kind of see right here and actually let's do this real quick let's scale things up it might be more fun we scale things up okay I'm just kind of picking and choosing there but watch what happens when I say I want two of those you can kind of see there's a new one being born right there okay you can actually scale these things up and then of course you can take them down no big deal there configure we showed you that now let's actually set Wendy's environment and also watch what happens I'm gonna set the environment variable and notice the two are killed and the new ones are being born so that's an important thing to understand when it comes to changing your environment it assumes you're gonna recycle the pod it assumes you're gonna restart that JVM and that's an important element to understand because you might not want to do this in a production environment all that often right because you take and everything down but if you notice love equals Aloha now okay so if I want to come up here and basically call something else like greeting and I want to call this attend howdy okay you'll notice that again it's going to create new pods again I had two replicas so two are coming up and then it's gonna have to tear down the old one and so if we come over here and now look at the curl command one more time there's howdy greeting and love Aloha so if I come on over and look at the cube cut it at a deployment cube code illiterate planet my boot remember district as well there's the environment variable set inside it okay so I can basically determine that I want to set those environment variables right up from the get-go in the deployment yamo as I deploy it or I can manually in from an imperative standpoint add them on the fly as you saw me do here this would not again not be what you want a different production environment you would just simply have these things let's say externalized into their own file and therefore you just edit the one file for production versus staging versus Deb versus something else if that's what you wanted so that's really where a config map comes into play okay and if you want to unset these variables you can kind of just come into here and see that minus sign so I can come over here and let's let's close this guy because he's waiting for him to close okay I can copy there we go unset love again you see it tearing it down onset greeting and again you'll see it tear it down okay so just you're gonna have to be cognizant that but there's this concept of config map okay and you notice it says create cm mic Figg from environment file config some properties so let's go look at config let's bring up the editor alright some properties there I have greeting and love setup as just a little key value pairs I'll have this other one called other properties but may be a database connection message broker and basically your config map basically will load the configuration from those property files now there's a lot of different ways to mess with your config map you can kind of go crazy with it have a lot fun with it but you can see it's a pretty straightforward command I can say create fig map some properties ok get cm now I have a config map out there cube cuddle and notice also when I'm using cube cuddle cube control and get right I can say get pods get cm get deployment get service basically all these guys are just objects that I'm interacting with writings they get services right and so get cm a couple of things you should be aware of I can also say I want to see the yamo version of that object so notice I did the oh yeah Mille there and I can look inside it I can also export it as JSON alright and then all let's see a fear to tip today yeah well I set the right command and if you actually use the - export you can now have an artifact that you can basically put in your version control so in other words you can mess around with this thing and decide okay I got it where I wanted to be finally messing around with and then export the yeah Mille from it as well so that might be a way to kind of get started if you're kind of still new to figure out what the yam will should be and as that might be a nice thing for you but so if we look at our get cm let's see what is described you for me to describe cm my config alright there we go so we have we have our greeting which is you jumbo if your Swahili you down in Kenya or the east coast of Africa and love is amor okay but let's go look at our little application so mini cube IP and add cube cuddle gets service that was our node port and I said curl right 192 lists happiness room and colon and then thirty one nine seven two okay configure and you notice it did not apply yet all right that's an important thing to understand because just because I created the config map does not mean my deployment as aware of the config map so I want to kind of show you that because that can be very confusing it has gotten me multiple times right it's like uh okay I'd made it config map how come that configuration it's not showing up and so you actually have to have a different deployment Yambol okay let's go over here so we looked at the resource one let's look at the configuration one we have again notice we have the constraints we had earlier okay we have the port number and the image that we had earlier but now we can basically say get your environment from the config map so this means you can separate you can change the config map separate from the deployment okay so I want to come over here now and say a cube cuddle watch what happens also my replicas here is one that's important to note because right now I have replica set it to but I'm gonna overlay cube cuddle replace now chef cute files my boot deployment and this one was called configuration I'm gonna replace that one it's gonna kill the two old pods based on the previous deployment and build new pods and in this case it's only gonna give me one okay because it's only give me one because I said one replica and let's see here I'm gonna go back to curl so I did my curl command notice I didn't change this port number the node port cuz that's tied to the service even though the pods I've been recycling that's tied to the service so if we look here at the service by the way cube cut' all get services this is an important thing to understand all right you can see there it is there's the cluster IP associated with it there's a note port we've been looking at that but let's do this described service my boot look right here look at the endpoints okay you can depending on the number of replicas you have I'm actually let's pin up another replica cube cuddle edit deployment my boot alright let's kind of let's go at three here close that down ok cube cuddle get pods there should be three of them coming up all right describe and let's just look at one of these pods real quick didn't attend oh there we go all right look here all right see the IP address of the pod okay let me come back over here and describe my service one more time notice there's three IP addresses they're all on 8080 and here is eleven for one of those pods and that's this guy here in the middle so the concept of endpoints meaning the services automatically picking up pods to meet its met label selector and including it behind that load balancer so that's kind of where how the magic happens is this concept of the endpoints and they're basically for every pod that meets the label selection that shows up okay so in this look the label selectors this app my boot if I come over here and say cube cube cuddle get pods show labels at my boot alright the fact that they have a matching label is what it means to be part of that label selector which is part of that service ok so now we got those guys up and running we have all of them and we can look at the let's go back and look at the configure command again okay you kind of see that we have and if you notice I have that that's a different pod from the one I did here ok and you can see it still has that same configuration so everybody now has the same configuration and that's just one nice way to kind of deal with configuration is the concept that config Maps ok are we doing on time all right we only have about one hour left you guys still with me we're getting to the good stuff now ok what's that has this been fun so far ok but let's show you the kind of the real fun stuff and we're gonna get to more the hard stuff at this point so I mentioned earlier we got things like sto and we got you know you know criminals running ever but you gotta still understand things like service balancing service discovery and load balancing and then the live is program readiness probes to really understand how criminate is operating so by default service discovery is just based on the name DNS entry so I can basically call it customer call it producer in this case call it HR call it whatever I want I just refer to that string and that's all I have to do so if I'm using rest template from spring I simply just refer to it by name so you don't have to have a service discovery mechanism like Eureka or zookeeper or something else and do a lookup you don't have to okay you can because you might have services to live completely outside your kubernetes cluster that's when you might have to have some form of zoo keeper or Eureka or some other service discovery mechanism and for most of us we work in large organizations there is some form of service discovery solution that you guys have already worked hard on and you still want to use I appreciate that but my default you get this for free within the cluster okay so the concept that you can refer to my name is an important element but because you can refer to it by name you can kind of do some really fun stuff so if I look over here at this Java code let's let's close someone whose things down so don't get too confused here yeah let's close that down okay and you can kind of see it has this thing called calling another and it's gonna call my node the service my node in a space called your space and so if you do go cross namespace you do have to say the name of the namespace otherwise you can just call it by the service name so I'm going to deploy on nodejs service and have this java application call that nodejs service okay again I have all the instructions listed here too let's go back here over here and for this environment that's kind of set up here for service discovery and you can kind of see we're gonna create a new namespace right here I'm just gonna come down to this window here create a new namespace just it helps if you're in the right directory there we go alright and if I come over here and look at nodejs I have this little node.js application if I come over here in the MPM start curl localhost 8004 it right as hello nodejs and you can kind of see the one two three four okay no big deal there I can basically test it locally let's just weigh so much you and I can do a docker build on now so I'm going to do a darker build do my remember the pattern is right you got to get your base image you got do your docker build I can say docker images now grab nine steps okay you kind of see this is the my node v1 I just created right here just just where is it my node latest Oh what did I use if you want okay why is this 14 hours ago I'm not sure sometimes that time does show up kind of oddly okay so I had that I actually by the way because the darker daemon is exposed I can't say docker run - I T let's double check to make sure that I have what I think I have okay just in case is something right a messed up here nine steps awesome my node v1 alright we're now going to run it there and remember my MIDI cube IP address again this is running inside the mini cube p.m. okay and so I can say curl I can talk to this guy eighty Oh nope 8080 alright so 8080 oh it's on 8,000 it would help if I remember that okay 8,000 here we go there and curl it on 8,000 there we go so there it is that there's my little node.js application and now I have to do the same pattern as we saw with Java I needed to have the deployment yeah Mille and service yeah Mille so kind of see here's my deployment yeah Mille and we'll add it to your space cube look at my Cuban s though I'm still in my dev ox all right there is your space but I'm not actually using it yet so let's go here alright we're gonna do our deployment and we're gonna do our service ok cube cuddle get pods - and your space alright so there's my node running and if I do get services okay there's the node port for its curl 1 i 2 1 6 8 9 9 1 o 2 and 3 1 4 1 1 all right there's the hello nodejs okay now it's running as a pod okay but because of that I can now talk to it okay because now we have no GS running in theory I could go back to my java application now and talk that in our GS application and if you look at the code is again very straightforward my node your space and so we put my node that's cube CTL get services my node ok and it's in your space that's really the trick to it so curl get cube cuddle get services in my box okay so curl 1 I 2 1 6 8 1 6 8 . 9 9 1 o 2 3 1 so I'm actually calling my boot calling another's that method I think if I got that right calling another alright so I'm actually talking to the spring boot application but it's actually returning from nodejs let's look at stern I should do this kale in your space I don't know if I have any logging I don't have any logging inside that node.js application but you basically I'm calling through the java application into the node.js application so stern my boot let's see if that's just there we go so you can kind of see it for the spring boot application is calling into nodejs alright so that's one thing nice about service discovery it's very straightforward you don't worry about it it's kind of thing built-in again if you do go outside the cluster though you can actually set up a service without endpoints you can set up a service that basically is a proxy if you will for some external service outside the cluster so you can do that sort of thing too but by default if it's the service within the cluster it's automatically available through DNS ok lots of fun stuff here kind of walks you through that but let's keep moving we got more cool things to show you ok the I haven't read in this program so this is where the really the magic of kubernetes really starts to happen and I know it's kind of hard to read right here but let's kind of look at this lil bit more you have this concept of liveness program readiness probe do you put on your deployment yamo file and i word you basically defy as the developer or architect who's deploying this thing what are the checks that make sure that I am good or not good so they are two separate checks and ready comes after live so live goes first if you're not live meaning you don't return a valid like 200 to live or valid answer to live kubernetes assumes you're dead that you're just a walking zombie it shoots you in the head and starts you someplace else so you always want to be alive okay and if you notice what I did here is I mapped the liveness probe to 8080 my spring boot my fat jar application my vertex application my micro profile application path route in other words I not only want the virtual machine right the container up and running the machine I want my JVM up and running I'm not alive until my JVM is up that's how I like to think of it so I try to basically map liveness probes to something in the JVM that the JVM can respond to you can also do things like let's say this is old C++ application that doesn't speak HTTP and as a matter of fact it's old-school C++ or old-school COBOL that happens to run on Linux and what it assumes is that a file shows up in the file system it reads that file does this big processing on it and puts out a new file you can have your liveness probe map to look for the file and in other words your tests can be look for a file showing up in this directory of this format and return a good we're up so your line is Pro can be almost anything you will see examples throughout the Coronas documentation that just uses files does the file exist or not exist and that's live but if you're not alive that's the first test it shoots you and starts you again okay so just keep that in mind so you always want to return a good answer to live as quickly as possible you can see that it does wait so long for you to return it pulls you every 5 seconds it waits 10 seconds on the initial you know deployment polls you every 5 seconds and you know waits about two seconds for you to respond if you don't respond as soon as you're dead ok the rate of this probe is a little bit different in that it also is being pulled on a regular basis it assumes you're lie but ready means you're ready to receive load you're ready to receive traffic through the service okay and this is a very important one to get right because I haven't showed you this but if you're if you're watching carefully if I am actually interacting with all those pods as they're dying and coming back to life my users are getting error messages my users are getting 500 threes in many cases because those pods are being recycled so much my servers are going down and coming back to life what I want is a situation where I can do updates to my pods with zero downtime for my users they see no errors and the lot and the readiness probe is the magic if you are ready meaning I return of 200 for ready that means I have my JVM is up I've I've done you know I make sure my spring boot framework is up or vertex framework or micro profile framework it doesn't really matter you know that everything is running properly because it's calling your method your Java code your node.js code your Python code and more importantly you might have connected to your database you might have warmed up your caches you might have calculated you know whatever you got to calculate and you've you know you're ready to receive load so this is a very powerful concept and so I've used this trick before for doing things like failing over session state from one pod to another because what happens is when you're doing the rolling updating kubernetes and when you're bringing up the new pod it won't tear down the old pod until it knows your new pod is ready okay once your new pot is ready it tears down the old pod and things fell over but before that it waits to you're ready so it's important that you understand these guys so let me let me just let me try to show you right now how does looks let's see cube cuddle describe deployment my boot let's go back and pick up my boot again okay I notice right now there's the config map we showed you earlier there's life and you know they request and the CPU and all those things okay but there's no live and readiness probe we've not applied it yet so let's do this let's do to turn no not that one wrong window not watch while do I not have it there there we go let's do my little loop again so there it's looping and CSS whoo jumbo now because we changed the configuration okay so they were looping against it let's watch our pods how many pods I have running I got three pods running now let's let's just mess around with a little bit I'm just making this up on the fly by the way if you're wondering what's going on let's go here I'm gonna mess around with it notice I had three replicas I'm going to tear it down to one and close watch what happens there two of them are getting killed okay I'm still looping the good news is my loop didn't see any errors in this case because it basically was bound to that first one automatically so that's good okay because there depending on how when you mess with these things when you don't have to live this from Rinna's probe you might see errors so let's actually have a little fun with this okay let's go back to hello spring boot okay let's look at this code and it does have the huge jumbo let's see from spring boot I'm just gonna make a name change here put my name in just gonna make a difference okay darker images crap nine steps alright my boot v1 darker bill - t9 steps awesome my boot v2 wait before we do that we're gonna first wave in clean package it does help when you compile your code and build the fat chart so one thing I always recommend to people is you actually test it real quick you know before you throw in a production right you should always test your code so let's test this code real quick boot demo okay curl localhost:8080 alright there it says from burn right okay that's good that's what I wanted and let's go docker build now docker bail - t 9 steps awesome and my boot B - I'm gonna have the second docker image out there now and nine steps okay a cube cuddle get pods all right so there's the one pod it's still based obviously on the first image not based on the second image but we can update that so cube cuddle edit deployment my boot listen this works for me there are other ways to do this but I'm just going to try to hack it to have a little fun with it here my boot B - I'm just changed the designation there so notice what happens I'm getting error messages because it's tearing down the old one as it brings up the new one okay and notice also it says one running one four one and there's still a lot of error messages that's because I don't have the readiness probe but I was able to roll that image to production rather rapidly but I didn't have outages right my users would've saw errors and we don't necessarily want that right you want to you want to make it so they don't wear so I can roll back to v1 okay there's other commands by the way for doing this sort of thing I'm just kind of doing it by hacking on the deployment so we'll go back to v1 again you notice it's tearing down the old one bringing up the new one again it thinks the new one is ready when in fact it wasn't ready now it's ready it takes a second or two for that JVM to come to life that's kind of the idea so here's what we're gonna do next we're going to basically replace our deployment with one that has the proper probes in it okay cube CTO replace - F cube files replace that okay again you're gonna see our pods redeploy but notice now it's taking a little time before it goes one for one it's the legging a little time because it's actually running the readiness probe that's in that java virtual machine that is actually my code now we should be good to go alright so we're back on version one but it says from spring boot and you can see it's running right there and as a matter of fact let's do this cube cut I'll get edit deployment my boot all right let's just actually kind of crank this up little bit let's actually have three replicas just to kind of see how that changes all right you know where it should spawn three new containers here tree new pods again it says it's running but zero for one the one for one is what matters that's when it passes its readiness check readiness probe now it's one for one and then you see it load balancing now one two three and the system right here is this one right here okay and there's this new one right here that's this guy right here okay so that's the two new pods brought to life and let's go back now and change our image name again so now we're gonna do a rolling update notice that or one down immediately it's bringing up these new guys it does say pending I might be out of resources so that could be part of a challenge for me so that's often what pending means like you might be out of resources and make that available to run let's see if we get it to roll over anyway if not I can just tear down a couple pods and let's let's do that just to be on the safe side let's go to replicas too because you know you have to have more than three to boots a rolling update properly let's see if we can get it to spin over I might just not be enough didn't get pods because I have a lot of other things running here - in your space yeah so let's delete that no Jasper could delete the name space your space free up some resources okay maybe that'll give me a little bit more room there we go because I get a little more I remove this one set of pods and I have a little bit more room there may be enough to get that guy up again we're looking at the running 0 for 1 and will it come up there we go and if and basically rolled over and again it rolled over with no error message so that is another element besides the service in the pod separation I would say this is another element that really makes kubernetes shy the fact that you have control as the developer / architect to determine when you are ready is a massive massive win and we had lots of ways we did this with old app server technology you know we had our own solutions for this sort of clustering and an old upscale app servers but the fact that this works on anything no Jess Python Java whatever it's kind of Awesome okay and you guys actually get a chance to see me have to debug a problem there the pending that tells me I've ran out of resources someplace let me try to clean up because I actually have a bunch of other stuff running here cute cuddle get pods all namespaces and there we go I've got a bunch of things running - all right so that little VM I started running out of resources okay let's kind of look at that code it's calling slash health ok slash health basically is returning you know 200 I'm okay as long as it returns 200 and you can put whatever you want to in here like in this case you can see there's a little logic is commented out that says oh every you know if you're less than 5 you know return a and unavailable you know maybe randomly returned some errors just to see if your system is behaving correctly and so if it's not healthy it's out of the load balancing pool if it is healthy it's in the load balancing pool pretty straightforward ok make sense all right fun stuff there let's see let's go look I just want to go look at that file again real quick and that is and all I've done if you notice I've kind of went from the base deployment let's just walk through those again we're quick the base deployment had basically nothing more than my name the image name and the port number and then we kind of went up to one with resource constraints right there then we went to one that was configuration based right config map as another example and then we went to another one that had to live and run this probe so we're kind of just building up our deployment yamo with the capabilities we want to see and you kind of see this maps to slash health this map to the route and as long as those return to hundreds you're good to go ok at any point they stop returning to hundreds then you got a node that you're dealing with that now there's a known call canary we might be to get to here in a second what else I think that's mostly it most yet so when - this this little example alright let's get back in here okay we're showing all our nine steps I think we're doing okay on time all right rolling updates Bluegreen deployment you just actually saw a rolling update that's kind of what I simulated right there the concept of having a life in readiness probe in place means you can change the image identifier and there's lots of commands to change the image identify err I just did the Edit on the deployment Yambol but you could also there's other commands to do a rollout or rollback and you'll see it go through that rolling update process again you have to have more than enough available memory because you saw it actually got stuck on me there because it was trying to use more memory than I had available but it will try to keep your state that you require intact during a rolling update but you can also do some really fun stuff for like a Bluegreen deployment or a canary deployment let's go look at that file real quick again everything's documented out here on github hopefully you guys have checked that out I also have little polling tools and things like that like there's a little poll my node my boot okay right so instead of remembering the watch commander might get a poll and actually it looks for my space and I actually put that in my dev ox let's go here oh-ho oh my boot and it's basically looking for my space but I call that my dev ox and so that's going to be a problem there we go all right so there's some other little tools and stuff like that I've added to this that you can kind of go use and if you're dealing with mini shift right there's a slight difference between mini shift versus mini cube not much right mini shift IP versus mini cube IP and that's why I had the two different Polar's there but let's look at this one called deployment techniques which is step eight okay all right let's go I deleted your space earlier let's clean things up a little bit get pods okay let's actually cube cuddle edit deployment let's kind of trim some fat here so I have enough room to play around here my boot and replicas one okay all right we should see one of those pods going away now all right good get that down to one and cube cuddle well actually let's do this okay we're not gonna worry about that right now so once this go back to your space which is what I deleted this is what I've documented here so let's go ahead and let's go and bring nodejs back online how about that cube cuddle create namespace your space so you can create namespaces via the yamo or you just create them from an imperative command standpoint namespaces again that is if your systems administrator gives you that privilege okay so your space and go back to know Jess which is running over here okay I think I already have my docker image though should that shouldn't have been touched docker image should still be out here my node v1 all right that's the v1 okay so cube create chef my node just killed sorry I keep those here my node deployment okay let's get that up and let's go ahead and just switch over to your space all right cube cut all get Potts all right no get Oh am I not in your space oh did I put that in the wrong place let's see get cube and s my dev ox yep I put in the wrong place oh well no worries so I added it to this other namespace that shouldn't be a problem we'll have to just make you and make that work okay so we have our our different pods let's look at our deployments so I have the my boot and my and my node living in the same place now looks like we're right there cube cuddle create - F cube files service so my node service alright my node and cube could I'll get services we have it right here this is my node right here that's the one so curl when I to one six eight dot 99 one - and then 3:01 Drew's of 197 Dido it helps if you get the nine in there there we go so here's the no Jessica man her no GS application so Roche let's have a little fun with this okay we have that set in place okay we're just build a version two of it bring this up so by default it says hello we'll come over here make us a Bonjour all right then let's double check that I did that correctly before we deploy it and it's 8,000 and now it says Bonjour fantastic so I'll do a docker build - t nine steps awesome my node B - we're gonna make a second docker image right and there's my node v1 and my node B - five seconds go alright so that is the my node V 2 so we have that out there now let's look at the deployment file for that I just want to double check something okay you can kind of see there's the mind node deployment and there's the my node deployment new notice the old one is v1 the new one is v2 you see the difference there and that's important because we're going to do is have a little fun with this thing so we have our two images now I'm gonna Mesa cailli make my new deployment let's do this watch cube CT I'll get pods okay there's the node Jessup and running bus alongside the spring but--one create - Jeff come on cube files my ode deployment new-new alright second deployment now coming online notice there's a new pod now called my node knew if I basically come over here and do this where's my little polar pull my node I want to fix this real quick because it's gonna have the wrong namespace in it I have my demux okay let's just run this polar my node can't see there hello hello notices it only says hello okay and that's because while we have two pods we have one service we have we have one service all right that's the my node service and it's basically got you know on that note port ever do cube cut I'll describe my service service my node remember earlier we talked about the endpoints right that's pointing to the one pod that it basically maps to because if I come over here sake you've got will get pods show labels notice the labels are slightly different I have my node right here and my node new so that second deployment gave me a different label therefore it's not part of the load balancer at this point in time but I've deployed both okay I've deployed one versus the other and let's see if we can kind of show you this real quick so this is kind of Sept of a blue green we'll just walk through these slides real fast I have both blue and green my node my node new the concept is real simple I have checked into something to my source code repository I've done my build you saw me do the quick build there if you will I did my docker build but it moves from deployment to QA to staging and it lands on the available slot so blue and green are actually arbitrary colors some people have seen people use different colors here you can pick whatever colors you want if you don't I mean it just simply means we have both things running simultaneously side by side but our users based on the load balancer are only seeing the old one they're not seeing the new at all so I get to roll that to production and then I can decide okay now flip the router over and if anything fails flip it right back so that concept of being able to go back and forth is huge it doesn't mean you have to have double the resources right you have to have at least two chunks of memory and CPU available to run these two workloads these are very very lightweight nodejs workloads in this case but it does mean you're not protected should anything fail okay you can go back to the previous one so we have a lot of content on Bluegreen deployment let's kind of let's go ahead and run this guy here okay so I got those two guys out there and we're curling we can go in there and you can go check them out but let's so good and patch our service what I'm gonna do is update remember our describe service see the selector says app mine oh right here we're gonna just patch that I didn't want to copy that all right we're just gonna patch that and now it's Bonjour okay if I go look at my describe again app my node new ok if I come back here and patch it again that's my green let's say I didn't really want French and go back hello so your marketing department might say you rolled that out too fast I didn't want that Bonjour thing in production say fine it's gone it takes about that level of effort so the Bluegreen deployment is something I want everyone to be practicing because in communities at least it is incredibly simple okay it is super easy if you had big IP ef5 routers you could do this sort of thing if you have some really fancy skills with a CH a proxy engine X and all those things you could do it also but in this case it's just kind of built into the architecture oh you got to just flip your match your label selector to whatever any new let's settle Able's you want okay to kind of make that point a little bit more though the concept of the label selector this if I can do this real quick because this actually set my set up last night thinking it'd be fun to show people is it test yeah cube CTL get pods I have a go a note and a Python all running here okay and I have a service a single service running on that port right there so 109 102 2 and 3205 8 8 all right there we go so notice that's going between node and python and python and python node seems to like those two a lot and go its load balancing across all three of those right now and so it doesn't care what the pod is implemented as this is routing traffic accordingly and the trick to it is cube coddled get services there's the service cube cuddle describe service my service look at the load basically says the selectors app my pods and you know you see in criminal and people use app equal a lot just but it's an arbitrary string you could call it BER equal Sutter you could call it you know dev ox equal cool it doesn't matter what the string is long as you know what it is and it says app mypods and I say cube pedal get pods show labels all right and you can see app my pots so as long as the pot has carries the label it shows up inside the load balancer that is the magic of the surface and even if it is completely different implementations go code no J's code or Python code in this case and all these are part of this project yeah get a project that I've kind of set up for you guys here so if we look here right you can kind of see there's a go example a micro profile example nodejs Python spring boot spring movement fabricate spring put a jib and there's a vertex one also right because it doesn't matter what the payload is all these same properties apply that is kind of awesomeness of kubernetes used to be that only Javad people could play in this category and had all these awesome tools now everybody can play in this category ok alright so that's kind of your near built-in sorry your blue-green deployment there is the concept of the built-in canary and I'm trying to decide I don't want to run we're going to skip running it for now because it is kind of involved and it works kind of oddly and it's related to the readiness probe that I showed you earlier so in this case you can see it's all documented you can go into the health method and actually add something really bad until like system exit ok something you should never add but let's say a really bad programmer was hacking away and really pissed off as a matter fact they quit today but there check that code in and it's rolling through the automated deployment pipeline and because you guys are all awesome with Bluegreen deployments and a fully automated practicing you know see ICD it literally will go into production as they walk out the door let's say you have that level of automation right in production it still won't actually deploy because the health and readiness probes are is going to say you know what I'm going to try to rolling update you if it can't pass health probe here and system.exit won't it basically won't deploy you you'll see it continually trying to deploy but it won't deploy okay so that concept is not be refer to that as a canary deployment within the context of kubernetes so canoe turbine is is looking at the liveness programmer and his probe to try to get your pod to start if any given point and won't start it just won't turn the load balancer over to you so i people to think of that as a basic canary deployment well show you a much more interesting canary deployment inis do though right so that's kind of basics of what you get out of the box with with kubernetes by default okay and then you kind of just you know have a lot fun with it you kind of see you'll see crash loopback off things like that and just gonna hack on it and have fun there's also the ability to have many deployments you in the case of blue green I had the planet for blue employment for green you can also deploy a canary deployment if you will they're a little bit different from that and again you're just patching the you're just patching the deployment so that it applies to appropriate labels pretty straightforward stuff okay all that is certainly part of part of this world but in the case sto makes this vastly more interesting vastly easier and much more much more powerful let's kind of double check all this okay all right we showed you that blue green walked you through that again it's all documented you guys have homework now the new step nine is databases the old step nine was debugging debugging is relatively straightforward assume you get the right port open up you just gotta open up the right port for Java debugger and then you're fine okay and the fabric eight main plug-in actually has fabricate so maven fabricate : deploy for deployment and maven fabricate : debug for setting up that same pod restarting it with the debug port open it doesn't always work consistently for me though and I'll tell you that and oddly enough this is a Red Hat tool right so I know the guy who works on it I haven't had enough time to sit down and pound on it forgot why it doesn't always work for me consistently and spend time with the engineer on that topic but there's the the thing that came back from all my classes where people were very curious about databases okay how do I run a database as a pod how do I run a database in this nice ephemeral you know this cool cloud native way under kubernetes and the good news is criminais was always built from the get to think about this use case so unlike 12 factor you can still be cloud native and stateful you don't have to be stateless it just had to have the right infrastructure doubled managed state okay and so database runs perfectly fine inside kubernetes as long as you know how to treat it properly and so there's actually a team out there called crunchy DB that does a lot in the space the basically makes Postgres run as a quick kubernetes native thing you basically have these four steps you should think about you notice the bladder two or the ones you've already familiar with right you have to have a deployment you have to have a service no big deal there the thing that's unique now is you have to have a persistent volume and a persistent volume claim that's the two additional things so if you want to talk to the file system inside your application or in this case a database talking to the file system you have to have a PVC or persistent volume claim meaning you're telling kubernetes I need persistent storage and a volume that lives and breathes forevermore and is not ephemeral because by default if you just start writing to the local file system inside your container you're writing to the local file system in that container and when you saw how us killing those pods so often you would have lost all that data in the container local file system one you're gonna run out a space and two it gets recycled all the time that is the point of the pod the pod comes and goes all the time if you want something external to the pod separate from the pod PVC pv alright so the PV is typically set up by your systems administrator they're gonna say okay I'm running Ceph or Gluster or so in FS or whatever file system that they want inside there inside their data center inside their cluster and then the PV basically identifies what those volumes are and the PVC is I want one now and therefore if my pod comes up it lays claim to it if it's available and then once it's available you can start writing to it okay so if we look at the database example does walk you through that just briefly I already have it up and running alright you have this concept of the persistent volume and persistent volume claim let's see where did I leave that guy here I have these things in demo I think and then the duck you get all okay yep so I basically what I have here is I have Postgres running as a as well as the little application talking to that Postgres okay so you see there's a Postgres pod and a my spring boot pod that actually speaks through you know speaks into it that actually talks does no big deal there now notice the pv and the PVC don't show up here they kind of just don't really have a namespace associated with them so get pv all right there's the Postgres pv that was created notice that it's been claimed by Proust Krispies BC and cue cuddle get PVC all right there it is okay and post Chris PV that's basically how it's mounted so if we go and look at the code for this all right well let's bring up the the the java code is pretty straightforward nothing unusual here you know pretty standard stuff and actually I picked this up from another blog but look at the resources that's part that's interesting I have a local properties where it has to talk to a local host Postgres but the regular application properties talks to a Postgres process see they're from certain local host versus Postgres and the only real distinction is that there is a service and you meant we might get services called Postgres so that service discovery you mentioned earlier still works even if it's not and what you think of as a normal pod well we showed you so far it doesn't have to be a java nodejs app it could be a database it doesn't matter okay so post Chris's name's a service and I'm basically saying connect to that in my application that properties file and you can kind of see have a user ID and password this is all pretty kind of just hacked up kind of thing but it's pretty straightforward here's my docker file nothing weird there don't you know we've seen that before and then what we want to do is deploy that application we've already deployed it okay so let's actually bring this up and show you what that deployment looks like so my boot data where to go here's the deployment and you kind of see what's set up there okay my boot deployment but let's look at the Postgres deployment right here and see this one actually has a bunch of things in it the basically defines the database the user and password again you can have those externalizes in the config map or something of that nature but basically look here basically maps this progress PBC to the PVC the persistent volume claim so that concept that basically saying I need communities I need access to disk kubernetes is like okay let me see if I find available disk uh-huh you got it we give it to you otherwise your pod let's start ok your pod will fail if it's trying to start if it says I need disk terminates to send me just to give it you don't get it so that's it's just like what you saw earlier with other resources except in this case it is a volume ok so that's what I did is I did the Postgres deployment so we did the dr. pol we looked at the PVS we ran the post Chris PV we're on post Chris PVC notice you can see and see when you first build the purpose to volume there's no claim to it as soon as you add the PVC there's now a claim to it ok you kind of see the magic is specifically the storage class that's how it knows what to map so if I go over here to the PV storage class my storage PVC storage class my storage so whenever you're creating a PVC you simply just have to have the right storage class identifier again typically the system's administrative person will actually figure this out and then you can kind of see how it maps in this took me a little while to figure out by the way I was like I can't quite figure out how to map it properly but you can kind of see with the PV in the case of mini cube I'm mapping at the data slash data and my Postgres data and actually I'm curious about something here does something I forgot to check last night when I was playing around with this some more my Postgres data oh I all right let me in there am I in the wrong directory again ok data my Postgres data all right there's my Postgres right if you're familiar Postgres you're like yeah that looks like a post Chris that's the files it drops out there on the file system so literally basically is my post chris is up and running it is now talking to that local disk and that piece of disk is guaranteed to be available based on my systems administrators setting up the write volumes okay but against F cluster all kinds of different options in the storage space your cloud provider if you deploy on a criminalities provided by an Amazon or Google etc etc they're also going to tell you what the storage volumes ought to be if you look at you know something from the Google team they will show you exactly they'll tell you here's this command here's how you mount the volume and then you just have to have the right PVC to access it okay so it's pretty straightforward once you get the the rhythm of it no big deal there okay let's do this kind of show you a couple of things here you've gotta get pods there's my post-course pod kind of show you it is a real live running Postgres cube CTL port forward and it's five four three two we're gonna map five four three two out so the port forward is a very powerful tool one these you should be aware of basically means that the port within the pod is now visible at localhost so if I do that if I've done this correctly and I don't know if I have or not we'll find out I should be to get to it using PG admin let's see databases my database schemas so this is the database that's living underneath that java application and using hibernate right it's using carbonate creator update it's just the one I've lost track of where I left that one let's leave here exit go here I use that code trick a lot you notice okay so application properties hybrid a post sequel dialect DDL update okay so that's how we got the schema there to begin with and you kind of see there's this scheme on right here and if I come over to say tools query tool I don't know if I have any records let's see sexpot from questions go away there alright so I do have one little question in there ok so there's a whole java application talking to his post curse database with the Postgres database being you know map to disk that is now available in kubernetes so stateful applications not a problem you just have to make sure that the application is you know setup accordingly in this case Postgres is something that people are running in production now on kubernetes backbones the team and the team that we work with a lot is called crunchy DB I don't know if I have their icon here anybody yeah these guys they're kind of the enterprise-e Postgres sequel folks that basically work to optimize it on kubernetes back in in this case though I'm just using a standard Postgres that I downloaded from docker hub so no big deal there if I look at the ployment for that cific figure where my deployments went so if I look at the deployment for Post Chris where's the image name yeah so the aims name is just Postgres okay so 10.5 was pulled from docker hub so it's not nothing unusual about it but it has been kind of configured now to work this way okay couple make sure let's double check couple things here yeah connect to it no problem you also have access to PL sequel inside it that's important thing to know to pods exec ID they're the pod identifier and P sequel okay but it you're gonna have the right piece equal command it's right here there's two environment variables those environment variables you saw earlier in the deployment definition there we go so you know there's my databases associated Postgres so you can actually get inside that now why would you do this sorry that's quit is it quit no queue there it is the why would you do this sort of thing I don't know about you guys but I've when I develop an application and often most applications talk to relational database so I'm Everson I know not everyone's going to yet right a Redis most people so use a relational database with you know select splat that kind of thing what happens is the database that one developer has is sometimes unique for that developer right there they have their post Chris on their laptop you have your post Chris on your laptop they have another post course on their laptop the schemas might be different but certainly the inside of this different right the anonymize data you pulled out uh production and you've dropped off for developers to use you know if you've run a bunch of tests and things like that now the data is slightly different in this case I can actually have a team cluster a server where everybody can talk to that same Postgres if I want or you know if I'm running my own local cluster or my own namespace I can least use the same exact image associated that Postgres or my sequel or whatever might be whatever database at this point you could shoot you should be a sequel server the spy to sequel server runs on Linux I and then I can pull it in and I can interact with it right in other words I don't have to set up Postgres on my machine anymore or my sequel on my machine or a sequel server or whatever on my machine I can basically have it running in the cluster so there's that kind of win from a developer standpoint to basically have that concept of a database to interact with again I think I documented all this pretty well okay if you wanna you gonna check that out so it does have a little endpoint available to it get pods right so my boot right there so cube CTO get get Services and this is all part of the application that you have to play with right so curl one 92168 92169 I dog I need to walk my dog in we're gonna basis she's about 20 pounds has really short legs so it's a question and answer simple a little application right how can help for things so that walks you through all of that okay oh there's one thing at the very in here should mention the world and criminales is moving to this thing called operators so this document walks you through everything again fully manual work should work on any kind of kubernetes environment but there's a new concept called an operator an operator is a different kind of deployment a different kind of controller so you're gonna hear the term controller a lot in this world and what it does is the operator has intelligence in it and the operator can be based on typically three different things one it's all go code all written and go and therefore that's probably some you want to try as a developer you know unless you're really interested in learning go and it uses the kubernetes api directly but it's typically written in go code or it might be an ansible playbook or a helmet art those are another two common ways to operator but the operator has intelligence inside it to not only deploy everything correctly like make sure the PV and PVC and all that are right and ready to go but if you do a rolling update of Postgres itself go from 10.5 to 10.6 the operator can ensure that you have zero downtime in that or if you want to clone a database a production database that's another thing that the operator would have so the operator if you think about it is really taking the place of a human operations person it's trying to apply intelligence that's scale across the cluster so if you have 14 different Postgres databases and they all need to move from 10.5 10.6 the operator can help you do that right that's kind of the crunchy day be crunchy DB operator and you're gonna see a lot more about operators for instance the sto installation I have running right now was deployed via an operator and that's the first time I've deployed just do via operator like in the last week so operators are very new and you were seeing them applied to everything now so like if you're interested in Kafka running Kafka and cribben at ease there's a project out there that gives you an operator right call stream Z gives you the operator to basically deploy Kafka at scale and it knows how to do things like ensure we have zookeeper running and sure we have Kafka running we have to have three of each right production ready and and again if you have to do an update it has update logic built-in - that's kind of neat so same techniques you saw everything done manually but the operator kind of does it more an automated fashion so just be aware that operators are kind of coming okay all right so we still have a few minutes left you guys are pricing and really let me see you let's check the raffle here and see if anyone actually is responding to our raffle oh there's a low look at that okay so this is not the contest yet let's see if who would be the winner here okay fantastic so that looks like it meets the criteria we'll come back to that in a second so we do have a few of you now in the raffle alright so a number of you there fantastic we're gonna give away the two Chromebooks in a second but we have a few minutes left okay a couple of things to show you in the bonus category and I'm moving rather fast I realize that but we're trying to show you as much as possible let's walk through through a little bit of Sto there's a deeper dive session on sto with racing I think later today now he's doing came native later today I forget who's doing SDO maybe is doing a steal tomorrow I don't have Kay Nader running right now but we could show you a little bit of that kay nativist kind of thing that comes next after sto but sto also is another Greek nautical term mainsail so you hear all these Greek terms within the communities ecosystem sail and sto is one of them there's a great online learning experience that my team has been working on so if you don't want to install anything but you want to put your hands on sto you can go to learn to UM ship comm so I service mesh and try it just try the things I'm going to show you right now we also have a full github tutorial get a sto tutorial where much like you see all the nine steps code examples this is even better because it's not just me by myself it's a whole team of people working on the tutorial and it's basically a huge book to walk you through all the different issues use cases that we can think of and we continue to add to it all the time we've been working on that for solid year so do check those out the concept of the service mesh though is very powerful the search mash is a piece of infrastructure the sits on top of kubernetes you guys have now seen most of them awesomeness of kubernetes right with the deployment and the service the fact that pods are separate from the service the deployment makes a declarative understanding of what should be run and makes everything run you got rolling updates you knew Bluegreen deployments you can do all this awesome stuff right criminales by itself is awesome but what if I had SDO to it and so sto allows me to some really clever routing logic as one example and it also gives me some other things out of the box like distributed tracing and other telemetry information I showed you this earlier okay so here's my graph on I'm running over here running against my application and I had Jaeger running over here I can look at the tracing you know so there's things that come out of the box and that are kind of neat already so now let me flip flip over here and so let's start bipolar again okay so I'm going to just run you through a quick demo of sto and that way you get a feel for some of the capabilities but again if you want to try it it is a bit of a bear this is fairly advanced just keep that in mind if you're not comfortable with kubernetes yet you got to get comfortable kubernetes and then you can add sto to it because this teo is advanced all right but it gives you some advanced capabilities you can shinned earlier you can run all these exercises then I'll show you some quick examples of without having to install anything though and so you can watch it here okay so let's do this yeah yeah let's do this all right I got my little simple application customer preference recommendation let's let's kind of show you what that is again real quick chef dashboard I'm gonna just bring up the console here and this is running there's sto system you can see sto system is running this is just sto itself ok the key pieces to it or pilot which is where you identify your rules and setup your route rules and things like that there's the there's also two components which make up the telemetry thing the Jager collector elasticsearch has to work for that one graph fauna is obviously part of the telemetry capture as well but there is two others stat Steve and telemetry so these two components right here are collecting data okay and this other guy here pilot is more like pushing data into the service mesh now let's show you how this is set up get pods okay let me get into the right namespace OSI project tutorial alright now I do cube cut' all get pods notice here it has two by two okay that's one thing that's already distinct about this before I have shown you lots of pods already running but they're always one by one and that's because there's a sidecar container running and these guys so if I describe pod and describe it let's look here there are some additional goodies inside this guy here let's see if we can find it look at this so this there's sto Metapod name where'd that come from you know there's a stats address Zipkin these are not things I put in my code okay these are not my deployment yeah moles are just like what you expect to see this is new stuff envoy is the binary to the sto proxy so when you basically set up for Sto you get this additional sidecar bolt-on added as another container alongside your container and what it does is the manipulates IP tables to intercept all inbound and outbound traffic network traffic and you might be thinking why would you want to do that well there's some really crazy stuff you can do one is you can log everything and capture all the telemetry data get all the tracing data and you get all that for free and that's what I was showing you with those Jaeger and Griffin ax user interfaces okay right so you get this stuff now see there we got it we're getting our tracing based on my polar you know we got some interesting stuff there we should be getting all non 500s right we're 100% uptime that's good right I can see how long different traces take and there's other tools there's another tool that I don't have running right now that you can interact with call Kali that we've been working on so the service graphing exactly you can kind of see where all the transactions are going and how they're performing so you get that stuff kind of just out of the box by having the the sidecar and checked it properly but then you can do some fun stuff with it okay so let's do this and I think I call this an example all right so I have recommendation v1 preference V one customer latest and let's go here let's look at the application for recommendation here's my code and let's just make this real obvious let's call this v2 dev ox make it big and obvious all right I'm also gonna change the logger where's the logging data here we go Deb box alright just make those changes this is a little vertex application by the way you kind of see it has a declarative router basically sets up like nodejs if you're familiar with a node.js programming model then you'll really like vertex but it runs on the JVM it's a reactive framework for the reactive toolkit for the JVM really awesome thing and it's lightning fast it's why I like about it so swim-a been clean package let's compile that guy so ultra lightweight ultra fast so there we go compile compile compile ok we should get a fat jar there we go Java dash jar target recommendation right our server is already up localhost 8080 Aereo so v2 dev ox so that's going to be my new code change I want to push this into my production environment now so docker images I showed you this earlier let's double check it real quick example okay so I don't have a v2 so it's docker build - t9 steps awesome recommendation v2 we're gonna do our docker image build there what did I do it something wrong there what I type darker built you guys didn't catch that typo come on now there's only a few hundred of you here you someone's gonna caught that typo all right so docker run - I T - PE 80 80 80 80 example I just want to double check it this way - you notice I do that right I try to run it local local normal localhost and I also run it from the docker daemon recommendation just to be sure that I did make the change that I think I made all right there girl does not accept and did a recommendation B - what I misspelled oh is that what I called it oh man that's from the other thing so it's a 9 steps yeah did do that all right we can we can make that work let's go fix this real quick this is why you check see exactly why because now I've messed things up we'll have to go fix it all right but good let's see here the mini shift I switched gears rice which wrote a mini shift and the kind of store me off a little bit now we're gonna curl this one okay and and actually we don't have a service for yet but this work okay 8080 alright so there it is alright so there it is running as a docker container and so I now need to run this as a new deployment okay cube CTO get deployments kind of like I showed you earlier with the blue versus green I want to set this up as another deployable entity okay and let me make sure I do that right and this is again all documented so I'm going to just go pick it up by the documentation so I get it exactly right so again we try to document everything so let's go here don't duh and this is setting up for simple routing create the v2 recommendation and you notice I have this deployment yamo out here that I'm gonna react with but I did mate I did mess up the name of the image so we're gonna fix that real quick Denton Denton Denton Denton let's do this you can see there's all these different aspects of what sto lets you do like rate limiting policy enforcement you know things of that nature but what I want to do is not the ISTE of files let's go and recommendation let's go into urban IDs and this is deployment v2 okay and where's the image name right here nine steps all right so yeah we got that right now so that's the deployment I'm going to use to get a second deployment out there so right now I have I have the deployment of customer preference we one recommendation B and recommendation b1 I need to get a deployment of recommendation v2 recommendation v2 okay and I'm gonna manually do the the ISTE Oh inject let's do this one all right no such file I'm in the wrong directory all right recommendation here we go all right there and we don't need these anymore okay hacking away here like we go going crazy QC they'll get pods all right we've got a recommendation v2 coming online notice this is one of two because only one of those containers is ready it has to have both containers ready before it's part of the good thing here come on come on two of to two of to do or two and notice already it's part of our it has the proper label so it's all part of our load balancer so you kind of get that for free right we showed you that already if you deploy a pod and behind a service that's all I'm at the part of the load balancer but let's have a little fun with it now I don't I want everything to be version one okay so even though I've deployed it I don't want any of my users to see it so it's still out there so I've now basically deployed this canary deployment but no user can see it it's still running so this is a little like your Bluegreen deployment but now you can get a little more sophisticated in the case of blue green or canary the old-school way and I had 50/50 load balancing because I have two pods if I have four pods I get 25 25 25 25 that's just what you get out of the box for free in the case of this do you can actually say 1% goes to a new pod okay in this case we'll say 25% goes to the new pod you can pick your percentage approximate as a rad and so random allocation you can pick your percentage regardless of your pod count so that's one thing that's over and above and unique about what sto provides on the box is an example and if I again if my marketing team says nope we don't want that go back to version 1 only I can run a script and I'm back to version 1 so it's still running the pod out there and it's kind of cool but you can kind of basically see how much you want to change it also I can do this thing here like basically map it to Safari okay so let's see here can't poll I want to get my let's do this okay so mini shift IP I want to see what that is all right so I should better do this girl and oh wait I already have this thing running or I mean I've already loaded in the browser let's go here and look real quick all right yeah okay so this is version 1 here on this Firefox and in verse my safari hat we've showed you this little demo earlier but let's doing this one now here's my Safari and this v2 okay so this is an important point and we won't have a lot of more time left but the concept is I can now deploy a canary deployment and only a certain subset of users can see it you can use the HTTP headers to determine who sees what pod and that's another component of Ischia as well so there's a lot more capability that we don't have time to show you sto by itself can take three hours of a presentation like the one you just saw but this concept meaning I can basically say only logged in users see the new version only beta testers see the new version only users running in News or Canada see the new version because you can pick whatever age to be header that you can set and decide exactly how to route traffic based on that so that's again something that we didn't have in our base kubernetes that we now have something like sto in addition to the limiter setting circuit breaking right all kinds of other things that you see within the context of ISTE oh okay we are going to run a time though so just be aware that you have those links in this document right it's do tutorial it's do intro that walks you through the is do capability there's a presentation on K native later a highly encourage and check it out because it kind of goes even to the next level right where brings service capabilities to this curb entities cluster of yours we're just kind of awesome there's also the eclipse a project that is basically a kubernetes native ide running in kubernetes and therefore you don't install anything on your laptop all you have to do is have a browser because the whole idea runs inside the browser runs the side of kubernetes pod and as you interact with it including going into the terminal you're interacting with the linux machine on the kubernetes cluster so it's a pretty powerful thing and that's why I have these Chromebooks to give away okay so here's what we're gonna do I have two Chromebooks to give away we're gonna basically see what this result what kind of returns Kosho up someone basically say limit to two results for devoxx and birth and these are our two winners let's look here alright let's see does yep okay I've got a nice image there you don't have to say nice things by the way I was you could say horrible things too all right fantastic all right those are our two winners so if those are two IDs we are out of time but I'm available for questions after the session I'll be here the rest afternoon I got to go help get some stuff head up set up a Red Hat if you have other things you want to see from me they'll feel free to let me know I'm always interested in your feedback please do use the application to rate this session and say this guy talks too fast or I didn't understand anything he said or I can't believe I wasted three hours this morning but at a minimum hopefully I got you pumped up and ready for DevOps that cool thank you
Channel: Devoxx
Views: 56,932
Rating: 4.9225283 out of 5
Keywords: Devoxx2018, Devoxx
Id: ZpbXSdzp_vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 35sec (10895 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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