9 Simple Ideas to Thin Out Your Closet

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there is something uniquely attractive about open space in a closet i mean when was the last time you saw a staged photo of a closet stuffed to overflowing with clothes never instead clothes hang neatly and are organized tightly with room for air and energy and open spaces this is attractive to most of us but many of us don't bother with learning how to get rid of clothes for a more minimalist closet and so our closets end up full of shirts and pants and shoes and belts jackets we run out of hangers or shelf space and then we shop for storage solutions so we can buy even more clothes meanwhile the benefits of a minimized closet are more than simple beauty it saves time in the morning and often times in the evening it reduces stress and frustration it saves money so let's get started if you're looking for help on how to get rid of clothes and thin out your closet here are nine tips to get you started number one start easy begin by removing the clothes that are stained ripped faded beyond recognition items that are no longer in wearable condition can still be donated if you look in the right places you might be surprised how much progress you can make number two remove seasonal items from your closet and it'll free up more space than you imagine if you didn't wear an item at all last year then get rid of it but other off-season clothing store in a separate closet or under your bed or they will not be in your way every morning and evening number three get rid of clothes that don't fit once and for all if you're in between sizes you might want to consider keeping both but if you haven't cleaned out your closet for quite some time there are likely a number of ill-fitting items that can be removed entirely maybe you change sizes maybe the item shrunk or stretched or it never did fit quite right those ill-fitting items are weighing you down so pass them on to someone who can use them number four reduce your need for additional accessories if you're holding on to something until you find the perfect accessory then just let it go seems like clothes multiply in our closets because one purchase leads to another which leads to another in the future look for pieces that complement your existing accessory pile after all if you're constantly adding things to your closet you'll never get ahead not in your closet or in your checkbook number five consider the idea of one i love it if one can be enough embrace it rather than owning an entire assortment try owning just your one favorite black dress belt handbag jacket i've lived with just one belt and one sweatshirt for years and i love it a closet filled with only the things you love will be a closet that you love to use number six reassess current trends the fashion industry gets rich on one principle constantly changing trends you see the fashion industry cannot survive on people buying only the clothes they need because we already have enough in our closet so the industry invents false need by boldly declaring new trends and colors for it seems every single season but you don't have to fall for their tricks so find your favorite timeless fashion and start playing by your own rules number seven physically handle every item if you want to make significant progress thinning out your closet physically touch every item remove them all and return only the pieces you truly love if that seems too overwhelming then you can break this into different sections but however you accomplish this project it's important that you physically handle every item because the physical touch forces decisions number eight if all else fails pick a number to start choose 10 thumb through your closet and find 10 things that you can get rid of put them in a bag drop them off at your nearest donation center right away likely you'll find the task was not that difficult in fact once you get started you may find 15 or 20 things to remove without even breaking a sweat number nine experiment with less test your assumptions about the optimal amount of clothing with a simple experiment place half of your clothing in a different room for two weeks you'll be surprised how much easier it is to function and get ready with fewer clothes in the morning the reality is most of us wear twenty percent of our clothing eighty percent of the time and would live much happier with fewer choices but you'll never realize that until you test it out there are many reasons the capsule wardrobe movement is growing so rapidly a thinned out minimalist wardrobe is less stressful less time consuming and it's more convenient you'll love it once you experience it yourself and there's no time like the present to get started with these ideas [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Becker
Views: 288,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capsule wardrobe, minimalist closet, Joshua Becker, minimalism, minimalist, becoming minimalist, simple living, decluttering and organizing, how to get rid of stuff, clutter
Id: utSNu73XxHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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