How To Become Better At Public Speaking Immediately

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so i saw this video on youtube that was the speech that made barack obama president and i don't remember it so i want to dig in and find out what exactly it was that put barack obama onto the scene i do remember he kind of came out of nowhere so i'm curious what it is and if i can give the speech if i can be president in 16 minutes tonight is a particular honor for me because let's face it my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely paul's excellent pause i love it already i just got done watching elon musk and this is a fantastic example of not feeling with um or us just allowing that to happen um um um um um um what he does do is he addresses different part of the audience with this pause so check it out my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely my father was a foreign student born and raised in a small village in kenya if you look we talked about this two three second roll two to three seconds and he just pans back now is he actually able to focus in on an individual which is actually what i recommend if you are speaking to a crowd if you're in a board room or if you're in a classroom it's helpful to find that one person in each section of the room that is actually engaged and looking at you and look them in the eye i don't think he's able to so he's probably just built this habit or maybe he is maybe he can actually see individual people and just as a point of comparison not to pick on him but if you look at elon musk he often ignores this advice and tends to look at the floor during his presentations we didn't want to point this out and show that this is actually does work it's just not something that the average person could use effectively through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place america a lot of palm showing we see a lot of a lot of gentle palm showing friendly inviting you can see what's going on with his hands while studying here my father met my mother she was born in a town on the other side of the world in kansas good reacting to the audience letting some of that in that's that's important because this isn't like the speeches this year this isn't just to a camera this is in front of people so hearing them reacting to them that's going to cause them to give you back more something that you'll see in people who aren't as comfortable with public speaking is that they tend to ignore the audience and they'll focus instead on the speech in front of them or the lectern and the presentation basically more than the audience [Music] welcome to the cybertruck unveil my parents shared not only an improbable love they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation they would give me an african name barack or blessed believing that in a tolerant america your name is no barrier to success they imagined they imagined me going to the best schools and so the audience obviously here is america and so he's giving the audience a fantastic reputation right he's saying in a tolerant america your name is no barrier to success and here he is speaking at the dnc so this this kind of stuff that hypes the audience right you see rockstars do it how we doing philadelphia i love this city right he's he whether it's on purpose or not is definitely speaking to the audience in a way that makes them feel good about themselves we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation not because of the height of our skyscrapers or the power of our military or the size of our economy our pride is based on a very simple premise so this is good this creates mystery even within a single sentence we do this not because thing one thing two thing three all right so we've already created some some tension some mystery well what what do we you're taking up some time here why are we so great and then he pauses military or the size of our economy our pride is based on a very simple premise what is it summed up in a declaration made over 200 years ago drags it out a little bit we hold these truths to be self-evident okay now we know that all men are created equal and right here then we get that anticipation kind of like when you know that a good punchline is coming and you're and you just want it to happen for the workers i met in galesburg illinois who are losing their union jobs at the maytag plant that's moving to mexico and now are having to compete with their own children for jobs to pay seven bucks an hour more to do for the father that i met who was losing his job and choking back the tears wondering so what he's doing with this repetition and why this is important and sometimes you'll see me do it when i'm giving examples in my video is he's speaking to a broad diverse audience but he's giving specifics very specific you know seven bucks an hour who's competing for a job but he needs to feel like he's hitting each of the bases that somebody out there can i find something in one of these rep repetitions to identify with themselves but and this is important you can't just say for everybody because that doesn't matter what the this is the this is the difficulty between the specific and the universal you want to give a list of specifics because people will find at least one of those to connect with but if you just say we just have to do better for everybody that doesn't create an image in people's heads and what we need in order to feel moved are not abstract ideas simply right those are important but it's also something to tie into to latch on to and that's why these specific examples that are sometimes kind of drawn out exist in this speech now don't get me wrong the people i meet in small towns and big cities and diners and office parks it's everybody he's not saying the people i meet everywhere it's the people who meet in small towns big cities diners he's going to hit everybody but he can't do it just by saying the people i meet everywhere because that doesn't connect you know a while back a while back i met a young man named sheamus in a vfw hall in east moline illinois so here we go specific and this is critical i've i do this all the time right i'm speaking to you guys i don't often speak in stories stories are so good for connecting with people you just have to remember to tie it back to the universal so let's see what he does she was a good looking kid six two six three clear-eyed with an easy smile he told me he joined the marines and was heading to iraq the following week and as i listened to him explain why he'd enlisted the absolute faith he had in our country and its leaders his devotion to duty and service i thought this young man was all that any of us might ever hope for in a child but then i asked myself are we serving sheamus as well as he's serving us i thought of the 900 men and women sons and daughters husbands and wives friends and neighbors who won't be returning to their own hometowns i thought of the families i've met who were struggling to get by without a loved one's full income or whose loved ones had returned with a limb missing or nerve shattered but still lacked long-term health benefits because they were reservists when we send our young men and women into harm's way we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they are going to imagine this if he had just said from the start when we send our young men and women in we can't do this it doesn't connect but because we have a guy sheamus who is six two good looking kid who's all these wonderful things of course we can't let sheamus down like that and so when we can come back to those individual stories that is what people remember that is what makes people motivated and persuaded and obama did a fantastic job in this speech of bouncing back and forth it's outside of taco who can't read that matters to me even if it's not my child if there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for their prescription drugs and having to choose between medicine and the rent that makes my life poorer even if it's not my grandparent yep the the the choice of i right here is really good and i think this is when they talk about this making him president this stuff is now sticking to him he's the one that cares about these people so if you're actually interested in taking this from something that you see obama doing to something that you feel more comfortable doing there's obviously a lot of pieces you have to have the confidence to do this but also there's technique storytelling technique gestures and so the best thing that i know of for actually turning this from theory into something that you practice in your life is a course that i made called charisma university it's a 30-day program it's all about taking tiny actions to start to make these sorts of things habits so that you feel a deep level of confidence but that you're also nailing the specific techniques and we cover a whole lot of them with regards to storytelling so if you want to check that course out you can do so with the link below like i said it's the best thing that i know of to actually start installing charisma making it a habit and quite frankly it might help you turn your next speech or next conversation into something that goes far better than you've ever seen before now even as we speak there are those who are preparing to divide us the spin masters the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics the enemy the classic enemy who will the enemy be who's the bad guy now in almost every story there's going to be an enemy right if people are going to band together they need to feel like there's an outside force this is kind of the plot and i don't want to spoil it spoilers if you don't want to hear it of watchmen right that in order for humanity to band together that ozymandias has to come up with this extraterrestrial threat to get everyone to join forces against an enemy that we can unite against now the question is if you're running for president of the united states who is your enemy you do not want to make it the other party this was a huge gaffe by hillary with that whole box of deplorables you know she said that half of trump voters were a box of deplorables you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables not a good look because people identify as trump voters or at least did at that part of the election cycle but who identifies as a spin master right who who's going to identify oh i'm the bad guy i'm the spin master and since i picked on him this is actually something that elon does pretty well he definitely makes other car companies the enemies in some of his speeches and that actually turns the fanboys to become more die hard for tesla so it's actually hard to tell it's hard to tell which uh which is which really um took the brands or we took the brands off but it's hard to tell which is which is which with the brands they'll pretty much look the same we need something different and we need we need sustainable energy now in the end that's what this election is about do we participate in a politics of cynicism or do we participate in a politics of hope john kerry calls on us to hope john edwards calls on us to hope i'm not talking about blind optimism here the almost willful ignorance that thinks unemployment will go away if we just don't think about it or health care crisis will solve itself if we just ignore it that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about something more substantial it's the hope of slaves sitting around of fire singing freedom songs the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the mekong delta the hope of a mill workers son who dares to defy the odds the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that america has a place for him too hope so what he has really done and i think why people say that this is what made him president is that this speech has has woven the american story and his story and it's like his is the next chapter uh this is what it was set up for is kind of what this speech is is not heavily implying but intimating in a certain way and it's i mean i'm buying it you know america tonight if you feel the same energy that i do if you feel the same urgency that i do if you feel the same passion that i do if you steal the same hopefulness that i do if we do what we must do then i have no doubt that all across the country from florida to oregon i mean yeah i didn't know that he did this but this is this is a direct uh homage to mlk's i have a dream speech let freedom ring from the prevention slopes of california but not only that let freedom ring from stone mountain of georgia let freedom ring from lookout mountain of tennessee from washington to maine the people will rise up in november and john kerry will be sworn in as president and john edwards will be sworn in as vice president and this country will reclaim its promise and out of this long political darkness a brighter day will come thank you very much everybody the weakest part of this whole speech is the fact that he had to work john kerry and john edwards into it right i mean he told really this is his speech this is the speech for him to be president and quite frankly upon watching it i think it i think it probably is what catapulted him i'd have to look at the historical timeline but makes a lot of sense he is a fantastic speaker i did a video on him a long time ago it's lower production quality but even at the time i'd check it out he's he's very very good at galvanizing a room and creating a sort of common a unity right we are we are in this together and this is where we are headed and he addresses the concerns of the different factions inside there makes everyone feel included and and switches effortlessly between the singular and the whole right it's not one is not sacrifice for the other it's just really really really good at what he does and like i said before if you see obama or you see any of the people that we've covered on this channel and you feel like you would like to be more consistent in your own charisma so that you're coming across that confident you might want to check out our course charisma university like i said 30 day program best thing that i've ever created with regards to learning charisma personally and you can check that out everything that it includes by clicking the link in the description below so i hope that you've enjoyed this video and i look forward to seeing you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Charisma on Command
Views: 247,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charisma on command, charismaoncommand, coc, charlie houpert, charisma, barack obama, elon musk, charisma on command elon musk, charisma on command obama, how to give a speech, public speaking tips, presentation skills, public speaking, public speaking techniques, presentation skills on zoom, presentation skills for students, obama 2004 convention speech, 2004 dnc john kerry, elon musk public speaking, obama speech, obama dnc
Id: syNwd5etzM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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