10 plants I hate...that everyone else loves

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these are nine house plants that I hate that everyone else seems to love these plants are either not worth the trouble are overpriced or just plain boring and our plants that should be avoided in my opinion as always take this list with a pinch of salt but do let me know if you agree with any of my nominations and also any plants you wish to nominate yourself I recently asked a similar question on my Community Feed and I've got quite a big response so I thought I'd do a video with my own plants the first plant on my list will probably come as a shock to most of you particularly those of you that watch my recent plant unboxing video where this plant was part of the package and it's the Philadelphia varicosum don't get me wrong I think this plant looks absolutely stunning when in full health with a beautiful color and pattern on the leaves with those distinctive hairy stems that look like your granddad's legs the problem is though that getting this plant to remain in full health is an Almighty challenge at least for me anyway pretty much all the days on this plant have gone crispy and brown since I received it even though I think I'm looking after it correctly I have it near my east facing dining room window I checked the moisture in the soil regularly and our water with dechlorinated water and yet the leaves continue to turn crispy what's also really annoying is the new leaves that are getting stuck as they unfurl ripping themselves in the process so I'm not getting new leaves to replace the damaged ones and the leaves are also highly sensitive to the light with the leaves turn into face Delight turning away from the room so you don't even get to enjoy them and this plant isn't cheap either it's fairly rare and highly sought after so Growers are able to charge a higher fee than your other bug standard filled engines if you do have tips to stop this plant going crispy then please leave it below long time viewers of this channel will know that my major bug bearing in life is Browning leaves on house plants it's my mission to have a house for full of plants that are free of this annoying tray which we're thinking I know and this next Plant suffers this the most what is it the tradiscantia Nanook in full health this plant is absolutely stunning and probably in my top five favorite house plants just look at the colors and pattern on the leaves it's so vibrant it's why it's so popular the problem is though that this plant's mission is to turn brown as soon as we get it home like it's a kamikaze pilot or something I've just not been able to master the health of the tribescantia Nanook and I tried lots of things I know it's highly sensitive to water and humidity I've not been able to work out if it's a lack of humidity or too much humidity that does the damage I've nestled this plant among my collection to give it increased ambient humidity from his friends but it turned brown I've tried keeping it away from other plants but it turned brown I've tried changing the water and keeping it consistently moist but this didn't work either I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that this plant is just not meant to live indoors even though it's such a popular one sadly I've given up on owning one this next plant is probably the most stressful plant I'm going to talk about in this video Anisha Christian from the crazy plant guys channel the very popular string of hearts always looks like a tangled mess in my home and what happens when you try to untangle the stems they break so frustrating I know I must be OCD or something because I just can't stand it when the stems of this plant get all tangled and plumped together into a messy mat how do you get this plant to grow evenly around the pot like Christians and not hanging on one side in a tangled mess like mine it probably takes a hell of a lot of bright light and lots of turning the part around to face the light and for me life's Just Too Short The confusing thing about this plant is that it's actually a semi succulent doesn't like to have wet soil give this plant too much water and it will lose leaves are plenty this confuses me because it's such a delicate plant with hair like stems and thin leaves and my urge is to water the plant regularly I know though this will be the death of the plant I watched Lee's video on how to get something like Christian's plan and my overriding takeaway from that video was that I just could not be bothered the string of Hearts is so popular like most the string of somethings are but I find most of them to be really annoying and do check out Lee's video after this it's very funny the next Plant was on my plant wish list for the longest time and I finally got one last year from dobbies a juicy discount too it's a very popular plant um unfortunately slowly falling out of love with when I first got it I was loving it looked super healthy with free gorgeous black velvety leaves but sadly over time it's kind of deteriorated yes it's the alocasia Black Velvet allocations are honestly a pain in the backside anyway mainly because they tend to go dormant in the winter it's a little ugly for half the year year and who wants that don't get me wrong during spring and summer allocations are gorgeous the highly unusual with almost alien-like leaves but it's so so annoying when they go dormant in the winter and Emma was supposed to live with an ugly plant for three months stressing about whether it's going to rise like a phoenix in the spring I don't need this kind of stress in my life I've got two kids I'm constantly worrying about and what's with one leaf dying as soon as another one comes through thing don't get me started what's the ugly younger brother of the monstera deliciosa yes the next plant on my sin list the monstera adamsonai in theory this plant should be a champ I mean who doesn't want a mini monstera in their home with ready-made perforations in the leaves I know I did that's why I was on my wish list for so long and why I was so happy when I eventually got one for my local Nursery the problem is though that this fella is a right Diva let me know in the comments if you're adding so nice suffering from yellow or brown leaves mine certainly is sadly doesn't take long for this plant to look straggly with diseased looking leaves unless you give it tons of bread indirect light the stems will also start to stretch out so you have a plant with leggy stems with large gaps between the leaves and don't ever get direct sun rays on this fella he burns like a Sheffield in the Sahara Sun without any lotion not pretty one of my fondest childhood memories is having a venus fly trap in the house and watching it in action as I continuously fed it flies until it became obese actually sounds pretty morbid that I reflect on it this is another plant that lots of people love and you always see them in the shop so people are clearly still buying them in their droves but it's another one I'm hating on it's all to do with his dormancy period in the winter much like the alocasia black velvet I talked about earlier this plant has hands down the ugliest dormancy period of them all if Cinderella's stepmother asked the magic mirror what the prettiest plant in all the land was it most certainly wouldn't say the Venus fly trap seriously look at the State of Mind it looks dead but no this is the natural growth pattern of this plant and to get the best out of it it needs to have a rest period of at least three months every year I mean what a diva and during that time we have to live with an ugly looking plant not a fan no matter how fun it is when a lighting kick in all of the plants on my list so far or ones that I think look nice but are hard to look after and end up looking rubbish but not for this plant though I'm sorry but I just think the dracena is an incredibly boring plant I do know this plant is super popular I see them all the time in pretty much every plant shop out there but I never ever give it a second look I always walk straight past them not really sure why I have such a hate for this plant you'll notice that there are no care guides for this plant on this channel even though I know we're probably getting me lots of views but I will find it boring to talk about it for 10 minutes because I find the plants so uninteresting and I know I've probably lost a couple of subscribers revealing my dirty secret but hey ho there are lots of varieties and some do look more interesting than others but even the variegated ones don't really tick on a fancy the world and its dog seem to love a variegated monstera elbow so much so they're cut into these plants have sold for hundreds of dollars on Etsy and Facebook Marketplace not me though I've not been sucked into spending half my monthly salary on a cutting of a plan let me know which side of the fence you said some this might be an unpopular opinion but just don't see the appeal of spending so much money on these plants don't get me wrong I think they look gray but definitely not great enough to spend 10x compared to a classic non-variagated monstera imagine spending so much money on a non-rooted cutting from Etsy and then watch it fail to take root and eventually die that must be so upsetting and something I'm not willing to risk there is so much Choice a fantastic affordable house plants out there even variegated so I don't feel the need to spend so much money on a single plant not when I can fill out my entire living room for this same cost the peace lily has got to be one of the top five most popular house plants in the world you see this plant in pretty much every shop you go in that sells plants either a smaller younger varieties or larger older specimens folks are sucked into the beautiful white flowers on display when in the shops just as I once was take it home and you soon disappointed that the flowers die off and are not followed by a fresh set of blooms this disappointment continues Until you realize they hardly ever Bloom indoors without being fed a specific hormone to make it Bloom with the rare conditions though and armed with the knowledge I share in this video you can get it to do just that so make sure you click on the link and find out how and what hormone Growers use to make it bloom
Channel: Sheffield Made Plants
Views: 160,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, house plants, indoor plants, best houseplants, houseplant to avoid
Id: 2Uck-77tEM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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