9 Photos With DISTURBING Backstories

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this photo was taken sometime in december 1937 in nanking china it shows a soldier placing his hand on the head of a civilian this alone doesn't seem too disturbing until you look lower down the photo and see that the soldier has a katana in his right hand in 1937 the imperial japanese army invaded the republic of china kickstarting what would be known as the second sino-japanese war initially the japanese army focused their attack on shanghai where their long and bloody battle with the chinese forces came down to the two opposing armies literally fighting hand to hand in the streets after taking shanghai the japanese army turned their attention to nan king in december of 1937 their attack proved too much for the chinese forces those who survived attempted to flee the city but were shot dead by their own comrades for trying to retreat the rest of the soldiers are reported to have cast off their uniforms and stolen the clothes of civilians in order to enter the safety zone the safety zone had been set up before the invasion by foreign civilians who were living in the city at the time and as its name suggests was intended to be an area where the citizens of nanking would be safe from the japanese forces to ensure the safety of the civilians john raab a german businessman and member of the nazi party was put in charge of the safety zone as ngati germany of course had an alliance with japan at this point the chinese soldiers posing as civilians were routed out by the japanese soldiers and killed fairly early on in the six weeks following this the japanese army would carry out a massacre so horrifying and depraved that it has become known as the rape of nan king over 350 000 people were killed with 80 000 reported to have also been raped by the japanese soldiers beheading by katana as seen here was a regular occurrence during this horrific invasion two japanese soldiers toshiyaki mukai and tsuyoshi noda even held a contest to see who could kill 100 people with their sword first and newspapers covered it like a sporting event after japan's surrender at the end of world war ii two generals involved in the massacre iwani matsui and his sautani were tried and executed for crimes against humanity for the atrocities committed by the soldiers under their command prince yasuhiko osaka who was a high-ranking officer in the attack was granted immunity from the prosecution due to his relation to the imperial family however he lost his imperial status after the american occupation abolished the collateral branches of the imperial family he spent the rest of his life as a commoner until his death in 1981 at the age of 93. the japanese army committed many atrocities in the days before and during world war ii with this picture showing just how cruel and heartless their soldiers could be this photo was taken on may 6 1978 on the day of the annual polish constitution day parade in chicago illinois it features then first lady of the united states ruslin carter shaking hands with the director of the parade at first your eyes may be drawn to the man standing on the right due to his rather comical facial expression which honestly makes him look very drunk but was more likely just a case of him being photographed mid-sentence leading to the camera capturing him pulling that face however the person in the photograph who you should be focusing on is actually the director of the parade take a good long look at his face i guarantee that most of you have seen this man before have you figured out who he is yet perhaps you'd recognize him better if he was wearing clown makeup yes the man shaking hands with rosslyn carter first lady and wife of president jimmy carter is none other than the killer clown himself john wayne gacy gacy had already served two years of what was originally a ten year sentence for the rape of fifteen-year-old donald voorhees this resulted in the collapse of his marriage to his first wife who divorced him and took their children as a result gacy would never see his children again despite committing a crime that would normally land him at the bottom of the heap in the prison pecking order he was by all accounts a model inmate he was the head cook in the prison's mess hall had secured an increase in pay for the other inmates working in the hall and had even supervised projects to improve the conditions for the inmates in the prison he was even interviewed on television for a documentary called christmas in anamosa i'm john jay i'm from waterloo iowa and you're a man of some authority here what is your title well i'm first cook in the kitchen and i run the morning meal in the afternoon we're in the kitchen john how long you been here i've been here now a year and about two weeks why am i asking how how long do you plan to take up residence here well i hope to be getting out sometime in may well good good you're going to continue as a cook use that as a professional right this is my perspective before i came in all right it's food service after his release he returned to chicago and bought a ranch house in cook county 8213 west summerdale avenue not long after moving there gacy married his old high school girlfriend carol hoff and became the stepfather to her two daughters in 1975 gacy joined the jolly joker club and created the character whose image would become infamous in american history pogo the clown he would often perform at children's parties and hospitals rarely earning money from these performances as he said that acting like a clown allowed him to regress into childhood he also started his own part-time construction business pdm contractors which he would ultimately use to lure his victims by offering them employment there by the time this picture was taken gacy had already raped and murdered over 20 young men and by the time he was apprehended in december of the same year he was confirmed to have killed 33. needless to say after gacy was arrested wrestling carter regretted ever meeting him clearly shocked that she shook hands with the monster who mercilessly raped and murdered so many young men even more shocking is that gacy is wearing an s badge on his blazer meaning that the secret service had given him security clearance to speak to the first lady to add one final disturbing detail the rosalind carter has no doubt regretted ever since she's even signed the photo to john casey best wishes rosalind carter [Music] this picture was taken in 1972 and shows a group of men who seem to be quite happy and cheerful as they sit in the snow at first glance you might think that they're a group of mountaineers who simply stop to pose for a picture however upon taking a closer look you'll realize that they've actually been trapped there for a while the seat these men are sitting in was pulled from the wreckage of the plane they were traveling on after a crash landed in the andes mountains these men had been stranded in this spot for over two months when this picture was taken and the reason they appear to be so happy is that they're finally being rescued the picture takes on a much darker and disturbing tone when you look to the right and see a human spine lying on the ground on october 13th 1972 the uruguayan old christians rugby club was set to have a match against the english rugby club the old boys club in santiago chile the uruguayan club's president had arranged for the team to travel to santiago by plane over the andes mountains colonel julio cesar ferrares was the designated pilot for the flight he had flown over the andes 29 times before but on this occasion he was taking a back seat as he was training his co-pilot lieutenant colonel dante hector laguara due to the cloudy conditions of the mountains the pilots were not able to confirm that location at 3 21 pm lagawara radioed to the santiago control that they were approaching the airstrip control told them to begin descending however the plane was still flying over the mountains and as it began descending it collided with the rocks below the pilots attempted to pull up but the tail end of the plane struck the mountain leaving a huge hole in the rear three passengers a steward and the navigator was sucked out of the plane through the hole two more passengers fell out soon after the plane smashed into the mountain cockpit first killing colonel ferradas instantly and crushing laguara he asked one of the survivors to find his gun and shoot him but they couldn't bring themselves to do it he later died of his injuries word of the missing plane spread quickly and search and rescue teams from uruguay chile and argentina were dispatched to find the survivors but the harsh conditions hindered their search some of the rescuers had even flown close to the crash site but were unable to see the survivors due to the cloud coverage after eight days the rescue was called off the survivors had extremely little food eight chocolate bars a tin of mussels three small jars of jam a tin of almonds a few dates candies dried plums and several bottles of wine during the days following the crash they divided this into small amounts to make their meager supply last as long as possible despite the strict rationing the foo quickly began running out with no vegetation or wild animals to eat on the mountain some of the survivors resorted to eating the cotton inside of the seats of the plane which only made them sick when the group realized that no one was coming to rescue them and that they had no more food they made an incredibly difficult and harrowing agreement with each other that whichever one of them died would be eaten to feed those still alive understandably some of the survivors had reservations though after realizing it was the only means of staying alive they changed their mind a few days later they were initially so revolted by the experience that they could only eat skin muscle and fat when the supply of flesh was diminished they also ate hearts lungs and even brains eventually several of the survivors began making treks through the mountain in a desperate attempt to find help after hiking for 10 days they came across two men on horseback across the river after giving them a note explaining who they were and where the rest of the survivors were the men took the notes of the chilean army who then proceeded to rescue the survivors ending their two months of hell as the group were all catholic they confessed what they had done to survive to a priest fearing they would be damned to hell the priest assured them that they would not go to hell for what they did as it was a life or death situation the survivors all look happy in this photo clearly relieved that they were finally saved but the extreme measures they had to resort to to survive long enough to be rescued will stay with them for the rest of their lives here we have a family of three a mother and her two sons posing for a picture taken by the father of the two boys they're at a restaurant celebrating the graduation of the older boy from college this is the whitaker family from left to right we have 19 year old kevin 51 year old retired teacher patricia and 23 year old bart they're clearly a very happy family enjoying their dinner in honor of bart's graduation bart had even been given an expensive rolex watch as a present however tragedy would strike this family just hours later after finishing their dinner they left the restaurant and returned home upon entering the house the family of four was faced with a gunman who had broken into their home he fired four shots bart and his father 52 year old kent survived the attack but patricia and kevin were killed kent angrily told detective marshall slot who was investigating the case to find who had killed his wife and son the case took a strange turn when detective slot questioned bart about the events leading up to the shooting barter told him that the family were returning home from dinner to celebrate his graduation from sam houston state university the college informed detective slot the bart was not enrolled with them and that he had lied to his family and the police moreover when the police investigated the crime scene they found evidence to suggest that the shooting had been a burglary gone wrong whereby the family had surprised the burglar who fired them in a panic however when detective slot searched the family bedrooms he found that none of the values in the house had been touched and that the murder weapon was the whitaker's own gun alarm bells started ringing with detective slot believing the murder had been staged and planned in advance five days later slot received word that someone wished to give him information vital to the investigation he met a young man in the parking lot behind the police station who said he was one of bart's friends and that bart had asked him to help kill his family several years earlier and described how bart had planned it the plan was identical to how the murder a few days earlier had been carried out over the next few months slot began piecing together more evidence against bart including having a sniffer dog match the scent of one of bart's co-workers to that of the scent that was left behind in the family bedrooms where all of the drawers had been opened to make it look like a burglary it was now clear that bart had indeed planned his family's death but before the police could arrest him he disappeared he had stolen seven thousand dollars from his father's home and fled to a small mexican village 40 miles south of the texas border he lived there for 14 months and told the locals his name was rudy ryos he'd taken this name from one of his old co-workers who had helped him cross the border however the real rudy rios informed the police of bart's whereabouts after word spread that there was a reward for his capture bart was handed to slot at the border by the mexican authorities bart's trial took place in 2007 where two of his friends chris bashir and steve champagne the gunman and getaway driver respectively revealed that they were offered a cut of the whitaker's 1 million life insurance for killing his family in total bart had approached 5 people over several years to kill his family he was sentenced to death and spent nearly 11 years on death row 45 minutes before he was scheduled to be executed on february 22nd 2018. bart had his death sentence commuted to life imprisonment without parole by governor greg abbott after an appeal by his father kent kent had always opposed the sentence that was given to his son and fought for many years to have it changed bart is now serving life imprisonment currently in solitary confinement his father the man who took this picture the last time his family would be seen together forgave his son for what he had done whether or not bart truly regrets what he did his greed at the time resulted in the death of his mother and younger brother something he'll have to live with for the rest of his life the man in this picture may look like a stereotypical nerdy photographer but believe it or not this is michael rockefeller a member of the extremely wealthy and influential rockefeller dynasty and son of their new york governor and future vice president nelson rockefeller being one of the heirs to the family fortune michael was expected to follow in his father's footsteps but he was more interested in traveling and seeing the world after spending time living in japan and venezuela michael decided he wanted to travel to the more isolated lands that hadn't been extensively explored after talking with representatives from the dutch national museum of ethnology michael decided to make a scouting trip to what was then known as dutch new guinea to collect the art of the asmr people who resided there the azmat people were not very welcoming to michael and his team as many of them had never seen a white person before and naturally didn't trust them while the azmat allowed the team to take pictures of them they would not allow them to take any of their cultural artifacts which michael had wanted to take back to his father's art museum while observing the azmat he also learned that the villages in the area were at war with each other and that asthma warriors often took the heads of their enemies and ate their flesh yes the asmats are a real life cannibalistic tribe this makes this picture all the more unnerving seeing michael surrounded by a tribe of cannibals dancing around him but looking happy as he watches them michael returned to new guinea a year later accompanied by government anthropologist renee wassing the two were traveling in a 40-foot canoe with a pair of local guides when their boat suddenly overturned the two guides swam for help but this would take time michael and renee were drifting on the boat for just over a day before michael told renee he was going to swim to shore this was the last time he was ever seen renee wassing was finally rescued the next day and a search began for michael as stated he was never seen again there have been several theories about what happened to him many believe he was killed by a shark or a saltwater crocodile while attempting to swim to shore the second and most likely theory is that he drowned due to exhaustion as it seems unlikely that he would be able to make it all the way to shore as the boat was 12 miles out to sea another more morbid theory is that michael was captured killed and eaten by the azmat tribe legend has it that the azmat saw michael and pulled him onto their boat and then proceeded to tell him that he was going to pay for the deaths of their tribesmen at the hands of the dutch after killing and eating him they allegedly turned his thigh bones into daggers and used his tibias as spear points this is only a legend as this story was told to a group of dutch missionaries by an azmat tribesman the whole story could have been made up to scare the dutch whom the azmat hated for killing their people of course there's also this picture that's been floating around for a few years that shows a white man among the azmat who many believe to be michael there's no way of knowing for sure if this is him it seems hard to believe that a wealthy american man would want to throw away that life to join a primitive tribe on the other side of the world we'll never know what happened to him as he was declared legally dead in 1964 and he would be 83 years old today if he's still alive this is regina k walters a 14 year old girl from pasadena texas she ran away from home with her boyfriend ricky lee jones in early 1990 you may be thinking that perhaps is a bit of fun regina and ricky went to an old farmhouse and took some creepy pictures with regina even donning what looks like funeral clothes to add to the horror factor basically the type of thing a couple of young runaway lovebirds would do for fun but if you look at regina's face you'll see that the fear she's playing is not staged she is legitimately terrified and now you may be thinking what could ricky have done that scared her so much well ricky is not the one who took this photograph in fact by this point ricky had been dead for quite some time and his killer was the one who took this photo not long after regina and ricky had run away the two were hitchhiking on the highway before a truck finally stopped believing someone had decided to give them a ride the two walked up to the truck however instead of inviting them in the driver immediately killed ricky and ordered regina to get into the back of his truck regina didn't know this but she had entered the driver's own personal torture chamber the driver's name was robert ben rhodes a former marine who was discharged after being arrested for robbery in the late 1960s robert was a sadist who got pleasure from seeing women suffer and was abusive to his three ex-wives with one of them claiming he would become aroused when she was in pain from the autoimmune disease lupus around the 1980s he became obsessed with bdsm but his wife refused to take part he then realized that he would have to find other means to satisfy his urges in january 1990 robert kidnapped patricia candice walsh after murdering her husband whom she was hitchhiking with in texas he held her captive in his makeshift torture chamber in the trailer of his truck where he repeatedly violated and tortured her before killing her and dumping her body in utah a month later he kidnapped an unnamed 18 year old girl from houston texas somehow this girl managed to convince robert to let her go after she swore not to tell the police about him he pulled the truck into the woods opened the door and simply said run after she got out of the truck robert left as she promised she did not tell the police as she didn't think they would believe her due to the lack of evidence several days later robert kidnapped regina he inflicted the same torture on her as he did on patricia walsh but he kept regina much longer and even called her father taunting him by describing what he had done to her eventually robert took her to an abandoned farmhouse and forced her to wear a black dress and heels cut her hair and took pictures of her as she posed for him out of fear there are at least three pictures available online of this harrowing event but none are more chilling or heartbreaking than this one this picture was taken mere moments before robert ben rhodes strangled regina k walters to death the look of fear in her eyes shows that she knew robert was going to kill her and that he was taking pleasure in watching her cower robert was finally caught on april 1st 1990 when a police officer pulled him over after noticing the hazard lights on his truck were flashing the officer heard screaming coming from the trailer of the truck and found a woman tied to a bed robert tried to play it off as consensual bdsm however the officer knew right away the robert was lying and arrested him the police found robert's murder kit in his truck which consisted of cords chains whips leashes and fish hooks they also searched his home and found many photos of regina k walters and patricia walsh it's believed the robert had killed over 50 women between 1975 and 1990 most of whom were sex workers and drifters he's currently serving two life sentences at the mirna correctional center in illinois the man you're seeing here should need no introduction this is john lennon best known of course for being one of the front men and songwriters for the legendary rock band the beatles along with paul mccartney george harrison and ringo starr lennon produced some of the most critically acclaimed albums in history including revolver the white album abby road and most notably sergeant pepper's lonely hearts club band which went 18 times platinum the band split in 1970 and lennon opted to move to new york with his wife yoko ono lennon had moved to america to get away from his rabid fans in england who rarely left him alone he found his life in new york much more quiet and relaxing as while he did occasionally have fans asking for his autograph they generally respected his privacy and gave him his space in this picture he's signing a copy of what was then his most recent album double fantasy that on its own is obviously not disturbing in the slightest however what is disturbing is the date this photo was taken december 8 1980 the day john lennon was shot dead outside his apartment even more disturbing is that the man who would shoot him six hours after this photo was taken is standing right next to lennon the man's name is mark chapman a former security guard who had developed serious mental health issues in the years leading up to the shooting after becoming a born again christian in 1971 chapman's life began to spiral out of control particularly when he began reading the jd salinger novel the catcher in the rye saying he identified with the main character especially his plight his loneliness and his alienation from society in his youth chapman had been a huge fan of the beatles and would even fantasize about being a member of the band and experiencing all of the fame and fortune that came with it however once he converted to christianity his love for the beatles and lennon in particular turned to hatred after lenin made a comment that the beatles were bigger than jesus chapman believed that lennon was a poser who exposed virtues and ideals that he didn't practice by october chapman had quit his job as a security guard signing out as john lennon on his final day then he prepared to take a fateful trip to new york city chapman said that lennon was very polite giving him his autograph while on his way to a limousine he even described lennon as a very decent and cordial man but by this point chapman had already committed to his plan of killing lennon he waited outside of the dakota hotel until john lennon and yoko ono returned at 10 50 pm he then drew a 38 special revolver and fired five shots four of which hit lennon in the back and shoulder puncturing his lung and arteries chapman actually remained at the scene reading catcher in the rye until the police arrived due to the nature of lenin's injuries the police did not call the ambulance and rushed him to the hospital in a squad car but he was pronounced dead on arrival chapman's legal team intended to make an insanity defence as he had been determined to be in a psychotic state at the time of the murder however he pleaded guilty to the crime and was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison in the years since he's expressed regret for what he did and insists he's no longer a danger to anyone but he has been denied parole 11 times since the year 2000. over 40 years have passed since lenin's death but this picture of him politely signing an autograph for the man who would murder him just a few hours later is still every bit as unnerving now as it was then [Music] here we have two friends posing for a picture at a house party strangely however neither of them seem particularly happy in fact the guy on the left is pale and looks like he's just seen something horrifying and is uncomfortable standing next to his friend on the right the guy on the right is tyler hadley the host of the party he'd been telling his classmates at port st lucie high all week that he was going to be having a house party because his parents were out of town at first his friends didn't believe him as he'd never thrown a party before because his parents would never allow it especially as they had reportedly been increasingly strict with him lately tyler however continued to insist that the party would indeed go ahead over time he seemed less sure as when one of his friends asked him if it was still going to happen he simply replied with i'm working on it at 8 15 pm on july 16 2011 tyler confirmed that the party was indeed going ahead when one of his friends asked him about the possibility of his parents coming home he replied they won't trust me the party began around 11 30 p.m and was attended by at least 60 people some of the guests who he greeted at the door noticed that he seemed anxious his eyes were large and white his pupils were expanded and he kept rubbing his hands together nervously clenching his fists at first he told everyone that he didn't want any of them smoking in the house but he eventually said that he didn't care if they smoked indoors tyler wanted the guests to stay in the house as he was worried that the neighbours would call the police if they made too much noise someone at the party joked that tyler had killed his parents as whenever someone asked him where they had gone he always gave a different answer he told one guest that his parents were in georgia he told another that they were in orlando and at one point he even claimed that his parents didn't live there and that it was his house two of tyler's oldest friends said that he had expressed a desire to kill his parents before mark andrews who had met tyler 11 years earlier said that when tyler was 10 years old he showed up at the andrews house after a fight with his mother he vowed that he would kill his parents mark told tyler that all parents pissed off their kids and tyler calming down agreed the two boys then laughed about it another of tyler's friends marky phillips said that when he was hanging out with tyler two weeks earlier he randomly said he wanted to kill his parents and throw a party because nobody had ever thrown a party with dead bodies in the house as mark andrews was about to leave the increasingly chaotic party at around 1 30 am tyler stopped him and said he had something important to tell him i did some things i might go to prison i might go away for life i don't know i'm freaking out right now tyler said what are you talking about said mark i know you are not going to believe me no one will believe me i freaking killed somebody said tyler you killing someone is your own business don't be telling me that sort of thing i don't need to know said mark mark's answer to this confession implies that he thought tyler was joking tyler then asked his best friend michael mandel if they could speak outside he told him the same thing he had told mark michael i'm being real i'm not lying to you if you look closely enough you can see signs he told michael to look in the driveway michael noticed that tyler's parents cars were parked there tyler then led him to the garage where there was a bloody footprint on the floor he then led michael to his parents bedroom where he showed him a pile of bloodstained towels and under the towels a human leg was visible tyler had beaten his parents to death with a hammer from the garage michael was horrified by what he had seen but stayed at the party and even posed for a few selfies with tyler including this one now we know why michael looks so nervous he's standing next to a deranged murderer who had been his best friend since childhood before michael left the party he hid some pills that tyler was planning on killing himself with and called the police telling them the whole story of what tyler had done when they arrived and tyler answered the door they immediately pointed their guns at him and ordered him to lay on the ground when they asked if any adults were home tyler simply said no the police entered the house went to the master bedroom and found tyler's parents many of tyler's friends believed that the murder was the result of his heavy drug use and tyler himself said in a letter from prison to his grandparents that he wished he'd quote never taken that damn pill at the same time though he'd also told michael mandel that he'd been purposely waiting for his brother to move out so he could kill their parents and had begun planning the murder three weeks before actually going through with it and later bragged about how much attention he was getting because of the murders tyler was not given the death sentence due to his age at the time of the murders but he is currently serving a life sentence and in 2018 it was decided that he may be eligible for parole in the future this picture was taken in 1989 and shows a woman dressed in the outfit she prepared for her graduation from the open university the woman is an older graduate at 47 years old but people attending college later in life is not uncommon there's nothing in this picture to suggest that there's a disturbing story behind it it's just a normal lady smiling happily after all right well this is no normal lady at the time of this photo being taken she had been in prison for 23 years she is one of the most infamous serial killers in british history this woman is myra hindley henley was born on july 23rd 1942 in crumsol manchester her father had served as a paratrooper in the second world war an experience which hardened him for the worse as he became an abusive alcoholic towards myra and ordered her to defend herself against bullies under the threat of being beaten herself her father's insistence on solving her problems with violence led to her knocking a boy out cold when she was only eight years old it's been said that henley was not only used to violence at home but rewarded for it outside she had several jobs as a teenager but usually ended up losing them due to repeated absences she was also briefly engaged when she was 17 but ended the relationship as she felt the young man she was going to marry was too immature to provide for her in 1961 she got a job as a typist at the chemical distribution company millwards it was here that she first met a young man named ian brady despite being extremely intelligent and coming across as a nice man brady had already been arrested several times in his teens and spent a lot of time in reform schools several colleagues at millwards also reported that he could be short-tempered despite his calm demeanor even with his flaws myra found herself infatuated with him and even wrote about him in her diary for months before she actually spoke to him for the first time eventually the two began dating their dates would usually involve going to an x-rated theater before going back to myra's house to drink german wine it wasn't a coincidence that the wine happened to be german either as brady got myra involved in his fascination with the atrocities committed by adolf hitler and the nazi party believing brady would want a woman who was the ideal aryan she began bleaching her hair blonde and wore thick red lipstick to please him it wouldn't be long before brady would get her involved in his criminal activities with the two often renting vans that they used to plan bank robberies and myra even purchased several firearms from the local gun club though their plans to rob a bank ultimately didn't come to fruition on july 12 1963 brady told myra that he wanted to commit the perfect murder the plan was for mayra to drive around in a van while brady followed behind on a motorcycle and would flash his lights when he spotted the victim he chose pauline reed a 16 year old schoolmate of myra's younger sister as his victim myra stopped the man and offered her a lift when reed got in myra asked her for help in finding an expensive lost glove in saddleworth moore after reed agreed to help they drove to the moor where brady arrived soon after where brady arrived soon after with myra telling reed that he was there to help with the search at that point she returned to the van while brady took reed further into the more he returned later without reed he took myra further into the moor and showed her what he had done to pauline reed he had cut her throat so deeply that she was nearly decapitated myra asked brady if he had violated her to which he said of course i did they then buried reed with a shovel that brady had hid nearby before the murder on november 23rd the two picked up another victim 12 year old john kilbride they offered him a ride home and a bottle of sherry they told him they had to make a detour to their home to get the sherry before making another detour to the moor once again to look for myra's glove while myra waited in the car brady took kilbride further into the moor and strangled him to death on june 16th 1964 myra asked 12 year old keith bennett for help loading her van and offered him a ride home afterwards as in the last two murders she drove to the moor where brady took bennett to look for her lost glove he returned soon after holding the shovel he used to bury bennett their fourth victim was 10 year old leslie ann downey whom they found alone at a fun fair on december 26 1964. unlike the previous victims she was taken back to myra and brady's house and forced to undress and pose for pictures before being strangled to death finally on october 6 1965 the couple arrived at manchester central railway and invited 17 year old edward evans back to their home during this time period brady had requested myra to have her brother-in-law david smith witness the murder the motive of which was to indoctrinate him into their crimes after getting evans relaxed with wine brady proceeded to hit evans 14 times with a hatchet before strangling him in front of myra and smith the body was then left in the spare bedroom with plans for the body to be buried on the moor this crime however would set about the downfall of the couple smith returned home horrified at the murder he had witnessed the following morning he contacted the police and at hyde police station detailed what he had witnessed to the officers upon discovering evan's body the police arrested brady on october 11th myra two would be arrested police then searched saddleworth moore discovering downey's body on the 16th of october and kilbride on the 21st of october during her time in prison myra hinley tried to improve her image by becoming a born again christian taking up badminton tapestry making joining a choir and even winning a prize for a love song she wrote in her own words she wanted to transform herself from a quote brassy blonde into an intelligent well-adjusted member of society she spent six years studying for a humanities degree from the open university which of course brings us back to the picture we started with most people could see through myra's plan knowing she was only going through all the trouble of improving her image in hopes that she would be released from prison especially considering that before she received her degree she admitted that a plea for parole that she had sent to the home secretary was quote a pack of lies she'd even attempted to escape from prison once with help from a guard that she'd been in a relationship with she made three attempts to appeal for release between 1997 and 2000 all of them rejected she would ultimately never be released from prison as myra a chain smoker suffering from angina and who had previously suffered a brain aneurysm died from bronchial pneumonia on november 15 2002. none of her relatives attended her funeral and the public's hatred for myra was still so strong that over 20 local undertakers refused to handle her cremation ian brady would die on may 15 2017 at the age of 79 after having spent 50 years behind bars he took the location of where he'd bury keith bennett's body to his grave almost 60 years after ian brady and myra hindley took five innocent lives they remained two of the uk's most infamous and hated serial killers right up there with the likes of fred and rose west and the yorkshire ripper fence and atkinson who oversaw the couple's trial in 1966 described them as quotes two sadistic killers of the unmost depravity which rings just as true today as it did all those years ago um you
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Views: 962,465
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Keywords: live, Top 10, countdown, lost media, iceberg, scary, creepy, dark, disturbing, dark lost media, on stage, caught on tape, caught on camera, footage, stage, concert, performance, compilation, 9 Photos With DISTURBING Backstories, creepy photos, scary photos, disturbing photos, photos with disturbing backstories, photos with creepy backstories, photos with scary backstories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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