9 Myths of Repositioning Cruises... BUSTED!

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don't fly there we're gonna tell you that seven  or is it eight missed a repositioning cruises   where are we we are about to finish up a house  sit in the United States and start to head out   on our fifth repositioning Cruise in just the last  two years and excited for this video to to debunk   all the myths of reposition increases yeah and  why do we even take repositioning cruises at all   well it gets us to where we want to go and they're  they're just so many points yeah a lot of people   have all these strange myths or strange like  fallacies about what a repositioning cruise is   I mean we take them because we like to go from  continent to continent and it's a much easier   way to much easier on our body and on our minds  if we're repositioning on a 26 day cruise rather   than flying all the way to Sydney Australia I  mean who wants to fly 29 million hours exactly   I mean just real quickly if you don't know what  a repositioning cruise is it's uh seasonally   the cruise lines need to move their ships to where  the season is so for example we're taking a cruise   from Los Angeles to Sydney Australia because it's  going to be winter time here and it's going to be   summer time here right so the so the Alaska Boats  because they've been here in the States going to   Alaska all summer long are now going to Australia  to catch the Australia season same thing happens   with Europe the European boat the Mediterranean  boats come to the Caribbean the Caribbean boats   go to the Mediterranean and there's all other  Geographic repositioning cruises as well but   what they are is a one-way cruise that goes you  know from A to B in order to get the inventory of   the cruise lines and the right positions for the  seasons right yeah so we've done what two back   and forth to Europe we've done one from um Europe  down to Saudi Arabia through the Suez Canal we did   another one from Japan across the Pacific through  the Aleutian Islands down through Alaska and into   Seattle and then this next one that we're doing  tomorrow yeah is we are going from La uh to Sydney   so really a great way to beat jet lag right right  uh it is and that is you know not wanted to miss   but we're going to talk about the eight myths  we're gonna start with number eight you've got   to stay for number one because it's it will blow  your mind we'll blow your mind how people think   this and how it's really wrong how they think it  so number eight uh reduced crew when you go on it   the myth is when you go on a repositioning Cruise  the crew the crews taking holiday and they're off   and there's not a lot of people on the boat and  so they think like you're going to get bad room   service or your room's going to get cleaned  only every three or four days or you only be   able to go to the buffet because there's no  dinner service or put some other yeah yeah   well I mean it's just not true I mean you think  that the the cruise lines are going to cut back   because this is some kind of strange cruise but  it's not and not for the crew the crews sign up   for six months contracts whatever yeah here it is  fully staffed everything that you can imagine the   service is great in fact I think the service is  even better because typically in our experience   these repositioning cruises are not full they're  gonna be about two-thirds pulled in our experience   and so you get even better service and because  there's more school members or passenger yeah   there's less people on the boat so yeah so debunk  number one reduce crew number or number eight I   guess number seven the food's gonna be bad you  know you're the you you get on the cruise you go   forever there's no place to restock the food the  bananas rot you run out of fresh fruit the the   crew is limited so there's no chefs on board  totally false yeah same thing it's you know   you think that the cruise line is cutting back  because they're going the long distance across   the Atlantic across the Pacific not true the food  is the same the food is excellent you can still   gain 10 pounds if you want yes they are very well  prepared for uh for this type of cruise and uh   it's just amazing the logistics of how they do it  I don't know how the cruise lines do it but yeah   but you you didn't you make your own Logistics  I did and I have no idea how they figured out   how to get you know fresh fruit and and everything  how can you how do you figure out how many bananas   to put on a boat in Los Angeles it's going  to get you to Hawaii and then how do you get   all those bananas again in Hawaii to get you to  Fiji I was like it's magic to me 106.00 [Music] yeah that's magic that's just magic to me yeah  food is great A number six I think this is one   that really people really fret over and that you  think you're gonna get seasick you know you're   you're nauseous the the waves just going like this  somebody might be getting seasick uh you're gonna   get seasick well um okay so I'm someone who gets  sees it you know interestingly before I had my   daughter I never got seasick and then after I've  had her I get motion sick all the time I don't   get carcinated yeah that's true but she got all  my brains and that now that what's left is just   sea sickness in my head anyway so I am prone to  sea sickness but we what we've cruised what 60   reposition like 60 days or something yeah and  we're about to get on another ship for another   26 days yes yeah and of those 60 I would say  five or six were were rough that made me feel   kind of queasy so what 10 of the nights we  were busy so what's cool is you know I was   prepared I had brought my own medicine I had  the bands the bands work okay uh if it's mildly   but if it's you know like this the bands didn't  work for me yeah we got the you know the little   um medicine the patches that you put  behind your ear yeah there's also the   medication in our experience we found  that the Seas get rough and you ask for   it that the ship has something to give  you they just hand it out like candy we don't get seasick cause then they gotta clean  it all up so but I think I think our our lesson is   is if you feel like you're going to get seasick  be prepared for that and and anticipate that   that that might happen I don't think that  a repositioning cruise is any more or less   um prone to to regular disease than any cruise  that you might be on yeah so be prepared and I   mean just because only six days have happened to  us it doesn't mean you won't have 29 out of 30   you know it's all weather dependent obviously but  your your captain is really going to try to avoid   the bad weather so technologically the the ships  are actually really prepared to balance you out   they've got balancers and they showed us this  video that our ship actually floated on a bed   of bubbles in order to keep the I don't know how  that works but it makes it the newest technology   to keep the ships uh stable yeah yeah um stay  tuned because we're getting the number one and   you're it's it's gonna surprise the heck out of  you and thank you for subscribing we are so happy   that you're here you're watching this video myth  number five the ports are not interesting this   is so so wrong I mean I think people think that  the ship's got to go from A to B which it does   but in order to sell it they got to throw in some  ports and what's nice is a lot of these ports our   ports are not they're not on normal cruises  they're hard to get to they're on the way to   some place which makes them really unique places  that you can get to so we've got a whole list of   some of the places that we've stopped what are  they Steve yeah I mean our you know our first   uh repositioning Crews across the Atlantic we want  went to uh the Azores which was fantastic between   child in Portugal which was so much fun a great  place Mallorca Spain was a beautiful city loved it   um our next um oh and we also then on another  cruise we did to sherberg France and Vigo Spain   and Cadiz Spain and also Barcelona was  in there then we went and then we went to   um Saudi Arabia and went to  Genoa and of course Rome um stopped in Jordan and then um and then Saudi and  Patrick Jordan is just a place that people was   so many people's bucket list yeah and who knew  you could go there on a cruise and Jetta Saudi   Arabia that saw a lot of really interesting green  footprint stuff going on there then we went to   um Japan and then from Japan we went through the  Aleutian Islands which you never get to do to and   you get to go to and went to Korea Kodiak Kodiak  Kodiak and of course Sitka and Ketchikan all the   things coming down through Alaska but and then  now on this repositioning cruise to to Sydney   of course we go to Hawaii and then where do we  go uh Maria in French Polynesia Tahiti we go to   Tahiti we go to Pago Pago which is American  Samoa we go to Auckland a number of ports in   New Zealand before we finally end up in Sydney  Australia so so if that doesn't debunk that the   ports are boring I I don't know what else does so  okay now myth number four it's all C days well we   just kind of debunked that I think people think  it's 26 days you're on the sea all the time how   many is the most amount of sea days we've had in  a row we've had I think four or five in a row and   you actually think that oh my gosh it's you know  four sea days I can't believe four sea days that's   that's you know that's not so much yeah that's not  gonna be great but there's so much to do on the   ship but in the courts yeah good yeah the ports  in between it breaks it up so so and if you're   not going to afford every single day like some  cruises go every single day you're in a different   port it's kind of exhausting it breaks it up a  little bit so it's actually uh easier yeah we   were once on a cruise around the British Isles  and for seven days it was a port every single   day we were exhausted like the third or fourth  day we wanted a c day we're like we just need   to have a break that we're not because when you  get to the porch you know you're running around   and doing all the things and it's nice to have  a little break that's right um so number three   kind of goes with the sea days is you're gonna  be bored oh my God these activity directors the   Julie McCoys the cruise directors of the world are  so busy creating incredible activities right look   at you're getting all sunspots on your outdoors in  this beautiful backyard and thought we were in the   shade but there's actually this is Seattle we're  actually getting some sun who knew but so some of   the things that we've done on the shipboard you go  oh yeah uh we learned how to play Pickleball we're   actually pretty good at pickleball now we got spa  days we've got um Bingo we've got trivia we've got   golf uh some some ships have zip lining you can  go in the pool you can all kinds of great things   I mean I like just like the food everywhere I have  like seven meals a day you know that's you know   some of us are not eating each other meals we're  in the casino or we're doing the wine tasting or   going to the game shows dance lessons a reading or  crocheting or drawing art or writing a brush yeah   there's just the art gallery I look forward to two  days to get caught up on all the things I want to   do that's right that's right okay number two the  entertainment will be bad I think there's this   this myth that the entertainers get off the ship  and on the repositioning cruises and then when   they when the cruises get back on their regular  schedule their entertainers get back on false   all falls we've had amazing entertainment some  of the I mean Production shows and live music   and Comedians and magicians and just all  the entertainment that you would expect to   have on any cruise and even in addition to that  there's the the music everywhere so there'll be   like those violinist you know in the atrium and  in the bar there's a great you know r b band if   he is playing or whatever so there's always live  music going everywhere okay we promised we would   get to the last number one myth we're gonna debunk  it and that is repositioning cruises are expensive   no they're not they're probably the cheapest per  day of all the Cruises out there and we're going   to give you an example and wait I'm I'm I'm cheap  you're not cheap you're Frugal and budget related   yes or you're just thank you you call a chief  I call it frugally I wanna I wanna get a good   value and I look at a lot of cruise says and I'm  like wow I look at the price per person per day   when I look at and compare cruises when I look  at reposition increases I'm like that's the one   I want to go on yeah so for example our cruise to  Sydney Australia it's 26 days it uh I don't know   we go to six or seven different ports if we were  to fly from LA to Sydney I mean it depends on when   you buy your flights you know all the parameters  of that but that's about two thousand dollars a   person so that's a four thousand dollar flight  to get to Sydney for us to cruise it was four   thousand dollars and for us that includes 26 days  of Hotel 26 days of food 26 days of entertainment   26 days of Transit all the great points all the  entertainment and all the vacation value so for   us especially since we had to pay to sleep  every single night when we sleep this is the   deal of a lifetime for us to get down to Sydney  for about four thousand dollars for the couple   for right now right so and we are in an inside  room in case people wanted to ask about that   so those are the myths of repositioning  cruises do you have one you want to share   do you want to debunk and repositioning through  the Smith we love to hear it talk to you soon
Channel: Nomad Life. Full-time Travel (Eat Walk Learn)
Views: 15,043
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Keywords: nomad life, chris and steve, kris and steve, steve and chris, steve and cris, eat walk learn, eatwalklearn, learn eat walk, eat pray love, travel, travel fulltime, full-time travel, nomads, expat, expat living, health, healthy travel, travel while healthy, stay healthy while traveling, travel wellness, travel fitness, food and travel, health and travel, international living, travel abroad, live aborad, stay healthy abroad, retired healthy, retirement, healthy retirement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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