9 Minutes Core Exercises for Seniors

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if you're over 65 and can't do this then i'm gonna show you a nine minute poor exercise workout for seniors that you can use with the three best core movements for your golden years [Music] hey there coach tyler here from warriormade.com and no matter your age you can strengthen your core you can improve your posture and make your back feel amazing again today we're going to cover exactly how any woman or man who is over 65 can build a strong pore because the reality is most exercise routines out there aren't focused on this age group which means the majority of the core exercises being taught are not only too hard for most seniors but they're potentially harmful the good news is i'm going to teach you what i feel are the three best core exercises for seniors and then take you through a full follow along routine that you can use every day to strengthen your core all while improving your posture and making your back feel amazing real quick though could you do me a quick favor and hit the subscribe button and then click the little bell icon so you can be in the know when we release a new video just like this alright before i get to the exercise i want to briefly touch on the core and why most people aren't training their core the right way you see when people hear the word core they automatically think it means the muscles of your belly in fact when i say core you probably thought of someone with a six-pack or a flat belly right and all the muscles of your belly do make up a part of the core the core is really all of the muscles that go from your hips to your chest this includes all of the belly muscles you're thinking of but also the muscles on the sides of your body like your obliques as well as muscles that run up the spine too and this is important to know because in order to get the best results you need to choose exercises that work on all three areas of your core so what are the three best core exercises for seniors well let's dive right in exercise number one standing side vents standing side bends are one of my favorite exercises for anybody who wants to stretch and strengthen their spine as well as the muscles on the sides of your core those oblique muscles here's how to do it with perfect form start with your feet right underneath your hips with your toes facing straight forward from there you can put your hands on your hips or you can lift one arm overhead as you go from side to side let's start with hands on the hips you're gonna place your hands on your hips pull your shoulder blades back and down don't shrug them up stay tall at the top of your head think about as getting as tall as possible and then kick your hip out and hinge to the side now it's important as you hinge to the side you're not thinking about collapsing to the ground when you do that your ribs and your hips collapse into each other you can feel a little pinch right here instead what you want to think about is lifting this side of your chest and your rib cage toward the sky the difference is this this is me collapsing this is me lifting almost like i'm rolling over a ball on the side i'm gonna come from side to side inhaling as you go down exhaling as you come up inhaling as you go down exhaling as you come up and going slow and controlled from side to side really thinking about squeezing those obliques as you come to the top position really feel those muscles now that's too easy for you you can put your hands on your hips and you can put one hand over your head and come back and forth reaching from side to side doing one arm overhead like this it'll give you a little bit more mobility and it'll a bit more work on your obliques which is going to make them even stronger so again slow and controlled inhale as you go down exhale as you go up move from side to side and practice perfect form exercise number two high chair shoulder tips high chair shoulder taps are a wonderful exercise for strengthening your core especially in a contralateral movement pattern what this means is when you walk and when you run when you walk upstairs your body's moving with a slight twist to it so your right shoulder is moving towards your left hip and your left shoulder is moving towards your right hip but when we train our core oftentimes people just move forward and backward in a unilateral fashion so by training this contralateral strength it's going to actually strengthen all of your movements and protect your spine more in the long run so first make sure you have a really sturdy chair or a really sturdy piece of furniture that's just underneath your hip height that you can use for this exercise from there put your hands on that chair that furniture squeeze whatever you're on really tight with your hands this is going to strengthen your wrists and your forearms it's going to make sure you have a stable base to work off come back to a plank position come slightly off the ground with your heels so you're on your toes and then squeeze your quad muscles the muscles on the fronts of your thighs by extending your legs all the way then squeeze your butt muscles i don't want your butt sticking out like this i want you to tuck your butt and squeeze your butt muscles like that that's going to help you squeeze your core too and then press your hands into the chair the entire time from there shift your weight to one side without rotating i want you i don't want you twisting from side to side just shift slightly to the side tap your shoulder bring your hand back down shift your weight to the other side go slow tap your shoulder bring it back down as you get better at this you can move a little faster as you get more balance now if this is too difficult to make this exercise easier go wider stance and more narrow hands the wider your stance is and the more narrow your hands are the easier it is for you to balance the more narrow your stance is and the wider your hands are the more difficult it is for you to balance you'll feel a major difference on how much that hits your core depending on how wide your feet are and how wide your hands are again move slow and controlled find a steady breathing rhythm while you do this exercise and really focus on keeping your body rigid from your heels all the way up to the top of your head by squeezing your quads squeezing your glutes squeezing your core and thinking about tall posture the entire time you do this exercise exercise number three low chair tabletop lifts the low chair tabletop lift is a wonderful exercise for strengthening all the muscles of the back side of your body including your legs your spinal erectors and between your shoulder blades and stretching your shoulders at the same time so to do this exercise sit in a nice sturdy chair that's not going to scoot around on you from there place your hands on the chair you can either do fingertips pointing backwards if you're more flexible or if you're not as flexible put your hands on the outside and grip the outside of the chair from there bring your butt to the edge of your seat whatever you choose fingertips backwards or gripping outside your chair and then dig your heels into the ground and extend your hips as high as you can and squeeze your glutes you're trying to get your body all the way so that your knees hips and shoulders are in one straight line and then come back down bring your butt down you can rest for a second if you need to and then bring back up inhale as you come up squeeze exhale as you come down rest for a second if you're feeling strong you don't even have to rest at the bottom inhale as you come up exhale as you come down as soon as you tap come back up and then come back down and repeat for reps now with your shoulders don't let your shoulders shrug so i don't want your shoulders coming forward like this as you do this exercise i want you to think about before you move pull your shoulder blades back and down almost like you're trying to lift your butt off the chair before we even initiate the movement keep them there the entire time as you lift your hips and finally don't tuck your chin and look down at your toes while we do this movement as you come up let your head come back so it's still in perfect alignment with your spine and let it come forward and back naturally as you go up and down practice that slow and controlled and make sure you follow all these cues so you do it with perfect form okay now that you know the three best core exercises for seniors i want to make sure we provide as much value to you as possible by walking you through a nine minute workout using these three exercises feel free to come back to this over and over again and use this workout every day if you like in fact the more often you do it the stronger you'll get and the faster your posture will improve just promise me that you'll be sure to check in with your healthcare provider to make sure that a routine like this is appropriate for you after that grab a sturdy chair and get ready for this nine minute workout all you have to do is follow along doing 40 seconds of work on each exercise with 20 seconds of rest in between for three total rounds so get ready because without further ado let's get started three two one go you should feel your muscles activating in these areas obliques lats posture keep seventy percent of the weight on your heels thirty percent in your toes grip the ground and keep these three points in contact with the ground [Music] good things take time so focus on your form warriors are made on days like these three two one and great job up next low chair table top lifts [Music] get ready [Music] coming up next high chair shoulder taps [Music] get ready take small breaths keeping your core tight as you do this exercise give it your best effort because i know you can squeeze your elbows towards your hips to work your core harder by activating your lats tuck your chin and stay tall through the top of your head the entire time [Music] hey don't quit on me now three two one great job warrior great job on round number one if you like this workout and want more follow along workouts with exercises that are appropriate for seniors make sure you click the link in the description below try our home workouts for yourself otherwise let's get ready for round two round two [Music] up next [Music] get ready keep your eyes forward and focus on a fixed object to get better balance keep seventy percent of the weight on your heels thirty percent in your toes grip the ground and keep these three points in contact with the ground do your best and best means doing what is safe for you [Music] three two one and great job up next low chair table top lifts get ready [Music] coming up next high chair shoulder taps [Music] get ready squeeze your abs and your glutes and tuck your pelvis don't let your back sag results happen over time not overnight work hard stay consistent and be patient make sure all the points of your hand are in contact with the surface and grip tightly with your fingers do every rep with your heels in line with your hips and your toes facing forward [Music] three two one and you made it great work you're two-thirds of the way there so keep it up and remember if you liked how these exercises are appropriate for seniors make sure to go click the link in the description below to try our simple follow along home workout system so you can transform your whole body and feel incredible every single day otherwise let's stay focused and do your absolute best for the last and final round round three round three here we go up next get ready keep 70 of the weight on your heels thirty percent in your toes grip the ground and keep these three points in contact with the ground don't rush this exercise the more control you have the better remember staying in control is more important than the number of reps that you can do [Music] good things take time so focus on your form [Music] three two one and great job up next low chair tabletop lifts [Music] get ready [Music] coming up next high chair shoulder [Music] taps get ready [Music] one day at a time and today is your day [Music] keep your hips low and your glutes tight don't let your butt stick out [Music] brace your core the entire time [Music] keep pushing yourself don't rush this exercise the more control you have the better [Music] three two one and red [Music] awesome job on this nine minute core exercise routine for seniors i hope you enjoyed it and i sincerely hope that your core muscles are burning and that your body feels amazing right now now if you enjoyed this video make sure you check out our next video by clicking right here in that video we'll show you a complete 14-minute workout that was designed just for seniors to get great results exercising from the comfort of their own home otherwise thanks again for watching and we hope you enjoyed our 9 minute core exercise routine for seniors and we'll see you soon in the next video
Channel: Warrior Made
Views: 13,725
Rating: 4.9810128 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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