9 JOURNALING TIPS for beginners | how to start journaling for self-improvement + 70 PROMPTS 💫

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If you're in quarantine, and the weather is  getting colder, and your opportunities to see   real life people are quickly dwindling, why not  try journaling? Journaling is a free way to act   as if you are talking to a friend, when really,  it's just you. By yourself. All alone... All jokes   aside, journaling has helped me so much throughout  my life, and especially during this weird and   unprecedented year. While there is no wrong  way to journal, there were definitely mistakes   that I made in the beginning that prevented  me from developing a good journaling habit,   but once I fixed those mistakes, I really got  going and I have since filled up this entire big   box of journals. Quick, though, before we start,  if you want some motivation and accountability,   next week I'll be doing a daily journaling  challenge over on Instagram Stories. I'll   also be journaling live with you so go follow me  @theblissbean, there's details in the description,   it starts on Monday, okay, thank you. If you  currently don't have a journaling practice at all,   I would start with something super super simple.  You just want to build that habit. So step one:   obtain notebook. Step two: write in notebook  regularly. For the best chances at success,   try to do this at the same time each day, so after  you wake up in the morning or before you go to bed   both work really well because then journaling  is just less likely to get pushed aside by the   rest of the day's busyness. Do whatever it takes  to remind yourself, so you can set a reminder on   your phone, you can leave your notebook on your  bedside table so that you can journal as soon as   you wake up. Once you've established the habit  and you've learned to really enjoy journaling,   then you might not need as much structure, because  you'll find yourself just kind of naturally   drifting over to your journal. But it does really  help in the beginning. Speaking of notebooks,   I think a nice notebook really helps, it doesn't  have to be expensive, just something that you   wouldn't normally use for school or for work.  That way, you get a little bit of enjoyment   and you feel ~expensive~ whenever you sit down  with your journal, and your brain will start to   connect that particular special notebook with the  habit of journaling, so whenever you see it, your   brain will think "time to journal". This is the  journal I currently use, this is from Lavendaire's   pastel notebook series, so this is the yellow  one in lined. It's up to you whether you want to   bring your journal along with you, if you want to  journal on the go. It depends on what you write in   there, so personally, I would not feel comfortable  bringing my journal out of my house, but if it is   more of just like a daily log, and there's  nothing super private or sensitive in there,   then you might enjoy having it with you throughout  the day so that you can write whenever the mood   strikes, or you can keep it in a safe under lock  and key if you have like, state secrets, in there.   Another thing Iwould recommend when you're just  starting out is to start small and have low   expectations. When you're developing some sort of  a new habit, it can help to stop yourself before   you feel like you're done. So what i mean by that  is, for example, when you start meditating, maybe   you feel like you could meditate for five minutes,  but stop yourself at three minutes so that you're   kind of left wanting for more, you know? You don't  completely use up all of that initial enthusiasm,   and you save some of it up for the next  day. So, similarly, if you've just started   a journaling habit, try to stop before you feel  like you've gotten all of your thoughts out. This   might feel kind of counter-intuitive, but that way  you'll have a loose thread to pick back up on the   next time that you journal, and you'll feel more  excited to start writing the next day, because you   didn't quite finish the day before. You also don't  need to record everything in your journal, so my   biggest stumbling block when I tried to start  journaling when I was younger was that I tried to   write a minute by minute narration of all of my  daily actions and feelings. It just started to   feel like a chore, I started to hate it so much  because I felt like if I missed anything I was   failing at journaling somehow, I was just losing  all of these memories that actually were super   boring anyways. So what I've learned now after  many years of journaling is that if you don't   feel like writing about an event, don't. There are  probably big events that I've hardly written about   in my journals because I just didn't feel like  writing about them, and that's okay. I didn't feel   the need to relive them or to process them and  so I didn't need to write about them. Because I   didn't force myself to do that, because I only  wrote what I actually WANTED to write about,   I was able to make journaling a habit. I feel  like another common thing that trips people up   when they first start journaling is that they feel  like they're doing it wrong if they're not writing   like super deep, insightful, straight from the  soul, emotional, raw passages. You're not writing   a book here, no one's going to quote your journal.  This is purely just for you. I think journaling is   kind of like a muscle, just like meditation, so  the more you do it the better at it you become,   but also in meditation, the goal isn't  really to attain a perfectly clear mind.   Likewise, it's not the goal with journaling to  always be writing really insightful stuff, it's   the process that matters. So in the beginning,  if you're just starting out, try just writing a   couple of sentences about what you did that day,  just to build that habit and to kind of become   more aware of what you're doing and what your  thoughts are, and then deeper more introspective   writing will come naturally if you give yourself  the time and you give yourself the practice.   So then after you've laid the foundations  of the habit, let's move on to extra credit,   advanced options for you overachievers out there.  This really isn't that advanced, but I think   another fun thing to do in your journaling is  to add some structure to it, so personally in my   journal, I like to make a lot of lists. I'll tell  you about my lists and then you can tailor them   to your preferences. So in the morning, I like to  write down three things that I'm excited for that   day. Today I was excited to film this video and  put together some beautiful content for my blog,   listen to a podcast during breakfast, and go  to a dance class with my mom in the evening,   and then when I'm journaling before bed I write  down three things that I accomplished that day,   three wins, for example yesterday I wrote that  I went on an outdoor run, in the RAIN, mind you.   I took care of this accounting spreadsheet that  was a big hairy task that I was putting off for   a long time, and I ate healthfully. Finally, I  make a list of three things I was grateful for.   Yesterday, my new Kindle arrived, I had  some exciting opportunities in my email,   and a friend sent me a funny meme. So as you can  see, even if yesterday was stressful in some ways   (and it was), by focusing on all of the good  things that happen, I'm almost like editing   the snapshot of the day that I have in my brain  to be a positive one. And I just think it's a   really nice way to start the day and end the day.  You can also have some sort of a daily question   that you answer based on whatever it is that  you're working on in your life at the moment,   so for me this month, I was focusing on  feeling better and working on my mental health,   and trying to achieve that by making small good  decisions that gave me momentum, but also didn't   make me feel overwhelmed. So I already put away  my journal, but I forgot I need to do this part.   Each morning I have been writing - "what are three  good decisions that I can make today?" and then   before I go to bed I review that list and I check  off everything that I actually did. So today,   this morning, I wrote: I can wash the dishes and  start the laundry, meditate after lunch, and work   on reading our book club book, at Blissful Book  Club, if you're not a member yet, which you should   be (SORRY THE BOOK CLUB IS NO LONGER RUNNING). So  maybe you decide to do a self-care focused month   and every morning you write "what is something  that I can do for myself today?" maybe you want to   focus on some specific relationship in your life,  so you start each day by writing "what is one   thing i can do today to improve my relationship  with this person?" - send them an encouraging   message, make a meal for them, schedule a call  with them. You might find it helpful to separate a   daily journal from more of like a "deep thinking"  journal. So I did this because I have my daily   journal for mornings and evenings and my daily  questions, and this journal is, quite frankly,   filled with lots of repetitive, mundane rambling,  because that's just what my everyday life is like,   okay? So I wanted to create this separate special  journal that is for special journaling occasions   only. I started this after a couple of therapy  sessions and I decided that I wanted a dedicated   place where I could write more in depth about  the stuff that I discussed with my therapist.   I also think a journal like this could be a  good place to write in if you have some big   decision to make. I don't have any to make at the  moment but i-it could do that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So just   like how we talked about a fancy notebook  can encourage you to sit down and journal,   I think that if you have a separate notebook for  those deeper thoughts, then it can inspire you to   think deeper when you're writing in it. Something  else you can do is write letters in your journal.   This is definitely a bit more time intensive,  but it can reveal some very interesting insights   and make you more empathetic and understanding.  You can write a letter to your past self, like,   how can you view your past differently now that  you have more knowledge and more self-awareness?   You can write a letter to your future self and  write about what you plan to accomplish by the   time you get there. You can even write a letter  to someone you know and you never have to send it,   maybe it's a letter of appreciation, maybe it's  a letter of anger that helps you to release   some pent-up feelings and understand the  situation better. Whatever you need to   get off your chest. Finally, a fun thing to do  that I did recently is to make a journaling jar.   You can find so, so many journaling prompts out  there, and I think it's really good to collect   ones that you especially like all in one place  for the times when you're needing inspiration.   So I had been collecting some journaling ideas  in a document and I thought making a journaling   jar out of it would be a fun way to make it kind  of more tangible. I also think it pushes you to   write more about different topics, because  if you just, like, scan a list of prompts,   you'll probably drift to ones that feel kind of  safe and comfortable to you, whereas if you draw   one at random, it's a little more spontaneous  and maybe a little bit more of a challenge.   So I hope these tips helped you. I think aside  from checking in with yourself on a daily basis   and clearing your thoughts, having this sort  of sustained conversation with yourself can be   really helpful in kind of, focusing your overall  life efforts. But when you're just starting out,   you don't have to think super long term big  picture like that, just focus on developing   that habit and see where it takes you. I'm super  excited about this journaling challenge, make sure   to follow me @theblissbean on Instagram. I'll be  posting daily journaling prompts on Stories and   you can use the hashtag #blissbeanjournaling so  that I can see what you post. I hope to have you   writing with us and let me know in the comments if  you plan on joining! I also have a free worksheet   that you can download with 70 journaling prompts,  I put the link to that in the description. You can   also cut that up and make a journaling jar out  of it. I feel like I've talked so much, thank   you for watching this video, and have an amazing  rest of your week. I will see you next week, bye!
Channel: The Bliss Bean
Views: 948,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to start journaling, How to start journaling for self improvement, Mindfulness, How to journal, How to journal for beginners, How to journal for self growth, Tips to start journaling, Journaling prompts, Journaling prompts for self discovery, A guide to journaling, The ultimate guide to keeping a journal, Journaling tips and tricks, Journaling tips and ideas, How to start a journal, how to journal daily, Daily habits, how I journal, The Bliss Bean
Id: T9efJ868yxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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