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visit MIT OpenCourseWare at PROFESSOR: Well, OK. So first important
things about the course, plans for the course. And then today I'm going
to move to the next section of the notes, section 2,
or part 2, I should say. And actually I'll skip for
the moments section 2-1 and go to section 2-2,
and all of chapter 2 will come to you probably
today or latest tomorrow. So that's where
we're going next. I'm following the
notes pretty carefully, except I'm going to skip the
section on tensors until I learn more basically. Yeah. Yeah. I could say a little
about tensors, but this flows
naturally using the SVD. So it's just a terribly
important problem, least squares. And of course, I know that
you've seen one or two ways to do least squares. And really the whole
subject comes together. Here I want to say
something, before I send out a plan for looking ahead
for the course as a whole. So there's no final exam. And I don't really see how to
examine you, how to give tests. I could, of course,
create our tests about the linear algebra part. But I don't think it's-- it's not sort of the
style of this course to expect you quickly to create
a proof for something in class. So I think, and
especially looking at what we're headed for,
and moving quite steadily in that direction,
is all the problems that this linear algebra
is is aimed at, right up to and including conjugate gradient
descent and deep learning, the overwhelmingly important and
lively, active research area. I couldn't do better than
to keep the course going in that direction. So I think what I
would ask you to do is late in sort of April, May,
the regular homeworks I'll discontinue at a certain point. And then instead, I'll be asking
and encouraging a project-- I don't know if that's the
right word to be using-- in which you use
what we've done. And I'll send out a
message on Stellar listing five or six
areas and only-- I mean, one of them is
the machine learning, deep learning part. But they're all the
other parts, things we are learning how to do. How to find sparse
solutions, for example, or something about
the pseudo inverse. All kinds of things. So that's my goal,
is to give you something to do which uses the
material that you've learned. And look, I'm not
expecting a thesis. But it's a good chance. So it will be more
than just, drag in some code for deep learning
and some data matrix and do it. But we'll talk more
as the time comes. So I just thought I'd
say, before sending out the announcement,
I would say it's coming about what as a
larger scale than single one week homeworks would
be here before. Any thoughts about that? I haven't given you details. So let me do that with a
message, and then ask again. But I'm open to-- I hope you've understood-- I think you have-- that
if you make suggestions, either directly to my email
or on Piazza or whatever, they get paid attention to. OK. Shall I just go forward
with least squares? So what's the least
squares problem, and what are these four
ways, each bringing-- so let me speak about
the pseudo inverse first. OK, the pseudo
inverse of a matrix. All right. Good. So we have a matrix A, m by n. And the pseudo inverse
I'm going to call A plus. And it naturally is
going to be n by m. I'm going to multiply
those together. And I'm going to get as near
to the identity as I can. That's the idea, of course,
of the pseudo inverse, The word pseudo is in
there, so no one's deceived. It's not an actual inverse. Oh, if the matrix is square
and has an inverse, of course. Then if A inverse
exists, which requires-- everybody remembers
it requires the matrix to be square, because I
mean inverse on both sides. And it requires
rank n, full rank. Then the inverse will exist. You can check it. MATLAB would check
it by computing the pivots in elimination
and finding n pivots. So if A inverse
exists, which means A times A inverse, and A
inverse times A, both give I, then A plus is A
inverse, of course. The pseudo inverse is the
inverse when there is one. But I'm thinking
about cases where either the matrix
is rectangular, or it has zero eigenvalues. It could be square, but it has
a null space, other than just the 0 vector. In other words, the
columns are dependent. What can we do then
about inverting it? We can't literally invert it. If A has a null
space, then when I multiply by a vector x in
that null space, Ax will be 0. And when I multiply
by A inverse, still 0. That can't change the 0. So if there is an x in the null
space, then this can't happen. So we just do the best we can. And that's what this
pseudo inverse is. And so let me draw a picture of
the picture you know of the row space and the null space. OK, and it's there, you see. There is a null space. And over here I have the
column space and the null space of A transpose. OK. So this is the row
space, of course. That's the column
space of A transpose, and there is the
column space of A. OK. So which part of that picture
is invertible, and which part of the picture is hopeless? The top part is invertible. This is the r-dimensional row
space, r-dimensional column space. A takes a vector in here,
zaps it into every-- you always end up
in the column space. Here I take a vector
in the row space-- say, x-- and it
gets mapped to Ax. And between those two spaces,
A is entirely invertible. You get separate
vectors here, go to separate vectors
in the column space, and the inverse
just brings it back. So we know what the
pseudo inverse should do. It will take A will go
that way, and A plus, the pseudo inverse
will be just-- on the top half of the
picture, it'll give us A plus. We'll take Ax back
to x in the top half. Now, what about here? That's where we have
trouble, when we don't have-- that's what spoils our inverse. If there is a null space
vector, then it goes where? When you multiply by A, this
guy in the null space goes to 0. Usually along a straighter
line than I've drawn. But it goes there. It gets to 0. So you can't raise it from
the dead, so to speak. You can't recover it when
there's no A inverse. So we have to think, what shall
A inverse do to this space here, where nobody's hitting it? So this would be the null
space of A transpose. Because A-- sorry-- yeah, what
should the pseudo inverse do? I said what should
the inverse do? The inverse is helpless. But we have to define A plus. I've said what it should do on
that guy, on the column space. It should take everything
in the column space back where it came from. But what should it do on this
orthogonal space, where-- yeah, just tell me,
what do you think? If I have some vector here-- let's call it V r plus 1. That would be like-- so here I have a nice
basis for the column space. I would use V's for the ones
that come up in the SVD. They're orthogonal, and they
come from orthogonal U's. So the top half is great. What shall I do with this stuff? I'm going to send
that back by A plus. And what am I going
to do with it? Send it to-- nowhere
else could it go. 0 is the right answer. All this stuff goes back to 0. I'm looking for a linear
operator, a matrix. And I have to think,
once I've decided what to do with all those and
what to do with all these, then I know what to do
with any combination. So I've got it. I've got it. So the idea will be, this is
true for x in the row space. For x in the row space,
if x is in the row space, Ax is in the column space, and
A inverse just brings it back as it should. And in the case of
an invertible matrix A, what happens to my picture? What is this picture looking
like if A is actually a 6 by 6 invertible matrix? In that case,
what's in my picture and what is not in my picture? All this null space
stuff isn't there. And null space is
just a 0 vector. But all that I don't
have to worry about. But in general,
I do have to say. So the point is
that A plus on the-- what am I calling this? It's the null space
of A transpose, or whatever on V r
plus 1 to Vn, all those vectors, the guys that are not
orthogonal to the column space. Then we have to say, what
does A plus do to them? And the answer is, it
takes them all to 0. So there is a
picture using what I call the big picture of linear
algebra, the four spaces. You see what A plus should do. Now, I need a little
formula for it. I've got the plan for
what it should be, and it's sort of
the natural thing. So A plus A is, you could
say it's a projection matrix. It's not the identity
matrix because if x is in the null space, A
plus A will take it to 0. So it's a projection. A plus A is the identity
on the top half, and 0 on the bottom half. That's really what
the matrix is. And now, I want a
simple formula for it. And I guess my message
here is, that if we're looking for a nice expression,
start with the SVD. Because the SVD
works for any matrix. And it writes it as
an orthogonal matrix times a diagonal matrix
times an orthogonal matrix. And now I want to invert it. Well, suppose A had an inverse. What would that be? This is if invertible, what
would be the SVD of A inverse? What would be the singular value
decomposition, if this is good? So when is this
going to be good? What would I have to know
about that matrix sigma, that diagonal matrix
in the middle, if this is truly an
invertible matrix? Well, no. What's its name? Those are not eigenvalues. Well, they're eigenvalues
of A transpose A. But they're singular values. Singular value, that's fine. So that's the
singular value matrix. And what would be the
situation if A had an inverse? There would be no 0's. All the singular
values would be sitting there, sigma 1 to sigma n. What would be the shape
of this sigma matrix? If I have an inverse, then
it's got to be square n by n. So what's the shape
of the sigma guy? Also square, n by n. So the invertible
case would be-- and I'm going to erase
this in a minute-- the invertbile case would
be when sigma is just that. That would be the
invertible case. So let's see. Can you finish this formula? What would be the
SVD of A inverse? So I'm given the SVD
of A. I'm given the U and the sigma is cool
and the V transpose. What's the inverse of that? Yeah, I'm just
really asking what's the inverse of that
product of three matrices. What comes first here? V. The inverse of
V transpose is V. That's because V is
a orthogonal matrix. The inverse of sigma,
just 1 over it, is just the sigma inverse. It's obvious what that means. And the inverse of
U would go here. And that is U transpose. Great. OK. So this is if invertible. If invertible, we know what
the SVD of A inverse is. It just takes the V's back
to the U's, or the U's back to the V's, whichever. OK. OK. Now we've got to do it,
if we're going to allow-- if we're going to get beyond
this limit, this situation, allow the matrix sigma
to be rectangular. Then let me just show
you the idea here. So now I'm going to say,
now sigma, in general, it's rectangular. It's got r non 0's on the
diagonal, but then it quits. So it's got a bunch of 0's
that make it not invertible. But let's do our best
and pseudo invert it. OK. So now help me get started
on a formula for using-- I want to write this A plus,
which I described up there, in terms of the subspaces. Now I'm going to describe A plus
in terms of U, sigma, and V, the SVD guys. OK. So what shall I start with here? Well, let me give a hint. That was a great start. My V is still an
orthogonal matrix. V transpose is still
an orthogonal matrix. I'll invert it. At the end, the
U was no problem. All the problems are in sigma. And sigma, remember, sigma-- so it's rectangular. Maybe I'll make
it wide, two wide. And maybe I'll only give
it two non-zeros, and then all the rest. So the rank of my matrix
A is 2, but the m and n are bigger than 2. It's just got two
independent columns, and then it's just sort
of totally singular. OK. So my question is, what
am I going to put there? And I've described it
one way, but now I'm going to describe
it another way. Well, let me just say,
what I'll put there is the pseudo inverse of sigma. I can't put sigma inverse
using that symbol, because there is no such thing. With this, I can't invert it. So that's the best I can do. So I'm almost done, but to
finish, I have to tell you, what is this thing? So sigma plus. I'm now going to
tell you sigma plus. And then that's what should
sit there in the middle. So if sigma is this
diagonal matrix which quits after two sigmas,
what should sigma plus be? Well, first of all, it should
be rectangular the other way. If this was m by n column,
n columns and m rows, now I want to have n
rows and m columns. And yeah, here's the question. What's the best inverse
you could come up with for that sigma? I mean, if somebody
independent of 18.065, if somebody asks you, do your
best to invert that matrix, I think we'd all
agree it is, yeah. One over the sigma
1 would come there. And 1 over sigma
2, the non zeros. And then? Zeros. Just the way up there, when
we didn't know what to do, when there was
nothing good to do. Zero was the right answer. So this is all zeros. Of course, it's
rectangular the other way. But do you see
that if I multiply sigma plus times
sigma, if I multiply the pseudo inverse times
the matrix, what do I get if I multiply that by that? What does that
multiplication produce? Can you describe the-- well, or when you tell
me what it looks like, I'll write it down. So what is sigma
plus times sigma? If sigma is a diagonal,
sigma plus is a diagonal, and they both quit
after two guys. What do I have? One? Because sigma 1 times
1 over sigma 1 is a 1. And the other next guy is a 1. And the rest are all zeros. That's right. That's the best I could do. The rank was only two, so
I couldn't get anywhere. So that tells you
what sigma plus is. OK. So I described
the pseudo inverse then with a picture
of spaces, and then with a formula of matrices. And now I want to use
it in least squares. So now I'm going to say what
is the least squares problem. And the first way to solve
it will be to involve-- A plus will give the solution. OK. So what is the least
squares problem? Let me put it here. OK, the least squares problem
is simply, you have an equation, Ax equals b. But A is not invertible. So you can't solve it. Of course, for which-- yeah, you could solve
it for certain b's. If b is in the
column space of A, then just by the
meaning of column space, this has a solution. The vectors in the column space
are the guys that you can get. But the vectors in the
orthogonal space you cannot get. All the rest of the
vectors you cannot get. So suppose this is like so,
but always A is m by n rank r. And then we get A inverse
when m equals n equals r. That's the invertible case. OK. What do we do with a
system of equations when we can't solve it? This is probably the main
application in 18.06. So you've seen this
problem before. What do we do if Ax
equal b has no solution? So typically, b would be
a vector of measurements, like we're tracking a satellite,
and we get some measurements. But often we get too
many measurements. And of course, there's
a little noise in them. And a little noise means that
we can't solve the equations. That may be the
case everybody knows is, where this equation is
like expressing a straight line going through the data points. So the famous example
of least squares is fit a straight line
to the b's, to b1, b2. We've got m measurements. We've got m measurements. The physics or the
mechanics of the problem is pretty well linear. But of course, there's noise. And a straight line only
has two degrees of freedom. So we're going to have only
two columns in our matrix. A will be only two
columns, with many rows. Highly rectangular. So fit a straight line. Let me call that line Cx plus
D. Say this is the x direction. This is the b's direction. And we've got a whole
bunch of data points. And they're not on a line. Or they are on the line. Suppose those did lie on a line. What would that tell
me about Ax equal b? I haven't said
everything I need to, but maybe the insight
is what I'm after here. If my points are
right on the line-- so there is a straight
line through them-- the unknowns here-- so let me-- so Ax-- the unknowns
here are C and D. And the right hand side
is all my measurements. OK. Suppose-- without my
drawing a picture-- suppose these points
are on the line. Here's the different x's,
the measurement times. Here is the different
measurements. But if they're on
a line, what does that tell me about my
linear system, Ax equal b? It has a solution. Being on a line means
everything's perfect. There is a solution. But will there
usually be a solution? Certainly not. If I have only two parameters,
two unknowns, two columns here, the rank is going to be two. And here I'm trying to hit
any noisy set of measurements. So of course, in general the
picture will look like that. And I'm going to look
for the best C and D. So I'll call it Cx
plus D. Yeah, right. Sorry. That's my line. So those are my equations. Sorry, I often
write it C plus dx. Do you mind if I put
the constant term first in the highly
difficult equation here for a straight line? So let me tell you what I'm-- so these are the points where
you have a measurement-- x1, x2, up to xn. And these are the actual
measurements, b1 up to bm, let's say . And then my equations are-- I just want to set
up a matrix here. I just want to
set up the matrix. So I want C to get multiplied
by ones every time. And I want D to get multiplied
by these x's-- x1, x2, x3, to xm, the measurement places. And those are the measurements. Anyway. And my problem is,
this has no solution. So what do I do when
there's no solution? Well, I'll do what Gauss did. He was a good mathematician,
so I'll follow his advice. And I won't do it all
semester, as you know. But Gauss's advice
was, minimize-- I'll blame it on Gauss-- the distance between Ax and b
squared, the L2 norm squared, which is just Ax minus
b transpose Ax minus b. It's a quadratic. And minimizing it gives me a
system of linear equations. So in the end, they
will have a solution. So that's the whole
point of least squares. We have an unsolvable
problem, not no solution. We follow Gauss's advice
to get the best we can. And that does produce an answer. So this is-- if I multiply
this out, it's x transpose, A transpose, Ax. That comes from
the squared term. And then I have probably these-- actually, probably I'll
get two of those, and then a constant term that
has derivative 0 so it doesn't enter. So this is what I'm minimizing. This is the loss function. And it leads to-- let's just jump to the key here. What equation do I
get when I look for-- what equation is solved
by the best x, the best x? The best x solves the famous-- this is regression in
statistics, linear regression. It's one of the main
computations in statistics, not of course just for
straight line fits, but for any system Ax equal b. That will lead to-- this minimum will lead
to a system of equations that I'm going to
put a box around, because it's so fundamental. And are you willing to tell
me what that equation is? Yes, thanks. AUDIENCE: A transpose A. PROFESSOR: A transpose A is
going to come from there-- you see it-- times the best x
equals A transpose b. That gives the minimum. Let me forego checking that. You see that the quadratic
term has the matrix in it. So it's derivative. Maybe the derivative of
this is 2 A transpose Ax, and then the 2 cancels that 2. And this could also be written
as x transpose A transpose b. So it's x transpose
against A transpose b. That's linear. So when I take the derivative,
it's that constant. That's pretty fast. 18.06 would patiently
derive that. But here, let me give
you the picture that goes with it, the geometry. So we have the problem. No solution. We have Gauss's best answer. Minimize the 2
norm of the error. We have the conclusion,
the matrix that we get in. And now I want to draw a
picture that goes with it. OK. So here is a picture. I want to have a column space
of A there in that picture. Of course, the 0 vector's
in the column space of A. So this is all
possible vectors Ax. Right? You're never forgetting that the
column space is all the Ax's. Now, I've got to put
b in the picture. So where does this vector
b-- so I'm trying to solve Ax equal b, but failing. So if I draw b in this
picture, how do I draw b? Where do I put it? Shall I put it in
the column space? No. The whole point is, it's
not in the column space. It's not an Ax. It's out there somewhere, b. OK. And then what's
the geometry that goes with least squares
and the normal equations and Gauss's suggestion
to minimize the error? Where will Ax be, the
best Ax that I can do? So what Gauss has
produced is an A here. You can't find an x. He'll do as best he can. And we're calling
that guy x hat. And this is the
algebra to find x hat. And now, where is
the picture here? Where is this
vector Ax hat, which is the best Ax we can get? So it has to be in
the column space, because it's A times something. And where is it in
the column space? It's the projection. That's Ax hat. And here is the error, which
you couldn't do anything about, b minus Ax hat. Yeah. So it's the projection, right. So all this is justifying the-- so we're in the second
approach to least squares, solve the normal equations. Solve the normal equations. That would be the second
approach to least squares. And most examples, if they're
not very big or very difficult, you just create the
matrix A transpose A, and you call MATLAB and
solve that linear system. You create the matrix, you
create the right hand side, and you solve it. So that's the ordinary run of
the mill least squares problem. Just do it. So that's method
two, just do it. What's method three? For the same-- we're talking
about the same problem here, but now I'm thinking it may
be a little more difficult. This matrix A transpose A
might be nearly singular. Gauss is assuming that-- yeah, when did this work? When did this work? And it will continue to
work in the next three-- this works, this is
good, if assuming A has independent columns. Yeah, better just make clear. I'm claiming that when A has-- so what's the reasoning? If A has independent columns-- but maybe not enough
columns, like here-- it's only got two columns. It's obviously not going to be
able to match any right hand side. But it's got
independent columns. When A has independent
columns, then what can I say about this matrix? It's invertible. Gauss's plan works. If A has independent
columns, then this would be a linear algebra step. Then this will be invertible. You see the importance
of that step. If A has independent
columns, that means it has no null space. Only x equals 0 is
in the null space. Two independent
columns, but only two. So not enough to solve
systems, but independent. Then you're OK. This matrix is invertible. You can do what Gauss tells you. But we're prepared now-- we have to think, OK. So what do I really want to do? I want to connect this Gauss's
solution to the pseudo inverse. Because I'm claiming they
both give the same result. The pseudo inverse will apply. But we have something-- A is not invertible. Just keep remembering
this matrix. It's not invertible. But it has got
independent columns. What am I saying there? Just going back to the picture. If A is a matrix with
independent columns, what space disappears
in this picture? The null space goes away. So the picture is simpler. But it's still the null
space of A transpose. This is still pretty
big, because I only had two columns and
a whole lot of rows. And that's going to
be reflected here. So what am I trying to say? I'm trying to say that
this answer is the same as the pseudo inverse answer. We could possibly
even check that point. Let me write it down first. I claim that the
answer A plus b is the same as the answer coming
from here, A transpose A, inverse A transpose b, when
I guess the null space is 0, the rank is all of n,
whatever you like to say. I believe that method one, this
two within one quick formula-- so you remember that this was V
sigma plus U transpose, right? That's what A transpose was. That this should
agree with this. I believe those are the same
when the null space isn't in the picture. So the fact that the null
space is just a 0 vector means that this
inverse does exist. So this inverse exists. But A A transpose
is not invertible. Right? No inverse. Because A A transpose
would be coming-- all this is the null
space of A transpose. So A transpose is
not invertible. But A transpose A is invertible. How would you check that? You see what I'm-- it's taken pretty
much the whole hour to get a picture of the
geometry of the pseudo inverse. So this is the pseudo inverse. And this is-- that
matrix there, it's really doing its best
to be the inverse. In fact, everybody here
is just doing their best to be the inverse. Now, how well is
this-- how close is that to being the inverse? Can I just ask you about
that, and then I'll make this connection, and
then we're out of time. How close is that to
being the inverse of A? Suppose I multiply that
by A. What do I get? So just notice. If I multiply that
by A, what do I get? I get, yeah? I get I. Terrific. But don't be
deceived to thinking that this is the inverse of
A. It worked on the left side, but it's not going to be
good on the right hand side. So if I multiply A by this
guy in that direction, I'll get as close to the
identity as I can come, but I won't get the
identity that way. So this is just a
little box to say-- so what's the point I'm making? I'm claiming that this
is the pseudo inverse. Whatever. Whatever these spaces. The rank could be
tiny, just one. This works when the rank is n. I needed independent columns. So when the rank is n-- so this is rank equal n. That Gauss worked. Then I can get a-- then it's a one-sided
inverse, but it's not a two-sided inverse. I can't do it. Look, my matrix there. I could find a one-sided inverse
to get the 2 by 2 identity. But I could never multiply
that by some matrix and get the n by n identity out
of those two pathetic columns. OK. Maybe you feel like
just checking this. Just takes patience. What do I mean by checking it? I mean stick in the pseudo SVD. Just put it in the SVD
and cancel like crazy. And I think that'll pop out. Do you believe me? Because it's going to
be a little painful. 3 U sigma V transpose, all
transposed, and then something there and something there. I've got nine matrices
multiplying away. But it's going to-- all sorts of things will
produce the identity. And in the end,
that's what I'll have. So this is a one-sided true
inverse, where the SVD-- this fit formula is prepared to
have neither side invertible. It's still-- we know
what sigma plus means. Anyway. So under the assumption
of independent columns, Gauss works and gives the same
answer as the pseudo inverse. OK. Three minutes. That's hardly time,
but this being MIT, I feel I should use it. Oh my god. Number three. So what's number three about? Number three has
the same requirement as number two, the same
requirement of no null space. But it says, if I could get
orthogonal columns first, then this problem would be easy. So everybody knows that
Gram-Schmidt is a way-- boring way-- to get
from these two columns to get two orthogonal columns. Actually, the whole
idea of Gram-Schmidt is already there for 2 by 2. So I have two minutes,
and we can do it. Let's do Gram-Schmidt
on these two columns-- I don't want to use U and V-- column y and z. OK. Suppose I want to
orthogonalize those guys. What's the Gram-Schmidt idea? I take y. It's perfectly good. No problem with y. There is the y
vector, the all 1's. Then this guy is not
orthogonal probably to that. It'll go off in this
direction, with an angle that's not 90 degrees. So what do I do? I want to get
orthogonal vectors. I'm OK with this first
guy, but the second guy isn't orthogonal to the first. So what do I do? How do I-- in this
picture, how do I come up with a vector orthogonal to y? Project. I take this z, and I
take its projection. So z has a little piece-- that z vector has a big piece
already in the direction of y, which I don't want, and
a piece orthogonal to it. That's my other piece. That's my other piece. So here's y. And here's the-- that is z minus
projection, let me just say. Whatever. Yeah. I don't know if I even
drew that picture right. Probably I didn't. Anyway. Whatever. The Gram-Schmidt idea
is just orthogonalize in the natural way. I'll come back to that at
the beginning of next time and say a word about
the fourth way. So this least squares
is not deep learning. It's what people
did a century ago and continue to do
for good reason. OK. And I'll send out that
announcement about the class, and you know the
homework, and you know the new due date is Friday. Good. Thank you.