9-5 Work Day In My Life | 5am morning routine, office job, healthy habits + productive work night

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[Music] good morning and welcome to a typical day in my life working 9: to 5 at the office I tend to set two alarms in the morning one at 5:15 and 1 at 5:30 I would be lying if I said I didn't press news a couple times but it's all good as long as I get out of bed by 5:40 at the latest waking up this early is actually something I recently started doing so that I could have time to work out I noticed that by not doing it in the morning I end up not doing it at [Music] all after throwing on contacts putting on a cute workout set and eating a few quick spoonfuls of yogurt I'm out the door luckily we have a gym in our neighborhood so it's pretty close by also don't worry my husband was [Music] driving [Music] since I'm just getting back into the gym I'm starting off pretty low on weight if you followed my content you know that working out consistently after being a student athlete has been really tough for me but I'm proud of myself for starting again and also I just want to give a quick shout out to Caleb for being my accountability buddy couldn't do it without you [Music] babe [Music] good morning you guys now that I'm a little bit more awake I can actually talk to you guys also I do want to give a shout out to this workout brand this brand is called silverwind and I'm absolutely obsessed with their workout outfits the leggings literally taper in at the stomach that's so cool that they do that I just love that my hair gets so crazy whenever I'm working out but anyway if you guys want to buy their products I'll actually leave my code in the description if you guys want to use that and to win with me or just get some money off whichever product you want from [Music] [Music] them I am someone who eats breakfast every single morning and recently I've really been loving eating vanilla Greek yogurt with dark chocolate and sea salt gluten-free granola for lunch I typically pack leftovers so I try to make extra dinner the night before so that I can have my lunch completely ready so today I'm having gluten-free pasta and the snacks that I'm bringing to work are applesauce a cheese stick and gluten-free pretzels also if you haven't seen my other videos I just wanted to throw in there the reason that I'm eating gluten-free is because I developed like an intolerance to it kind of like an allergy almost so now I've had to completely switch over to a gluten-free diet it's definitely been an adjustment but I feel like I can finally say that I'm starting to get a little used to [Music] [Music] it I work as a closing CL agent at a tax advantaged real estate company and when most people hear closing agent they think selling Sunset they think residential homes but that is nothing of what I do I basically am in charge of drafting all of the closing documents for our investors I make sure that we get all the signatures in the funds in and just make sure that the closing is as smooth as [Music] possible all of my work takes place here at this cubicle on the computer and sometimes on the phone for those wondering I got this job through a temp agency at first I actually have a bachelor's degree in Psychology so this is very unrelated to my field I kind of just landed this job by accident to be [Music] honest I am home and literally the sun's set so early now let me show you so I apologize if my lighting is not always the best from now on because when I get home from work the sun is pretty much already gone I'm feeling like very inspired very motivated which is something that doesn't always happen when I come home from work if you guys have watched my previous videos you know that I've talked a ton about burnout more specifically being burnt out with the 9 to-5 life I want to give a piece of advice if you feel the same way if you're also like working a 9 to5 and not really loving it my biggest piece of advice is to start a passion project find something that inspires you and work on it because let me tell you when I started this YouTube channel my burnout with my job almost went away it's not nearly as bad as what it was before I started this channel this channel has literally changed my life there's something about having a passion and working at it that literally just takes the burnout away that could be like writing a book so then you get to look forward to doing that every day after coming home after work that could be working out that could be joining like an adult sports League that could be starting a YouTube channel for you but having that passion is game [Music] changing okay so you know the drill when I get home from work I like to change into comfy clothes so I'm going to change into the other set that I got from silverwind and then I have a few things on my to-do list tonight that we're going to accomplish together so here's the other set and they have so many different pattern options too I'm more of like a solid type of girly but if you love patterned workout clothes or like yoga clothes definitely check out their website I am trying to get as comfy as possible tonight so I'm putting on this gray Hood hoodie technically it's a crew neck I'm going to put on some fuzzy socks and just be so com [Music] tonight I feel like I'm fully embracing winter Vibes even though it's not technically winter yet but almost and here is the full comfy fit I know the socks definitely do not go very well but I'm at home and who cares also if you see things like all around our house it's because if you watched my last video we're actually moving soon so we have tons of random boxes all around our house and our house is kind of a mess definitely messier than it normally is okay so I definitely just procrastinated on my phone for the past like maybe 20 minutes and I really need the motivation to actually like go and do the things that I need to do I really want to try to like get everything done so that I can rest later tonight that would be ideal but yeah sometimes like when I get home from work I just get sucked into my phone and it's so hard to put it down so if you guys have any tips for how to not get sucked into your phone please let me know as we're speaking I'm literally getting text from my mom and my sister in our little group chat ah I need to stop all right be my accountability buddy let's go downstairs and start making dinner okay this is literally so random but as I was walking down the stairs I started thinking to myself I think living your dream life is a mindset I feel like so many people are like okay want this this and this that's my dream life like I want to drive a cool car I want a personal chef I want to go on some luxurious vacation and everything yes like that could be like a total dream life but I almost think that like a simple switch of your mindset can make it as though you're living your dream life now I don't know maybe it has to do with like romanticizing your life now like romanticizing the grind romanticizing the 9 to5 life or the art of making YouTube videos you know what I mean we're romanticizing like just sitting down for dinner with your family honestly like I can just choose that like in this moment I'm living my dream life and that's so strange like that's literally what I thought as I was like walking down the stairs to come make dinner I feel like I'm living my dream life now like I'm filming a video I'm about to go make dinner I'm home alone right now this is great you know so I'm like maybe it is a mindset I don't think that made any sense and I am so sorry if it didn't but I don't know I just that's my brain right now you guys oh my my gosh there's an actual bug in this spinach oh my gosh so does that mean I like throw the whole thing away I don't know if it's alive or not that's so disgust oh okay well I was going to make this cool recipe that I found where you basically make tortillas by mixing spinach with eggs and then like frying it on a pan so I was going to make like myself some tortillas and maybe put cheese in it and make like a quesadilla but like like I honestly don't want to open this because of the bug so I'm going to oh that's so gross okay let me show you again in case you didn't get a good look at that now I don't really know what to eat for dinner oh you guys I wanted to be cool and like since I'm filming a video I'm like let me make a fun dinner but I don't really know what to cook right now so I think I'm just going to do what you've seen me do in so many videos I have rice already made so I'm probably going to eat some rice and make some turkey sausage and just have the rice and sausage I probably eat it like once a week or once every other week but it just so happens to be like days that I'm filming it' be like that sometimes you know what I mean but this is easy and your girl has a video to finish editing tonight because I'm uploading the moving Vlog tomorrow and it's currently 6:15 so I need to get to it [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] all right so it's a little bit later and I have like a bunch of laundry that I need to hang up I edited for I don't know maybe a couple hours so currently it's 8:45 and my video is exporting to YouTube so that I can schedule it to be posted tomorrow morning so I'm so excited about that because it's not a late night of editing which is great also if you guys saw my closet cleanout video I definitely did not have enough hangers I thought I did and then I had more clothes that need hung up in the dirty laundry so I ended up buying a whole another set of 60 of these black velvet hangers which I think is fine because then if I go shopping and get more clothes then I have plenty of hangers to go around all right my video is now scheduled to be posted tomorrow morning so it's posted before this one so if you haven't seen it go and watch it I am getting ready for bed now if you've stayed to the end of this video I appreciate you so much thank you for watching I'm going to film like my little nighttime routine right now and then hop in bed and do it all again tomorrow we're waking up at 5:20 again in the morning so this is like the first full week that we've been doing that and I'm very tired but I'm going to get used to it and it's for the best anyway let me wash my face I don't know what I'm doing I think I'm just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tired a
Channel: Rebekah Joy
Views: 53,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9-5 work day in my life, day in the life, work week in my life, 9-5 day in the life, 5am morning routine, work morning routine, morning routine on a work day, realistic morning routine, 9 to 5 work routine, work life vlog, morning routines for work, productive routine, early morning vlog
Id: xpH9Y6kgD-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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