#85 New Nextion Enhanced Display incl. Extension Board

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glitzy youtubers here is the guy with the Swiss accent recently I keyed as the supplier of these nations announced a new version the enhanced nation and some of my viewers asked me about my opinion so I thought I buy one and look at it people watching my channel know that I have a few nection displays and I did two videos about them there are very nice devices and they save you a lot of time when you do your graphical user interfaces so I can change the password save and you see there is no connection to the microcontroller of course this is not what we want we want to have the microcontroller in charge but this is just the demonstration now I showed you in my two videos how to connect them to Arduino or to ESPs and they work quite fine today it arrived in the mail and I also ordered the expansion port or extension port we will look at it later but here is the display and because I have already the small ones I ordered a big ones this is the biggest one the 7 inch monitor and it costed 88 dollars I have to admit it was very fast shipped I do not think they shipped it with normal China mail it's nice-looking it's huge compared with the old one but of course this was less than 20 or about 20 dollars and this is 90 nearly $90 so the same thing here just connect this one here and connect it to 5 volts again here there is no connection to a microcontroller and you see the very similar display because I put the same application on both devices now this does not look very bright because it is protected and I have to unprotect it now now we have our nice and expensive next-gen display now we want to see whether it's worthwhile to pay a premium for the enhanced version let's try this one out it works exactly the same and I can again save the new password of course it's much nicer here because the relationship between my finger and the display size is much more convenient on the large one than on a small one but now the problem starts it has no actual time so let's look at the back of the display and here we see several components much more components than on this one here but familiar the same SD card to eater and here we have also a battery holder so I think I have to enter a battery here now the first disappointment no battery supplied small thing but it is a CR 1220 and unfortunately I've many batteries but many coin cell batteries but I don't have this one so I have to go to the next shop and get one a car drive later I have my CR 1220 battery now I have to put it in and Chester for people who do not know there are scissors around for left-handers very very comfortable now we want to see whether it works but I have no clue how to enter the actual time and the current time is incorrect your lack of battery maybe maybe not there is a battery inside here so maybe we have to reset it it does not help so I have no clue whether the battery is really useful or not now we are a little later and I try again to restart the module and you see at least it keeps the time so I think the RTC is working because I did not find any possibilities to enter the actual time I just started up the HMI file in the next-gen editor to check how it works so we see page 0 the splash screen page 1 to enter the passcode page 2 to change the passcode and page 3 the confirmation there are no more pages here so it is not foreseen in this demonstration application to set the RTC time on the next-gen display by the way here you see the native programming of the next gens they use their own language and this is how the application I showed you is programmed now we learned already that there is an RTC in this enhanced version of the next-gen but what else changed I saw that the clock frequency of the CPU is much higher for the large screens bigger than 3.5 inches whether this changes anything on normal applications I have no idea because I do not have a comparable big size scream of the standard edition it has also more memory for larger screens I think this will help if you want to do complex applications or many pictures then the real-time clock we already discussed and then it has also 1024 by T EEPROM which should be readable also from the microprocessor now whether this is valuable or depends very much on your application because most of them the current microcontrollers also have some EE prompts built in and then the expansion board it has a beeper it has an LED and one two three four five six buttons and here you have eight GPIO pins it is connected through a ribbon cable to the next gen display now let's power it up and look what happens nothing at all no LED no beeper no reaction to the buttons here so this application clearly does not support the extra expansion board just look at the current consumption the actual demo application uses a little bit more than 500 milli ampere at five volt and by the way the 5 volt on the expansion board is not 5 volt it's only 3.3 volt because the whole internal supply of the Nexen anyway is a 3.3 volt now we look at the support for this enhanced model so let's go to the project and here we find the Nexen HMI solution if we look very close we find here in the next gen instruction set view more details and here we find the instruction set now if we search here for enhanced we find some information about the EEPROM and about the GPIO and maybe also about the RTC now let's go into the EEE probe and here we see the low-level commands to be used for these models today I have no time to go into the details now this is the library I used in my project let's just check about the commit and we see here this is all old stuff for sure there is nothing updated for the enhanced mode so here we cannot expect any help summarized what do I think about the next-gen enhanced models the enhanced model is very similar to the standard one and can't be programmed just as the standard one with the exception of the extensions the price difference for the 7-inch display is about $13 the difference for the smaller models is also a little bit smaller as with the old next change there is not a lot of information around and it is quite complicated to use it this is the reason why I did my two tutorials and many viewers came back and said thank you because it helped them really to use the next change the Arduino library is not updated so you are on your own if you want to use the enhanced functions the information is available but it's not easy to be used whether you need an RTC additional GPIO s or additional EE prompt decides if this enhanced model is valuable for you I have no idea for a project using the expansion board maybe you just leave a comment my verdict by the standard version as long as you do not have a clear need and have a lot of confidence that you will master the low-level stuff i teach makes great products like the next gen or the son of this is why i do not understand why their supporting documentation is so bad maybe they watch this video and change their behavior I would be glad to do a tutorial for the using of the extended functionality I hope this video was useful or at least interesting for you bye
Channel: Andreas Spiess
Views: 59,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Electronics, eevblog, display, touch display, hobby, diy, Arduino, ESP8266
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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