$818,100 Pot Against The Billionaire! Can Doyle Brunson Take It Down?

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what's up guys doug pole kira thank you for joining us another episode of poker and today we're going to be taking a look at a high-stakes poker classic and it was the biggest hand ever played on Isaac poker at the time of it on that note was job of the action nothing enough and Doyle had to better flush when he threw his hand away I would have probably meant going all-in for a half a million dollars maybe the jack but lady call that I felt like the Cold Steve me up was hast 10 of diamonds with Doyle here he's gonna raise to 11,000 200 hearing that story about how he threw away his best pan and think of him a possibility here for made all put in ten thousand dollar raise [Music] will Jamie call when it gets back to him with a jack seven off suit what do you think guys got a foot out the door and I got to see you again there's that fine I can't miss this it might be my left hand there we go I'm surprised 2000 o'clock but again you're better yeah wrecking balls than I am focus communities are well aware that our head begins the action falling to Gilbert a under the gun bust one with 85 student and you decide to come in for a limp which he shouldn't do as you guys know because we don't lift any of our hands coming into the pot we get in there for a raise next up is Jamie goals who decides he hates money and limp soon with Jack 7oz behind and the action is on Doyle Brunson with a stint unity has a clear bumpin up type hand although he does make this a little excessively big I'd like to see a raise a little more towards seven or eight thousand dollars 11,000 well it might send the filled out and again maybe in these games it is a good size because people don't care at all about 10,000 or 11,000 dollars and they'll just call anyway but in general you want to use a little bit smaller size so that if you had a hand like 98 suited get a better price in your bluff the action then folds to Sammy farhan the big blind with King Jack he decides king Jacobs good enough for you know around nine big lines which not really sure that hand should be in there I think we have a pretty clear folder 3 got situation preflop but he decides to call now over the big one and Benjamin makes a very loose call here with Kings 5 suited this is a clear folding it's very close now over to deal abertay and he actually has a credit in assuring spot here at least want to talk about this for a second he can go ahead and limb pre raise any stars he performs well against strong hands he does have an a so it's less likely the point has good hands if you're going to live in with some hands you should mix it up and throw some limper raises and I wouldn't mind seeing that here especially with all of his dead money behind now to Jamie gold and he decides to call a gay with Jack seven off you know there's some questionable play proved up kind of across the board here but this is by far the worst of the hand he has a terrible hand in a multi-way pod bad relative position and I mean yeah sure I guess he has second-to-last absolute position but all all this is totally terrible he should fold again all right let's take a flop let me go broke on the left hand ace Jack for in the flood well he has flopped a pair of jacks but he's surrounded by a sensation to the right animation to the left him and a better jack in the middle and dolls playing his hand real fast if that's 40,000 here and Sammy did the Lebanese chip dance and then threw his hand away I games got aces but he's got to be aware that Doyle has not raised too much before the flop but doesn't matter he's called with his age five the flock comes ace Jack full rainbow and what's interesting about this flop is with five players involved with the exception of David benjamine four players have middle pair or better so everyone has a piece and this could definitely be a situation we're having the best hand in this case Doyle Brunson can really pay off for you the action checks to Doyle and you decide about 40,000 and 60,000 I overall like this play I'd like maybe like to see a hand besides a little more like 30,000 I think maybe you can make an argument to check it back on the flop because your five ways but you know what given the action given the limp I like it I think it's a good spot to value bet I just might pick a slightly smaller side remember there's no draws going on here he doesn't have to be as scared other than the gunshots anyway the actions now on Stanley farhat with King Jack and this is one of the reasons why you don't want to be calling this hand preflop now you're in kind of a tough situation you know you have King Jack but it doesn't age you're crushed in fact you could be drawing almost dead as we learned not fully dead almost dead from our last I was in a poker hand but at the end of the day as he has you beat you're in very bad shape and there are still three players left to acts so even at Doyle's bluffing someone else could have an ace behind you you're kind of screwed so he's eyes default I like the fold but I think this kind of highlights why this hand should be a fold preflop bending median easy fold and now it's back over to G with top pair I think he absolutely has to call racism accomplished much you should be hoping the Doyle was bluffing and look to place and ferns so he decides the flat Jamie gold makes a good fold here with a bad middle pair and we're on to the turn he needs is five to take the lead here to a diamonds on the turn to a diamonds is a dangerous card it gives gay an inside straight draw but it gives Doyle the nut flush draw Keach action talk about 110,000 here that's a pretty strong bed yeah I think he might have called something like sixty seventy thousand 110 don't think he's going to call all right she just said ray just what I said he wasn't going to call he said raise but you were right I was right he wasn't gonna fall gonna call it all two hundred thousand he is trying to make doyle throw away this long ace Queen eighth king and Doyle doesn't look like he's in any mood to throw it away no the turn comes the deuce of diamonds giving doyle to nut flush draw and ghee a gutshot straight job do you check over to Doyle and now Doyle definitely has to think his hand is good his opponent would probably have raised preflop arrays on the father he was behind and now his hands actually gotten even more strongly as than that fuss job he decides about 110,000 140,000 I like this decision overall i will say you want to tread lightly in multi-way pots because it's more likely someone has you beat but in this exact situation I don't totally mind it now over 2g and he has a tough spot here with top pair and frankly I think all three of his options are fine at this point it's kind of unlikely to Doyle is bluffing but he still could have a hand like a flush draw or queen 10 really king queen he just thinks his opponent has a weak ace or jack so one thing is not totally unreasonable however it's much more likely as a hand like a set or top pair ace jack so you in a tough situation if he's behind he really is in a bad bad spot I need that there were five or 300 to improve or if he's ahead he might face other barrel so letting your hand go here on the turn does make some sense because you aren't quite getting the odds to draw now if you do decide to call you're going to have to call down some rivers as well and that does sound very unattractive but you can't call the turn you're just planning on calling down when you hit a five or three or an eight now it's simply not enough cards in the deck however he does decide to come in for a raise and put the oil the test two fern all in and you know what I actually don't mind this play you can absolutely have a hand like ace deuce and a turn to bear or maybe even a trapped hand like ace jack or fours on the flop and had gone for the trap so he does actually represent some credible hands and the thing about ace 5 is it makes it less likely his opponent has a hand like ace jack or ace ace or maybe a very unlikely 53 suited so he has some equity and does block some hands I'm actually okay with display I mean yeah its aggressive and he probably shouldn't have gotten here with any hands but if you are going to get in these big post-flop slots you actually occasionally mixed up and throw in some raises and this is maybe the most reasonable one that he could use you have a weak top pair and a gutshot straight job back over to Doyle and he has a tough situation the thing is when you have the nut flush draw and you decide about the turn you kind of have to just call it off because you only need something around thirty percent equity and yes when your opponent has a handling ace floor is tues you're in not good shape but you can still improve on a tent or diamonds you're getting almost direct on Stowe's value bets additionally if your opponent ever has the mocks you come in for a bluff for the hand like 85 or 55 or maybe even a hand like the nut flush draw with king queen of diamonds something along those lines then you are crushing those hands and you absolutely have to call so given the pot odds given the chance of the bluff I think you need to call I don't think though that Doyle really thought that he was going to be good here a lot when he called unless he just had a really strong read on the way the key was playing and Doyle certainly is the old-school kind of player like that so maybe he just thought he was good but when you get good odds with top pair in the nut flush draw you're going to kind of have to call even against strong ranges that your opponent is representing 30,000 side let's have two going those going all-in for thirty thousand five hundred more man your own colonies they call wow man and we're now looking at the biggest pot in the history of high-stakes poker and the whole table is going to be shocked when they see the hands that these two guys have we got you ate tenderness us all with your diamonds you got out wait I'll show you hit you want to see Matt okay you can deal once the pipe that's later on she doesn't run at Royce hobbies fight oh whoa here at poker hands productions we actually have the technology where we can take a language and deduce what it is in English we're going to run it back on that Jamie gold comment he doesn't run a choice of a strike oh whoa you didn't launch the class in this matter you say you say you can run it more than once so you know easy faction what he wants it's up to you all right it's obviously i'm not going to decide this you have the advantage there the biggest hand on the history of high-stakes closer like most money in the center of the table plus on two very mediocre hands and I'm gonna ride twice for a cold war buddy upset here all dan had my prayer Riyadh let me catch you got a hand at the door making that call he did have the nut flush draw but it was a hell of a call and it was a hell of a play by game yeah for all 40 split queen one more one for Doyle he needs a three or five it's not a diamond just a face card my tree will be perfect Oh channel during the class 10 / hand on completed station billet when you don't make a pair for eight hours you go crazy look back to the best hand whether you raise your hand somewhere in the world but a performance of Cirque du Soleil will be four doors benefits tonight got everything but no enzyme is a dying on and kill me it's on it no I know Jamie cost you that Papa tell me about that man I was played thank you for joining me here at a for poker hands and as always I'd like to ask you to subscribe to the channel so you do not miss any of my videos you
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Views: 947,016
Rating: 4.1551132 out of 5
Keywords: 2017 poker, poker 2017, high stakes poker, tv poker, aces, kings, full house, straight flush, royal flush, top 5 bluffs, top 5 calls, crazy poker hands, biggest pots, huge pot, insane poker hand, andrew neeme, drones, vlogger, poker life, live poker, drone
Id: XGgkUu1xPS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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