8.15.21 National Cathedral Sunday Online Service

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uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so good morning welcome to washington national cathedral my name is randy hollarth i'm the dean of the cathedral and on behalf of marianne buddy the bishop of the diocese of washington and all of us who serve here at the cathedral we're so glad that you have come to be with us today a special welcome to all of our good friends around the country and around the world who are worshiping with us online today you are very much a part of our cathedral family and we're so glad that you have decided to spend your morning with us today i'd like to ask those here in the nave how many of you are visiting the cathedral raise your hand if you're visiting the cathedral welcome thank you for coming to be with us wherever you are from around the country or wherever you live i hope that you will know that this cathedral is your cathedral the national cathedral belongs to all of us and we are so glad that uh that you're here and i hope that you will know that and that you are welcome at any point among us a special welcome we have a number of seminarians here from virginia theological seminary coming to be with us this morning welcome to all of you all always a little nerve-wracking to have a bunch of seminarians sitting close by because you know they're taking notes and critiquing thank you for being here today now i invite us all just to settle ourselves for a moment to remember why we're here to take a deep breath to let it out to center ourselves and open ourselves to the presence of the spirit and to give thanks for our life and to praise our lord thank you you [Music] i'm gonna [Music] praise the lord [Music] in that number [Music] oh [Music] sweet [Music] gonna [Music] i'm gonna sing i'm not shy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh praise the lord [Music] in his words [Music] in [Music] brightness lord praise him upon earth [Music] is his grace [Music] o praise [Music] is the story of what he has [Music] oh [Music] salvation [Music] blessed be our god forever and ever amen praying together almighty god to you all hearts are open all desires now and from you your secrets are hit cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your holy spirit that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name through christ our lord amen [Music] so [Music] great [Music] things that he gave [Music] the us hate that all may go in praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord be with you and also with you let us pray almighty god you've given your only son to be for us a sacrifice for sin and also an example of godly life give us grace to receive thankfully the fruits of his redeeming work and to follow daily in the blessed steps of his most holy life through jesus christ your son our lord who lives and reigns with you in the holy spirit one god now and forever amen a reading from the book of proverbs wisdom has built her house she has hewn her seven pillars she has slaughtered her animals she has mixed her wine she has also set her table she has sent out her servant girls she calls from the highest places in the town you that are simple turn in here to those without sense she says come eat of my bread and drink of the wine i have mixed lay aside immaturity and live and walk in the way of insight the word of the lord thanks be to god feel the lord you that are his saints for those who fear him like nothing the young lions lack and suffer hunger but those who seek the lord like nothing that is good come children and listen to me i will teach [Music] [Music] and desires a long life to enjoy prosperity keep your tongue from evil speaking and your lips from turn from evil and do good seek peace [Music] a reading from the letter of saint paul to the ephesians be careful how you live not as unwise people but as was making the most of the time because the days are evil so do not be foolish but understand what the will of the lord is do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery but be filled with the spirit as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves singing and making melody to the lord in your hearts giving thanks to god the father at all times and for everything in the name of our lord jesus christ the word of the lord thanks be to god so [Music] i'm yes sing when the spirit says [Music] when the spirit [Music] the spirit of the lord [Music] jesus said i am the living bread that came down from heaven whoever eats of this bread will live forever and the bread that i will give for the life of the world is my flesh jews then disputed among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat so jesus said to them very truly i tell you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life and i will raise them up on the last day for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me and i in them just as the living fathers sent me and i live because of the father so whoever eats me will live because of me this is the bread that came down from heaven not like that which are which your ancestors ate and they died but the one who eats this bread will live forever the gospel of the lord [Music] [Music] won't you pray with me almighty god it is once again that you have called us together and we ask now that you would bless us cover us hold us but most of all fill us for all of the places that you will send us this we ask in your wonderful name amen i am always compelled to note the appreciation and humbling of the worship and preaching moment as we are given this moment where together we look within and look without at life it is a moment when we are all divinely positioned we're positioned in a certain peculiar fashion and presented with the opportunity to examine ourselves examine our relationships the communities societies and even the world in which we live we have what may be described as this transfigured moment when we often look at our lives our contributions and dare i say sometimes our lack of contributions that have shaped our lives the lives of those who are around us and for many the world in which we find ourselves there are so many topics thoughts and reflections that come to mind in this moment but when we still ourselves when we listen to the gospel when we open this book we know as the bible and reflect upon the words of jesus we come face to face with the central concerns of life and living whether listening reading or recalling the passages all of the passages and circumstances may shift but the issue of life in our living is woven into every moment the names the locations and even the conversations are distinctly unique but at its center is always the issues of life and our living the scottish author and minister william barclay stated there are two great days in a person's life the day we are born in the day we discover why the gospel the scriptures and the words of jesus cause us to wrestle with them both it is in this moment when we are in the company of the divine that we begin examining ourselves the lives that we have been given the world in which we live that we experience the feelings and sometimes the realization that something is missing we may not recognize where the need is rooted immediately but all of us once we recognize that something is missing we begin to seek ways to satisfy this need i am thankful for my clergy colleagues who in recent weeks have pressed this point as first canon corcello provided us a lens to see this reality as she expressed and many identified with moving through the marketplace eyeing and sometimes buying simply put she said shopping or as dean hollerith provided and called us and gave us a lens by which we could recall the shared experience of standing in front of the refrigerator door wide open as if we're waiting for something to speak to us to claim us or identify us and tell us what is missing so that our need would be fulfilled we do activities like this and we do all sorts of activities that would fill the temporary not the eternal but the temporary needs that consume us we engage in activities on every kinds of levels riding in cars here going to amusement parks doing different things to somehow make us feel like we are alive we engage in these activities with the hope that there would be a transformation of our present disposition and our present reality i have felt this need in my own life at times and often wrestle when looking not only at my own life but i recognize this need when i look at the lives of those who are around me but also when i look at the world in which we live it is a need that declares that there is a deficit or an emptiness somewhere it is an experience and it is experienced not only by us but a wrestle that has been part of human history it comes to even greater light and awareness when we look out on the world and we see neighbors who lack regard for another neighbor suffering that is present in the world as a result of a lack of regard for one another it is even seen in greater light when there is a yearning because we recognize there is a lack of compassion kindness and love in our homes in our relationships in our communities we struggle when we recognize that it is absent in the encounters the headlines the tweets the texts the messages the actions all of the things that flood us from moment to moment we recognize that in this world something is missing well jesus speaks to those who are in this text as well as those who are listening to his words this morning who are sitting here who are gathering with us online across the world he speaks to us in this moment and attempts to deal with the fact that something may be missing and that there is a need as he speaks to us about bread i remind you that the crowd within this passage had been searching for him and many after experiencing they were searching for him because they had experienced the miracle of the feeding that had occurred earlier this crowd had crossed the waters some had struggled to follow him on foot they had walked in order that they would receive more of the bread that he had provided earlier their conversation if you're paying attention was challenging and it was moving as jesus spoke earlier of another bread which was of life and it was bread that produced life in this conversation that was moving rapidly jesus calls them out and earlier he tells them not to work for the food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life life and living become the central issue the crowd seeks to make sense of his words and the self-characterization that he put forward of himself as bread as if his initial characterization of himself was not challenging enough jesus immediately in what was read this morning elevates the conversation to another level as jesus looks at them and recognizes something about them he adds a simple yet mystifying modifier to his description of himself as bread that changes everything as they look on perhaps hoping for bread in their hands an immediate shift in this conversation takes place as jesus says i am the living bread the living bread that came down from heaven whoever eats of this bread will live forever and the bread that i will give for the life of the world is my flesh not just bread living bread life and living are thrust into the center of this conversation and with all of the reflections their time with jesus had touched all of their human senses their time with jesus had touched what they their sight sound smell taste and even their touch but here jesus engages them on a different level as if to embody a mysterious sixth sense what more could there be beyond what they had seen what they had heard what they had smelled what they had tasted and what they had touched a sixth sense i relate to this as i lift that term this morning as i remember that moment when over 20 years ago now i sat in a crowded movie theater caught up and captivated by that bruce willis movie of the same name watching as the young young child actor hailey joel osman is haunted by a dark secret he's lying in bed clutching the blanket needing assistance while the chill was running through his room the room he was in it was also running through the theater and the room we all sat in in that moment his breath runs cold as he looks out and he looks at those who are walking in front of him and he declares with a sixth sense i see dead people perhaps this is what jesus was concerned with he looked at them and saw that they were moving but not alive consuming but not alive walking talking eating working but not alive i worry that there are moments that our creator looks down at us even as we've gathered in here and he's concerned because he says i see dead people what does it really mean to be alive to have life and to have it more abundantly is our definition of life limited to the simple recognition of bodily activity are we bound by the biologists the philosopher and even the scientific definitions and understanding of life is life simply all about amassing of personal possessions the eating of food the need for power and position so that we can have privilege and subjugate those who are around us rather than elevating those who are a relationship with us even in this pandemic moment that is to be dominated by the triple evils of racism economic exploitation and militarism so aptly expressed by dr martin luther king jr is life just limited to what we can hold in our hands and not have in our hearts is life so limited that it's all about who gets the most wins the biggest prize well jesus offered himself and said if you eat this bread that life and living would be would move from the temporal to the eternal that whoever would eat this bread would find life i am here this morning to remind you that in jesus we find life in jesus we find everything that we need many of us know what it is to feel as if you are at the end of your rope you have had the experience of feeling as if all hope was gone you may not want to admit it and don't want to tell even the ones who are around you but all of us know what circumstances look like that we've looked at and even said it was dead we were at the very edge of the moment existing only by the aid of life support found in the wrong places drinking too much smoking too much trying to find something to fill our need but it was in that moment somebody lifted the name of jesus it is our life our lives and our living that jesus came to transform it was the theologian carl barth who stated that the goal of human life is not death but resurrection when i consider jesus life is available through him this is really the central issue that has troubled so many the problem with jesus is not centered on the fact that jesus was born many are comfortable wrestling with the circumstances and questions about his life numerous others accept the fact that he was hung on the cross and that he was buried in the grave as dr william augustus jones pastor of bethany church in brooklyn new york once stated he said the real issue with jesus is that those of us who follow jesus and are in his service we believe in jesus because in jesus festival follows hallelujah comes after hardship and sunday will always give answers to friday bread is not meant to just sit on the table bread is not meant to just stay in one place bread is meant to be served and i remind you today that he is alive jesus is living bread the truth is it's changed my life and i invite you today to try him because he will change your life i invite you today to remember that in him we find life and find it more abundantly and because of him i've got hope when i've been hopeless because of him i've been able to lift up my head after it being hung down as the hymn writer made clear and i remind you today that i live my life and am able to celebrate life because he lives i can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because i know who holds the future and life not what i've got in my pocket life not sometimes what is floating through my mind life not just because i've been in good places and even been in the valley low life is worth the living just because he lives amen let us affirm our faith in the words of the nicene creed we believe in one god we believe in one lord jesus christ the only son of god eternally begotten of the father god from god light from light true god from true god begotten not made of one being with the father through him all things were made for us and for our salvation he came down from heaven by the power of the holy spirit he became incarnate from the virgin mary and was made our sake he was crucified under pontius pilate he suffered death and was buried on the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures he ascended into heaven and this is seated at the right hand of the father he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end we believe in the holy spirit lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son with the father and the son he is worshiped and glorified he has spoken through the prophets we believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church we acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come amen creator god you call us to love and serve you with body mind and spirit through loving our sisters brothers and siblings open our hearts and compassion and receive these petitions on behalf of the church the world and all in need for the church in all its diverse forms in every place that it may be strengthened to boldly proclaim the gospel of christ to the ends of the earth lord in your mercy hear our prayer for the beauty and abundance of creation make us good stewards to use the resources of the earth wisely generously and respectfully for the sake of generations to come for those in places around the world affected by tropical storms wind fire and flood give them courage and hope in their troubles and bring them the joy of your salvation we remember in particular this day all those who have died been injured or lost their homes or loved ones in the earthquake in haiti god watch over them lord in your mercy hear our prayer for the peoples of all nations we pray for joseph president of the united states and all in positions of public trust that they may serve justice and promote the dignity and freedom of every person lord in your mercy r hear our prayer for all who cry out in their affliction the hungry downcast and the sick grant your compassion to those with chronic illnesses and covet 19 the poor the oppressed and the persecuted heal the suffering and comfort the grieving this day we pray for the people of afghanistan bring peace and justice to that land lord in your mercy hear our prayer for all who have died in the hope of the resurrection we remember those who have lost their lives to covet 19 gun violence racial injustice or any form of hatred bring us with them to dwell in your presence forever lord in your mercy hear our prayer loving god open our ears to hear your word and draw us closer to you that the whole world may be one with you as you are one with us in jesus christ amen let us confess our sins against god and our neighbor most merciful god we confess that we have sinned against you in god [Music] we have left indeed we have not loved you with our whole heart we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves we are truly sorry and we humbly repent for the sake of your son jesus christ have mercy on us and forgive us that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways to the glory of your name amen almighty god have mercy on you forgive you all your sins through our lord jesus christ strengthen you and all goodness and by the power of the holy spirit keep you in eternal life amen amen the peace of christ be always with you and also with you please be seated once again good morning and welcome to washington national cathedral thank you for being with us today please know that everyone is invited to receive communion today regardless of your church affiliation or lack thereof it makes no difference if you desire to know christ if you desire to be fed on the body of christ then we invite you to come forward and receive communion communion will be offered today in one form only just in bread and we have gluten-free bread if you need it so please do not hesitate to ask if you would rather not receive communion that's quite all right but we hope you will come forward when others come forward and just cross your arms over your chest like this so that we can share a quick prayer and a blessing with you and for all of you who are home uh while we are receiving communion the prayer of spiritual communion will be on the screen and we invite you to pray that along with us and we are glad that you are with us today in spirit as well finally because of covet 19 we are not passing the plate around the cathedral for collections there are two boxes in the back of the cathedral as you leave if you would like to support the work of the cathedral we invite you to do that also there's information in your in your brief in your booklet that will give you some information about how you can give online and for those at home this information of how you can give online many people think we are funded by the federal government or by some national church body we are not every dollar that we raise for the mission and the ministry and the care of this place comes from private donation from good folks just like you so if you're able to help us in our work we would be most grateful now walk in love as christ loved us and gave himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to god amen [Music] sounding god almighty's praise [Music] heart and voice [Music] nor a voiceless creature found that hath neither note nor [Music] sounds of god the sound run on ever that our songs of grace may be everlasting as is [Music] such a peaceful tone we will sing what he hath done [Music] [Music] of space and time come then come our voices raise sounding god almighty's praise the lord be with you and also with you lift up your hearts we lift them to the lord let us give thanks to the lord our god it is right to give god thanks and praise god of all power ruler of the universe you were worthy of glory and praise glory to you forever and ever at your command all things came to be the vast expanse of interstellar space galaxies suns the planets in their courses in this fragile earth our island home by your will they were created from the primal elements you brought forth the human race and blessed us with memory reason and skill you made us the rulers of creation but we turned against you and betrayed your trust and we turned against one another have mercy lord for we are sinners in your sight again and again you called us to return through prophets and sages you revealed your righteous law and in the fullness of time you sent your only son born of a woman to fulfill your law to open for us the way of freedom and peace by his blood he reconciled us by his wounds we are healed and therefore we praise you joining with the heavenly chorus with prophets apostles and martyrs and with all those in every generation who have looked to you in hope to proclaim with them your glory in their unending hymn [Music] r [Music] is [Music] and so father we who've been redeemed by him and made a new people by water in the spirit now bring before you these gifts sanctify them by your holy spirit to be for the body and blood of our lord jesus christ on the night he was betrayed he took bread said the blessing broke the bread and gave it to his friends and said take eat this is my body which is given for you do this for the remembrance of me after supper he took the cup of wine gave thanks and said drink this all of you this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins whenever you drink it do this for the remembrance of me remembering now his work of redemption and offering to you this sacrifice of thanksgiving we celebrate his death and resurrection as we await the day of his coming lord god of our fathers and mothers god of abraham isaac jacob hagar sarah rebecca leah and rachel god and father of our lord jesus christ open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world about us deliver us from the presumption of coming to this table for solace only and not for strength for pardon only and not for renewal let the grace of this holy communion make us one body one spirit in christ that we may worthily serve the world in his name risen lord be known to us in the breaking of the bread accept these prayers and praises father through jesus christ our great high priest to whom with you and the holy spirit your church gives honor glory and worship from generation to generation amen and now as our savior christ has taught us we are bold to pray our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trust us against us and lead us not to temptation but deliver us from evil [Music] is [Music] our sins have mercy on us jesus [Music] give us your peace [Music] the gifts of god for the people of god take them in remembrance that christ died for you and feed on him in your hearts by faith with thanksgiving this is the bread [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yet my soul drew back guilty of dust and sin but quick i'd love observing me gross lack from my first entrance in drew nearer to me sweetly questioning if i lacked anything [Music] aghast i answered worth you shall be [Music] the unkind ungrateful are my dear i cannot look on thee did reply [Music] marred them let my shame go where it doth deserve [Music] and know you know [Music] my i will serve [Music] [Music] you must sit down says love and taste my [Music] so i did see and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praying together almighty and ever-living god we thank you for feeding us with the spiritual food of the most precious body and blood of your son our savior jesus christ and for assuring us in these holy mysteries that we are living members of the body of your son and heirs of your eternal kingdom and now father send us out to do the work you have given us to do to love and serve you as faithful witnesses christ our lord to him to you and to the holy spirit be honor and glory now and forever amen god's blessing be with you christ peace be with you and the spirit's outpouring of love be with you this day and remain with you always amen amen [Music] is [Music] the creation [Music] oh [Music] as worship moved us [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] then let us he won the fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] to is always [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us bless the lord [Music] oh [Music] last last [Music] [Music] sickness [Music] we are blessed [Music] um [Music] [Music] sickness for the devil is defeated and we are blessed [Music] oh [Music] last last [Applause] [Music] sickness and poverty mercies for the devil is defeated and we are blessed we know that god's word his word is truth and righteousness [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are blessed we are really our blessed [Music] his promise we are blessed [Music] [Music] we're blessed we're blessed [Music] every stronghold sickness and family mercies for the devil is defeated [Music] we [Music] what a blessing to be here [Music] so blessed [Music] all so blessed we are [Music] and we know that we must confess we're blessed [Music] hallelujah you
Channel: Washington National Cathedral
Views: 12,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC, cathedral, music, architecture, choir, organ, singing, tourism, tourist destination, united states
Id: Bgy7zhG4LHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 45sec (5565 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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