#802 JFK's Assassination Limo & Thomas Edison's LAST BREATH - HENRY FORD MUSEUM (10/17/18)

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well hello my friends we are back well there's our first clue as to where we're going today well here we are the Henry Ford Museum in Greenfield Village so we have made it my friends and what we are doing today is we are gonna explore the Henry Ford Museum now this museum is I got to be honest one of the most interesting museums in all of the United States they have some of the most talked-about vehicles in history here and today's vlog you notice I'm wearing a different pair of sunglasses because today's a patreon vlog for Sean and Christmas now let's go take the tour and there's the man this is named after mr. Henry Ford and no that is not Doc Brown's clock tower that's the entrance to the museum so let's go just to walk in it's incredible absolutely incredible well first things first we've got right here Thomas a Edison has written his name as well as put his footprints above that shovel where they've done looks like induction ceremony of some sort 1928 September 27th I personally am NOT an innocent fan and my brother is not either because we well we Fallen the Tesla side of things if you know anything about the history many believe Tesla was while he was screwed over and possibly even done in by Thomas Edison right here is footage of Thomas Edison actually doing that groundbreaking ceremony writing his name in the ground right there you see it you can see him signing it right there [Music] now right now we're approaching the presidential vehicles and probably the most famous presidential vehicle of all time is here this first one is the Reagan car now you might have seen this when the assassination attempt happen and they had to shovel him in there to get him out of here believe that was this car I think it would have been on the other side Wow now they originally made this for President Nixon but yeah this was the one this was the one that that uh Ronald Reagan would have been ushered into yeah and you can see there's a little mark in the door like a dent from where they were hustling everybody in gosh check that out right there you can see it now the limo in front of us it says President Kennedy's 1963 assassination in this limousine represents a pivotal moment in our nation's history when we as Americans were simultaneously consumed by shock a scene of loss and fear for a future now obviously we all know if you've ever seen the footage that well you can see it right here it was a convertible so they've put the top back on but as we get to this back passenger seat that's where John F Kennedy was sitting he would been assassinated right in this seat jackie would've been in that seat and she would have crawled out the back during that motorcade I can't believe we're seeing that [Music] and then here is writing in the car and here he is writing in that seat that fateful day so President Kennedy would have been sitting right here he would have had a view right there and then I have to get a back view because you know obviously we've seen where the shot came from behind and right here on the back is where Jackie would have well originally we thought she was trying to get out but we find out later that she was actually retrieving a piece of his head as his skull she was retrieving it from the back and President Kennedy would have been sitting right there there it is well I don't mean to horn in on Jacobs activities here but uh sorry carpetbagger i'm gonna buy my first molar amma here i figured all places maybe i'll get one here they have a henry ford one i'll buy maybe send it out to a patreon or something they're making mine right now make it a good one molar amma make me proud make me proud then it shoots out this little slot here there it is group it's gonna be hot I think my mom would want one of these I just noticed they have a Kennedy car mole dorama so my mom has always been fascinated by the Kennedy assassination so I think I'll get her one of these there you go mom they're making your Kennedy car right now well there it is mom hot off the presses literally burning my hands so Sean and Chris you're both going to also gonna get one of these Kennedy cars now just to lighten the mood a little bit let's go over here and take a look at this amazing McDonald's display White Castle signs Columbus company and that's a 1956 Chevy Bel Air what a beauty now here is a 1951 Studebaker and they said if you wanted to turn heads back in 1951 you bought a Studebaker - about my grandpa's not here to verify that here's an old Abbot downing stagecoach kind of looks like the old Wallace Fargo logo doesn't it that's pretty cool it's original - I mean you can tell just look at the painting and everything on there incredible so this is actually an early form of public transportation this was a streetcar as a horse buggy drawn streetcar in 1875 Wow they would have yeah I mean actually you can see that's got the rail and everything it's pretty interesting so this picture says that this was Detroit's Woodward Avenue electric streetcar line and they eventually replaced the horse-drawn carriage street cars with electric ones now this is kind of cool this is on old Howard Johnson sign an old Howard Johnson's eatery now here we have Dwight D Eisenhower's bubble-top 1950 Lincoln presidential car Wow now that's traveling in style baby look at that and this one is FDR's called the sunshine special 1939 Lincoln seems to be a running theme that they always use Lincoln's or Continentals or pretty much any Lincoln car Wow FDR the New Deal well I'm a huge Teddy Roosevelt fan so it's pretty cool to get to see this used from 1902 to 1928 Teddy Roosevelt's Brougham from 1902 what a what an interesting president he is here we're walking back in time you see that old Holiday Inn sign you've got a 57 DeSoto here and a 1955 Corvette roadster that what a beauty now this case is showing how important it was for once they started getting cars like this that road trips became a big thing you can see they've got the quote from Jack Kerouac and they've got the picture from I Love Lucy and the the family truckster they're from national lampoon's interesting pivotal time and american exploration for families the nation's innkeeper this is interesting they actually have a recreation of like a Holiday Inn room right here that you can look into an old Holiday Inn Wow look at all these the commuter car yeah I noticed that yeah these are these were all like this was the early stages of electric automobiles and there's the electric charging station right there electric cars are pretty popular and you can see right there it says 1913 hybrid Rambler so what happened how did it make how did it become that as of a few years ago we thought that was an innovative technology you do not see these out on the road anymore now my brother was telling me that this is actually one of the cars that has a gas turbine engine he said at that time you could have used like coal dust or gas or whatever they were experimenting with different things including after World War two nuclear power for cars if you can believe that here's some old Texaco pumps and cars and they didn't stop there because they actually recreated an entire Texaco gas station right side or right inside here a whole mechanic's shop so this is a 1986 Ford Taurus and they they have a slogan that said give the people what they want and we just noticed that they said this was so futuristic for its time that they modified it a little bit and then they used it in Robocop as Robocop scar doesn't look all that futuristic does it now let's check out some race cars here's an original gt40 and here we have a 1919 Model T Ford and this actually was obviously in a race like how filthy it is you've got damage right up there the front of the hood it could be this is really cool you have a Thunderbird then you have a tollbooth right there like a toll stop and then kind of the old the old RV camping attachment you see it says camp wahoo and then they have an Airstream which you know many of us have probably seen they're very popular these days but then you got the camping in style these were these are great beach cars because everybody could you know just pop up right on the beach and have their surfboards across the top basically a Winnebago and a van and then this is an example of early roadside lodging for those road trips this is what you could expect to stay in now if you take a look at this you can see an old railroad string of carriages coach cars and then here's our conductor seat right here wow that's pretty cool I've never seen anything like this before I mean this is wow what history so right here on the other side of the locomotives they have a really cool Train Set and I recently was notified by a friend of mine that Neil Young the musician is the majority stockholder of Lionel trains and at some point I will do a vlog telling you how that came about and why that is and here you can see they actually have a camera on the model train as it goes around now this is definitely worth looking at 1792 to 1802 chariot made by William Ross I've never seen one that old that's incredible this place is incredible if you're coming through Michigan I highly recommend coming here this is just amazing yeah let's go take a peek inside this now this train says it's an ice plow Wow again never seen anything like this before [Music] now if you're thinking about tuning out right now because you're saying Jordan you're showing too many cars you don't want it to now there's some insanely historical stuff still to come now this is the section my brother is extremely excited to see because these are all old race cars from every generation this is a 1902 Ford 999 and this is a 1906 locomobile old 16 road racer this kind of reminds me of the The Munsters car from the movie look at all of these so cool check out these drag racers this guy is blowing my mind the goldenrod look how long that thing is yeah so obviously you would have sat in there because that's your little view screen right you think need to see Bob's name on there and then you'd be looking all the way down this now I I don't know exactly if those are for that but it almost looks like those would have been a sight like like on a gun like you could look down and all their intakes well shows what I know Wow these are great land speed racing wow this one is touted as having the world's fastest fuel tank and this is Mustang number one that's a beauty it's like blue metallic interior and that's Billy Elliot's racecar I've never heard the Buick Riviera described this way but it says Ferrari plus Rolls Royce equals Riviera there's a 1936 Lincoln Zephyr in 1948 Tucker look at this old-time school bus it's almost it almost looks like a Hummer built in 1927 Wow now in the vlog day of the day I mentioned that Petros had started out playing at Crosley Field and Powell Crosley was the owner of Crosley Industries and they basically made everything they made turntables radios refrigerators bicycles and even a 1951 Crosley hotshot roadster check that out you can even see it says hot shot right there and they still make things to this day I have a Crosley turntable myself and this is a 1913 Scripps booth rocket look at that a cycle car so obviously you can see the little hand gear thing in there so you would have had to pedal to get this sucker going and it even has a bike like a bicycle chain type deal kind of an odd pairing here you have a 1983 Honda Accord right next to a 1950 Nash Rambler and then a 1981 Ford Escort look at that Duesenberg that's what Clark Gable used to drive he had one of those I don't know what they were trying to sell it a few years ago and it went up for auction and didn't get sold so I don't know what happened to it but man what a beauty look how long those are that is style that is absolute style and then here's a 1937 cord a 12-8 12 and that it may not be the same car but it certainly looks like the same type of car if it were yellow that day neither Daniel Larusso drove or kind of reminds me a bit scar from Back to the Future and check out this Bugatti Wow 1931 Bugatti with a pee or like a darker green top to it even in 1931 this Bugatti would have costed 43 thousand dollars when the average wage was only thirteen hundred and eighty eight dollars a year good luck it says built in France by a German physician now here's a little bit more modern these are mostly 80s cars that you might have seen in your life that won it but were white that's the Ford Bronco I mean you could we've seen those in the OJ chase and then this is for my mom she used to drive an omni so I was looking in this case and it shows a picture of Martin Luther King and his family in a car and it says that Disney had designed a Magic Skyway used Ford cars and a conveyer belt system to carry people through scenes with moving dinosaurs and cavemen and this was Martin Luther King and his family using that Skyway in an electronically controlled car during his trip to the fair with his family in 1964 this is kind of an interesting car because they say that this was the only car when it was released that you could get with a v8 engine for under two thousand three hundred ninety five dollars this was a 1932 Ford v8 here a couple of more Model T's even a Model N and this one right here with these giant wheels they called this the farmers new best friend and if you look at some of the pictures that they have I'll show you you can see a farmer out kind of using it to get over hills and things like that well one of the oddities here at this museum that I knew about and we looked and looked and looked on their literature they gave us their map and we couldn't find it so he wouldn't ask somebody we said hey we know that you have this where is it she said nobody can ever find it so she just walked us over to it this is an oddity they say that when Thomas Edison died his son kept a vial right by his bed and captured his last breath and that last breath is in that glass tube right there and the little paper next to it says Thomas Edison was Henry Ford's hero as well as his friend during Edison's final illness this test tube was close to his bedside upon his death it was sealed with paraffin wax Edison's son later sent this his father's last breath to Henry Ford knowing their close relationship they were also really good friends it was they were actually a trifecta of friends you have to throw mr. Firestone in there all three of them used to travel very very frequently together they were all three best friends so yet Firestone Ford and Edison and there's his last breath Wow and then also I'm a big fan of Tesla like I mentioned and may have a death mask of Nikola Tesla here and what I was saying was that I've seen a lot of documentaries and what they say is that Tesla kept a lot of notebooks and when he passed away he had a kind of a bad deal with Edison where basically everything that he invented Edison would put his name on and Tesla would get no credit and when Tesla died magically all of the notebooks including what they say Tesla had figured out ways around energy crises that we've been dealing with for like what over what decades could have been solved with his work and there's his death mask and then you also have early versions of the incandescent bulb right here you can see right right over there and then Louis lattimer's light bulb right there a Thomas Edison's first light bulb I may have to get one of those it's just kind of an interesting thing I guess they did me a favor I couldn't buy the Thomas Edison light bulb because it wouldn't accept credit cards in there for some reason on that one specific machine well thank you everyone for watching we'll see you all tomorrow good bye [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,005,257
Rating: 4.7648625 out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, los angeles, anthony bourdain, tourist, Henry ford, Museum, John f kennedy, Jfk, Assassination, President, Thomas edison, Ford, Cars, America, Detroit, mystery, attractions, family friendly, museum, reagan, michigan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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