800TB in one box? No problem! - PWJ180

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[Music] hi there i'm playing with chunk again and as usual this is not really chunk this is pretty expensive and it's pretty interesting yes i'm talking about this 45 drive enclosure it's called storinator 45 drive storage pot and it's not very clear who is actually the manufacturer i have the name backplace i have the name 45 45drives.com and yeah but that doesn't matter we have we'll have a look inside anyway okay talking about having a look inside that's the first cover and as you see you see not much there is a second cover where you can see the main board i'm not sure if this is an early model it's from 2015 or maybe 14 and to get access to the drives you have to remove this rusty steel bars here and yes they have been rusty even five years ago and then you are able to remove this covers and you can see the first 15 drive and if you count them you will see it's only 13 drive because here and here is an ssd drive inside here is the ssd uh the large drives they sit in a slot just like that it's just a bear drive it's four terabyte each and you slide them in hopefully find the connector and push it down uh the large drives are held then by these foam strips here inside the cover that's not too bad but if you want to use the ssds these are just help in by the connector itself so they're flapping in the breeze here that's probably not a long-term solution but as i said that's an early revision and probably it's only a prototype so well you could of course insert this ssd into some sort of frame and there is also only ssd version with smaller slots what's also interesting is these aluminium parts where these iron rods here are attached to and they look like they are handmade with a file or at least hand altered changed somehow yeah pretty rusty stuff here so that's the first impression of this thing on the back side we have a pretty normal super micro mainboard with a i3 processor that's not the fastest of course but it's enough to do what it has to do then that's maybe more interesting we have these sas controllers here these host bus adapters two of them and every uh each one has ten connectors there are four connectors here two here six 7 8 9 10 on used at the moment so every single controller here has the potential of having 40 drives so with these two controllers we could theoretically attach 80 drives that it's four drives per cable we have 10 cables 40 drives to controller 80 drives there is a 60 drive version that's where you definitely need a second controller this is a 45 drive version so one controller is just not enough they could have made a 40 drive version with only one controller but i think for the load balancing it's better to have two so you can write to two sets of discs simultaneously what i don't like here is that they almost touch each other you can see that here there are these pin headers don't know what they are for maybe for the led lights of the of the drives problem is to connect anything on that controller you would have to move the other controller into the next slot because that's really narrow here so i think that's not planned to have more than one of these controllers in the system but they do not use them anyway because there are no lamps at the drive base and that's something i personally find a little bit pity because um yeah i like lamps and if one drive fails you need to know which one it is and that's a little bit difficult here uh then we have some ram it's two times four gigabyte so eight gigabyte of ram in total and here on the back side that's the two controls that's an additional 10 gigabit ethernet card with two ports then we have two ethernet ports one gigabit you can use the them for data or for management uh which here it's a it's a standard mainboard nothing special and we have a three times redundant power supply i personally don't like the three redundant power supplies because my theory is they are so cheap you need three to have a safe operating normally if you have two good power supplies that's okay if you see three of them maybe the quality is not that good we had servers with three power supplies like this and every time when a power outage or something was at least one or two power supplies failed it still worked on the third but yeah that speaks about quality in fact we have three drives more here these two drives are the original boot drives they came with a special software that i don't use anymore and in fact i don't have the login and the password and also the manual that came with the machine is very yeah not very detailed so i plugged them out so i left the software as it is i took a new drive an ssd with how much is it 900 gigabytes something like that no i think it's 300 how much is it can't see it where is it oh here 300 gigabyte and i installed my own operating system because well that's a standard mainboard it has 45 drives and you can install windows linux whatever you want in fact i installed a windows 2012 server edition but yeah it was quite a bit slow and yeah so i decided to move to another operating system so i went to google and looks for free nas software and guess what i found freenus software which is quite powerful and yeah i think it's good quality so i decided to use that when we click on that you click the download button here because they renamed it it is now truenos core but obviously it's the same as freenos and the most important part is it's still free it's a little bit annoying sometimes that you always have to register with your name your email and whatever but if you look closely no thanks just take me to the download page and you can download it without registering in any way okay watch which one do we take i took the newer version here trunascore version 12. when you download it you get an iso cd-rom iso image and what to do with that i will show you right now probably as in interesting as the rest of this storage box is this little device here it's called an iodd you can see it here on this connector iod it's only available from chinese online stores i don't know why because it's really a clever device it's in fact an external hard drive with an usb 3 connector it also has encryption so you can type in a code for your valuable data but it's also a virtual cd-rom drive and you can set it to be a hard drive a cd-rom drive or both of them in the same time yeah and how that works i will show you right now you just plug it in into a free usb port as you would do with any other external hard drive and then you can see on this tiny tiny little display which i found is a little bit too small so here you can see i had to zoom in quite a little bit if you press ok first we have this round symbol here that means there is a cd in the tray and we are now that's the c indicator here in cd-rom or optical drive mode if i press button five you see it changes to an x so the cd is ejected like opening or closing the cd-rom tray and then with the up and down um buttons we can select which iso file we want ah here truenos version 12 iso file i press button number five it is loaded now in the cd-rom to put these eso files on this drive is very easy you switch it to hard drive mode you make a folder named underline iso and then you put the stuff inside and you probably give it a shorter name because yeah this display is quite limited so we have now a cd iso mounted in this virtual cd drive it is connected to the main board and we can boot from that easel image right now well then let's turn it on [Music] and you may probably ask why is it such a thing to have a virtual cd drive well problem is if you want to make a usb stick bootable you need additional software that's not a big deal but also some older systems have problems to boot from usb drives especially or even newer systems when they are wavy boot and legacy boot and you have to make both boots on your uh usb drive and so on a cd-rom does always work with every system that has an usb so that's pretty easy [Music] okay here we have it the truenos installer page booted from the cd-rom or the virtual cd-rom if you talk too long it just starts installing there have been a certain amount of options i haven't seen all of them right now but it starts installing i hope it will ask me which drive i want to install to because i have 46 to choose from so we see now a list of drives that's controller one that's the drive number we are now on controller two the same set of tests the spin-up mode 0 here and here that's probably the ssd drives because they don't have to spin up they have no mechanical uh discs inside okay that looks a little bit better now install and upgrade yes we pretend that there is no operating system on this device right now and here i have the whole list of all my drives that's quite a lot and i want to install it on this 300 gigabyte which is only a 279 gigabit gigabyte right now so okay i didn't select it okay we select that with the space tab okay now it is selected okay yes i want to do a fresh install yes yes i want to format that to remove all the old versions and settings yes yes yes okay a password for root okay let's take a short one okay as i said before i like to boot via bios that's okay well at the end it doesn't matter it's just how you boot the software remains the same swap partition on boot devices yes why not we have enough disk space so we can do a swap partition a swap partition is needed when you run out of physical memory then it writes data to the disk and since we have an ssd that is that's not so slow if you have a mechanical disc maybe you better don't make a swap partition well it still works maybe it's still better than having no memory at all okay so let's go through this installation process well that was rather quickly installation succeeded you okay install okay uh and then we do a reboot and we unplug the usb drive so that it has to boot from the hard drive by the way if you are interested in this iodd drive if you buy one and they are not that cheap it's about 60 dollars and it comes without a hard drive inside so it's just the case with all these features keyboard display microprocessor and stuff but you don't get the drive so you have to install a drive by yourself you can install any notebook size two and a half inch drive you can install an ssd which i did i have i think 900 gigabyte ssd inside and yeah that's it sixty dollars but i definitely can recommend it because it's yeah it's also a couple of problems for example you can have any any number of iso files inside here you can choose them whatever you need yeah it's pretty good equipment okay and after a couple of minutes and that's really a quick install so it's about five minutes or something ah we get to this menu here i hope that is visible we have a bit of reflections here on the screen okay i can change that but yeah should be visible uh the only thing we really need is item one configure network interfaces so we have to give it a an ip address and then we can connect via web browser to this unit and that makes everything a little bit easier so option one we have four ethernet interfaces em-101 that's the two uh gigabit on board uh interfaces and ix zero and 1 or the 10 gig interfaces i'm not using them for the for the management i'm using them for data traffic so i choose e m 0 yes you may do so okay so that was another step necessary to set this interface okay again this time no we don't have any settings configure interface for dhcp in my case no i want a fixed address ah ipv4 yes please interface name i don't know i think i stick with em0 to prevent any confusion okay i would like to have the net mask separate and i take something that fits in my network here yes i think that one should still be free net mask oh that was the keypad which was not to no lock so now num lock is in that's my net mask you don't need to write that down because that's only an internal network that has no access to the outside world okay ipv6 we don't need that failover settings no i'm not interested in that we could but i don't want to okay so network interface is at 1.101 so let's see if that works and the first thing i want to do is to see if i'm on the wrong on the right ethernet port uh let's do a ping for and we see we get an answer because when i tried it the first time i was on the wrong port and the system didn't answer of course so but that's an easy trick just uh swap the plug to the other ethernet port and there are only two so the there is not much choice okay let's go to the web browser [Music] [Music] and it seems we get something we get a login username is root and password is the one i just entered in the setup uh yes please save that [Music] what no okay get started so that's the surface from the main page we have some information about the system here we have cpu it has nothing to do right now seems so memory is mostly free they say 8 gigabyte is the minimum of memory you should have so we have 7.9 yes that's eight gigabyte and more yes two thirds are still free so that's okay then we have interface four interfaces and only one is connected at the moment that's right the other ones are not connected how about that one it says connect to which one is it um interesting it says connected maybe because i had the connector in when i started it the first time [Music] no well i don't know well i have installed that for the second time and the first time i noticed that this um the status here is sometimes a little bit behind so you have to refresh that probably [Music] maybe if he just reload the dashboard again no no it's still connected i had the other problem i connected something and it's constantly showed not connected but at the end it worked so that is a little bit slow maybe it will update in a minute or so let's see what we have to do now we need to uh configure some drives and that is here storage and the first thing we have to make is a storage pool a pool of drives ah no pools at the moment we add one ah create or import pool we have nothing to import we want to create okay [Music] we have now a lot of hard drives what happened okay [Music] okay so i can choose them with the down keys no doesn't work okay i had the impression that with another browser i could use the scroll wheel of the mouse here but maybe that depends on the browser you use and the version and stuff let's do a pool with all the one terabyte ssd drives that is number one [Music] two three we have six of them where are they here okay there is another filter disk by capacity [Music] knee931 okay that's a bit easier so we have all the disk of the same capacity here fill the disk by name there is no name i don't know okay so that works if you have two different sizes of disk you can select them and filter them here then you have to move them to the data devices and select it again don't know why that is necessary ah we cannot create that because we have to give it a name so i say pool ssd you can take any name you want yes please create that pool [Music] that's a rather quick thing it takes a couple of seconds [Music] and we have our first pool so and because it was so funny we make another pool with the rest of the drives i say all of them put them here we have 39 drives six ssds that's 45 in total so we have all the drives ah we give it a name pool hdd that's all the hard disk drives create confirm yes i don't know what happened if we mix them we if we mix different capacities of drives normally the capacity will go down to the smallest drive so in this case if we have one terabyte ssds and four terabyte hard drive they were all limited to one terabyte but in fact that doesn't make much sense to mix hard drive and ssds together in the same pool because all the ssds have to wait until the hard drive written all the data okay now what we need to do to proceed is a data set at data set it's in this options menu there [Music] we have to give it a name data set ssd [Music] did i write ssd in the front or sdd okay wait yes ssd but i was on the on the wrong on the wrong pool that's the hdd pool okay data set data set hdd comments i don't need that yes yes yes compression okay we can have compression or no compression or other okay okay i leave that on default for the moment [Music] um [Music] where did i okay cancel that again uh what i'm missing is where is the rate level [Music] edit options okay is it there [Music] compression ratio [Music] yeah i think i missed that i was a little bit too fast so somewhere is uh they don't call it yes they call it raid level but they call it raid set one set two and set three so that means one two or three disk may fail you know what let's do that again okay i don't i don't want to make this video too long so okay again add data set [Music] up okay let's do that you can always delete this data sets well at least if you don't have any data on it [Music] and we also add the data set to the ssd [Music] okay good then after we created the storage pools and data sets we have to share them somehow because we want access from different computers we can make apple shares unix shares window shares and i decide to do a windows smb share um add because we don't have any and we make a share from this data set here you can also have more than one data set per pool of course uh name that's important that's the name you use to mount this um this share so i only want to have it the name hdd because i'm lazy and i want to i don't want to type a lot okay share default parameters enable service yes so that enables the smb service which is disabled by default but if you choose to share a drive with smb it asks you to enable and i think that's not bad because if you don't do that your drive won't work yes that's the access control list that decides who may access that select the preset yes that's okay we take the open uh options so i hope that creates us a an access list that is open for everybody user uh okay yes however who yes who that's interested important everyone i want everyone to have access to that of course you can restrict that to other groups and users uh asl type allow we have yes okay basic permissions yeah that's okay full control read write modify your full control flex type okay i think that's it we leave all the rest on the default settings okay oh no that was the wrong button use permissions save i cannot save why did i forget something that isn't no okay i think i have a little bit yeah i had too much too many of these access control list items with no data in it so i deleted them i don't know where they came from and now i'm able to save everyone allow full control okay so that's it uh and now i think we should be ready to mount that [Music] on windows yes this is an older windows version uh we get a connect network drive and i just type in the ethernet the ip address and of course the name of my device that's hdd [Music] and i just ask myself what the no it doesn't work okay let's try that again i think i forgot to put two backslashes here in front backslash hdd yes now it works so is it root and password [Music] no i think i forgot to give it an access user and password let's see where we do that all right i just found what i forgot i have to make a user account for that user that wants to access this thing and i call it user account username should be another account but user uh email we don't need that as word is a nice password confirm that okay user id and groups okay [Music] yes home directory should be able to access pool hdd [Music] uh i think the rest is okay for a moment let's try that again that's what i me i was missing no i don't have to save that [Music] because when i want to mount this share i need a username and a password okay try again username user password password and we are in the new folder yes works call it hello so we have a new device and it appears here new device set 122 terabyte free of 122 terabyte and that's all what i need at the moment okay so that's it thanks for watching
Channel: Play with Junk
Views: 9,052
Rating: 4.9590793 out of 5
Id: -F2kXEX6mhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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