8-Year-Old Wins The Greatest Comeback Of All-Time!

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[Applause] yes coming around outside looks like charles county out fast [Applause] charles county hands off first squad from run your express next handing off [Applause] maybe a track 757 squad i believe might be the eight and under squad there running in third [Music] [Applause] charles county student lead here with nine ten-year-olds when you express handing off to their third leg [Music] so i might see a run down chase down i think that's where sean jackson junior running for leg for the 19 year olds going to express his teams right now and second his third leg is close enough to gap a little bit must be fun to watch it's a big gap though from the batman junior 136 and here's bershawn jackson jr he's about four seconds five seconds back watch out here we go here comes bershon jackson oh man look at him he's eating up that track [Applause] batman can fly little batman first sean jackson jr going wide down [Applause] two seven two four i know he's only nine or ten years old but i can't wait to see him at the high school level i'm gonna have a little bit of a wait now five years maybe five six years you're gonna see him in high school [Applause] batman there putting on a show
Channel: FloTrack
Views: 2,996,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pjz8-yknF_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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