8 Ways to Beat Brain Fog & Boost Your Cognition

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hey everyone welcome back today let's discuss brain fog this feeling of slow cloudy thinking word search poor recall poor memory in general lack of focus lack of mental Clarity perhaps a feeling of cognitive fatigue and even depending on what part of the brain is involved you could have this sensation of incoordination so as a clinician and also as a researcher what I'm hoping to bring to you today is a balance of personal experience clinical experience and factchecking across what the research literature shows us there is no reason you should suffer from brain fog there are lots of solutions welcome to Dr rer radio providing practical science-based insights into Health we break through the bias and the noise to bring you simple trustworthy information that matters the model through which I think about brain fog we discussed this in a prior video I'm going to develop it a touch further here has a few components to it nutritional do you have poor diet quality or perhaps you have poor absorption of the nutrition in your diet so things that can be important like iron and b12 for cognition you either aren't eating much of or if you have poor gut health poor absorption you may not be assimilating a lot of those nutrients so the first two items are nutrition and gut health hormone does also an important part if you're an aging woman and you're going into menopause then this can be a factor that's an easy win to improve cognition or if you're a younger woman with ir regular Cycles PMS also might indicate that hormonal Health could be implicated lifestyle no discussion of brain fug would be complete if we didn't touch on the importance of exercise for which it's been shown that being sedentary will literally lead your brain to shrink over time Stress Management and there's some pretty easy techniques you can use to mitigate stress and also sleep hugely important another component to this would be neural or brain inflammation and by addressing a lot of these factors you will indirectly support and resolve neurological inflammation but there are a couple supplements in particular that I've found benefit with and there's some pretty good research showing can reduce brain inflammation and then finally infections no discussion in my mind on brain fog would be complete if we didn't at least touch on how chronic and low-level infections in some cases can be leading to these plaguing symptoms like brain fog but also perhaps fatigue and joint pain so with that let's jump in and talk about these really in no particular order I these are not in order of importance but we'll start off with iron iron as you probably know is needed to make red blood cells the red blood cells will carry oxygen and nutrients all over the body including to the brain something that's less appreciated about iron is the fact that it's needed as a co-actor for synthesis of Serotonin and dopamine dietary intake and absorption are two big factors here bear in mind also that those who are hypothyroid are at increased risk for iron malabsorption we should start logically with asking well how do I know if I'm eating enough and here's a list of the top five most iron rich foods oysters or muscles beef or beef liver iron fortified grains and cereals and you might be someone who's not eating these and and that's fine but just bear that not eating those Foods is potentially thwarting dietary intake spinach that's cooked and pistachios what does the research show us regarding iron well a 2021 study found that 80% of women with iron deficiency reported having brain fog okay that's correlation what about causation a 2007 randomized control trial gave people women specifically who had low iron levels at Baseline either Placebo or an iron supplement as a 160 milligrams per day of Ferris sulfate iron for 4 months they found that restoring fertin and fertin is a blood marker that will give you probably the most sensitive and accurate assessment of iron status getting the fertin simple blood test back to normal there was a five to Sevenfold Improvement in cognitive performance leading these researchers to comment women who improved their fertin status showed improvements in performance on attention memory and learning tasks so bear in mind that dietary iron intake is is important if you have chronic diarrhea constipation ulcers let's say any sort of gastrointestinal condition that may lead to Mal absorption then gut health will be important to resolve toward better assimilation of iron and your dietary intake is important and also if you are insufficient supplementing with iron is a pretty easy method to bring those levels up and addition to improving your diet and improving your gut health keep in mind that there is such a thing as too much iron and iron is not a vitamin that if you overs supplement your body will excrete like vitamin C or maybe vitamin B12 that's a water soluble vitamin so I would not go on iron without having your levels checked and a simple iron panel that includes serum iron blood iron but also fertin is a great place to start by the way if this has been helpful please comment and subscribe now while we are on the topic of vitamins vitamin B12 is also a very important vitamin for for brain health and brain fog as you may know vitamin B12 helps to create myin it's this protective and also conductive layering or coating around your neurons and it speeds up the signal B12 also antagonizes or lowers homocysteine and homocysteine when its levels are too high can be toxic to the brain remember just like with iron what you eat and what you absorb are important and people with hypothyroid M are at increased risk now regarding research on vitamin B12 a 2020 study looking at individuals with what's known as mild cognitive impairment or MCI and also had either deficient or insufficient B12 reported increased levels of forgetfulness lethargy poor levels of focus and also tingling Sensations now this is a key to look out for if you're someone who notice is pins and needles and it may be subtle it may be well I notice I'm really quick if I sit in the wrong position for my leg to fall asleep my arm to fall asleep that doesn't guarantee vitamin B12 insufficiency but it's a flag that that might be present after replacing vitamin B12 for 3 months they saw an 84% Improvement in cognitive function and in terms of how you can integrate vitamin B12 rich foods into your diet one serving of the following will meet your daily B12 requirements beef tuna and salmon and you can also supplement with anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 micrograms per day for three to four months and some protocols use much higher than this as high as maybe 10,000 so there's a lot of options for either dietary or supplemental ways to increase your levels of B12 you'll likely have a sense is this helping me am I improving after about a month so we've discussed gut health and no topic on brain fog would be complete if we did not really double click on this topic starting off with a 2023 systematic review so this summarized 10 clinical trials in older adults with cognitive decline they gave them probiotics now why probiotics well there's many things you can do to improve your gut health my position based upon the research data is that one of the best simplest safest and most well-studied supplements you can use to improve your gut health would be probiotics and what they found again when summarizing 10 randomized control trials they found improved cognition in nine out of 10 studies and this included subdomains of memory learning verbal fluency and attention also mechanistically they found increased levels of what's known as Miracle Grow for the brain brain derived neurotrophic factor and this this led this group of researchers to conclude as follows most studies involving ad Alzheimer's disease MCI mild kind of impairment or healthy adults showed cognitive improvements in subjects treated with probiotics for 12 to 14 weeks so this is why I say and my position is you should not Overlook and you should highly consider a probiotic if you're having brain fog now regarding absorption a 2021 systematic review summarizing 14 studies found found that various nutrients could be better absorbed when using a probiotic quoting this paper the intake of probiotic and healthy subjects may result in improvements of vitamin B12 folate calcium zinc and iron status and these people were not supplementing they simply saw improvements in the absorption of what they were eating in their diet from using a supplemental probiotic now to the question of what probiotic this is something we got a lot of questions about and I've shared this concept on the podcast before but I think it's truly worth constant reiteration aam's razor or aam's posit the simplest solution is usually the best holds true here amongst many other areas in healthcare and what we've been doing myself and our research team over the past few years is monitoring closely what's being published and trying to come up with an all-purpose protocol that summarizes across different trials those for IBS irritable bowel for inflammatory bowel disease for cognition for depression for skin and atopic conditions for inflammatory and autoimmune conditions if we look and take a big picture view what can we conclude in terms of a meta allpurpose protocol hence adhering to aam's razor posit that the simplest solution is usually best and this is the meta protocol there are three types of probiotics blends of lactobacillus and bipto bacterium and you can use these at a dose between one to 50 billion per day sacy bardi which is a healthy fungus at a dose of 10 to 15 billion per day and a soil-based probiotic is a third type which can be used at a dose of 2 to six billion per day and we have other materials if you want to take a deeper dive on that the other point that I'll make is regarding the minimum duration and we're trying to be very careful with the wording that we're using here minimum duration meaning not maximum duration but the minimum duration to assess efficacy 2 to 3 months for any one of these three types of probiotics bear in mind that that systematic review we discussed earlier finding improvements in cognition in multiple domains of of brain health they were giving probiotics and recommended using probiotics for 3 to six months so this is why we say the minimum duration to assess efficacy totally being pragmatic and logical here if a support let's say probiotics are helping you'll likely have an indication a month in but you may not see the Pinnacle of improvement until two or three or maybe even longer so look for an indication of improvement early on about a month in and then ride that wave continue that protocol until you feel and this is my thinking here this this necessarily hasn't been published but it's derivative of what's been published ride that wave until you plateau you've been stable in that Plateau for one to two months to make sure it wasn't a fluke it wasn't a coincidence and then try to wean off and find the minimal effective dose so moving on to the next component here is sex hormones or steroid hormones why well a 2018 review paper made the following remark several studies have found that hormone fluctuations are one of the key factors that lead to defects and cognitive function we also know that brain fog like symptoms may result from low testosterone in men or women but it's probably more implicated in men although you can make a case for both and certainly estrogen and progesterone fluctuations can cause C brain fog and and mood ability in women the first thing you should do to improve your hormonal Health my opinion here is get healthier eat a healthy diet improve your gut health adhere to Lifestyle practices that we know are going to improve your Vitality this should lead to healthier hormones but there are some cases where direct support is needed without going into sort of an exhaustive list here here are two things one for men one for women that are simple and you should consider for optimizing hormones men ashwagandha 2022 randomized control trial 50 men with low libido used ashwagandha at 600 milligrams per day for two months they demonstrated increase testosterone and increase libido Now conon function wasn't assessed in this study but this is just to make the point that if you feel hormones are implicated as a man in your brain fog ashwaganda has been shown to increase testosterone level and libido for women lots of options here I tend to favor Black kohos because I've used for many years in our practice this supplement known as estro Harmony and a 2022 review paper did find that 40 to 160 milligrams of black kohos per day for 3 to 6 months demonstrated a benefit or benefits for Women's Health including hormones and hormone mediated symptoms quoting this paper therapeutic uses this is for black coage include pain associated with menstration relief of premenstrual symptoms PMs and relief of symptoms associated with menopause now again they didn't directly report on brain fog here but knowing that one of the things can that can happen with PMS and menopause is brain fog or low mood I think this is a reasonable inference and certainly I think it's safe to conclude that both of these supplements can improve male and female hormone levels and may very likely have a positive impact on cognition no discussion on brain fog would be complete if we did not talk about sleep every faet that's been studied as it connects to sleep shows that you're whatever you're studying whether it be neurocognitive decline met uh metabolic conditions cancers low mood immune conditions they all get worse with poor sleep and get better with healthy sleep so certainly this includes cognition enter a 2023 observational study now observational studies do have limitations but this one was fairly large and what they found when looking at nearly 30,000 adults was that sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours was associated with a decrease in brain volume and a decrease in condent function whether it be Memory reaction time or reasoning and logic that's observational data that's showing Association there's limitations in observational data what about something Interventional this would give us more of a rationale for sleep will you improve Condon function if you improve your sleep the answer is yes 2019 randomized control trial i'llbe at small 22 healthy people who tended to be the evening or night owl chronotype they took steps to improve their sleep hygiene and we'll go over what this means in a moment but as this group work to improve their sleep hygiene which includes but it's not limited to getting to bed a little bit earlier after only 3 weeks of falling asleep and waking up 2 hours earlier they had improveed cognitive reaction time and improveed depression and stress it's really important keep in mind that healthy sleep hygiene practices are Paramount to overall health and definitely conni of Health what do you do for Sleep hygiene the short list here is to go to bed and to wake up at the same time every day now ideally getting to bed somewhere between 10 and 12 maybe even better to say between 10 and 11 is probably best because our wake and sleep cycles should track with day you know sun and dark Rhythm so if we go too far from that if we go to bed too late we actually do throw off the regenerative nature of sleep so getting to bed at a reasonable time and doing so at the same time and also waking up at the same time is one component outdoor light exposure in the morning to sort of anchor the fact that it's now daytime correspondingly low light in the evening avoiding caffeine after 1: to 2: p.m. and aiming for 6 or 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night don't underestimate how important this is for optimal cognition you cannot supplement your way out of not sleeping well and if you're someone who's not sleeping well there are lots of things that you can do and we've discussed some of those Therapeutics and causes in other videos okay to bring in something that I have recently experimented with and seen benefit from acetal lcarnitine why well coming back to the concept of neuroinflammation aceto lcarnitine is a neuroprotective antioxidant and it also supports brain energy metabolism now what happened in my case without going too into the details and I might do a podcast on this um at a later date but I was using a skin cream at night that had caffeine in it and for six plus weeks I was unable to fall asleep sleep until 4:00 in the morning this decimated me it was awful now I finally figured that out and remember that you absorb about 60% of what you put on your skin it varies in terms of the the what but certainly what you put on your skin you absorb and some people are more caffeine sensitive than others and I know that although I'm okay with caffeine during the day as bedtime approaches it will definitely interfere with my sleep I fixed the sleep but I'm noticing in the wake of that I'm still not feeling as sharp cognitively as I was accustomed to and acetyl lcarnitine led to some pretty clear benefits within one or two days the main thing I noticed was more fluid speech and in addition to that I didn't have that wall that you'll sometimes see people hit maybe at 5 or 6 o'clock in in you know the afternoon they they're not necessarily tired they don't need a nap but it's just hard to think and it's hard to keep doing work tasks or things that require a a decent cognitive effort what does the research show us a 2003 metaanalysis looking at 21 randomized control trials in over 1,400 patients who had either MCI mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer's were given Placebo versus acetylcarnitine and they found improvements in attention and conate performance as well as improvements in memory now the effect size here was small it wasn't a huge effect but nevertheless the was a statistically significant Improvement in these functions looking at a different trial this time from 2016 60 patients who were treated successfully for hypothyroid but were still having some fatigue were given either Placebo or in this case lcarnitine at 990 milligrams per day and after three months they reported a decrease in mental fatigue in 50% of the subjects now the one thing about lcarnitine that gives me a little bit of pause is while the lcarnitine is better to a minimal extent I think the effect here is probably negligible for metabolism it can also cause diarrhea which is why I favor acetal lcarnitine it's more targeted toward brain health antioxidant function and it does not have the side effect of diarrhea my recommendation also borrowing from this metaanalysis and their findings would be acetyl lontine at a dose of 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams per day for 3 to 6 months most acylcarnitines are going to be 500 Mig per capsule exercise if you're not exercising you need to anything is better than nothing but it's been fairly compellingly demonstrated that if you don't exercise your brain will shrink over time and this is because when you do exercise you release amongst other things this bdnf this brain derived neurotrophic Factor called Miracle Grill for the brain you also have increased brain circulation and increased oxygen delivery to the brain what does the research show not that I think you need to be convinced but a 2011 randomized control trial looking at sedentary so non- exercising adults they were given aerobic exercise for one year by the way similar findings have been shown for weight training this is just one study after one year they found the was less shrinkage of the brain over time improvements in memory and improvements in brain derived neurotrophic factor in fact this diagram comes from the study you have two lines representing each group of people at Baseline you see the volume of the hippocampus a center in the brain that regulates fear and learning and conversion of short-term to long-term memory at Baseline the volume of the brain area is the same and then at a year what you see is those who are exercising have improvements in the size of that area of the brain and those who maintained a sedentary lifestyle had a shrinkage of the area of the brain and after a year the Delta is significant in between the two this is why this research group concluded our results demonstrate that the size of the hippocampus is modifiable in late adulthood and that moderate intensity aerobic exercise is effective at reversing volume loss now remember similar results have been documented for weight training this is just one study of a few but I thought it was no worthy the exercise recommendations here again bearing in mind that anything is better than nothing we're taking from a 2023 umbrella metaanalysis that was looking for exercise improvements in depression and anxiety so not necessarily for brain fog per se but I think as close of a domain that we have good research to pull from just a quote and I'll give you the specifics all physical activity modes were beneficial including aerobic resistance mixed mode exercise and yoga so the basic routine here would be aiming four to five times per week 30 to 60 Minutes having a blend of aerobic and resistance doesn't have to be both in one session what I do is weights and resistance one day and then aerobic the next day and I oscillate across the two the intensity has to be medium to high intensity so medium would be brisk walking light jogging hiking high would be running cycling or hit training and you need both occasionally we'll see people in our Consulting practice who are only doing low-level activity again which is better than nothing but if you're only walking or stretching or doing mobility work you're not going to get some of the benefits for the brain and therefore for brain fog that you can only obtain from higher intensity exercise obvious caveats you apply be careful not to go from being sedentary to well I'm going to Sprint or do heavy weight training or what have you work your way up Progressive conditioning is a key to success but don't forget about the importance of having an aim of integrating some high-intensity exercise into your routine all righty now if you are exercising one thing that can help with recovery is adequate protein intake looking at a 2022 observational study looking at over 77,000 subjects in a 20 year followup so a pretty impressive data point 77,000 people track for 20 years they found that increased protein intake decrease the likelihood you would have cognitive decline they found that the optimal intake was roughly 20% of total calories so to simplify this if you're eating 2,000 calories per day maybe most women that's 100 g of protein per day and if you're eating a 3,000 calorie diet that's perhaps most men you're looking at 150 gram of protein per day now in this study they did control for age and for caloric intake so while observational Studies have limitations controlling can reduce some of those confounders and while this is not an exhaustive list of variables to control for they did a decent job of at least making sure they're controlling for age and for caloric intake and this leads me to a few simple recommendations regarding getting an adequate protein 30 to 50 gram of protein per meal I think is a simple and effective Target that you can have for your diet and here's a list of per serving size what you get regarding protein so 3 o of chicken 27 gram of protein one scoop of whey protein 25 gram of protein a half a cup of Greek yogurt 18 g of protein our Evolution bar 18 g of protein I have one or two of these per day a 3 oz piece of salmon 17 g of protein 3 o of beef 15 G two large eggs 12 g of protein and half a cup of tofu 10 G so it's not difficult to get an adequate dietary protein but it is important for brain health and also as we age we tend to become what's known as anabolic resistant meaning it's harder for us to build muscle and therefore our protein intake is more important as we age because we also know that there's a direct correlation between death from any cause or what's known as all cause mortality and the strength and size of your muscles it's not to say you're trying to become huge but you want to make sure to offset the natural decline in muscle strength and mass as you age an adequate dietary protein is one great way to do that in addition to the ctive benefits that we just covered okay let's talk about shinrin Yoku no I did not sneak this is known as Forest bathing we've talked many a Time on the podcast in the past how beneficial spending time in nature is a 2023 review paper commented as follows stressful life factors can act as a contributing factor to brain fog for example Financial familial or work stress can cause rumination that's sort of like thinking and thinking and thinking and depressive symptoms that affect cognitive function so we know that stress is bad for your brain and we know that part of what happens is stress leads to an overactivation of the lyic system and one area in particular in the lyic system the amydala here's why that all matters and how it ties back to time and nature a 2022 study took 63 otherwise healthy subjects scan their brains in a functional MRI while looking at scary faces then had them go for a walk either in a city or in a nature Escape Got Back back in the functional MRI looked at the scary faces again and rescan the brains what they found was that after the walk in nature there was a significant reduction in the level of activation of the amydala which is what you want you don't want a highly active amydala if you're stressed anxious fearful have poor memory this usually equates to an overactive amydala and if you're relaxed and poised and other wise healthy this correlates with a lower or normal level of the amydala activation and along with in this study the decrease activation of the amydala they found improved attention and enjoyment in another study similarly they found quoting here we found evidence for associations between nature exposure and improved con function brain activity blood pressure mental health physical activity and sleep sleep exposure to outdoor environments May reduce the negative effects of stress so the reason why we want to spend time in nature is presuming that like anyone else you have some stressors in your life and so what can you do to mitigate or buffer those stressors a great thing you can do is go for a walk in nature and by the way the nature Escape doesn't matter a very interesting I I think a timely study from late 2023 found it wouldn't matter if it was Forest Lake ocean Woods parks there was benefit with any of these nature Scapes and so the recommendation would be get two hours or more per week in nature and this is associated with improved brain health but even living near forests and oceans living near nature escapes has been associated with a reduction of death from any cause so this Blue Zone and green zone hypothesis as it's known uh is is something that we really want to take note of and as best you can try to get time in nature we have discussed diet and trying to make sure that we absorb nutrients from our diet but also that we have a diet that's adequate in vitamin B12 iron and protein one good diet to achieve this not to say it's the only diet but one that I like is the paleo diet because this will have adequate protein in most cases iron B12 but also polyphenols the these are antioxidant compounds in fruits and vegetables that will reduce brain fog or improve C function and have also been shown to reduce leaky gut and so this diagram gives you a nice overview of the paleo diet you're going to have Protein healthy fats fruits and vegetables really simple sort of dietary template you could also insert into here a Mediterranean diet you're going to have a slightly different balance but you'll hit a similar end point and just one study here looking at the paleo diet a 2017 randomized control trial 30 patients with diabetes were given no intervention or the paleo diet plus exercise and they found a 6% increase in volume of the hippocampus in those following the paleo diet now here's an important point this 6% Improvement in the hippocampal volume this brain area that's responsible for memory and conversion of short-term to long-term memory this improved irrespective of exercise so it's important to keep that in mind now to be careful it could also be the these improvements these brain health improvements could have occurred due to the fact that these people presumably were eating less and getting to a better sort of caloric balance and lost weight and had improvements in their insulin a diet plan that's going to be replete with protein vitamin B12 iron and polyphenol is a good Target one not the only one would be a paleo diet for you to consider okay the final component here I would truly be remiss if we did not at least briefly touch on is addressing chronic infections a part of me the the the scrupulous scientist inside of me hears that and says quackery BS right because what sometimes happens in healthcare is these very vague syndromes are blamed for everything and they become sort of this this ethereal Boogeyman that is the source of all your problems there's a balance here to be struck I don't think everyone has chronic infections and I don't think that all or even most symptoms like brain fog are caused by chronic infections however there's likely a subset of people for whom this is at play bear in mind that everything we've talked about thus far will make you and your immune system healthier and therefore should help help your body naturally on its own be able to fight and overcome some sort of chronic infection here's a few data points long Co onethird of these patients experience brain fog that being said I have some major reservations with some of the long covid research full disclosure I have not been following this data very closely but I have been following some of vigy prasad's work who is a Hematology Oncology doctor at Stanford who seems very well reasoned and his perspective which I find logical is a lot of the associations with long covid are confounded now that's not to diminish anyone's experience who may be noticing long covid or long covid like symptoms but I just want to be careful to share my perspective which is I'm open but I'm also a little bit scrupulous and I'm scrupulous with your best intentions in mind because I want to be careful that we don't create a thing to blame everything on and forget about what might be some really actionable things you can do to improve your health like we've outlined in this video including brain fog epine bar virus is another one that we should just briefly mention now again a thing here I've struggled with is if you test people for epine bar virus almost everyone is going to have some evidence of that on their blood work and this is because 90% of people usually have epine bar virus in their system it's kind of a normal resident if you will how do we know if that virus has gone from dormant like chickenpox right if you've had chickenpox that vir or youve been vaccinated against it that virus is going to be active at one point and then your immune system is going to be able to suppress it and hold it in a dormant state so how do we know if someone has reactivation of a virus that your body normally keeps dormant well for Chickenpox you'd have shingles all right so that's you'll have a rash you'll have tingling pain EP bar virus it's a little less obvious in terms of there's not great agreement in how we look at blood tests and adjudicate well this pattern or level indicates reactivation and this pattern or level does not there's really not agreement but you can take stock of your symptoms now check out this this data point we know that epsin bar virus antibodies will increase following stressful events now this includes academic testing in a couple studies and the stressors of military training in a few other studies there's at least a somewhat admittedly speculative case that if someone's been under a lot of stress that stress may have led to reactivation of epine bar virus and I'm actually empathetic to this because this is part of the storm that I was in after that sixish weeks of not being able will fall asleep until 4:00 in the morning I'm fairly confident there was also a layer of viral reactivation that was leading to some of my symptoms which included brain fog but there was others part of where my perspective comes from on this and I want to say thank you to Dr Jenny duanan who was on the podcast a couple years back and we discussed chronic viruses and she had mentioned that olive leaf and cemento AKA cats claw can be effective antivirals now this is an area where there's not much study probably because there's not much funding and we're limited to animal and invitro data but nevertheless for either one of these compounds olive leaf or cemento there are data demonstrating antiviral and sort of immunomodulatory impacts now as a quick Duos I also tried valacyclovir which is a antiviral that may help with Epstein bar they used it for shingles they use it for herpes and I had fatigue and joint pain from that medication so this is why my preference I'll be at partially biased by my own personal experience admittedly is to look at the natural compounds so what happened when I took the olive leaf and the cemento within 4 days my energy was noticeably noticeably better now hang on before you run out and just say Well I'm fatig let me try olive leaf and cimo you want to think about your situation if you're not exercising and you're eating a poor diet and you have chronic bloating and abdominal pain then this is probably not the protocol for you if you've had a high level of stress or poor sleep then this might be something to consider and if you want to do a deeper dive on that search my name and Jenny Tankian or just search my name and viruses and you should be able to find that podcast with a show notes with a short list of the symptoms that would indicate you have have a viral reactivation Pea in lalin is a supplement that may be helpful in Long covid 2022 clinical trial 69 long covid patients were given this supplement and they saw a decrease in brain fog severity leading these researchers to comment as follows the effects of pea and lalin likely stem from reduced Central neuroinflammation and the dose they used was pea 700 Mig per day and ludan sorry um 70 milligrams per day so uh there you have some options for post covid brain fog and a natural protocol if you had a lot of stress and you suspect something like Epstein bar virus might be reactivated with due cautions due to the fact that there's a little bit of speculation in that protocol okay so to sort of close everything out as I said before if you have brain fog do not suffer with it any longer there are lots of things you can do as someone who's been there twice so the labored thinking the feeling of incoordination slurge speech poor memory uh unable to remember names facts figures solve problems these are super unpleasant they're an indication that something is wrong and there are lots of things that you can do as we discussed nutritional B12 iron protein polyphenols perhaps a paleo diet gut health one of the easiest things you can do is probiotics hormone moral Health male and female ashwag and black kohos lifestyle exercise sleep and shinin Yoku or time in nature neural inflammation aceto ALC carnitine infections not limited to but olive leaf cat claw n pea lalan l i struggle with this one um any in any case work the problem okay take this one step at a time take stock of who who you are and what you have going on in your life is stress exercise sleep are these lifestyle variables the ones that seem to be the most out of place or are you doing all those things but you're recovering from a bout of stress and perhaps antioxidants would be helpful might you have tingling or might you have had anemia previously are you having low libido or PMS right so bear all of these things in mind or some OB things like indigestion reflux abdominal pain constipation diarrhea don't do all these things at once and if you need help myself and our clinical team would be more than happy to walk you through how to personalize some of these to your life and your situation but again do not suffer with brain fog it is very able to be remedied and certainly not something you should suffer with one more day than you have to all right this is Dr rouso hope this helps [Music]
Channel: Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC, DNM
Views: 9,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beat brain fog, brain fog, brain fog treatment, how to treat brain fog, how to cure brain fog, cure brain fog, brain fog treatments, brain fog relief, what is brain fog, how to stop brain fog, how to beat brain fog, brain health, gut health, health science, diet, lifestyle, healthy, brain health diet, gut health diet, probiotics, paleo, paleo diet, brain health supplements, supplements for brain health, dr ruscio
Id: Tk_ICGk0RwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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