8 Tips for Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50

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[Music] hi there Robin Indiana with ageless women living and we want to talk a little bit about some tips that are gonna help make your intermittent fasting the most effective that it can be so you've gotten some of the best things maybe gotten started here's some things to keep in mind one be flexible be flexible with yourself with your schedule this is not cut in stone it's your design so do what you need to do must days you making it an intention to do a 16-hour fast and let's just say on one end you're feeling great at 16 hours why break it if you're doing great that day push it another hour push it two hours to that magic 18 hour number where the benefits even maximize more or the converse is true as well you've intended to do a 16 hour fast and you're maybe at 13 14 hours and you're struggling now I'm not saying don't push through on occasion but within reason maybe you have a really important presentation with your job or you have some extra stress in your life that day that might be the day that you just say okay I'm gonna break it now a little bit earlier than I had planned the other thing is rewire your thought process around fasting a lot of times people will think of fasting as deprivation and all of that but you know what one of the things that I really enjoy about the fasting is I only typically eat two main meals that day and so I don't have to think about a third meal I'm gonna have a few snacks but it takes the pressure off takes I mean I get all that extra time and even the time gonna take to eat you know sit down have a meal and skipping one of those meals typically I can do something else I can have more prayer time I try and spend time doing more exercise whatever it may be well speaking of time a lot of you are really busy and you might be thinking well it's gonna be a really busy week so I'm not going to intermittent fast for image this week actually that's a great time because just like what Robin said last time eating less time prepping sometimes the busyness is a great distraction because we're not often as hungry as we think it's the habit of eating more hours of the day that takes some time to change and so when you're busy you're not thinking about it so much right and let me tell you what I think one of my little habits that I want to make sure that I do when I'm fasting is actually exercise for a couple reasons one it takes up time when I'm not eating I could be exercising the other thing is when I exercise my hunger diminishes during that time that I'm exercising and at least an hour or two after my exercise my hunger is really diminished now when race they exercise it doesn't have to be anything hardcore it can be go for a half hour or 45 minute or an hour walk it can be doing some circuit training with some weights it's very very doable most people are worried oh I'm not gonna have enough energy when I'm fasting that is not the case I exercise all the time on an empty stomach I'm in a fasted State and I actually have quite a bit of energy and endurance during some increased result in exercise will increase your results and news Robbins said listen to your body it's not necessarily the day for your highest intense exercise sometimes it might be as you get better and better and intermittent fasting it actually might enhance your higher intensity workouts well let's talk about the converse of exercise rest and sleep studies show that people that get good rest and consistent seven to eight hours sleep at night do have a better time losing weight and keeping it off and fasting as well you're going to do a better job when you're fast if you're well-rested one of the things that happens is when we're really tired and low on sleep hours our body's constantly saying I need energy I need energy and sometimes it falsely converts that to I need food I need food so getting into good sleep habits is important anyway but especially important during fasting so practice some good healthy sleep habits and that's a subject for another day but well I know if you didn't get good sleep the night before and your intention is to eighteen hour fast you may just say to yourself you know what I think I'm just gonna go for 14 hours today and I'm going to eat a late breakfast and go with that yep so our encouragement is take some time to figure out what works for you this is a journey of discovery it's a journey to determine how your body responds to certain times of the day certain foods that you break your fast with and it will take it will take a while let's talk about that the types of foods that you want to be eating when you break your fast what most people tend to do are actually thin motes but some people tend to do is they tend to eat very high concentrated density type food heavy proteins a lot of fat maybe more a higher carbohydrate and they forget fresh those fresh fruits and abundance of vegetables and remember your body has been doing what's called a tapa G it's getting rid of that waste material recycling those old ugly cells that the body doesn't need anymore fruits and vegetables will help cleanse that out of your system so make sure you're getting a lot of that especially in that break fast meal yeah don't be the over compensator that when I've been starving myself for 16 hours no permission to eat anything it's it's not like when we hold our breath and we haven't been breathing for a minute then ulsan we take another breath and what do we do we binge on air well we don't need to binge after a fast in fact that is once we want to work against binging on especially unhealthy foods and as Robin said bringing in some healthy foods so what you eat is important when you break your fast and even though there are people out there that will intermittent fast and you know then they'll just eat whatever they want they're not going to get it's good of results as if they're following a really good healthy diet plan and that's what some of our clients have done they've incorporated the intermittent fasting with our Aegis woman diet and are having phenomenal results feeling energized feeling younger losing weight losing that getting a relief of joint aches and pains and all sorts of different health benefits well if you think about it you're giving your body a break from digestion getting all those positive benefits of ketones and cleansing now you've got to nourish your body and give it the building blocks it needs to build new healthy cells and those cells are only only gonna be as healthy as what the building plucks you're giving it are called food real food so here's what a couple of our clients have said debbie says I've noticed since I have been practicing intermittent fasting that food is losing its power over me that's awesome powerful Tracy says I've been doing intermittent fasting for quite some time and started doing it especially to get rid of the stubborn pounds when I was really close to my goal weight more than weight loss I noticed more mental clarity and a lot of energy before I start eating for the day that's just one of many women who are telling us this is working for them it's really easier if you haven't started it's easier than you think I just want to mention one other tip that can help you with your intermittent fasting and I think we mention it in one other video but it's this hunger control supplement it's a new supplement on the market called Lavinia there's no stimulants to it basically what it does is it tells your gut to send a message to the brain I'm satisfied I'm not hungry and Danna I just think that it is I love it when I'm not fasting but gosh when I'm fasting it just really helps me get over any hunger it has taken me from being able to easily fast maybe 12 or 13 hours to now being able to fast 16 17 18 hours with essentially no hunger which it just makes it so much easier to stay on the path and get the maximum benefits from fasting so we'll provide a link in our notes so that you can learn a little bit about Lavinia if you're interested and just encourage you take the time to figure out what's going to work for you because intermittent fasting can be a continual part of your everyday life and not only get you lean but keep you late [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lean Healthy Ageless
Views: 40,969
Rating: 4.8957348 out of 5
Keywords: Intermittent Fasting, Fasting, Keto Diet, Ketogenic, Fat Burning, Belly Fat, Healthy Diet, I.F., Fasting for Women over 50
Id: HETA_39dMIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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