8 Times Chumlee Scammed The Customers | Pawn Stars

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eight times Chumley played the sellers hard hey everyone and welcome back to the screen e1 compared to the rest of the Pawn Stars Chumley certainly isn't the best negotiator out there but not all of his deals are a total train wreck he's been in the business for long enough to learn a thing or two especially about the items that he's passionate about chum is actually an expert when it comes to pinball machines video games and comic books and deals usually go smoothly when customers show up with one of these items that's when he really gets into the zone and proved to the world that he's not as incompetent and dumb as everyone thinks he is let's take a look at eight times Chumley played this sellers hard before we reveal the moments were Chum finally got a chance to shine make sure to subscribe to our Channel spider-man comic wow this brings back memories several high-profile celebrities appeared on Pawn Stars over the years including the legendary Stan Lee it wasn't one of his most memorable cameos but it still made a huge impression on the fans of this reality show the whole thing started off innocently with a regular customer coming in to the store to sell one of his amazing spider-man comic strips Chumlee was pretty impressed especially after seeing the signatures of Marvel Legends Stan Lee and John Romita but he had to make sure that the comic isn't fake he asked the seller to join him during the meeting with an expert as the two were negotiating the price while waiting in the queue the guy was asking for $10,000 but eventually settled for 5,000 before meeting Chumlee source it turned out his expert was none other than Stan Lee he remembered the comic and confirmed that he was the one who signed it Chum shook hands with the seller on his way out and went to the back of the store to give him $5,000 buying the comic for half the price probably felt great but it was just the icing on the cake after meeting Stan Lee number 7 Rick's 60,000 Japanese katana what sort are you talking about the one who dad said don't sell now we're really funny it's no secret that Rick Harrison is a big fan of Japanese swords but so is the UFC president Dana White he made a quick stop at the world famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop while looking for decorations for his weapon room this happened around the same time when Rick was finally reunited with his favorite katana he sent to Japan over two years ago so it could be fully restored chum and big Hoss were there when the sword arrives and both were a bit disappointed to hear Rick saying it's not for sale that didn't stop Chumlee from disobeying his orders once Dana White's walked into the store he was pretty desperate to impress the UFC president and offered him a katana that actually belongs to Rick Chumlee was asking for $40,000 but agreed to sell it for 30,000 after white offered to spend another 30,000 for a bunch of other swords they shook on it but Rick was furious after hearing someone bought his favorite item from the store he went out to confront the mysterious customer but once he realized it was Dana White he ended up selling him another traditional katana for $9,000 number 6 US Open themed Gibson guitar no you're alright give me a week I'm not gonna call somebody next time blame sellers hard doesn't always mean you made a good choice and that's certainly what happens when Chum bought this strange guitar the original owner Kevin got it as a present from someone who knew he's a guitar fan but this piece was so hideous that even he couldn't stand the sight of it Chumlee was Hertz from the start since he knew Les Paul is one of Gibson's best models and he believed it would make for a good collectible item it was a US Open themes guitar after all and even featured pictures of several tennis legends including Andrea gassy and Billie Jean King instead of calling an expert after Kevin asked for $5,000 Chumlee kept on negotiating on his own after going back and forth for a couple of minutes the guy agreed on a new price Kevin walked away with $3,500 and Chum couldn't wait to brag about his latest purchase once he showed it to Rick hands guitar expert Jesse Amoroso he didn't feel so confident anymore the big boss thought the instrument was hideous and Cain's the conclusion that they won't be able to sell it without losing money number 5 super mario statue give me a number I could work with man I'm trying to make a profit here 750 way too much bro when Caesar walked into the world famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop with the Super Mario statue he was most likely there to make his girlfriend happy unlike millions of fans of the classic video game she wasn't so fond of this statue so her BAE decided to sell it Chumlee was impressed by the item because he grew up with Mario and Luigi like the rest of 90s kidz security guard Antoine was even more amazed by it and he didn't even complain about carrying the heavy statue into the store despite his love for Nintendo Chumlee couldn't tell how much it was actually going to be worth he knew people building home theaters and game rooms would be happy to buy it but didn't know how much money they'd be willing to cash out Caesar asked for $1,000 but everyone in the room immediately knew that that's too much even Antoine intervened and said the statue has four too many scratches to be worth more than a couple hundred Chumlee agreed it's not in great condition and offered five fifty instead Cesar couldn't say no to that and left the Mario statue behind his girlfriend was probably pleased to hear he got rid of it after he took her out for a nice dinner to celebrate the sale number four psycho TV watch psycho TV watches were all the rage back in the 80s and one of them has even featured in the James Bond movie Octopussy starring Roger Moore when a guy named Jason visited the world's famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop with this watch in hand Chumlee couldn't hide his excitement the original owner won it at a raffle at the jewelry store but his parents weren't too crazy about it he was about 10 at the time and only played with it a few times because they put it back in the box that's probably why it stayed in such amazing condition but Chumlee still didn't think it was worth as much as Jason wanted to get for it he was asking for $800 in return but it was obvious the pawn star wouldn't raise the white flag because he knew way too much about this item he even mentioned selling the same kind of watch for $300 in the past and paying more than that would be crazy Jason tried to convince Chum that they're going to score more money on this one because it's in better condition but he just wasn't buying it at the end of the day they settled for 175 dollars and Chumlee was pretty pleased with that especially since he was thinking about keeping the watch number 3 Babe Ruth meds I see him for a thousand 1500 on all kinds of different websites but they're not selling for that price I see these sell for six to seven hundred dollars Babe Ruth went down in history as one of the greatest baseball players of all time that's part of the reason why fans of the sport can't wait to get their hands on one of the collectors items that are connected to him in any shape or form no wonder why the original owner of the Babe Ruth Signature Collection mitt hopes he'd get one thousand dollars when he opens the doors to the world's famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop he even did the research online and knew exactly how much money to ask for but Chumlee proved to be a tough cookie to crack he explained that the prices online tend to be misleading and people usually get less money than they're asking for buying it for around one thousand dollars would mean losing money and that wasn't something Chum was prepared to do the customer didn't make things any easier by refusing to admit how much he spent on the glove in the first place buts the eventually met halfway the original owner walked away with four hundred and twenty five dollars in his pocket and Chumlee got a Babe Ruth's signature collection glove in return number two Dennis Rodman jerseys Dennis Rodman jerseys they're all game warrant how did you get these I was once married to Dennis whoa what a lady walked into the store with a bunch of old Dennis Rodman jerseys Chumlee was suspicious at first because he didn't know how she could have got them it turns out she's an ex-wife of the famous NBA player and wanted to sell them so she could pay for her daughter's tuition since the jerseys had sentimental value and Rodman's original signature and he was hoping she'll get around eight thousand eight hundred dollars after selling them all Chumlee came to the conclusion that that's quite a lot of money and decided to call in an expert Jeremy brown joined them and agreed they're worth a fortune but not as much as Annie wanted the estimated worth of the jerseys was around $6,500 and Rodman's ex was hoping that they're going to settle on that some Chum explains he won't be able to sell the jerseys in their current condition because he'd had to spend a lot of money on framing them as well he offered $3,500 but Annie wasn't having it and Chumlee wouldn't back down either since she didn't have any time to look for buyers online she eventually walked away with $4,300 number one Victorian era saw handle pistols this gun aficionado showed up at the store with a pair of nickel planted saw handle pistols he was hoping to walk away with $8,000 in his pockets Chumlee wasn't ready to pay him nearly that much because one quick glance at the pistols revealed that they're not in great condition he noticed the barrels are rusty and a little bit damaged but the seller described these imperfections as patina of age Chumlee laughed it up and called Alex Cranmer to come in and share his opinion despite their rough shape the pawn star was hoping the guns have some historical significance and needed an expert to confirm it it turned out the pistols were made by Alexander Henry the renowned gun maker from the Victorian era Chum couldn't hide his excitement after hearing the good news and felt even better when crammed there said that they're worth less than the asking price after going back and forth the seller agreed to give them away for $3,300 and it turned out Chumlee made an amazing deal since the pistols eventually sold for $42,000 at an auction in 2016 make sure to subscribe to our channel for more amazing content and don't forget to check out one of the other two videos on your screen
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Keywords: pawn stars, pawn stars full episode, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars season 16, pawn stars chumlee, pawn stars scammed customers, pawn stars rick harrison, pawn stars the old man, pawn stars items, pawn stars biggest offers, pawn stars scammed sellers, pawn stars fake items bought, pawn stars scammed, pawn stars fake items, review, top 10, top 5, countdown, viral, new, education, entertainment, kid friendly, family friendly, thescreeny, the screeny
Id: gv7gNLUAGzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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