8 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Driving Fast

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[Music] buckle up buckaroo [Music] eight things you're doing wrong when driving fast so we're juggling three oranges while driving blindfolded in the fast lane count here yes okay I thought so now you might find yourself driving fast if you're late for work need to be on time for an appointment or want to get your destination as quickly as possible even if you stay under the speed limit there are certain things that can put you at risk of an accident and should be avoided keep watching to learn how you can drive fast and be a responsible driver for yourself your passengers and other cars in the vicinity and don't forget to click the subscribe button and turn on notifications to join us on the bright side of life counting down from number eight turning the steering wheel incorrectly the way you turn the wheel while driving fast can be crucial a lot of people use one hand or put one hand over the other to make a turn if you want to turn right the proper way is to push the steering wheel with your left hand and pull it with your right hand if you drive fast you're at a higher risk of getting into an accident which is why you need to be mindful of your car's airbags and how they respond if your airbag is deployed while you're turning a wheel with an incorrect movement the force of the airbag could send your hand flying into your face and cause serious damage to avoid this just remember to use the push and pull movement and though it might look cool never turn the wheel with just the palm of your hand or your thumbs number seven coasting now coasting is dangerous by itself if you ant speed the danger only increases when a car is coasting it's moving forward without using a lot of power or effort and you lose any braking assistance your engine provides coasting can be accomplished by holding down the clutch pedal or setting the car's gear in neutral accidents can occur when drivers fail to use the accelerator and brakes and just let momentum do the job coasting might save you some gas but it will make you lose throttle if you're making a turn on the road the wheels will no longer be controlled by the engine which might make the car bend too fast or make a turn that's too wide and of course if you're driving downhill the vehicle will basically be free-falling and will quickly gather speed this will force you to slam on the brakes in hopes of restoring control number six not keeping your eyes on the road bet you've heard this one before from your mother this one might seem like common sense but it's more important than ever when driving at high speeds nothing should be distracting the driver visually in a six second period drivers who take their eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds in which time a pedestrian could cross the road traffic could come to a full stop or an animal could get in the way other visual distractions like using a GPS or trying to change a song on your iPod can lead to serious consequences if you aren't mentally engaged with driving that can also lead to accidents if your mind is elsewhere may be thinking about your grocery list or your to-do list for the day and you're speeding at 50 miles per hour you might miss an important stop sign or not realize that the light changed from green to red number 5 distracted driving when you think of distracted driving you might think about driving under the influence texting or talking on the phone however something like playing loud music can also affect your response time a study conducted at Memorial University of Newfoundland found that listening to loud music can slow down someone's reaction time by 20% that is a critical amount of time and it could prevent an accident so what exactly would be considered loud music just about 95 DB and since typical car radios can reach 110 DB and some can go up to 170 dB this situation happens more often than it should number 4 listen to your favorite tunes loud music isn't the only thing that can distract you your favorite songs at a normal volume can also do the track music is known to reduce stress and anxiety and improve memory so there are plenty of upsides to it but blaring out your favorite songs while driving fast might not be such a good idea a 2013 study conducted at ben-gurion University in Israel tested 85 teenagers on their driving skills while listening to music while listening to their favorite songs 98% of them made errors while listening to easygoing music like soft rock or jazz only 77% of them made mistakes so if you're driving fast it's best to keep the radio off number 3 staying too close to other cars the recommendation is to double or even triple your distance between cars a good way of judging this distance is if the car ahead of you passes a landmark it should take six seconds before you pass it many drivers don't take into consideration that as you increase your speed you should also increase the distance between cars for every 10 miles per hour there should be four car lengths of space a greater distance gives you more time to react to a dangerous situation reaction times vary from person to person if you drive fast and the car ahead of you stops in a short amount of time you'll have to decide whether to keep accelerating or brake and whether to go straight ahead or try to veer to the side it usually takes between 0.7 and 3 seconds for a person to react with the average person reacting in about 2.5 seconds and keep in mind that if you drive too close to a car this could be considered tailgating which is illegal in many places number 2 driving fast despite bad weather conditions when the weather gets bad like when it's raining or a huge amount of falling snow threatens your visibility it's time to slow down unfortunately not everyone does that the speed limits on roads are meant to be used in ID or dry conditions so it's necessary to slow down for winter weather even if you feel confident that you can avoid a patch of ice and keep control of your car it isn't just about your control but about everyone else's on the road to other vehicles might hydroplane or stop suddenly if you drive fast you'll have less time to react and you might panic and slam on your brakes if you're driving in the snow this could make your tires lose traction and fully take away your ability to control your vehicle it can take four to ten times longer to brake on ice then on dry asphalt normally a car traveling at 60 miles per hour needs a minimum of 240 feet to come to a full stop but this distance increases significantly in wet conditions number one incorrect hand position in the past people were taught to keep their hands at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions on the steering wheel but triple-a and the National Highway Safety Administration have changed the guidelines it is now recommended that people hold the wheel at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions if you hold the steering wheel with one hand or hold it lower than recommended perhaps at the 8 and 4 o'clock positions this will lessen your control of the car having control is of the utmost importance while you're driving fast in case of an accident having your hands high up put you a greater risk of injury if the airbag deploys remember that your safety can't be guaranteed if you're driving over the speed limit it might be better to be a little late to your meeting than risk getting into an accident like they say better safe than sorry so tell us bright ciders are you guilty of doing any of these things let us know in the comment section don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to stay on the bright side you
Views: 3,867,330
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Keywords: fast driving, driving mistakes, driving tips, driving hacks, steering wheel, car, distracted driving, coasting
Id: Nen9Vdatpik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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