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Hi guys, welcome back to my channel! Today we're going to be talking about 8 things that are making you ugly. I am seriously not materialistic, or conceited. I promise you that looks are not everything, that is not the most important thing in life, but with that said, we all really do like looking and feeling our best. And, not to mention, you clicked on this video. Let's just get started. Okay, before I get started, I do just want to say a huge thank you to everyone out there that purchased the Shea necklace. So, this is the Shea necklace, I collaborated with Miranda Frye Jewelry, and I'm so excited about it, I'm starting to get so many tags on Instagram, of you guys wearing it and loving it, be sure to use my discount code if you end up buying it, a few people have messaged me saying they forgot to use the code, you just save 10% and get free U.S. shipping, so just don't forget to use that. But yeah. Today I am just wearing it doubled up like I normally do. The last video I posted I did have it long ways. So, yes, I really love it, and I think you guys are too. So, thanks so much. Okaaaay. Now we really are gonna get into the video. And the first thing I want to talk about actually has to do with me. This is, this is what I did that was making me "ugly". Maybe I wasn't like "ugly", that's a harsh term, let's just be real. "Ugly" is a harsh term...I don't even like it. But there are just so many things out there that you keep doing and you don't even realize that, it just might not look so good. And so the first one, I'm just gonna' point myself out... Last year I had yellow hair. I mean YELLOW hair. I would say that having blond hair is really, really hard. And people kind of need to realize that. There's just some things you need to do if you have blonde hair. So I'm gonna' be inserting some wonderful footage of myself. on my YouTube channel...actually I'm pretty sure this is a video that might even have millions of views, but as you can see my hair is freaking yellow. So what I should have been doing is using a purple shampoo. Which I did start using and it really did make a huge difference. I am gonna link my favorite purple shampoo down below-not sponsored by any means. It'll really kinda' tone down your hair, and make it a more real, natural blonde. But I did end up deciding to go back to my brunette. Which is kinda' my more natural color, because with filming YouTube videos and having lights shining on me it really enhanced the yellowness of my hair. In real-life I don't think it was nearly that bad. Which is probably why it took me so long to realize. But, yeah. So, if you have blonde hair out there, just kinda' take a step back. If you need some purple shampoo, try out the one down below. So for those of you that appreciated me inserting some awful footage of myself with terrible- looking hair, be sure to hit the "subscribe" button down below to make me feel a little better. We're almost to 3 hundred thousand subscribers. (kids shout, "Yay!' in background) and I am so excited. So that's like right down there. You just hit the "subscribe" button it's totally free. I mean, hey, if you need a minute that's totally fine You guys good? Yeah. Okay. (laughs) So the #2 thing is smoking. By this point, everybody knows how bad smoking is for your health. There can be like the hottest, most attractive guy in the entire world standing on the side of the street, and I can look over at him and if he starts lighting up a cigarette, all of that goes out the window. So if I feel like that about certain guys, than it probably it's reversed for women as well. and I'm not trying to be mean in any way, because I know like I've never smoked, but I know that it is so hard to stop - and it kinda' like follows you along. And it kind of haunts you in a way. So it, it's just really hard. But, you know smoking does...it causes wrinkles, it causes yellow teeth...it just makes you physically less attractive. Not to mention everything internally that it is not good for as well. Anybody out there that does smoke, then, positive vibes to you guys. I'm sure you've probably tried to stop and it's really hard. Well, good luck. Mwah. The #3 thing that I personally think can actually be not so attractive is huge lips. I'm pretty sure Kylie Jenner is the one that really, really, REALLY started this trend when she got lip injections in her lips when I think she was 16. Now, I am not saying anything bad about getting lip injections. If you wanna' get them by all means you should get them. I honestly think sometimes they really do improve people's appearance. But like so many other things in life, you just kinda' have to go about it in a cautious way. And just make sure that you keep it kind of balances with your other facial features. Huge, crazy-big lips, they just don't look right. So if you are gonna' do it, go ahead and do it. Just try to go slow. You can always add a little bit more. Just don't go over-board. A blow- fish probably isn't what you are going for. #4 thing that can make you totally ugly...and I'm gonna' actually just say ugly. what that is, is gossiping. K. It just isn't pretty. A-gain. you can be the most beautiful person in the entire world, but when you start gossiping, you're just plain ugly. You can have a wonderful, charming, amazing personality, and the second you start talking about women across the room and pointing out their flaws, your image and what people think of you drastically drops. And one thing I like to remember, and it's kinda' just food for thought, If someone is talking to you about someone else, just imagine what they're saying about you behind your back. And I totally understand, like, you know, sometimes when you're with friends it's really easy to just start talking. You're actually just talking about a situation or whatever. So I understand it can sometimes it can be really hard, and you can kind of fall into the trap really easily, and I get that. I'm not perfect either. But it just kinda' depends on your heart. and kind of where you're coming from it. So if you kinda' find yourself starting to talk negatively about somebody and they wouldn't want to know what you're saying, just stop, just try to change the subject, and I think with time it will get a little bit easier. And then your image-both outward and inward- is beautiful. The #5 thing that can really change your appearance either for the better or for the worse is eyebrows...or the lack there of. I've definitely mentioned this one on my channel before...maybe not in the exact same way. But eyebrows are so important. They're just a feature that I fell like are often left behind, but really frame your face, and they really define your facial features. Yet so many people just kind of ignore them, or kind of forget about them. So very similar to your lips, do not go overboard with the eyebrows. That, that can not be good. But you don't want to ignore them either. So a trick that I like to do is, I actually have an eyebrow pencil brush. This is an angled brush, and I do use this Anastasia of Beverly Hills brow powder. I definitely have talked about this on my channel all the time. So I will link it down below. It comes in a lot of colors. It depends on your hair and your skin tone of which color is best, but I personally love a brow powder. I'm not a fan of the pencils. So a quick tip is to make sure your eyebrows align with your nose. So you can just take your makeup brush and just make sure it is straight up and down with your nose. So that's where they should start on the inner side, and then you angle it again with your nose. About 45 degrees and that's where they should end on the outer edge. Another tip that I like to do, is to make the eyebrows a lot darker and sharper along the ends. And then you just blend and make it a lot more faded towards the center and that makes it very natural and less harsh. So just take a look at your face. Some people don't need to do anything at all. And others might be surprised at how this little change to their makeup routine will make such a drastic difference in their overall look They'll be pleasantly surprised every single time they look in the mirror. The next thing that can make you look less attractive is long and stringy hair. So not only does our society have a tendency to think that that people with big lips are amazing, they also have a tendency to think that long, long hair is the best. And that's probably why hair extensions are so popular these days. And, yes, I do have fairly long hair. I've had long hair for quite a while actually. And I'm sure, honestly. Pam, are you watching this? Pam from work. If you are watching this, I know you think I should cut my hair. But I feel like I have a few years left of my long locks. So I'm just kinda' running with it for now. But anyways, back to my point. There are some people out there that are just so stuck on having long hair that they just never cut their hair, and it does start to get kinda' long. But the ends are just really stringy. There's split ends, it just looks really bad. So hair that appears thick and healthy is what's pretty and attractive. So if you do have long hair then just look at your ends...make an assessment. Is it stringy? Are there split ends? And then go schedule a hair appointment and fix it. And then the next thing that is making you very unattractive without you even realizing it is sugar. Some of you may or may not know that over the last 5 years I have completely eliminated sugar from my diet. Ok, not completely. Yes. If it's in ketchup, if it's in condiments, things, things like that like if it's hidden sugar I'm, I, I probably eat it. But desserts like; Cakes, cookies, ice cream, anything like that I do not have it. Like at all. It's definitely really hard. It took me about 3 to 4 weeks to get over the hump. Kind of like that hump that we talked about. I'm sure it's not as hard as smoking. But it took me a while, and now I don't even crave it. I don't even think about it anymore. So sugar has been linked to; obesity, impaired immune systems, tooth decay (which is why I stopped), cancer, diabetes, the list seriously goes on and on and on. I don't think people realize how bad, just so bad sugar is for your body. But it also has a terrible, negative effect on your appearance. It causes; wrinkles, it reduces collagen production very rapidly, it reduces skin elasticity, it causes varicose veins and broken blood vessels. And sugar also leeches minerals from your bones in your body. So, that effects me, as far as my teeth go. But it also contributes to gray hair. I mean, we really need the minerals in your body and sugar just steals that from you. Maybe on certain days, or maybe just certain meals or the day you just cut it out. You will help improve your appearance long-term. The very last thing that is making you "ugly" is lack of sleep. Okay, okay...I know this one is one you totally thought I would say, and I hate being predictable. But this one is important, and it, it's just a huge factor in our appearance. And guess what? I suck at this. I do not get enough sleep. So the average human being needs between 7 to nine hours of sleep every single night. I only average like 6 hours on week nights, and then maybe a little bit more on weekends. So, I'm not like terrible. But I'm not good by and means. So the reason that sleep is so incredibly important for our appearance is because that is the time that our body can rest, and it allows our body to replenish and regenerate our cells. All day long we are exposed to toxins, free-radicles, chemicals, so many things that are bad and just breaks down our body. And we just need that sleep for our body to repair itself. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of studies our there proving that people that don't get enough sleep age twice as fast as people that do get enough sleep. You're gonna' have twice the amount of aging. Like; fine lines, pigmentation, wrinkles, dark circles, etcetera. So again, I need to take my own advice. Try to get an extra hour of sleep every night. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. But there is a reason why they call it "beauty sleep". Alrighty, so that does it for this video. I hope you enjoyed my 8 Things that are Making You Ugly. You're not ugly...I don't really man like that. I've gotta' title these YouTube videos well...you know what I mean. So anyway,you're not ugly - but you know what I mean. I hope you guys learned some things. If you did, please hit the "Like" button. And be sure to subscribe to my channel down below. Hopefully, soon, we can get to 300,000. That'll just make my summer! Make sure to comment down below. I love hearing from you guys. But otherwise I will see you very soon, in my next video. Bye. closed captioning provided by angie bemus designs, Canandaigua, NY
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Views: 2,754,213
Rating: 4.2749987 out of 5
Keywords: 8 things making you ugly, things making you ugly, make you ugly, bad habits that make you ugly, things that make you ugly according to science, according to science, how to look more attractive, instant ways to look more attractive, signs you're ugly, less attractive, more attractive, things that make you unattractive, how to look prettier, how to look hot, hacks to look more attractive, how to look expensive, tips to look expensive, things women should never wear
Id: Lmx6WKxpQSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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