8 SITUATIONS NOT TO USE DIFF LOCKERS #difflockers #4wdlockers

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diff lockers here are eight situations you should definitely not use your lockers and situations where you should use your lockers oh my God using diff Lockers in the right place at the right time is the ultimate game Cher when it comes to four-wheel driving however using the diff Locker at the wrong place or the wrong time can lead to drive line failure example number one of when not to use high stress and high loadad situations at speed momentum is key when you're off-roading however too much momentum with a lot of load on that drive line and you're running lockers that generally leads to a snap a bang a Crunch at some point it may not happen today but it will happen one day just like this Mischief Towing uphill underload on a steep incline this cost me an axle and it ended my trip it's always painful learning the hard way the diff Locker is the one single traction a that can turn a stock full drive from zero to Absolute hero clear as day evidence that rear Locker makes his vehicle so damn capable outperforming big rigs with plenty of mods unless of course they also have diff lockers like this one does but if this didn't have diff lockers a stock four-wheel drive with lockers front and rear would outperform this believe it or not how do a diff Locker improve a vehicle by so much and what does it actually do I mean even a stock vehicle can benefit so much from a diff Locker diff lockers make up for the lack of contact with the ground uneven terrain your vehicle may not Flex much just like most modern day full drives for example wombat holes lack of contact with the ground causes opposing Wheels to slip the lack of wheel travel exposes the flaw of the open differential I mean that's all good but how does it actually work it locks both axles and both wheels and forces them to rotate at the same rate the vles on jack stands to demonstrate how a locker works right now the locker is not in if I hold this tire jono is still spinning on the other side however if the rear diff was locked we would be fighting each other on which way to spin it right now we can free play we can spin it whichever way we want the diff Locker switch is on but it hasn't engaged yet now it's in spin the tire on her right now if I'm trying to lightly hold it I can't he spins it this is going to in same here so basically now we're fighting each other locking the differential by activating the diff lockers forces the wheels to rotate no matter what and why doesn't a standard differential do this already a differential is designed for vehicles when they're turning to allow the outside Wheels to travel further rotate more than the inside Wheels cuz think about it when you're going around a roundabout or a traffic circle if you're in the US and you're watching this the outside wheel is going to travel further than the inside wheel if it didn't allow that it'll be skipping and it'll be binding up your drive line and that is why we don't use 4x4 or we don't lock the center diff on a vehicle when we driving on the pavement or on the bitchman but I think most people who are watching this know that already but this is a great example if you are driving on a high traction surface Offroad that is relatively smooth and flat where you are not going to be lifting wheels and releasing the bind up you will incur bind up tire wear and eventually one day that wear is going to break something in your drive line don't use diff lockers on high traction surfaces on the flip side for example High traction uneven surfaces bit like rock step UPS or hardcore full driving if you want to call it that or a simple step up like this because you are climbing up and down and your wheels are going to be leaving the ground you are releasing the bind up tension that's inside your Drive Line cast your eye on a passenger front you can see it's releasing bind up as the wheel lifts up if the wheel doesn't lift The Binding stays within the drive line it's fine to run front and rear Locker just be a bit selective with the front Locker many modern four-wheel drives lack so much Flex that they will lift wheels constantly so they will release bind up tension all the time front locker and rear Locker do you need both no you don't you can just have a front you can just have a rear or you can have both but what really matters is how you use it for example exle the front Locker can also become a steering Locker if you're heading up a hill and it's got a bend in it don't use the front Locker for that behind me there are four options only one of those options is a dead straight line on that option you can use a front Locker on its own or you can use front and rear the other lines however I would suggest you don't because the front Locker is going to restrict your steering and when you get to the halfway point you're not going to be able to turn the vehicle and if you can turn the vehicle it's going to be stuck that said however use the front Locker when necessary so you may come up to a section where the rear Locker is not going to do it or you know it's not going to do it then engage the front locker but be prepared to disengage it immediately when you don't need it because they can take some time to pop out again as soon as you are out of the situation where you think you need the locker turn those lockers off and turn them off a little bit earlier before you are going to turn so they have time to disengage out there we go it's out once you've reached the top you also got to get down at some point so what do we do downhill for example when I go down steep hills first of all I put it in low range and if I need low range to get down a hill that means it's really steep in which case I will engage the rear Locker because it's going to assist in keeping the vehicle dead straight every time I will put the rear Locker on Sand Junes muddy Hills if I'm in ruts any Hill really doesn't matter on the terrain going down Hill engage that rear locker but never under any circumstances engage the front Locker going downhill you're going to tighten up your steering and you're going to have less control do not do it on top of that you are adding all the extra bind up and weight on the front axle because you're already going downhill gravity transfers the weight to the front axle it's a weaker differential and you are really loading that up never ever use front Locker downhill so far it sounds like the rear lock is far more useful and important than the front Locker not many people need the front Locker it's not necessary nor is the rear locker but if you have both that is the ultimate of all traction AIDS and if you got them you'll love them especially when bogged on the beach for example if you start bogging down you can slowly creep and wiggle your way out in first gear low with front and rear locked without them you'll need to get those recovery tracks out a lot earlier which brings me to the next use of lockers for example most Factory lockers if not all lockers only activate when you are in low range for low however some aftermarket lockers do allow you to put it in two high or four high and of course four low I strongly suggest and strongly recommend you do not use a locker unless it is only in low range putting it in high range is not only dangerous at high speed especially the front Locker could you imagine that it also increases the shock load that ends up going through the whole drive line if you are driving a low range you can fa to clutch a lot more cuz you got first gear low second gear low but if you need to start off in first gear high or second gear high and you're changing gears you're shock loading the entire Drive Line a lot more only use Lockers in four-wheel drive low on top of that at low speeds for example heavy and sudden acceleration puts heavy shock loads on your drive line or you have a section you need momentum you need a bit of speed to get through it I would not use the locker the locker is there for controlled driving it's all about control and it's all about going slow slow and steady wins the race if you are using speed you are using momentum you likely don't need a locker lockers are for FIV footing around on tricky sections speaking of loading up Drive lock for example if you are stuck between a rock and a hard place yep just like I am right there if you don't know what's holding you back and you're on a hard surface get out investigate how the vehicle is stuck if it is wedged and it's not going anywhere what you are essentially doing by locking those diffs you are putting more stress and more bind up the result of that situation cost me an axle and a flange on the end of it twisted and I skip the couple of teeth costly exercise another example of this and many people do it never use a front Locker when you have full steering lock because you are putting immense pressure on your CVS on your twisting axles you're putting way too much stress on them when it's a front Locker in a hard situation at half lock to full straight anything beyond that I wouldn't recommend it there are many ways you can break your vehicle if it's wedged and you're using lockers you are locking the bind up you're locking the stress and torque within the entire drive line there's no Escape well there is an escape and that's why things break speaking of things that are snapping have you seen the video 10 ways to destroy your drive line if you haven't it might be worth checking that one out so far we've spoken a lot about lockers but I guess who needs a locker instead of saying who needs a locker or who must have a locker what about who benefits from a locker for example anywhere anytime when traction is low and you are in four low low range a locker can benefit in mud scrabby loose rocks soft sand anywhere where there's loose traction except for a particular situation for example if you're on a side slope of loose sand or loose rocks you do not want to be using a diff Locker there not a front and not a rear Locker the problem you'll have the vehicle will want to slide downhill and that's because of gravity whereas if you don't put the locker in on a side slope the upper wheel is going to spin more than the lower wheel and that's because there's less pressure and there's less resistance on the higher wheel because all the weights on the lower wheel you put the locker in you're going to slide sideways think of a car doing a burnout with an LSD diff who will benefit from having a diff Locker I'm sure some of you have many questions which locker is best air Locker e Locker Factory Locker Auto Locker those are things that need a deep dive video on their own if you would like to see that comment down below and thanks for watching it's time to go
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 159,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, ronny dahl, how to 4wd, 4x4 off road, 4x4 off road extreme, diff locks, diff lock, diff lockers, differential lockers, diff lock land cruiser, diff lock jeep wrangler, diff lock vs 4x4, diff lock hilux, diff lock explained, when to use diff lockers, 4wding with lockers, diff lockers explained, diff lockers how and when to use, diff lock vs no diff lock, off road fails, 4wd lockers explained, 4x4 locking differential, 4wd lockers
Id: wkA9_vjQGhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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