8-sec, Stick Shift Corvette BLEW MY MIND!! + GT350 Winner Announcement!

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what is going on guys welcome back to yet another bonus upload today is the day that honestly a lot of you guys as well as us have really really been waiting for we are calling the winner for the gt350 today so as you guys know our giveaway with the gt350 just ended not too long ago today we got a winner and he is in san antonio texas so we're gonna call him let him know that he won and see what he thinks every time that we do this my palms get so sweaty and just heart racing it's so nerve-wracking his name is michael toscano your call has been forwarded to an automated boy hey michael you won this is always the most awkward part we're just trying to give you a car man your call has been forwarded all right third time's the charm michael answer the phone your call has been forwarded well we have no answer yet and we call that a fourth time or do we leave it and just wait i'm afraid that he's just going to call back in a little bit be like yo what's up and then we're not going to be recording yeah i don't think he's going to answer what if he works night shows all right i guess we'll wait a little bit and see if mr michael calls back hopefully he does call back because we've got this very nice car to give to him but uh and monies yeah and i forget about the money yeah yeah a lot of monies but anyway i guess we'll wait in here so hopefully he calls back i'm going to be it is the mic on yeah like sean okay yep he just called back what's up hello hey is this michael yes this is hey man this is gavin from missjustice6 how you doing today i i'm doing pretty good hello yo yeah hey man i was just going through a bunch of the followers instagrams and everything we saw your instagram what kind of car is it that you have again uh i have a 1988 uh box body oh yeah that's pretty sweet that's the only car you got uh yeah as well right now i had a uh back in 2016 i had a 2014 uh 5-0 but i had to get rid of it because uh well my wife she had uh got pregnant so i had to get rid of that i got a couple mustangs but just you know with having a couple kids i had to get rid of them and stuff like that so this one my 88 i'm building it's it's been about a year and a half that i've been building it so i got you hell yeah well how'd you like the mustangs whenever you had them i love them man they were um i've had more of like old school or like the the fox body like style uh mustangs i've only had the 2014 uh that's probably like the newest one that i've had okay i got you so you've never had a s550 or anything i guess no okay well i was just calling to let you know that you got one now yeah man you won our gt350 giveaway we're actually sitting right here in front of the car and we're sitting in front of a camera right now calling you to let you know that you won dude no no [ __ ] way oh literally like it is a the car now has 4 000 miles on it it's a clean title car obviously there's not a single flaw on the entire car and you'll be getting a check for 15 dollars with it oh my god bro oh i just figured i would call you and let you know that maybe you would have a little bit better day today if it wasn't going too well already you don't even know i'm sorry forget it also man ah you're good man i completely understand that 2014 lesson i got back in 2016 my grandmother helped me get it and this year she recently passed and it's just like i wanted to get one so bad well hell yeah man i'm sorry to hear that i really am actually do you have an iphone by any chance yes i do you mind if we facetime you real quick yeah let me i was actually i actually worked uh last night uh so i was asleep so i'm so sorry we literally we told we were thinking whatever we called you we're like this man probably works night shifts we're gonna feel so bad for waking him up you don't have to if you don't want to i was just gonna facetime you and show you the car real quick so that way you can see it yeah i want to see it give me one second while you're getting dressed or whatever how does this is always something that like goes through my head is because i've never been on the receiving end of this so like how what is going through your mind right now like how do you actually feel knowing you just won a gt350 with that low of miles and that much cash dude i feel i feel shocked bro like there's i i literally talk to my wife about it probably every time i watch one of your videos no kidding hell yeah like i'll be standing outside and i look at my car because it's all black can i tell her can you imagine at that black gt350 in the garage i was like man that would be dope dude actually i didn't even think about that that's gonna be sick they're gonna be like twins except for obviously two completely different generations that's actually gonna be pretty sick exactly and uh my my fox buddy it's a 331 uh with the vortech on it oh wow that is actually really cool hell yeah it should be it should be pretty decent as far as power wise but yeah i can uh okay i'm dressed now sorry i want to see all right we're going to play real quick what's going on man how's it going how's it going yeah we got all the cameras and everything set up and uh yeah so check it out you ready yes yes i'm ready oh my god that's awesome all yours oh my god that is i had to take that this is my wife right here in my bait my baby boy oh congratulations here shortly you'll have something pretty cool to take a ride in but yeah we got recaro seats in here this is a track pack so it's a manual it's got big brakes and everything oh my god i'm shaking man honestly me too dude and no lie this is not even we have not cleaned this engine bay since we've gotten this car this is just actually how low of miles it has on never in a million years like i stand here like this is literally what i bought right here and i still have it on my thing because i was gonna buy a frame for it what no way this is what i bought from you so i was just like i was i haven't put it uh put it into a frame yet you know i was gonna do that here shortly but i have that and then i have a frame of my old car that's my that's my very first car oh that is that's then here's mine right here damn that is clean yeah man i just got the bumper painted and everything on it too so it's uh it's gonna look it's gonna look better it's a little messy in here right now but it's gonna look badass with the gt350 in there that's crazy dude that is gonna look really awesome oh yeah oh my god dude i'm shaking bro like this i'm sure it's pretty wild we've we've talked about this so many times of like trying to imagine what it would be like to win something like that because it really is like just truly life-changing but i've [Music] i ordered it on july 4th when you were doing that no kidding yeah so it was the was it the 1776 yeah so you got it off of a poster during the 1776 hell yeah yeah so when i ordered it jose man hopefully hopefully and then i think i think it was the which one was it i think it was a 2007 uh shelby that tried yeah we're giving away i was like man i would love that one because our friend of mine has one and uh so when i tried to win that one i was like okay i didn't win it i said oh man that's why you post the video and i was like oh okay so i didn't win you know what i mean yeah but well i'm glad you came back and ended again that's something that i tell people all the time yeah because you would be surprised because people think if they enter in one and then they don't win they're never gonna win but like so many of our winners so far have been like dude i've entered every one of them and then they finally win so that's awesome to be able to hear that you finally got one dude yes oh my god dude i appreciate it so much man that's oh yeah for sure man congratulations again thank you i appreciate it well with that being said uh we'll get some more pictures sent over to you that way you can look at them until it gets there but uh in the meantime um nick is going to be reaching out to you and he'll be getting all your information and stuff like that so that way we can get the whole process started and we'll try to figure out a way to get that car to you as soon as possible man yeah that's that sounds great to me man all right dude well have a good afternoon and we'll talk to you later i appreciate it kevin have a good one man bye everybody i am sure that he is like about to get off the phone and take off running down the road screaming hangs up yeah i really would dude he's gonna call somebody probably yeah kelly's buddy if she's got car buddies bro hell yeah one more giveaway winner down i can't get tired of doing this this is really like i don't even know this is like my favorite thing in the entire world to do honestly stay updated we'll keep you guys updated on what happens from here but with that being said let's get into today's video [Music] good morning guys it is a saturday at 8 30 in the morning i'm up here at precision car care at my detail shop not doing any detail work today though believe it or not sean and his uh turbo corvette are on their way up here and today we're gonna be wrapping his car so i haven't wrapped a car um but one time in my entire life today is gonna be number two the first one was our last giveaway car the frs came out pretty good so i think i should be able to get his car pretty easy no problem at all honestly and he already got the whole entire thing disassembled and got it ready to go so you guys are pretty much just hanging out with me for a saturday so [Music] it drives huh yeah if the starter charger while ago the starter wouldn't engage right like the clicker it wouldn't like hit the actual flex plate and just sit there and spin down and kid mess it up huh you can't mess it up i don't know i think maybe so that was soft i'm gonna pull up just a little bit all right so shawn just got here in the trailer and everything we're gonna get his car unloaded out of here get all these body panels get the wrap get all of our tools that we need out of here pull it into the shop and get started wrapping this thing if you guys haven't already subscribed to sean's channel i've seen his instagram go check him out at the next show this thing looks something like off a death race with all the body panels what in the hell that's pretty dope play the clip of the little kid i literally just played this game in my shop to get it loaded really [Music] i've never heard that before it's horrible [Music] [ __ ] you're almost try it again it's gonna do it this time watch the camaro that thing looks wild without a front clip i love kids but damn yeah yeah oh almost it's it's gonna start like it's just a matter of time so anyway while shawn tries to get his corvette started oh look hey my girlfriend just pulls up in her mustang sean you need a mustang [Music] don't you [ __ ] put this in the video you [ __ ] i'm just cleaning the limbs off sean also dude this is [ __ ] crazy back whenever it's so loud back whenever i have my corvette and i really wanted to do a bunch of stuff what i'm holding right here in my right hand was like my dream and this is a carbon fiber zr1 front fender so these are wider up front oh my god these are wider front fenders up front and i made a completely carbon fiber he's got a complete carbon fiber front bumper sleek carbon fenders it's gonna be pretty cool once we get done with it today if it'll ever get moved into the shop are you pushing it yeah i'm pushing hey don't worry about the camera just set it down for a minute oh damn okay we're gonna go ahead and get started prepping the thing which essentially we've just got to go through front to back and wipe down every single thing on the car with alcohol i'm trying to do a really solid wrap on this car so we're gonna do it right somebody didn't even want to disassemble the damn thing hey i'm glad you did i literally just i took so much stuff off and i looked at it i was like yeah i think that's it yeah man he literally told me you literally said like get the mirrors off and i forgot about that now the handles took like two seconds so i guess you guys are probably curious about what color we're doing in the car so check it out it's pretty cool [Music] it's like a pearl satin white almost honestly it's pretty cool [Music] let's go [Music] see now typically on edges like this there'd be rubber seals and stuff like that here and it's hard to get it underneath it and most people would just cut it at the seal but then you can see the silver underneath it and it just looks tacky so now we've actually got the rubber seals completely pulled off we're going to wrap inside of the door and then replace the rubber seal over the top so it's essentially like we're painting the car almost with wrap it's pretty cool all right we're getting sean's door jambs done this door jam is a little tricky so i'm doing it in a few different pieces to minimize stretching of the vinyl itself so that way we don't have anything bubbling up like we barely have going on right here there's a piece that keeps bubbling up but i think if we keep laying it down i'm pretty sure it'll stay aside from that we're trying to stretch the material as little as possible so i got another piece laid down here on this door jam got some lifeless tape behind it so watch this i'll just pull it down follow the path that i traced for it there we go now i'll take a knife at the exit [Music] all right check this out whenever we pull these off now we'll be left with a few seams and a fully wrapped and protected door jamb now you can see the line that follows down here is practically invisible because it's the same color material so no silver will be visible at all from the side of the car until you open the door obviously and see down on the rocker panel and everything on the inside if you wanted to get real fancy with it you could actually do that too oh yeah you definitely could wrap it all that would just be but we're trying to get this whole thing done today so all right guys one side is pretty much completely down almost we've got that rocker panel down there underneath the side but look at this rear fender oh my god let's do a soft close of the door and see what that looks like for the first time holy [ __ ] what do you think sir that's what we're probably halfway done what time is it um it is 4 41. so we've been six hours so that's going to be about 12 hours at least there'll be a we still got the hardest parts to do though yeah this is gonna be like a 20 hour job of it let's do it keep going [Music] this is our first glance now this monstrosity is about to start coming together for a race car it's not too bad yeah not too bad for a little race car this is gonna be the prettiest race car i've ever seen yeah that much all right we've got both of these rear fenders completely finished up both the doors all that good stuff so sean's gonna go ahead now take the rear bumper get it fit back onto the car and this is gonna be the first time that we're gonna see it pretty much coming together at least from the rear parachute cable through oh my god yeah i'm gonna be honest you craziest that carbon fiber with the white looks good as [ __ ] so here's the deal look for everybody that's watching this video right now we're gonna go ahead and do what sean wants but i want y'all to hear what is gonna happen here this fender you see how it looks up against the white we've been trying to convince him to leave the front cap at least the majority carbon fiber exposed and then just do like the front nose piece and white basically we're gonna cover up the entire carbon fender except for these little fins right here but we've been trying to tell them that it would look better it looks good i just can't stand that heart that this this hard transition from white flag i'm the carbon guy okay like i have carbon inside you're the carbon guy he's got a carbon fender and a carbon a [ __ ] carbon plate dash plate you're the carbon guy [Applause] yeah i got like a little carbon trim plate right there i got a carbon bumper oh nice i have a car made of carbon fiber man you didn't have to do that i just want you but now we're gonna see we're gonna see oh dude oh lev what's up dog v6 engine what's good what's good all right guys as you know we've been wrapping shawn's car for the last few days so about to be time to see it go to the front i got it parked in the bay door so it'll be all epic when the bay door comes up oh you and your fancy automatic doors huh oh dang paul's orbeez yeah i found this gem it's emoji [Laughter] yeah i want to go ahead and say i personally have 30 to 40 hours fight up into this car of my own time so damn hey that is bad that thing is [ __ ] crazy and you got a whole interior in here now too yeah always here your stick shifts back into them see that this thing has it's only a four speed yeah so it's like one so that's weird three four all right and you can't go in reverse but you put it like that's basically like the reverse solenoid yeah it's just reverse lockout so whenever you're going on the track you put in second like you can go far top right you ain't got to worry about hitting fifth you ain't got to worry about hitting reverse yeah that's pretty dope see what i'm saying yeah so you only need for gear technically if it's geared right anyway yeah it is so it's geared to do like 204th so basically check this out [Music] c16 cold start i guess question mark i'm just running a second ago [Music] when the big black guy gets his car started at the track [Music] [Music] [Music] i've never been that close to it i thought we were getting shot at i was hitting the [ __ ] deck and running yeah no kidding hey i'm gonna be honest man i got weight turned down wait turned out yeah it's only like uh 10 pounds it's probably making like 900 a thousand it's a little bit less than that really yeah it probably makes like a thousand on like 18 19 really yeah damn but you're on that ford platform we make a thousand on eight pounds what 700 feels like in this car is yeah i don't know i mean i i can't push a button and it's like nope race car god this [ __ ] lexan [ __ ] windshield jesus christ i normally don't ride with people because i don't trust people and i'll be honest i really don't trust sean but feel any better every single time i ride with him i'm afraid of my life every single second it makes me feel great actually i appreciate it no the only reason why i don't mind in this case is because even if we get in a [ __ ] wreck i am very well protected in this car so i'm okay with it whatever i'm here to get in a wreck well tbh you really should wear a helmet whenever you got this much cage ready but we're not going to wreck this car because not if your head can't touch it well my head could touch the left all right how do you do the side stroke the left one through the through there first check this out the left one through the left all right now the middle one now you're right there now you're right top strap what the [ __ ] it's like a sandwich i know you used one like that he said it's like you know i've heard a lot of good stuff about cam luck but i've heard people that saying they come open like during wrecks and [ __ ] yeah i don't know this i ain't been in a wreck but i like the cam locks on mine all right we're not going to go very far we don't have that much fuel all right they exploited and it's like you have to shift it like you're racing and you promise me you're going to let out not trying that balls or anything [Music] nobody so oh my god the ships holy [ __ ] that's like one pound of boost i forgot to open that co2 bottle so boost gear first gear is six pounds of air on the dome second gear is gonna be uh nine pounds on the dome and then third gear i think it's like 13 pounds on the dome so just so you know okay [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here no [ __ ] dude my legs are literally numb this [ __ ] is light as and you can feel it yeah oh my god that was like maybe maybe like 13 pounds that straight axle son is freaking unreal yeah downstream and sucks in the faceplate but you feel how how linear like when i shifted it was like i did not let out yeah whatsoever it no i mean i knew it was gonna be fast but i didn't think it would be like that at all i'll be real like really that was so terrifying i know i know but that was so i'm saying even for the power that it's making right now that was way faster than it should have been that's what shocked me is because i was like oh yeah i know how much that power feels like i was like holy no i don't because like this thing is like literally oh we'll cut it off for a second this thing is literally like planting the tire as you're going down the street like you've got to sit up here yeah so it's like separating and planting the tire as you roll into power like the more power you give it the more it's trying to separate yeah so like yeah this [ __ ] is [ __ ] quick oh my god dad no no not i would do want to honestly but not before you go to the event okay after the event though i like i really want to drive this [ __ ] big [ __ ] oh my god dude i know that thing was fast because we started getting going i was just like nope i grabbed every bar i couldn't was like bracing myself yeah the camera literally [ __ ] couldn't even hold up i'm gonna try and tighten down all these and hopefully hey maybe uh i might have to hold it my hand scoot it down on the windshield to where it rests on the dash yeah that's a possibility oh my god this thing is so [ __ ] aggressive that the camera i don't even know if we're gonna be able to film this [ __ ] yeah that should yeah that should suffice oh my god dude yeah you wouldn't expect anything like that that was very narrow i know that [ __ ] is cooking like you can feel it as far as straight line [ __ ] goes i'm not even gonna lie that was probably the fastest potential i like you can feel that it has the potential to go so much faster oh yeah like and it will hold it and oh look yeah just that's scary you think about that on the prep side i know that's what i'm saying that's scary to me like holy it's literally like leaving on like i've got it set up last time i left to the track i left on 15 pounds now that was with the 5.3 now i have built motor in it so i'm probably gonna have to turn that down a little bit but oh no be careful in this [ __ ] at least the cage is in here that makes me feel better but like [Music] oh my god dude oh my god bro i'm like shocked bro this thing is light i've never been in a drag car that was just like before you got to remember the only drag car i've ever been in weighing 400 pounds it's probably like 3 100 with me and you both in it right now no you can tell you can really tell making that power it is like [Applause] no secret [Applause] [Music] what makes it what do you what are you turning it up to that was on like 9 10 pounds what do you turn it up to at the event uh probably 30. honestly on 30 pounds of boost it'll go yeah it feels like it would like dead ass it really feels like it should go [ __ ] seven i never thought i would say that about a car but this [ __ ] feels like a mid to low eight seconds can't drive a stick shift oh no it should really go ain't slow so yeah i'm really thinking so because when i just now felt straight up that was like you ready to feel something else ready spring oh that [ __ ] what is it okay remember it's too low it's too low we'll go in the shop in reverse how'd you get it in the first place i don't know bro i really don't it went in the first time but it just didn't go in that time it's too low i guess you're alive yeah yeah was i was i in control of my unit yeah no you were really in control i think the thing that shocked me the most is that like i was telling sean the only drag car that i've really ever been in was mine obviously so my car weighed 4 400 pounds making the same power that we just now felt pretty much and boy let me tell you uh 1500 pounds difference at the same power level is for [ __ ] sure it's very obvious dude i really want to go down the track in this car once you get it going like low eights i'm not even i want to literally like make a whole video cutting 120s and doing wheelies with my friends yeah literally like that's good it's gonna do it too that's crazy it's holy [ __ ] that is [ __ ] dumb god that is [ __ ] dumb hey i'm glad i can finally take you on a ride and thank you for the rap he's a professional rapper i'm really not if you look around the car you can tell i'm not he's like little dicky professional rapper all the st louis with his luck be safe we'll see you guys later [Music] peace and we'll see you guys on the next shift oh god i hate it i like oh come on bro no uh it's always something [Music] [Music] you
Channel: itsjusta6
Views: 418,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camaro, corvette, ls2, ls1, drag, race, lsx, ls7, z06, zl1, ss, chevy, hellcat, dodge, horsepower, supercharged, turbo, nitrous, fast, vs, Ford, Mustang, gt350, gt350r, racing, coyote, manifold, headers, tune, tuning, voodoo, tires, wheels, motorcycle, honda, rr, r1, r6, 500, bike, life, wheelie, crash, bikes, biker, compilation, Ducati, wreck, evo, ecoboost, bmw, s1000rr, single, cab, truck, Silverado, short, bed, lifted, slammed, lowered, mclaren, 570s, gtr, nissan, 720s, supercar
Id: XM-7YS2Ks5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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