8 Realistic Stable Diffusion Checkpoint In 12 Minutes – (Automatic1111)

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hey everyone I'm bite size genius checkpoints are one of the biggest factors which determine your art style in stable diffusion and there were so many to choose from it can be difficult to know where to start so why don't I show you eight realistic stable diffusion checkpoints with examples so you can hopefully choose one you like and begin making some fantastic pieces of artwork I've upscaled all of my personal examples to 920 by 1376 on the seed of 100 and I've used the negative prompts of the checkpoints provided via their own examples but I'm using my own prompts to generate a unique image for something fresh but like the video and give it to me bite-sized so the first checkpoint I'll start with is a personal favor of mine called absolute reality developed by lycon this checkpoint is quick to generate easy to use and produces fantastic hyper realistic results even with very simple prompts and prompting techniques OLX examples provided on the lovers page are using realistically rendered images so you may have difficulties aiming for something more stylized but I've moped up my own examples so we can see it in action and you can instantly see the beautiful DL from this image everything from the eyes to the mouth the sweat the reflections and even the strands of hair will select that artificial look have all been captured in a very hyper realistic way the armor looks a bit more like an image skillfully blended with some photoshop work but the face is pretty much perfect and the body can always get an in pain knowing that the more trickier aspects are done and looking at our landscape piece we have this well-lit laboratory this doesn't have the sharpness I would like but it captures so many elements from the light coming through the windows to the shadow of the leaves on the wooden cabinet and the way the light bounces onto surfaces within the shadows I'm sure you could upscale this image even further for a perfect and sharp render but this is a beautiful result and the concept itself looks like something that could be practically use by a natural scientist the next checkpoint we have is livial I think developed by cabin Duru and this one can do both realistic and stylized pieces as seen through the examples on their web page with short prompt requirements that don't need to be complex for a good result and in this example image I produce we have far less depth for field compared to other examples which helps the realism pop even further and it's not being hidden by a lower level of detail everything looks right from the eyes to the sweat and even the armor which lacks the imperfections like scratches and naturally occurring dirt but does the job of establishing That Base which can be worked on further the light is less intense on this piece and this is emphasized further by the dark background which helps the lights around the neck and head stand out moving on to our environment piece there's this lack of sharpness in the image and everything somewhat Blends into itself in a muddy sort of way I like the chairs and desks that are being added given a scene a somewhat Eco modernist look there's a huge amount of repetition and symmetry throughout the scene which draws your eyes to the bottom right leading to what could be an exit or perhaps a window I'm not entirely sure but it's a fair image probably suited to characters with a checkpoint actually recommends now edge of realism is an interesting checkpoint developed by orders level 4 plates because they don't show any environment pieces in their examples and instead opt for these hyper realistic pieces which are vibrant in their color a little more westernized in their art style that prompts using the examples look fairly complex so perhaps this isn't the best for beginners and the negative prompts look custom made but then it contain any embeddings or Laura's so you're probably good to swap those out for ones you prefer and taking it out for a spin we get a result that really does Justice to the term edge of realism because this image looks like a mix between a hyper realistic woman an adult you might expect to see chasing you through a dark Forest because you're late on paying you a parking ticket there's something uncanny that I can't put my finger on and I think it's in those inexpressive eyes and posture with screams do not activate me but despite the weirdness we have a brilliant result that captures the essential elements of a person despite the plastic look in LED lights but on the environment piece I was quite shocked because it seems to nearly nail the hyper realism and sharpness I've been looking for in the desk and chairs which are nicely detailed although I'm not sure what's going on with the ceiling and the trees look like two-dimensional images ultimately it's a decent that point which will probably do wonders if you work for a toy company but may struggle in other areas our next checkpoint is deliberate developed by xpect and this aims to achieve a semi-realistic art style as well as being capable of doing painted images reminiscent of a canvas painting and a hyper realistic style the downside of this checkpoint is that it requires some more advanced knowledge or prompting and detailed prompts to get a better result and the prompts can be fairly long but turning our attention to the organic piece we have a character that hits that semi-realistic style with the airbrush skin and hair with select the depth you would expect and instead of clusters together enough to sell the representation I haven't got any issue with the anatomy of the design or the lighting although I've noticed that the sweat miss her skin and we have these scratches on her cheek and I'm not sure what that's supposed to be on our environment piece we can see some really saturated colors with the blue sky and the green plants popping from the more desaturated and exposed backgrounds the entire laboratory looks like something a heavily dehydrated Snoop Dogg we want to work in and there's some duplication of assets with the table and the Blue Dome devices but it's still a good image that captures the details you would expect and with image to image you can probably randomize the assets a bit more to make it less uniform we have another checkpoint from lycon called dream shaper and this is another fantastic checkpoint this time aiming for a semi-realistic art style which can do 2D Styles as well as seen through the example images provided on the checkpoints page results can be easily achieved and we have only two negative prompts to worry about which simplifies things a lot if we look at our first image we can see a fantastic piece that brings a lot of energy in the lighting and design of the body which has far more variety than some of our other example images the saturation is also higher with the blue eyes glowing and the dark background helps the body pop which is nicely reflecting the light in different ways from the glass to the matte black and metal components but the background is incredibly bright so hopefully that wouldn't be too much of an issue to reduce but it does create this nice Rim around the character regardless or now the environment piece we get this almost Angelic look which has fantastic lighting to the point where despite the white you can see the clouds popping against the blue sky and there's a sharpness in the room which helps these little microwave devices and wires appear more clearly we also have a lot of flowers in the room which gives the place a feeling of overgrowth and abandonment the duplication isn't that big of a deal because it's less symmetrical and the counters look like something a scientist may actually use to analyze chemicals with the only element missing being a sink but this looks fantastic and it would be my go-to semi-realistic checkpoint for something reliable without a lot of leg work ghost mix is a semi-realistic checkpoint developed by Ghost in Shell which definitely leans more towards the colorful 2D art styles and a style similar to a concept painting you might see on deviantART for use in video games or Film Production and we also have some realistic looking environment pieces and images of non-organic Concepts it's quite simple to get a nice result as the checkpoint does most of the heavy lifting and the negative prompt covers most of the general anomalies you'd expect to see being dodged now if we check our resulting image we're seeing that two-dimensional painted effect coming through alongside the airbrush effects on the skin and the hair clustering together with different shades of light and dark to separate The Strokes the armor design came out really well although it lacks the detail and texture of variety and instead captures these large blocky shapes for the exoskeleton on our environment piece we have a very confused looking landscape where the floor is either missing or just extremely reflective and we have the greenhouse in what seems to be a conservatory but the colors and lighting seem to be washed out and it's difficult to Define where anything is in the scene so I'm not particularly happy with my result but you might get something better on a different seed Ace of your photo reveal created by zovia has another vibrant checkpoint which focuses mostly on Western characters but can also do environments in a photo realistic manner capturing details quite well with fairly long prompts for a good result as seen in many of the example images the face is in the examples provided have this similarity across their looks so hopefully this won't bleed over too much into our own images but looking at our portrait first we get this really colorful realistic piece where the blue is just shining through with various strengths alongside the brunette hair and pink tones on the face we can see our character's face looking similar to the example images in the checkpoint but it's not too distracting I can likely be fixed by referencing some celebrities there's also a good level of detail on the face with nothing standing out as odd except for these blue splotches which look like paint the armor is interesting because I've noticed that there's some texture intake in place where we have this acoustic light fabric lining the shoulder area and these tiny dents on the shoulder plate near the lighting alongside bolts welding it all together beneath the armpits there's more Fabric and it helps to break up the Solid Surfaces which I really love then looking at our landscape piece I really love how vibrant this is as we have a lot going on in terms of colors from the green plants to the red floor pattern and the blue devices which are perhaps mixing chemicals in this Observatory the light is bright but it doesn't wash out the image completely and I'm sure if we generate this at a higher resolution you can capture a bit more sharpness to help draw out those smaller objects and perhaps input some additional devices into the scene but I like this result which does colors quite well it's helping the scene feel a lot more vibrant finally 526 mix developed by 5t6 Christian is a rather Advanced checkpoint which requires some specific settings and a high sampling rate to get good results but this has the potential to provide some of the most photo accurate results of any checkpoint for realistic renders as well as being capable of doing other art styles like painted and 2D jumping straight into our portrait I noticed that on both the portrait and landscape there was this blurriness in the image and this was caused by upscaling the image by 1.8 but looking at both images we can see that the depth of field is pushing certain parts of the image further back helping close to areas pop such as these tubes which look very dark and Gothic alongside the shoulder plates the face has this contrast that gives us a comic book feel but captures details like the skin and the anatomy fine the colors are conflicting with the natural lighting but I'm sure this can be fixed with a different seed or prompt so the skin tones are more visible the body armor is very mechanical and complex looking but at a closer glance it's really just a series of tubes and plates without much structure and hidden in darkness so it's hard to tell if it practically makes any sense then looking at our landscape we get something that again has Symmetry and looks more like a museum than a scientific laboratory the Symmetry really draws a attention to the duplication of assets and some of the textures seem to be confused and appealing into the air the lighting is fine but nothing in this image is properly defined which is a shame and you would probably have to do some leg work to get this looking correct but to wrap things up there's a variety of good checkpoints out there to play with and this is but a handful which has hopefully helped to identify ones you might want to try out for your own projects but before you leave I want to shout out the supporters over on patreon and thank everyone for their support do drop a like before you leave the building and of course subscribe this is bite size genius and I hope you enjoyed
Channel: Bitesized Genius
Views: 19,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion checkpoint, stable diffusion checkpoint tutorial, stable diffusion checkpoints explained, stable diffusion checkpoint download, stable diffusion checkpoint anime, Stable diffusion checkpoint models, civitai stable diffusion, civitai models, civitai automatic1111, hugging face, stable diffusion models, stable diffusion anime style, anime model stable diffusion, a1111 tutorial, stable diffusion gui, Stable diffusion browser
Id: OfT6PqtWoBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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