8 Mistakes That Make Older Guys Look OLDER! | How To Age Gracefully

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as you get older you find yourself at a certain crossroads should you try to look younger or should you embrace the fact that you're aging now there are a lot of mistakes you can make as an older guy trying to look younger but did you know that there are some things that you might be doing that can actually make you look even older aging is fine and i think we should embrace it but you know we definitely don't want to look older than we are and in this video i'll be revealing eight mistakes that us older guys make that actually make us look older [Applause] i'm brian sakawa and you are watching he spoke style if you want to dress better develop your personal style and gain more confidence you've come to the right place because on this channel i give you all the advice and inspiration you need to do just that alright so we all know this guy i'm about to describe he's the guy you look at and are like man you know he was probably so cool in the 80s he pulls up in his trans am that's blurring white snake or dawkin he's got that perfectly feathered and parted hair maybe he's wearing a blazer with shoulder pads that are a little too big and you know you can almost like smell the mustiness of the 80s when you see him and this guy he's not dressing like this to be ironic like he's not some brooklyn hipster or something no what he thinks is dude i was the man in high school i got tons of chicks i partied i drove a sweet car and i still got it why change anything and that not adapting to the times is the first thing that makes us older guys look older the thing about this and i kind of alluded to it in my funny description of this hypothetical person is that there's a really strong mental component to all of this we've all likely had great positive experiences early on in our lives and it's natural to want to hold on to that like this was a great time in my life i just want to live here forever but unfortunately that's not how it works we have to move on we have to evolve we can't live in the past sure the clothing and hairstyle stuff that's part of it but the real issue is being able to mentally move on dwelling on past successes triumphs and positives to the point that it traps you in the past is not a good place to be things change and change is hard sucks but we know that change happens and the sooner you can wrap your head around that and learn to consider change as a way to improve yourself and a new challenge to take on to improve yourself then and only then can you start living your best life in the present now as we get older there are a lot of changes that happen to us and to our bodies most of them are very annoying things hurt i don't recover as quickly i get tired faster we kind of accept these things though and you know maybe we laugh about it a little bit but we pretty much understand that these are things that we can't really reverse but there is one thing that happens as we get older that some of us do try to reverse with the intent of looking younger however when we make mistake number two which is to try to cover up the fact that we're getting some gray hair we actually make ourselves look even older i don't know you know maybe there are some really good hair dye products and beard dyeing products out there but i feel like i can always spot the person who uses them it just doesn't look natural it doesn't match up with everything else that i'm seeing in front of me so it kind of looks like a guy who is trying to cling to his past glory and not accepting that things change that makes us look and appear older there's nothing wrong with gray hair or some salt and pepper you appear more mature you appear wiser and in fact i think a lot of women and men would say that men with gray hair or salt and pepper hair look even more attractive and sexier than guys without any gray george clooney sexy john slattery sexy pierce brosnan sexy brad pitt i rest my case now let's talk about a mistake that us older guys often make that makes us look older that is very easy to correct now you may have noticed as you've matured that your eyebrows have gotten bushier your nose hairs have gotten longer and your ears have spreaded hair of their own it's natural it happens but if you let it go not only is it kind of gross but it makes you look like an old man there are many easy ways to take care of this for nose hair there are any number of little grooming devices to choose from or you know you could use a pair of little scissors but just be careful if you do that ear hair also easy with a grooming device or electric razor i would caution you if you use a safety razor to shave and you try to use that on your ear because it's very easy to cut yourself and i am speaking from experience and then as far as your eyebrows next time you go to the barber ask them to trim them up they'll put the comb over them go over it with some clippers and you will look younger so you've probably heard the saying things get better with age or you know things get better with time and that's true of a lot of things like wine cheese whiskey great pair of jeans quality leather goods a cast iron skillet but for most of these things to get better as they age wine cheese and whiskey aside there's a certain amount of maintenance involved taking good care of these things helps them age well and also ensures that you are maximizing their lifespan the most important thing to understand is that this type of maintenance needs to be regular it needs to be routine it's not like you invest in a really nice leather briefcase use it every day beat it up real bad never maintain it or protect it from the elements and then one day 10 years later you're like what happened to this and is there any way that i can fix it because the answer is no once you get to a certain point with some things there is no going back now for some things like the leather briefcase example or a pair of shoes or a pair of jeans it's not really the end of the world if they wear out because we can just replace them with a new briefcase or a new pair of shoes or a new pair of jeans but when it comes to something really important like your face well that's not something you can replace and since it's also the first thing people see when they look at you if you're not taking care of it if you're not moisturizing if you're not using some sort of spf if you're not doing that general daily maintenance those effects are going to snowball out of control and you will end up looking much older than you are and skincare doesn't have to be a big deal but you do have to commit to the routine that is why i'm proud to partner with tiege hanley today's video sponsor because they make the entire process just so easy so if tees is new to you i would recommend starting with their basic plan with this plan you're getting all the important basic things that you need like a face cleanser an exfoliating scrub an am moisturizer with spf that'll help protect your skin against the sun and also a pm moisturizer which is really important for the repair process that happens while you're sleeping since we are talking about things you can do to keep yourself from looking older than you are i would highly recommend stepping up into tiege's level 3 system which is what i've personally been using and loving for over a year and that one adds in a firming serum and an eye cream you know when you get older there are a lot of things taking up your time and i've gotten to a point in my life where for certain things i just need somebody to tell me what to do because i literally don't have time to think about it so when i get my tiege hanley box and open it up and see that card that tells me what to do when to do it and how much of the product to use that itself is worth the price so in addition to great skin when you join tees you get tons of perks including at least 20 off the retail price the ability to customize your box shipping reminders pause or cancel at any time no hassle refunds free us shipping and low cost shipping to most other countries and because tiege hanley is sponsoring today's video they're offering you guys a great deal just click the first link in the description and not only will you get tiege hanley for the best possible price but they'll also give you a free gift with your first box click that link to get started for just thirty dollars so a lot of the things we're talking about here have to do with trying to hold on to the past at any cost but unfortunately when we do that we look older than we are and i would say the one thing and the one instance where this shows up the most is when guys start losing their hair now this isn't something that's a problem just for us older guys because you can start losing your hair at any age but if you're older and start losing your hair and start trying to cover it up with a little comb over and you know growing it longer on top to do the comb over mistake number five that just makes you look older there's definitely a mental component to this one as well you know you might think you're not as attractive as you were with a full head of hair you might think that women won't find you attractive anymore and basically it's over but you know what you are the only person that cares about this i've seen friends of mine go through this and let me tell you when they finally give in and just go with a tight buzz or even a complete head shave they not only look and feel more confident but they look younger than they did with the old comb over it's tough i know i get it but as hard as it's going to be this is a change that you need to embrace it's going to be a different look but i guarantee it will become your look and you won't look older than you are so i had this teacher in grad school he was uh he was in his late 60s good looking guy smart dresser but he wore the wrong shoes and it really made him look like an old man he used to wear these black new balance walking shoes with everything now when you get older maybe for various reasons you need some extra comfort when it comes to your shoes okay i get it but if you're dressing up mistake number six by the way and wearing comfort shoes you're going to look like an old man don't do it get a nice pair of dress shoes they could be oxfords if your style is dressier derbies if you're more casual but do not wear these comfort shoes when you dress up because that will make you look older next before i get to mistake number seven i want to talk a little bit about wardrobe in general there's a lot of conversation especially at our age about dressing age appropriately now what does that even mean what should someone in their 30s wear what should someone in their 40s wear what should someone in their 50s 60s or 70s where it is 100 a rhetorical question because there's no handbook for this so when you think about how you dress you should be asking yourself these questions how do i want people to see me do i prefer to stand out or do i prefer to fit in and finally and perhaps most importantly how do i want to feel wearing these clothes the answers to these questions are way more important than what you quote unquote should be wearing at your age if you're 20 years old and want to wear a three-piece suit there's nothing stopping you no one's gonna say you're too young to be wearing that now what kind of stinks is is that it really doesn't go the other way because mistake number seven that us older guys make that makes us look older is wearing trendy things that the kids are wearing trying to look younger will make you look older especially when it comes to younger style trends so you know instead of thumbing through the latest gq for some outfit ideas try searching through instagram because there are a lot of older guys who have great style and they look their age so if you want some recommendations for who to follow hit me up in the comments you know one of the best things about getting older is not really caring quite as much anymore for example the other night i had on this outfit my wife took a picture and she asked me if it was okay if she posted it to her instagram stories man i don't care people that follow her and follow me would would probably think it was funny i mean what's the big deal i'm at home i want to be comfortable i'm not trying to prove anything to anyone though i do think this is a pretty good outfit i mean look at it basically it's not like i've given up i'm not dressing like this when i go out like i don't care because once you stop caring once you kind of give up that will make you look older now i'm not saying you have to walk around with a suit and tie all the time but you should put some effort into how you look and how you dress now what is the best way to do that well first of all i'd recommend subscribing to this channel because it's literally what i talk about all the time and second check out that playlist i put together for you so these are outfit ideas that literally anyone can pull off they're not too dressy they're not overdone just things that you could wear every day and feel good about yourself and i want to thank tiege hanley once again for sponsoring this video reminder to click the link down below in the description to give tees a try for yourself and receive a free gift with your first box
Channel: He Spoke Style
Views: 137,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brian sacawa, he spoke style, how to age gracefully, aging men, aging, fashion over 40, how to look younger, how to look younger than your age, how to look younger at 40, aging gracefully, how to stop aging, how to look younger at 50, how to look younger naturally, prevent aging, look younger, how to look younger than your age naturally, age gracefully, look younger than your age, look younger tips, look younger naturally, reverse aging, how to look younger for men
Id: Apnwr1zqI5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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