8 Habits Of Successful People

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success means different things for each of us for some it might be financial success like achieving Financial Independence or becoming a millionaire for others it might mean having time to spend with your family and for somebody else it might just mean achieving a state of wellness and enjoying your day-to-day life well these are eight simple things that successful people do that the poor don't they low-key in Joy failure not just being okay with it but actually kind of celebrating it being proud of all the stupid things that you've done and the lessons that you've learned from them is a trait that I've seen a lot of really successful people have but successful people look at every single failure as a learning opportunity as something as a way not to invent the light bulb whereas successful people really understand that they might need to start and bail 20 different businesses and bearish themselves in front of their friends and family trying all these different things before they find that business that makes them a million dollars a year that changes their life their families lives that is rewarding and fulfilling While most people are too scared of failure and the risk to take all those shots successful people realize that failure is just part of the game and if you're okay with that if you're not worried about it you know within reason none of that just takes a lot of stress out of life when you realize that failure is part of success they understand leverage if you're out there lone cowboying it solo squatting it doing your own don't think there's only so much you can grow it's only so many mistakes that you can stupidly make and learn from there's only so much you can read on your own only so much experience you can have yourself only so much time of the day like for example if you have let's say a hundred thousand dollars to invest and you want to invest in real estate well you could either buy one property for a hundred thousand dollars so that totally went away with inflation but I'm using round numbers here because I suck at math or you could take that same hundred thousand dollars and you could split it up and leverage it pretty much get loans and buy four different properties now you're controlling four times more stuff with the same amount of resources and this applies to so many different things it applies to hiring people using tools like AI just setting up your life and and system so that not everything comes back to you but you can use other people other resources other people's money to compound what you have yourself instead of being limited by your resources and your time most people don't want to do this because they think that the solution is always to work harder which is just not the case to work smarter or to Leverage average and the same with investing where people will take far less reward if it means less risk but if you take less risk you deserve far less reward and therefore you might never reach Financial Independence because you were too scared to take any risks which totally makes sense because you worked really hard for that money you don't want to risk it but if you don't risk it you're not going to get a biscuit there's a saying that goes like that they must we all know that we should do something we should exercise we should eat better we should probably start that business we should probably read a book we have all these shoulds but then we don't end up following through and we get frustrated with ourselves but successful people understand how to take it from a should to a must and that is where change actually happens when suddenly that thing that we we probably should do we must do there is no other option that's when real progress starts like if you're attacking an island and you're leading your troops the best way to ensure success as much as humanly possible is to burn the ships behind you to make sure that there is no other choice to commit to every Monday at 9 9am I'm gonna upload a video no matter what happens for years on end that's how you actually stick with something long term and that's what I've been really doing for a while with a couple different areas of my life is in my mind not having it be a should but having it be something that I have to do and there is no other option and then just continually putting in the Reps by the way if you're enjoying this and getting any value feel free to subscribe it is free and every Monday at 9am I I uh post a video they read differently and to prove this I want to throw a few stats out to you 11 of rich people read for entertainment compared to 79 of poor 85 of rich people read two or more education career related or self-improvement books per month compared to only 15 of the poor I've talked about this before and honestly I think we all kind of subconsciously know that the more you read the more you can learn from other people's mistakes from other people's successes be inspired by some of the most successful people in the world spend years accumulating all of their knowledge and compounding it down into one little book that you can even skim it's life-changing we all kind of know this try to make it a habit read one page a day come into one book a month you can pretty much brainwash yourself over a year or two into being the type of person that you want to be just by staying inspired that way they protect their life and I I don't mean just from like wild animals and bears and uh cheeseburgers but I mean that they really pay attention to how they're spending their time their energy their resources because they realize we only have so many years and so much energy right now and while most people spend an insane amount of their time and energy earning time really just wasting it trying to get to the weekend trying to distract themselves from what's going on successful people realize how important it is how life-changing it is to focus on the time you have and use it to the best of your ability in a way I've actually been saving a decent amount of time and gaining a little bit of enjoyment is with the sponsor of today's video cook Unity now cook Unity is the first chef to you meal delivery service something that's been really fun for us is not only do we not have to cook every day and we can kind of have really high quality meals without having to go to a restaurant wait in line spend way more than we actually pay for these we're honestly not really as good of food but I've also been able to try so many different foods that I have never tried in my life and they are absolutely amazing cook Unity chefs offer a wide range of meals with over seven different dietary preferences including vegan paleo and gluten-free options a couple that I have tried recently is whole roasted sweet potato with lamb from Chef Anthony Nichols this one was seriously so good the other day Meredith had spicy whole chicken tacos from Chef Ruben Garcia that was one of her favorites and one of my favorites that I've gotten with pretty much every order because I love them so much is pork tacos from Chef October nawab how to say I could eat these like every single day subscriptions are super flexible you can pause skip weeks or cancel anytime if you guys want to check them out you can go to cook unity.com game bolts or use the link down in the description and use code Gable 50 for 50 off of your first order trust me it's wicked good they wake up early most of us know that the early bird catches the worm and all those type of sayings and I think we understand that it's a good idea to wake up early but in actuality it's something that's pretty hard to do but successful people realize that time really can change everything like most of us feel like we don't have enough time and yet at night we'll watch Netflix we'll scroll through our phones so even if you're not a morning person which I am not at all you can shift that time of watching Netflix at night into waking up one hour earlier and taking that one hour to start your side hustle to learn stuff to go to the gym all those things that you say you don't have time to do you do you're just choosing to waste your time doing other things instead even as somebody who's not a morning person I would still say that you don't really have a problem waking up early you have a problem going to bed early but when I made that shift to getting up earlier I started my YouTube channel I've started most of the things that I have become successful on it's because I take the first couple hours of the day I wake up before anybody else well the whole world's asleep and I focus on building a future for myself on bettering myself and that has completely changed my life and it's a thing that a lot of really successful people do they use repetition so why did Michael Jordan still practice two hours a day taking like a thousand shots when he's already the best in the world he's already Michael Jordan well it's because that's how he became Michael Jordan that's how you achieve most forms of success you see it's not enough to know something it's not enough to understand money to know how to start a business to understand diet and exercise you see most people will think that they know something because they read it well you don't really know that you understand it you truly know something when you actually take action on it when you do it when you put in the Reps most people get caught in this trap of understanding things but you don't get rewarded for understanding need anything you never get rewarded for understanding the stock market you get rewarded for investing in the stock market the same with starting a business with exercise it doesn't matter if you understand how to do everything in the world if you never actually go to the gym and put in some work you will not be rewarded and that's where successful people realize that in order to become a master in order to become really successful in any field you have to put in repetition after repetition until you become better and making progress becomes almost automatic it becomes something that you just do you don't think about stuff you don't read about stuff you do stuff they don't avoid pain in today's world most of our Lives kind of revolve around avoiding pain avoiding discomfort we're really not far from this but successful people realize that pain and discomfort is where growth happens life really begins at the edge of your comfort zone muscles are gained from going to the gym ripping them apart doing something hard and then they grow back stronger the same applies to almost every area of your life when you have an uncomfortable conversation that is something that needs to be said you can fix that problem you can grow that relationship when you do that hardest part of getting started maybe putting yourself out there on the internet and realizing that when something is uncomfortable when something's hard that should actually be an indicator that it's something that you should do if you never do that you just stick with things that are easy come naturally to you it's going to be really hard to grow as a person it's going to be really hard to become successful the whole idea of pushing yourself is to do things that aren't easy it's all stuff that makes sense but each individual choice is extremely hard to do so successful people really train themselves to lean into discomfort and into pain not like physical pain necessarily just saying you get the idea and if you want to become more successful then don't forget to subscribe to this channel I can't stress how free it is and if you decide that you hate me later you can always unsubscribe I'll see you next week
Channel: Gabe Bult
Views: 102,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things rich people do, success habits, poor people habits, habits of successful people, successful people
Id: YMqvuzbSNuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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