8 Fashion Mistakes You’re Probably Making! *must-see*

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel today's video is all about the eight fashion mistakes that you might be making now don't get offended by this video what honestly a lot of times when I make these videos I am inspired by myself I have done these things or I still do these things so I am no expert I am making youtube videos in my basement so let's just put that into perspective however I do think of these tips and tricks through these mistakes to kind of plant in your brain will have a positive impact on your style so I really hope you enjoy this video now for the sake of the YouTube algorithm consider liking this video and subscribing that really helps it just really helps things so I would love for you do that my name is Shea if you're new but let's get started okay so the very first thing is inspired by me we're starting off with me but you know what these days I feel like I have a better excuse because I am on YouTube and so I'm often buying things to show in videos and I am I show you guys you know what's available what I like whatever so I kind of have an excuse however this needs to be a big problem with mine and I often see others do it as well and that's buying the same thing over and over and over and over again and and I don't mean like literally the same thing but if you have 9 beige sweaters you probably don't need any more and that would be me yeah I'm all for buying what you like what you love what you'll actually wear however if it's if you have something that's basically the same thing you don't need to buy it again I know it's always fun to go shopping it's fun to online shop and we're always just drawn to similar things but just kind of be aware of your current closet and kind of make use of what you already have and that's it's a great tip not really a fashion mistake per se but kind of is and I wanted to say it so you're welcome the next thing is a fashion mistake though but it's very it's a minimal mistake it's it's actually like a subconscious subliminal thing that I think a lot of people don't realize but you can I'll fix it let's fix it so I'm going to show you two examples this involves when you're wearing a very light or neutral outfit from like head-to-toe but you wear black shoes and that's that's where we steer wrong go if that's their outfit go with light shoes as well it just it the whole thing is better um and I know this goes against all of fashion history because everyone says black is classic black is universal back is a go-to I love black and and I really do love black however it's very stark it's very bold it pulls the eye in and sometimes that's not that's not we want to do it kind of ruins the outfit rather than enhancing it you know this isn't the worst thing in the world however it's something that I do often see I think people just grab black shoes they're like oh this is easy like this goes with everything and it's not the best choice for that situation so sorry if I bursted your bubble about black but I like it but there's a time in a place like everything so number three inspired by me again as you guys know I'm sure a lot of you know I know as well that there's often a thread in the back of Blazers and you're supposed to cut the thread it all started with very premium high-end suits they would have this vent as they call it it's like a flap and they come usually with like an X and you're supposed to cut that X but it protects it while in the shop people like hanging up the Blazer putting it back on the rack so it doesn't accidentally get hung up with the vent or flap kind of up like this and it would just it would just make it look bad so anyway you are supposed to cut the thread when you get it home and I forgot I wore I wore this word this to work all day long I was at the end of the day I was actually at the coffee shop I was excited to go home and someone was like hey you stole the thread on the back of your blazer and I was like that's great because I have a fashion YouTube channel and I'm smart so anyway this is just a public service reminder to cut the thread hashtag cut the thread so when I was putting this video together I decided to ask my friend shout-out Lauren you're watching this I know it hi Natalie anyway that's her daughter but anyway she was like you need to address the million dollar question if you're making a fashion mistake video and that is do you wear leggings and show your butt or do you wear a shirt to cover your butt like you know just in everyday shopping you know like do you do that and I don't know the answer I'm here I don't know but I do have an opinion and I'm going to bestow that opinion upon you so if you're going out and you're gonna exercise you're gonna do some yoga you're gonna do something to get your heart rate up I think then that's your right away that's your free passage show your butt yeah but if you're but but if you're going to go shopping if you're gonna go to the grocery store I say wear a shirt that covers said but that's just my opinion everyday life it just seems weird to have your butt all out there for everyone to see again just my opinion but it is a question that I get asked a lot and it was brought up again so I thought I would address it here let me know in the comment section below what your stance is on the butt versus non butt legging situation now speaking of butts am I gonna get to monetize the next fashion mistake that we need to talk about is wearing the wrong undergarments and I I've definitely talked about this before on my channel but I feel like normally when I talk about it I am referring to butts and like the the panty line as they say and I actually don't mean that for this so let's just get that out of your head I'm talking about bras now we're moving north I think that a lot of people get very stuck on a bra that they love me included a lot of this is inspired by me like I said so I love my bras I feel like I wear them over and over and over again however things get stretched out or the other situation can be sometimes people do put on a few pounds and so that bra no longer fits it can either be too loose or too tight and so I'm just here to say that if you see your bra strap hanging down you could tighten it or maybe it's just already stretched out I'll insert a clip here I recently did a handbag collection video and oh man it was almost to the point that the whole video is ruined because my bra strap was hanging down off my shoulder but then like I said I also see some people wearing shirts and you can kind of see their skin kind of hanging over there the back of their bra and that doesn't look right either and I'm not trying to be offensive at all it's just sometimes it's something that we don't realize that we need actually go back and invest in a new bra the next fashion mistake that I often see people making is actually having just too much going on and what's interesting is I usually see this from people that are quite interested in fashion and style and they they really like outfits and putting things together but sometimes they just go a little overboard and so what I usually see this with is jewelry a lot of times people have like a big statement earring and necklace and this just too much you probably should pick one or the other or I'll see it with colors and I actually did just talk about colors in a recent video and sometimes it's really great to mix and match colors you wouldn't normally put together but sometimes I can backfire maybe there's just too many colors going on at one time or I'll see it with patterns like there's too many patterns going on or too many textures going on so that's just something to be aware of usually I recommend picking one or two kind of statement things that are kind of the star of the show or the star of the outfit so how do I end things sometimes I'm transition but just put a transition here so this next point has to do with shoes or heels more specifically so if you don't wear heels then this will probably be boring so these are my Christian Louboutin pig-out pubs and although they were very expensive I I do wear them a lot and they're very comfortable I really like them but this is a three inch heel or a 100 millimeter heel and this is about the max I think that anyone should go because there's out there there's a lot of 4 inch heels and while they make your legs look great they make you look very tall aesthetically and structurally I don't think most people can walk in them and kind of just look stupid and I mean that in a very nice way it's just just don't buy heels that you know make you look good but make you also look bad because you can't walk in them so again 3 inches I think the max you should go you could even go lower or or you don't even need heels at all because we're gonna actually get into the next point has to do with shoes too and that would be wearing shoes that are just too worn out or too ratty and I know and I've said this before we get attached to shoes and sometimes we kind of forget that they might not look so good anymore because we've worn them so much so this is a great example these are my adidas superstar shoes and they they're not too worn out but they just look dirty and I was wearing them with a really cool like an athletic outfit and I looked down and like what am i doing these are muddy shoes so just don't forget to clean your shoes if they look too worn out you know maybe it's time to pass them along invest in some new shoes make your outfit match on the top and the bottom and I know that's hard to hear because we like our shoes but yeah so I'm gonna do the before and the after of these I'm gonna clean these up and show you what a difference a little toothbrush can make so here are my shoes the before and the after you can see that it's crazy what a little toothbrush can do so I feel like all of these fashion mistakes were very subtle not life-or-death not the end of the world but recognizing a few things that you can do to improve upon it can make a big difference or a big impact in your style more than you realize so I really hope you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up if you did maybe consider subscribing like we said I'm gonna pop on over here and put up this next video I can see you on over there and my next one bye
Channel: Shea Whitney
Views: 312,900
Rating: 4.8507519 out of 5
Keywords: fashion mistakes, fashion mistakes you're making, fashion mistakes women, fashion mistakes every woman makes, fashion mistakes to avoid, worst fashion mistakes, fashion mistakes how to fix, style tips, style secrets, how to style, fashion mistakes aging you, top fashion mistakes, fashion trends, fashion trends 2019, how to dress well, shea whitney, fashion tips, wardrobe essentials, look more attractive, ways to look prettier, ways to look better, capsule wardrobe
Id: SnaYpIjIZJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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