8 Credit Card Sized Gadgets!

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what's up guys today I got some very weird credit card-sized gadget that fits your wallet so let's see what they all about for the first gadget we got here credit card sized USB cable in case you forget to charge your phone and you really have to charge it up no big deal you always have a cable to charge up your phone unless in a theory let's see if it's actually works and how does this open opens like that boom what is that oh there you go so let's come off like this and and spins then these charges goes into Android cell phone the older models and these plug ins into the computer USB code so it's obviously going to work but why I can't believe that they actually come up with this gadget to make it fit into the credit card size so to put it away a little bit of a pain but not too hard it's doable as you can see all I have to do is just spin the code back into this little rail and it's slides in pretty easily and code is very manageable then you plug this in or actually the other way I guess they go and then cause this back up wow I can't believe it actually works so well that it can be usable now just stick to your wallet and you're ready to go always had it to charge your phone for the next gadget this is very unique I just found it and I was like whoa I have to show it to you I called pocket leaders so this is pretty much credit card size reading glasses Wow check this out plus 2.5 so I guess you can change them and buy different ones so the idea is it going to go on your nose it's not going to fall out because right here let me show you close up this is goes into your nose wow what a great idea I don't think it's going to stick to your nose so let me put it on see if it works as you can see they magnify a lot look at my eye that's crazy but you have 2.5 reservists on glasses I don't use glasses but if you have bad vision or I might have when I get older and I know so many people always forget glasses guess what stick this into your wallet you need to read the menu pull it out of your wallet and stick it like this on your nose Wow can you believe this I actually can see worse now with this agent glasses because they are too stone but how cool is that it actually fits so well I can't believe it they're not coming off okay fine if you gonna shake it this hard of course they're going to fall off but honestly they actually stick really well to your nose and not coming off easily unbelievable and they actually when I plug in him I can put them closer to my eyes or father depends the way you want to see them but you see my eyesight on the glasses if you can put them further away so you can watch over them if you looking down you looking later the glasses depends how you like to wear your glasses unbelievable I thought it was funny I don't think it actually going to work but it does thumbs up for me if I need every agent glasses in the future I'm definitely going to stick some of this in my wallet in case I forget mine or lose them or break him I have an x-ray and a Canadian awesome okay let's see what this thing is all about oh nice this is a mini flashlight check this out you'll fit your wallet no problem look how thin that is boom credit card size and of course it's pretty bright too let me turn off all the light boom in case you're stuck in a dark day you cannot see anything you can pull out this flashlight and look how well it does love it you can see they cheer the wall once again just stick it into your wallet and there is two LED flashlights which are pretty bad okay let's see what else we got here boom who does not like calculators I do and guess what I just order one of these ones and it came t in a pack look at them that is compared to the flashlight flashlight is a little bit thinner but wow it's also solar-powered so we don't have to even worry about changing butters but let's multiply something 45 multiply 50 it's a touchscreen actually equals 2250 so it works really great so now there are pretty useful item you can calculate the tip without turning on the phone it's already in your wallet so you open your wallet for credit card and you got yourself a calculator and you don't have to pull up another app just a cool credit card sites gadget as well for the next gadget we got here micro card tetris pretty much same thing as credit card sized papers interesting packaging Wow look at that actually looks really cool there's a border layer chips inside there and how they turn it on oh there's a sound or no sound out here and on and off Wow I think we need sound can you believe it it's actually making noise like taters it's a little bit thicker than calculator but can you believe it let's see the flashlight still very thin compared to flashlights as well and they go does it work let me see ready set check this out so as you can see works really well let's knock off one line I can't believe it this is so cool I've got a squared here that everything works and boom we got a level I can't believe it so in case your phone died or you love debtors I would get one of these gadgets for sure oops I wasn't paying attention my bed but yes you can see it definitely works I can't believe it credit card-sized status this is my favorite right here I guess what it actually comes with a charging cord so I guess you'd plug it in like this and plug it in into your computer and charge it up or you can use your credit card size cable to charge up your cell phone so it goes together into your wallet perfect how often did you need a last-minute USB well guess what you don't have to worry about putting it on your kitchen or something put it in your wallet look at thing that is this is just a credit card and all you have to do flip it padishah and you got that here a little USB let's see how much memory does this one have 16 gigabyte USB right into your wallet in credit card size amazing so that way you're not going to lose it that easily a little of that 16 gigs is a plenty to Dopp maybe a video maybe you can dump a bunch of pictures there you go always have one LED illuminated credit card magnifier so let's open it up see what it's all about wow this one is fancy you know what they call it credit card as you can see but this is probably the thickest credit card size Gajic might be way too thick calculator tetiz and radium glasses if you put them next to each other three things versus one thing so it's definitely a way too thick to be credit card gadget in my opinion but nevertheless I still love this thing you purse it out here and you got here a little light so that way you can actually zoom in into stuff so it's pretty cool but my complaint this is just way too thick and one more I think I have here let's open it up this one is pretty new as well this is some kind of keep I think this is a glass appearing get some like that so pretty much our toolkit for your glasses but yeah that's pretty cool we got here extra screws to fix your idiom glasses sunglasses screwdriver flat head and a Phillips head and this side here as I guess for your I guess they stick one on to your nose first and I don't know what this is so we got here credit card size tool set to fix your glasses pretty cool well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below which gadget was your favorite honestly my favorite surprisingly was I god I did not think I would stay on your nose oh and I did not think it would be lined up with your eyes I thought it would be too small it actually works amazingly I can't believe it also another surprising gadget is credit card size status unbelievable this thing is amazing definitely thumbs up for me for this two gadgets but I do love the rest of them as well but those two definitely surprised me because I did not think they're going to work that well anyways that's pretty much it don't forget to thumbs up this video subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 631,268
Rating: 4.8664656 out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, Credit Card Sized Gadgets, Gadgets, Credit Card, Credit Card Sized, 10 Wallet Gadgets You Should Know About, Wallet Gadgets, unboxing, test, reviews
Id: 2Y1pC1IyYiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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