8 Convincing Paranormal Photographs That Need Explaining

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in new YouGov poll finds belief in the supernatural to be surprisingly common in Britain one in four British people believe that house can be haunted by some kind of supernatural being and almost as many think that ghosts actually exist thousands of people have even said they have seen or encountered a supernatural entity suggesting that this phenomenon is very much real however science has other views they believe that ghost sightings result in part from the power of suggestion if you think you might see a spirit while entering an empty house at night you're more likely to perceive an experience for example it may be something explainable like a cold breeze or a moving shadow the doze of a certain one set will perceive that as a ghost another reason that many of us see ghosts is most of us don't want to tempt fate or disobey advice for example if someone is playing with a Ouija board you're expecting something to happen so once again if a light breeze knocks over a lamp those playing the game will see that as something being in the room all cultures have beliefs related to spear SLOC destiny and a boogeyman who's out to get us however with that being said what about when people capture alleged ghosts in pictures and videos over the years thousands of pictures have been presented this shows the supposed domes and large amount of them can be debunked as fate or illusions but what about the ones that can't be so easily explained this photo is taken by this woman's boyfriend when they first moved into their house they discovered a guitar in the house and decided to take some pitches after the photograph was developed they noticed something strange in the background you can see what looks like a ghostly apparition sitting in the chair after doing some research they found up the man who'd previously lived there had passed away in the house one of the strangest things is that when the man was alive he was a fan of playing the guitar some have suggested the man returned because the couple picked up his guitar one individual who saw the picture said she thinks she's seen her none in the same position she explains that her nan passed away in our house and on some occasions she's seen a transparent figure sitting in the chair she believes that her nan hasn't passed on to the other side and still sits in a bluff chair so going back to the photo what you guys think it is does it show a real ghost let me know your thoughts in the comments if you're someone who believes in ghosts you're not alone many cultures the world over believe this something happens after you pass many believe that your spirit goes to another realm in fact ghosts are among the most widely believed of paranormal phenomenon millions are fascinated by goes under 2013 Harris Poll found the 43% of Americans believe in ghosts many people who believe in ghosts do so because of some personal experiences for example they may have lived in the old home where they believed her ghost is present one woman encountered something strange in her home and decided to take this picture she said the following I took this one particular photo of my cat as he was sleeping funny and I thought it was cute in the hallway there is a black apparition that is in no way a reflective image or a shadow of any objects in the way the photo was taken on my iPhone 4 with no flash the property that are residing is over 100 years old and I've experienced a lot of activity I have many of her photos of figures in the hallway and other phenomena taken around the house the activity ranges from faces appearing in the mirror that I have on video parts now such as sulfur taps turning on doors opening footsteps in the hallway voices banging clapping whistling and lights turning on and off sometimes my cats become Restless looking for something around the house so what do you think this photo show let me know your theories in the comments the type of entity this woman saw as a shadow person shadow people are said to be shadow like creatures of supernatural origin which have hairs dark forms he said that humans can't focus on them and when we try to they move between walls reports of shadow figures are similar to go sightings but differ in that shadow people are not reported as having human features wearing modern clothing or attempting to communicate witnesses also do not report the same feeling of being in the presence of something as once human some individuals are described being changed or even a tad by shadow person there have also been reports of shadow people appearing in front of witnesses when lingering for several seconds before disappearing witnesses report that encounters are typically accompanied by feeling of dread most accounts of shadow people describe them as black humanoid silhouettes with no discernible mouths noses eyes or any expressions whatsoever the purported witnesses have also described child-sized humanoids of shapeless masses some reports also include glowing red eyes generally they're described as lacking mass their their specific nature varies from a two-dimensional shadow to a distorted three-dimensional form Chillingham castle is said to be home to the blue boy lady mary in many other apparitions Trimingham retains the more because the coast has been altered ever since ancient bustling days with all its beauty in Canton selenium Castle has seen many ghosts the parts for Mary and her friends the castle firmly lived exciting and romantic life they served kings but then as William Shakespeare notes they rebelled too with a record 18 Knights of the Garter the family also had no less than eight famous well recorded executions a white country ghost in what is called the inner pantry a frail figure in white still appears the silver was stored here in a footman was employed to sleep here in gardens historically one night when a footman and turned into sleep he was visited by this woman in white she was very pale and begged him for water thinking is one of the castles guests he turned to a bayy suddenly he remembered he was locked in and no visitor could have possibly entered this same power figure is seen today and it's thought the longing for water suggests poisoning not all of Chillingham castles ghosts are those we see summer mean he felt his impressions on the air this is the sense of something on seeing it distinctly moving it can be a chilled are creeping sensation or maybe just an oppressive atmosphere besides the Great Hall the voices of two men are often heard talking it's never possible to follow their words and they stopped talking if one makes serious efforts to trace them the moonlight cast the shadows of the battlements across the warm flagstones and it's not hard to see the shades and shadows come to life while visiting this ancient castle verse Artin a woman decided to take a photograph of him playing in the background she was shocked to discover a dark phantom lurking behind him with his back to the camera the woman said that no one was there well the photo has been taken this isn't the first time that this dark phantom has been witnessed many people over the years had come forward stating they've seen the same thing one witness said they're following I took one down here as we live close by after walking around we decided to stop and have a bite to eat while doing this I had the impression we were being followed after carrying on every so often I would see a black mass in the corner of my eye I had no idea what this thing was and it made me feel uncomfortable after this we left shortly after her in this photo we can see a woman snapping a picture of herself everything looks normal until you see the figure standing to the right of hair not much information has been released but we can see what low' psycho paleface figures standing behind her one witness said the following about the encounter I have seen many photos like this before and I think it's real whether you call it a ghost I think these things are trying to communicate with us that's why sometimes people will see objects move they're trying to get our attention in my old house we had a ghost that would close doors and move objects on the table we later found out that person had passed away in the house I think the person that passed on was trying to let me know there was still in the house another witness who read the photo had this to say I think this is a demon the way it looks in the way standing is very menacing the eyes are also lifeless sometimes with normal hauntings you can make out features of a loved one but all I can see in this picture is emptiness a 2015 survey but Chapman University found that more than 40% of Americans believe places can be haunted ghosts and hauntings seem to be a relatively common part of the human experience and there appear to be several types of ghosts or hauntings and more than one theory might be needed to explain them all the traditional view of ghosts is that they are the spirits of people with it for some reason are stuck between this plane of existence and the next often as a result of some tragedy or trauma many ghost hunters and psychics believe that such earthbound spirits don't know they're dead occasionally someone will have a wanton encounter of the ghost of someone they knew who's recently passed away many skeptics believe the haunting experiences are the products of the individuals mind ghost they say are a psychological phenomenon we see them because we expect to or want to see them a grieving widow sees her husband because she needs to she needs the comfort of knowing that he's alright and happy in the next world her mind produces the experience to help itself cope with the stress of the loss since we know so little about the power and capacity of our own minds it's possible they can even produce physical manifestations such as apparitions nurses and even projections so what do you guys make of this photo does it show a real paranormal entity let me know your thoughts in the comments [Music] all over the world you all find tales of mysterious creatures one such creature is the banjee those who weren't aware of what exactly a banshee is it's a famas variant they're known for having a spine-chilling scream according to Irish legend and she's appear to home when the person is due to pass away the Banshee is normally described as looking like a hag or beautiful woman they wear shadowy grey cloaks or silvery shrouds over red or green dresses their hair is normally a bright color and their eyes can be red banshees may seem scary but they have no record of haunting humans the dark appearance property comes from the tragedy of their own lives over the years people have claimed to have witnessed this alleged creature someone in India believes they may have actually captured the spirit on film the individual who caught the Banshee image is chosen only to identify themselves as a singer in Pakistan the image shows an odd-looking woman her hair on her face sitting on a rooftop according to the singer they stated the woman looked like a female demon this creature said to be feared by those in South Asia many people have come forward with personal stories about his entities one witness said the following I live in India and I have seen one of these creatures I live near a wooded area which gets really dark and I eat when I was young I would walk through this dense wooded area and it was during one of these nights I witnessed the creature the creature I encountered looked like a small woman she also looked old and weak as I made my way home this elderly woman spoke to me asking where I was going when I told her I noticed that she didn't look normal she had really red eyes and spoke in a creepy manner I managed to quickly walk away in return home however over the next few months I kept seeing this elderly woman in the woods I tried my best to avoid her she gave off an eerie vibe and one day I noticed that she disappeared I haven't seen her to this day I believe that she was one of those creatures however the image has been met with skepticism there are others that believe the photo is not of a demon suggesting this is simply a woman sitting on a roof but there are those who say that the singer did indeed couch's something on film some have suggested that these creatures are elusive that ever so often they do get caught out so what do you guys make of this image let me know your thoughts in the comments if family holiday photos turned into a mystery after what looks like a ghostly apparition appeared in the background the mysterious figure was spotted after the family checked their photographs from an Easter holiday getaway they was enjoying a day out around a park near Leeds after taking some photos of the scenery they headed back home when the family looked Bachus on the photographs something didn't look right - the children were posing in front of an old building but it wasn't just the children in the photograph amidst ears looking person also appears the father of the children said he was shot when he first saw the picture it appears to show an adult wearing a cloak walking up the stairs with their arms outstretched the father went on to say the following I don't like watching scary films and I don't like looking at this photo is spooky as there was no one there my sister took the photograph and she saw her first the castle isn't too old for who knows who lived there before we were taking lots of pigeons because people were standing on the steps and walking around we waited for them to move before we took her pitch air we waited and waited for a clear point when no one was there as they wanted to hold their hands together that's why we're sure that no one was there I didn't think anything of it and took a few more then when we got home and looked at the photos we saw this thing in the back that wasn't there before my sister thinks it's a ghost I've started to think it might be there was definitely no one there when I took the pitcher Kevin Grady director of lead civic trust States this was the first time ghoulish activity had been recorded at the site dr. Grady said the following originally there was a wooden roof on top so those in opera room which the Nicholas family would use the folly was used as a family house a sewing room by the girls and they had social functions there others have suggested that the photo shows what it looks like a woman in a dress however others who have visited the site have said that sometimes it carries an eerie feeling one woman said she was walking around the land of her daughter when she suddenly said a woman kept waving at her when the woman went to investigate no woman could be found the daughter described a woman as having a long dress and a white face bahtman Jo has a dark past this combine of his paranoia tivity has made a popular of tourists in ghost hunters this eerie 18th century stone building was built in 1776 to house the county prison it was the first jail to hold inmates in individual selves and famously carried out public executions by hanging this Victor on Prison was also home to the crown jewels the Doomsday Book and other national treasures during the Great Wall the present span or background has brought it to the attention of many panel investigators and over the years people from all over the world have explored the jail the prison finally closed in 1927 and since then has become a popular tourist attraction over the years people have experienced cold spots black shadows and even being hit by unseen forces ghost hunter Tony folks and firmly believes that he captured a genuine ghost the chilling photo shows a tour duct figure looking directly at the camera he claims the apparition is that of William Hampton Hampton was the last person to be hanged at the prison in 1909 Toni along with his wife said their camera down and left her filming without even known it they'd positioned the camera in such a way that he captured this picture they're certain the photo shows a ghost moments before this photo was captured Tony called out the name William this was because he noticed a plaque with the name William embedded in it shortly after doing so the apparition appeared Tony said the following I couldn't believe it I have investigated many locations and seen many things but never seen activity like this I can't explain aids it really shocked me and it doesn't normally happen I don't normally get freaked out or scared I always try to remain skeptical about what I witness and try to debunk whatever I capture but I do think this is real haunting there are lots of residual spirits trapped there in the jail he doesn't acknowledge those who see him which makes me think is a residual haunting it was just by chance that we put the camera down there and captured the moment he water we weren't able to debunk anything when we return the next is so what you make of these pitches do you think they show a real ghost let me know your thoughts in the comments another witness said the following after visiting the jail I went here with a few friends and after setting foot inside the jail and media he felt like I wasn't alone while walking around I kept getting out of breath what was strange is that it wasn't just me experiencing these things my friend said the same as well after looking around for 10 minutes I began to feel pain on my thigh after getting home and checking aids it looked like someone had pressed their thumb into my leg the whole experience really freaked me out and I'm never going back again a trail camera is usually placed on private property or in woodland where the photographer generally cannot be remote cameras can be fired by hand triggers sound triggers radio transmitters with a self timer built into the camera a game camera or trial camera record images Eva as a still photograph or a video this photo was taken in northern Georgia on a wildlife camera it's been passed around various websites with readers suggesting what it could be some believe that it shows an angel what others think is a ghost the individual who owns the camera said they thought it was human but after going to the location where the picture was taken there was no signs of it being a human the land around that area is quite remote and it also gets muddy but after looking around at the individual confined science that human was trespassing so what do you think this is let me know your thoughts in the comments thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos you
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
Views: 831,251
Rating: 4.4584179 out of 5
Keywords: convincing, paranormal, photographs, that, need, explaining, mysterious events, mysterious events on camera, mysterious events caught on live tv, mysterious events 2018, mysterious events documentary, mysterious events that cannot be explained, caught, on, camera, 2018, documentary, cannot, be, explained, mysterious photos, mysterious photos that cannot be explained, mysterious photos explained, mysterious photos that shouldn't exist, unexplained events, unexplained events 2018
Id: -VvHfq1XPlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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