8 Big Mistakes To Avoid When Selling On Etsy | Make Money On Etsy // Evaknows

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hi guys in this video I'm gonna be talking to you about the eight big mistakes that a lot of people make when they start up an Etsy shop or when they've already started netsu shop and they're trying to grow in traffic and sales but they're just not seeing the results that they really want to see in those first few months and I think a lot of the time that's because they make at least one of these 8 mistakes so we're going to go through them really quickly and just I want to tell you exactly why they can be so detrimental to the growth of your shop and your sales one listing only a few products in your shop so I've seen so many people throw up 5 or 10 or even 15 products in their Etsy shop sit back and just expect sales to come pouring in and it just doesn't work like that Etsy is a search engine and in order for you to really rank high in Etsy altogether you have to be showing them your commitment first of all to their platform you need to be creating a number of products and you need to keep building up your inventory as you go even for them to be interested in really ranking you very high and then on top of that you have a ton of competition especially if you're selling in quite a popular niche on Etsy then you already have thousands of similar products to yours going up against you every time that somebody searches for a product like yours or your product so in order for you to really start ranking high and Etsy getting noticed and building up your traffic and your shop presence you need to be building up your inventory and packing your shop full now depending on what products you sell it doesn't have to be huge numbers but it does really have to be enough to start building attraction in your shop so for example I sell art printables on Etsy and because that is a huge niche on Etsy that has literally thousands of competitors all fighting it out trying to get noticed on the platform I do have to work with fairly big numbers so I currently have over 400 our printables in my shop but if you are in a smoke they're slightly smaller niche or a niche that that product requires a lot more work you most likely won't have to go to those extremes but I would always recommend at least having around 50 products in your shop before you can start complaining that you're not getting the traffic and the sales that you want because you need to be as many places as you possibly can be in etsy on etsy search in order for people to start finding you amongst the ocean of competition that you're up against so if you haven't already definitely fill out your shop make sure you have as many products as you can in there and really start pushing them with more more inventory as you go to having really poor quality photos for your listings is a huge no-no on Etsy one of the number one things that your customer will see when they are thinking about purchasing your product are your photographs and if they are slightly blurry if they are shoddy if there's only one or two of them then that's a huge of Porter formers anybody interested in buying your product so you really want to make sure that your photography is absolutely on point you need to take a look at your competition see how they're presenting similar your a similar product to yours and what you're not doing in your photographs that they are this could be as simple as just the quality of your photographs are not good enough point blank I'm going to be honest with you and you need to perhaps invest in more careful photography or a better camera or whatever it is it's gonna help you take your photography to the next level but it could also be that you're not offering enough variety of photos in your product listing so Etsy now gives you about 10 spaces to add photographs per listing I personally think that for most items that are sold on Etsy that's slightly too much 10 photographs to go through I personally couldn't fill that up when I'm selling in art printable but you need to use spaces to show people different ways that they could use your product or different ways that your products looks from different angles all the different elements that someone might be interested in if they were going to look at it in an actual shop so if you've just got one tiny little image it's a bit blurry or even if it's a great quality image but you've only got one or two of them on every listing that you have then really bulk up your photography I start to take real care about the information that you're offering with those photographs so like I said with my art prints I like to show people what you would look like in different frames but it would look like in different rooms in the house what it looks like with different sizes but also I want to make sure that every single one of those photographs is of a top quality as possible and that's not that hard to do and I'm gonna create a video in the future which hopefully will help you really take your photography to the next level when it comes to xe3 not taking the time and the energy to really research and include relevant keywords at the end of the day Etsy is a huge search engine shopping market and the way that most people will find you on Etsy is by typing in keywords of things that they're interested in and then listings will come will pop up that Etsy deems worthy of that keyword so if you are not using keywords in your titles in your descriptions in the actual section of tags for your keywords then you are seriously missing out and what's more not using relevant the right keywords is a huge Nona and a waste of time if you haven't done research to understand what keywords are really ranking high what keywords are really relevant to you and your audience then you're wasting their time by guessing and putting keywords in that you think people might be interested in when I do again a whole nother video about a program that I personally use cool marmalade I've linked it in the description below if you want to check it out but it actually helps you find super relevant keywords for Etsy and true over the course of I think six months it changed my HC rankings to the point where I was making sales per day without even thinking about it because I was using the right keywords it is so important do not do without it and it's definitely something if you haven't focused on it already you need to do that in order to build your HC shop for not taken advantage of all the tools and resources that Etsy gives you - one understand Etsy better but also to actually drive traffic and interest to your shop so obviously a lots of people have never read to be Etsy handbook or have never actually taken the time to read the information that she gives you and that's a huge no-no because they give you so much information on Etsy for you to take advantage of that so many people just miss so I wanted to put that one in there because I think that is huge and it's a mistake that I made as well when I jumped on the platform first and foremost and then I just scroll everywhere across the rest of the internet to try and find information in how quality and I didn't even bother looking at Etsy themselves and them telling me what they were doing with their algorithm what they were doing with their listings and their keywords and it's actually super important to check that out but also taking advantage of things like Etsy sales and Etsy coupon offers and promoted listings are really important especially when you're trying to boost visibility traffic trust in your shop so I love to offer sales in my Etsy shop I do find it really gives them a boost especially at key times during the year so around Christmas around holidays but also if I'm having a real law in sales for whatever reason then I'll tend to offer out a sale or a small percentage of and I'll promote that as much as I possibly can and I will definitely see a boost in sales and that's you will actually track for you whether or not that order came through a sale or a coupon or whatever it is that you're offering also if you're really just not seeing any traction whatsoever then you might want to check out at supermoto listings I personally have a to and fro with Etsy promoting lessons sometimes I find it works really really well it boosts my traffic I can see that sales are come because of my promote listings and then other times it's just crickets and there's just no sales from them whatsoever but if you haven't tried it yet then you definitely should give it a go because it is one way to help with your visibility it shows Etsy that you are taking or shop seriously and that you are using the tools and resources that they have on offer so if nothing else giving it a go might improve your sales and you don't have to spend a ton of money on Etsy promoted listings you can literally spend two five dollars whatever it is a day just seeing if it helps build visibility and traction to your shop five not being thorough enough in your Etsy descriptions this is something that I see so many times I'll find a product that I really want to use on Etsy or that I really like on Etsy and there's just a couple of questions that I've got of a couple of things that I'm not sure about and I scroll down to the description box and it's literally four words and I'm just like well I'm not gonna buy that because I don't trust anything and of course I could message the person but it's just a lot of hassle for me to just get a couple of pieces that I'm interested in so making sure that you have everything that somebody would be interested in or any potential questions that someone would be interested in in your descriptions in your FAQ section is so important you need to do your homework again look at your competition look at the questions that you would answer ask yourself when you're shopping for something similar what do people want to know about your product that you are not already telling them in the description or in the photos because it's so important again in mine because I have art prints and make sure that people know the type of paper that I print on they know this double no the size is and what they can use the size is four and then I have a question section about shipping times just because I want them to know everything they could possibly know exactly the same as they would if they went in the shop and they could just ask the person at the chill I want them to everything that they could possibly know in that one trip to Etsy that they're taking where they could potentially buy my product so if you haven't really focused on making sure that your Etsy descriptions are top-notch and they all the information that somebody could need in a clear concise manner that's something you definitely need to go back and check on six not renewing your listings often enough I don't know if this is a really common thing that people do but I definitely know that a lot of huge sellers on Etsy do this which is to regularly renew your listings on Etsy whether they sell or not so you can have the option to automatically renew your listings when somebody buys a product but if you're not seeing that many sales come through and you're not seeing that many people purchase so that the product can actually be relisted then you need to do it yourself so it can it's a kind of a little bit of an Etsy hack but it's something that I just think that you should do on a regular basis which is that I personally look over my most popular listings ones that are getting the most views and I like to renew them at least once a week if not every couple of days it costs a couple of cents as it would to renew any listing anywhere on Etsy but it really helps boost their visibility on SEO it shows Etsy that your shops active it really helps boost their visibility on Etsy search and it helps show Etsy that your shop is driving that it's growing even when it's struggling you really want to be renewing on listings every now and again 7 not releasing new products on a regular basis this is so important if we're trying to show it at sea that you are a committed seller on the Etsy platform you're trying to show your customers that you are here to stay and that even though you might not have something they want now you might potentially have something that future so for them to come back then you need to be adding products on a regular basis not only does this help you boost in Etsy search and show to Etsy that you're worth them promoting and pushing themselves but it also shows your customers that you are a busy thriving sharp that even if you don't have that many sales that you're serious and committed and that encourages a level of trust in you especially as a new seller that you'll be around if anything's wrong with your with the product they receive or if they want to come I can get more of that present later on that they know that you're going to be there because you look like you're being committed to Etsy itself so if you haven't added newness things in oil or if you've kind of just thrown in a couple of listings and let them stew over it's not the way to do it you should be offering new products at least once a month if not more often especially when you're near the more consistent you are the more often you release new products the more your visibility builds and bear in mind as well that every time you release a new product it tights Etsy a certain amount of weeks in order to really start taking that product seriously to rank it properly to for you to even see a boost in your traffic or sales from the introduction of that product because it takes them a world with their SEO and their algorithms so it's super important to get started as soon as you can consistently releasing new products like I said whether it be every month or week especially if you're in a popular niche where you are competing against people who have literally hundreds if not thousands of products in their store you need to get the momentum built in your business eight relying solely on Etsy to drive your traffic now if you know me then you'll know that I'm super about building passive and low maintenance income streams and one of the awesome things about Etsy as a platform is that they are a built-in search engine and they drive customers organically to your products so long as you do the things that I've listed above right then they will make sure that you were getting organic traffic especially a couple of months after you started your shop but in order for you to really start taking it to the next step or for you to really start making good quality income from your Etsy shop in order for you to not be relying on just one source of traffic to make all of your sales you need to start driving traffic to yourself it sounds scary it's really not it's not actually that hard to set up an external traffic driving system and a promotion system to help bring people to discover your Etsy shop to discover your listings to buy from you I'm going to be showing you in some future videos how you can do this how you can make it super simple for yourself on Etsy but if you have hit a plateau in your rent to shop and you're just not seeing enough use we're not seeing enough sales from the views that you're getting then it is a surefire sign that you need to start driving your own traffic your own targeted traffic to EXCI itself so you can do this a number of different ways I use Pinterest for pretty much I probably said Pinterest makes up about 50% of my sales now on Etsy and it might sound like it's a ton of work but trust me it's not it's almost as easy as organic traffic from Etsy I just had to put a few things in place beforehand and create a traffic driving system which again I'll show you how to do using a program called tailwind which I absolutely love and it literally draws me in about 50% of my sells each month and it started doing that within three or four months of me setting up so in the description below I'm going to leave the link to tailwind if you want to check it out you can and I'm gonna need tons of resources if you're interested in driving your own traffic to your pets new shop because it is a super important thing to do it's one of the easiest ways to get really targeted customers who are ready to buy your exact product by introducing them outside of Etsy and bringing them in so if you have not already thought about driving your own traffic to an Etsy shop when you don't really know how that could be done then I'm going again gonna leave tons of resources for you down below but definitely check Tailwind out if you're ready to go and you just want a way to build a traffic on Pinterest but I'm gonna put in a video all around tailwind soon anyway if you need a bit more guidance so those are the eight huge mistakes that I think a lot of brand new Etsy sellers and people who were just stuck in a rut on Etsy tend to get stuck with and believe me I have been there before I have made every single one of those mistakes on the list and I have learnt from them over time and I want you to get there so much sooner than I did so you can have a happy healthy thriving shop that is doing most of the work for you so if you like information in video then please don't forget to like it if you haven't already and you're interested in the topics that I'm talking about let's see how to make money online passive incomes and don't forget to subscribe and I can't let to see you in the next video see you guys bye
Channel: Evaknows
Views: 319,742
Rating: 4.9314232 out of 5
Keywords: how to make money on etsy, etsy success, etsy tips, etsy, make money on etsy, etsy money, how to sell on etsy, 5 things to avoid on etsy, etsy (website), etsy seller tips, how to sell on etsy 2018, etsy tutorial, starting your etsy shop, etsy advice, how to start an etsy shop, 8 mistakes to avoid on etsy, 8 mistakes to avoid when selling on etsy, etsy hacks, successful etsy shops, selling on etsy, how to start an online store from scratch
Id: fW_8udT99n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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