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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hi everybody once again acustats video productions is most proud to welcome all of you to the 2017 make it happen eight ball invitational [Applause] thank you very much well this is day number four of our first go-around in our double make it happen event it's championship day and we're going to find that out at 9 30 tonight in the meantime we still got six of the best in the world to compete in the make it happen round robin 8-ball format playing race to ten games with the winner of each match getting a thousand dollars we're coming to you live as we always do right here in the arimath simonis arena at the home of akistat sandcastle billiards in edison new jersey we have the best equipment in the industry as we always do diamond billiard products has provided us with a beautiful pro-am table simonis gave us 860 tour blue cloth and arimath balls it's the best we have and we want to thank those companies for their support of the make it happen series throughout the years we're going to finish up today with our eight ball and then we sure hope you'll all start to join us again tomorrow we're going to have four days a straight pool for you with the same six champions playing in the same format we'll tell you more about that as the day goes along however back to business the issue is still in doubt as to who's going into the championship round tonight we do know one competitor our commentators will tell you all about that but the opponent is undetermined so let's find that out right now before we do one more thank you to each and every one of you out there thank you for your loyalty support and devotion to akistats over the years and to all of you that have come here of course as part of our great make it happen family to watch us live in person thank you ladies and gentlemen for the 11th time you've made it happen okay let's get underway with the first match on the final day this will be match number 13. our first player from glasgow scotland is a two-time member of team europe's moscone cup and he'll be battling it out uh with his uh current opponent here in just a few short weeks he's also a former make it happen eight ball champion and he is the newly crowned reigning and now defending u.s open nine ball champion sponsored by miucci and digiqueue by ob it's eagle eye jason shaw and from sioux falls south dakota 11 times now he'll be representing team usa on the moscone cup he's a five-time billiards digest player of the year he's got five of something else they're called u.s open nine ball crowns sponsored by the usa pool league and by q-tech ladies and gentlemen the south dakota kid shane van boning all right thank you very much your official time keeper is miss julie ha and i'm going to send it over to the booth to our great host this week u.s open champ jeremy jones and to our own hall of famer danny d liberto go ahead jay well thank you kenny and welcome again everyone to the 2017 make it happen 8-ball invitational invitational we're here in edison new jersey i'm jeremy jones with accustet video productions joined by hall of famer danny de la berto hello danny how you doing today i'm doing fine good good just a quick review we're playing pro 8 ball we're playing make take what you make meaning if you make a solid on the break you must shoot solids we have a 45 second shot clock we're racing to 10 alternate the break and one another rule that that always throws a little element of surprise on the break is the eight does count on the break interesting we start off with what looks to be uh just a a greatly important match uh to determine right we were talking about this when we weren't on the air but now we gotta let you people know it that if jason wins this match he's in the finals tonight if he loses then we're gonna have to wait for another match to see who does and pillars still got a chance and arcola has a chance so anyway it's still in doubt and they they only have a chance talking about dennis and josh joshua's if if jason loses now if jason loses he's out of the the running for the final he'll end up with a two and three record and consequently uh when when filler and dennis play later one of those guys have to have a three and two record but this all stems from a from a lopsided loss by joshua filler last night uh losing 10 to three and that really put that put jason shaw on the driver's seat to control his own destiny here watch out for the scratch i want to say one other thing here because this match for uh bamboni doesn't mean he could still get in the finals but he's trying it means a thousand dollars and pride oh absolutely so he wants to win absolutely and uh just as kenny talked about in the opening these two will be facing each other and one of the biggest events in pool just not a few weeks from now so mentally this may may play a little role yeah they'll be competing against each other in the moscone cup in vegas that's right a couple weeks and uh you know depending on the play depen you know the captains have a lot of decisions come that moscone cup but you never know these two could meet for the cup you know it comes down to the end you're going to pick not only what you might consider your two best players but the two that are have been in you know in the best form yeah one of them might be mvp in that tournament that's right and i'll tell you another funny thing and then you gotta you gotta tip your hat to jason jason started off this event oh and two and now just grinding it out and really during those matches not giving up knowing how important those games one are even in the losses so pretty impressive to have himself in position to where he controls his own destiny to get to the final here well we know what a competitor he is he just won the us open a couple weeks ago great shot there he needs the four to get out of the way though oh look at this he's got a bank on the 10 and with a big pocket on the one danny yeah he does and he if he hits it with enough speed i think he can clear the one to open the eight and he can hold for the 12 in the side maybe if he doesn't have enough angle to get up on the 12 in the same pocket oh he hit it too good he did too good he wanted to make it off the one yeah that's amazing how that happens i want to open the eight there is no bank on the 80 except the long bank now you're you're gonna have to see some type of trick shot i think on the eight i'm not i'm not sure he can even get positioned to maybe follow the one in with the eight uh the one looks a little off angle yeah you can't do it if they were straight in and the one a little deeper in the hole you could have played eight right through the one but i don't think it plays i'm wondering if he can uh set up to maybe oh this is crazy i know but he's gonna have to fall forward and go for a long rail bank right danny right that's what i thought but he didn't do it but anyway you talked about it earlier is he going to double bank this and try and remove the one with the cue ball i don't think i don't think it double banks you know the english will pull it backwards i don't think it'll be uniform i think he tried it yeah i like that shot oh it sure looked like the shot to me i mean as far as for where he was sitting no yeah he he made a good effort but now we talked about it in eight ball if you don't get all the way out you're in trouble yeah and that that only gets uh that only becomes even more more so true as the level of play goes up you know you talk about these guys yeah these are the best in the world but see what's gonna happen you know he made seven high balls didn't have a shot in the eight although he almost invented one but now he's gonna sleep in the street yeah and uh really huge huge uh i got a little distance here but that should be still not a problem but and really huge opening considering that shane broke the balls here in the first game as well we've we've seen all the players pretty much that time struggle on the break but for the most part being pretty successful [Applause] now what we talked about this match here uh this match here could definitely give us our our two players or for the final one another interesting thing about the lineup today we'll look at the lineup we have shawn van boning obviously starting off first here and then filler and norkullio but one i'm looking at is corey duel and appleton at seven o'clock and the reason why i say that is corey's in the fight so that matches seven o'clock could really play into a very good thing for cory or maybe not you know like it's nice to play a match right before you have to play the final you get loose but what if he struggles well you know the adrenaline is not in right now you know because he is in the finals and you you know without the pressure the adrenaline is not going to flow so i don't expect him to play as well as he's been playing but by the way while we're talking here i want to thank some previous supporters meryl denny from alabama marilyn feedack from florida michael piedak from florida and mitchell fedex from florida thank you guys yeah this was i'm not sure about this shot this may end up good and he did a great job right there but he took a lot of risk coming a few rails trying to fall on this 11 right then because if he overruns it he's in trouble he's in a lot of trouble but you're talking about bamboni who's been probably america's best player for almost 10 years now he's got a real small angle on the 15 on the side a little bit later but that should that might be the last ball he plays you wouldn't want to play it last uh just because the angle's so small you'd like to get on it as soon as you get on that 15 you want to knock it out right you want to take it out of there but he's still got a little issues with the 13. yeah he got a little bit on the 50-yard line here man i'm really trying to figure out how he's gonna uh for sure get to the 13 ball well he could bump here i guess yeah he's going to bump it with some speed though he's got to knock it away quite a bit he doesn't have he can bank it to the middle of the table and then he'll have the sides blame the 10 as insurance well look at that he didn't even hit it and now he's got to play a bank shot period uh right now exactly he's not going to get any better position on that bank shot now well i mean he could knock the tent in and come two rails to about where he's at now but if he's sitting good on it now i agree with danny you're gonna have to bake it anyways it looks like and position is right there if you make it but i'm surprised he didn't go into it i think he was trying to bump it just ever so slightly but just missed it still favorite to make this that's for sure but not an easy shot oh he's cutting it oh he's cutting his wallet that's what he's cutting i don't know if it had a full pocket no that's why we were talking hidden or now banking well it definitely didn't have a full pocket that's why he was trying to hit it on the previous shot well jason doesn't mind that at all and to to win on the first game on on shane's break and then to break gerai and get away with it and have a good chance now to win the second game huh you got a little straight here got a little straight here i don't i'm not sure real first just come out to the center right danny if you're a little too straight if he was worried about it he could have shot the two right now what's this gonna do well if it spins up it's gonna be okay gotta shoot the pour and he's got the one you know i mean you don't want to shoot the one from long distance but what he was thinking is he he was always going to have a shot on the one things didn't work out and both these players from what i've seen you'll see a little more cue ball movement playing the game than maybe like corey or or darren like i had referenced you'll see he's just got the one and one and eight here he'll just have to you can see a draw stroke here yeah we saw a couple from jason yesterday they were just awfully impressive what a powerful stroke yeah look he hardly hit it look how far the ball drew yeah his timing is so good and he rarely ever miss hits the cue ball that's the key just really really uh solid player like we i talked about a second ago jason starting off with an 0-2 record losing on day one to joshua philler i think going on and losing to corey duel which everyone's lost to corey so far in day two corey's 4-0 yeah and then coming back with just her with you know back to the wall coming with a 10-9 victory over darren appleton early yesterday and then uh to finish last night a 10-8 victory over dennis or cuyo and now out to a two two nothing lead well back to our supporters which are very important we couldn't have this event without them we got jim franklin from maryland stan friedman from new mexico jim game from illinois and my good friend and partner carl guaranty from buffalo new york thank you guys he's gonna need a shot here because he got kissed through the unreal and he's got it he's made one strike they all go he's gonna have to play short position on a few of them that's for sure i'll try to get on that 14 now so i can pick off that 13 or maybe even get on the 13 first because that the 14 offers easier position to get back down table for these other three and there's no reason to be upset because i mean really that kind of shot you need to just look where you want the cue ball a little more right danny right right and back to shane he's accustomed to being in finals at tournaments so he's got to be a little disappointed but that doesn't mean he's not going to try as hard out here doesn't want to catch his three here could have bumped the three down now where it covered up the pocket for both the 15 and 10 so shane playing at a pretty fast pace here huh danny all right i like that i i know the fans like it too because slow play to me is boring well i would never call shane uh a slow player but i'm just saying he's playing at a hair faster pace than we're normal you know used to seeing maybe it has something to do with the pace that his opponent is playing true but anyway back to some more of our supporters dave and magda colossus they're here enjoying the event mark gentry of florida bill gilbert of california bob gibb north carolina thank you guys and the reason why we we commented earlier that jason really controls his own destiny is because the tiebreakers which goes to games one and if we look at the total on his two losses uh he lost ten eight and ten seven so he has a total of 15 games one on losses dennis okuyo on his two losses have won six and eight games putting the total at 14. and the number that that really is uh really making this unfold right here in this match is joshua filler on his two losses he lost 10-3 last night which gives his total and two two losses up nine games one [Applause] so another dry break oh the six ball wow the last ball rolling went in yeah and really yeah i hate that and really my opponent that's huge uh i i'd like to think he's going to go up and get the one right now but with the 2-3 the way they are he needs to pay attention to that and i don't blame him for go ahead and knocking these off the one and the eight are so available that he can play the one last from uh somewhere around straight in or a little bit of an angle and it won't be any problem getting on the eight he's got the two right now and that's why he came down here first for the most part is because he wanted to open up the two and three doesn't take him long yeah we certainly could have uh adjusted the shot clock for this match we'll let julie hall get after that well look how quick he got this one over [Applause] it looks to me that uh shane's gonna have his hands full here danny yeah well you got your hands filled with any of these players you can't snooze or you're gonna lose that's right we've had one dry break so far that was by jason and his opening break he almost had another dry break the kit the six got kissed in just at the last moment in the upper right hand corner and he took advantage of that yeah but both these guys they wouldn't have had the success they've had in their careers without uh they don't dry break very often that's for sure wow what a break what a break he's made a stripe and again like you've seen a lot of times when these guys have made balls on the break and even when they hadn't nothing's touching nothing's even close to touching each other so that's going to allow him to usually have a good opportunity to get out he's got some work though you'll see the nine it may pass the two the 14 is a nice ball to fall on the backside of the nine if need be well i'm a little surprised he's not leaving the 11 to get down on them balls but i would have shot the 15 first and then 11 dropping down on this 10. the reason why i say that you'll you'll notice that the 10 uh 13 is okay and what he's going to do this is a good pattern the 13 10 14 if he needs to draw behind the back of the nine he has it if the nine goes by the two that's okay as well you might shoot the nine in the side right now or the corner yeah he can come one rail with high left i mean high right excuse me i kind of punched it a little bit and got a little more angle on the 14 than i would have wanted surprised he didn't run the cue ball a little bit more there across the spot i think he could roll this in on the pull side and still hold it pretty good i think so too but you i've seen that shane stays away from that rolling the ball uh softly he had a couple misses this week doing doing that and ever since then he's kind of stayed away from it there's been a few shots in the side that i thought he could hold the ball pretty easily with just a soft touch but uh elected to move the cue ball a little more we're in our final day of the uh of the eight ball we'll have the finals at 9 30 tonight our final match could be determined on the conclusion of this match if jason was to go on a win otherwise if jason loses here it will just the tiebreakers will not matter it will just be between the head-up match-up of joshua philler and dennis okuyo in our next match the winner that would get to the final well we got another supporter bob gibson's new york he's here watching i know he's enjoying it we got dave gleason and his son christopher from massachusetts they're here enjoying it rick gray from north carolina and tom grenfell from washington oh the cue ball and got two kisses one that looked really bad and then the other one that uh was a savior he's made i think one of each and then that's what you want yeah that's what you want in this format and they're all open yeah i wouldn't expect to shoot again if i were bamboni he's going to go ahead and play the nine just come up softly for the 12. you may end up seeing him go and knock this 11 away as well just fall over on the short side he could draw behind it but i wouldn't do that because just in case you bumped it okay he's gonna save it for later not sure exactly why there's not really a problem dropping down on these other balls but got a little straight here and that makes a difference danny because uh the seven's really cutting him off the perfect straight in shot on the 10 to get on the 11th so may have to play the 10 with a little more angle than he wanted and again making quick work right this is the fastest match ever i don't know luke salas one time huh yeah he played fast he beat me one time at the u.s open in 19 minutes and it felt like it was about six minutes actually but well we had lou butera who played pretty fast yeah in fact he played so fast in a nine ball tournament one time he shot the nine and the seven hunk i was gonna say uh i see guys sometimes uh like a luke i had to slow him down a little bit a couple times he played so fast that he he would break the balls and grab his playing cue while the balls were still rolling and try to get at the one before they even settled that's worse than my story anyway richard guitar from indiana thank you harry gwynne from california paul hartman from florida and he's here all the way from florida in the cold weather he's here and chris hogan from texas thank you guys he needs the one i'll tell you what the way these two break the balls i'm saying breaking from the center you know we saw 11 breaking runs in a row after 4-4 in a match the other night i wouldn't doubt if they may continue to make a ball on the break the way they break the spreads they get that if we just didn't see uh the guy that's in the chair on the break i wouldn't doubt if we never see him get to the table well good thing for alternate breaks or that could happen i'll tell you another thing uh you know eight balls a game that a lot of these guys just came from new york playing it but a lot of times you're not playing a ton of it through the year so as you play a few days of it you're going to play it better as far as the patterns you're going to get a little more feel of what's going on or what you should be doing or looking for if you can get at this seven right here and just draw around the three he's gotta make sure he carries an angle to the six here he wants to come up for the eight in the side wow he's okay you got enough i know but i'm saying wow about how quick they're playing yeah they're playing fast and he'll just punch the ball up in between the 12 11 just past the side oh oh if he catches the 11 here it could be problems wow now he's got my favorite shot [Applause] okay we got a few more we could think tom jackabellis from north carolina bob jewett who writes for billiard digest from california donny kern from pennsylvania and rich klein from illinois thank you guys we couldn't do it without you that's right and we're on a player timeout we'll be right back oh hello ladies and gentlemen we're back here with a four to three score jason leading and if you just join us we're at the 2017 make it happen eight ball invitational madison new jersey i'm jeremy jones with accusats video productions joined by hall of famer danny de la berto and danny like i said if they're just joining us this match if jason can win this match he'll be in the final is it another six ball that's gonna come go oh well well this is gonna get tight this match yeah it makes a big difference here if the nine goes up to nine goes i mean still kind of okay mate he's gonna look at the solids i think he's gonna go he's gonna gotta get to the short side of that two ball huh danny oh yeah it doesn't go past that ball hanging but i don't think it's a problem he could do it right now yeah and then and then depending on the angle he may be able to get into that tight position on the five there's a little bit of tight position on that five ball now yeah he didn't get the right angle to get on the five but that would be the ball that's the most problem right now oh he he has such a stroke he might have snookered himself on the pipe and i was wondering if he would look at following down for the short side on the five in the side uh to that left side pocket he could have i think he was sitting pretty in a pretty nice position on the two to follow down and and the way these guys execute i couldn't see him not doing it he's trying to get on it again i think he's perfect yeah he got there now great shot okay he's gonna go play the combination next i believe yeah i would go forward he's coming back for the one it looks like okay and the reason why he's doing that is because of the eight he wants to be underneath the eight but he he could have a little bit of an issue now if the six is just oh dead over the pocket that makes a big difference he doesn't have to come all the way down for the combo he can play short side on the three that way yeah bad stuff can happen here well he's got the six and he needs a little bit of an angle not much just he wants a little bit so he can get off the rail well you got a little bit much uh i think it's okay i think the eight goes up the corner yeah and he he he'll he could get for the side as well well he got perfect and we're gonna be tied up at four games here with shane breaking uh oh oh oh oh oh never a doubt well i'll tell you there's been a couple pockets i thought uh the lower left and the upper right that have hung a lot of balls but then that upper left is a touch softer i think yeah that ball looked like it was gonna hang he had a nice speed on it to open the pocket but it did catch a lot of that long rail we now have a race to six ten total of course but it's four four and i'm so good at math four from ten is six every day of the week you know that too every day of the week wants to watch the nine in the side and the five that's what he's playing he made the nine and he made the cue ball cue ball yeah wow well he's good at making that second ball on the side oh he's incredible that break has actually been around a lot longer than people think that's just that svb he kind of perfected it and he's so consistent with it that's the key with him his uh how often he does it and now that we're talking about it people know it's not an accident right oh that's a little could have done a little better with the cue ball there but just because he wants to go and get to that 13 and then come back up to play these three he wants to be off the rail here and that's that's why he was looking at another ball because he doesn't want to be shooting the 13 with an angle going into the six yeah i don't think he's going to be off the rail much no and one thing that's going to bode well for him is that 12 ball that's up there so it's not too far away from the pocket but i agree with him here that 13 going into the six is really not what he's looking looking for so he'll stay above the 13 a little bit main thing is not only for these great players but if you pay attention these guys really try to leave themselves off the rail you know off the rail you can manage with a little angle here and there no problems okay just gotta coast the cue ball up two rails for somewhat full on the 11 if possible perfect and he wants to stay above the the eleven meaning left-handed so he's not going to have problem reaching the 13. yeah the that last ball danny's talking about it's the 12 but he doesn't want him yeah you don't want to get the angle where the cue ball is going towards the five and all those though so he wants to either stay real full or a little above it meaning towards the center of the table we're going to see the draw stroke [Music] yeah just one of the straightest shooters in the world too jason i got him the best shot maker in the universe forget the world the universe is bigger you're right about that and i'll tell you what shane's up there too shane's a incredible shot maker too yeah i made him the greatest player ever you know that yeah you told me that and day one and i really it's it's been hard for me to argue it i mean i think it's still it's a hard argument period anyways just because you know sports as well as i do danny it's from one generation to the next the things evolve the equipment gets changes uh players get better there's better looks players today of course players today i think are probably overall a little healthier than players years ago just because that's the way things are in today's society but that's in all sports right they got better training methods better diets right much more detailed their lives are athletes these days oh that's the break he wanted he added a little more speed that time and it worked and he's made two stripes so he's gonna have some work but they're doable if the 13 goes once he removes 11 somehow they're doable the 15 does go in the lower left so the opening shot isn't great because he'd like to get a be a little more full on the 14 to drop on the 15 but what else you gonna do danny he'd like to he might cut this 11 down the rail the side looks like a too small of an angle that for me to like this is a tough cut but you're right you're not going to get a chance to do this otherwise right right i like him cutting 11 down the rail oh oh he's banking the 13 okay and i'll tell you what he's gonna have to make a couple shots in short position anyway so i don't mind this i don't mind this he doesn't either look how perfect he got he got a little straight there no he's got an angle he's got a bit of an angle does he yeah he's certainly like to get on get he doesn't want to get too thin on the nine that's for sure she yeah he's good here look at this shot look at this shot he needs this to go just a little bit though and i think it did looked alive yeah he could roll it and shoot the 15. and he's gonna cheat this just a little bit yeah you see he hit it to the heavy side just a little bit great touch perfect gotta say jason is doing what he has to do to get in the finals oh that's got to go a little bit a little bit and it's there great shot and i liked what he did on that bank knowing he's got a he he's got a tough shot anyways and the bank really offered him guaranteed position on that 11 down in the corner if he cuts the 11 you never know he you're probably gonna get position but there were some scratches cross side that were looming and uh you never know you might get a little off angle on something and make it really tough to get out not only did you know and like what he did on the bank he did yeah and he's doing what he has to do i got a silly question because it doesn't really matter if you were uh corey duo right now who would you be pulling for to see who you're going to play well actually corey and i went to dinner last night and just a small discussion on and i told him i i wouldn't worry about that if i was him you know what i mean like he's playing so well of course could he yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah he actually bought too i was i was i was fairly impressed but uh yeah anyways you know i mean but the real you know us being bystanders who who do we think corey might want to play uh we'll see i mean he's got wins over everybody so the winning loss thing has nothing to do with it um you know maybe there's a personal preference well when you're playing as well as he is you could at least answer that and say i don't care yeah do you care who you play of course keep playing good the question i asked you to open the match was how do you feel about him playing right before the final and i was thinking about it during the player timeout and even if he plays a little suspect in that match the good thing about that is players this this caliber they rarely ever play two bad matches so he's gonna bump the 11 here and there's nothing wrong with that he's got the three yeah oh that's the one he didn't want to do go buy the four he caught it full he hit it too hard he's gonna have to play the combo now right better not gonna get a chance to do this he hits combos pretty well though yeah just like all the tough shots in my mind he when the great players go to make what looks like a tough shot it's hard for me to bet against him uh he needs that to go he needs that to go okay there was just that one little point that he could have gotten behind the 14 and and had a snooker on both the five and the two now looking to stretch this lead to three games and breaking next and you know i guess if you look at it i mean i guess you gotta think out of the three players that that have the chance to get to the final with corey that being shaw or coolio and filler that are mathematically still alive you know i i guess if i'm in cory's corner i want to see him playing filler just because or cuyo i've been in the finals so much the last few years i mean and they've done real well in the finals also so you know they're pulling for bamboni here because if shaw wins their game doesn't mean anything except a thousand right and bragging rights that's it jason breaks when i commented about who they wanted to play saying he might want to play filler and i i just go by numbers there it has nothing to do with him we've seen him play exceptionally well could win uh any tournament it plays in looks like okay he's not getting the consistent reaction all the time on the rack you'll notice almost every ball is on the right side of the table look how many of the solids are together and then if he can get this five ball down he's only got a little bit of a pocket and i don't know if he can get at the four the one beauty about the four is it may cover the pocket on the 11. i don't know if he's got a pocket he's got a little bit of a pocket i'm looking i'm looking right down the barrel but he doesn't have the entire pocket and the thing is he's got to push forward past the uh 11 probably to gain shape on the 7. he may get short side on the on the six as well oh he's popping it he's popping it watch out for the cue ball off this six and scratching i think he's a little straight for that but it's close okay he didn't have a full pocket and i'll tell you what if that 11 had gotten a little more funny he may not have even given up a shot but at the 11 caught the point and held up still not an easy one though right dan no on the rail extreme angle here and when you're on the cushion like it's tough to split the cue ball and hit center ball no problem for saying i think he shot that kind of shot a million times yeah well uh i lived in vegas uh during a bonus ball a few years ago and i did quite a few tar matches and i commented on quite a few tour matches and i'd show up early just to watch shane practice just to see what he goes through practicing and uh i don't want to give away his secrets but i learned a lot on certain things why don't you want to give away a secret well just the way he works on his timing prior to there's just a few different kinds of shots he'll shoot several different ways to try and really make sure his timing is good before he starts a match yeah people out there want to hear his secrets well i kind of have to show you but he runs he shoots the ball that a few shots where he's on the rail to make sure he's not over hitting the ball he's hitting the ball real clean and then he shoots you know i was talking about the shot running the ball down the rail yeah how important it is he'll shoot that 40 or 50 times maybe more just in different ways to make sure his timing is good make sure he's not under hitting the ball and overhitting the ball oh he trickled that yeah that's two eight balls that uh that wobbled that said a little something on the way in didn't they it's like pocket used to say when lassiter did that say the balls looked up saw it was [ __ ] lasted her and went in you know pocket being from texas yeah i fortunately got to hang around with him a little bit uh he was from the dallas area uh dfw area fort worth but as soon as the first time i laid my eyes on him jersey reddit told me so much about him i went right up and uh introduce myself and i you know what he told me he said hey kid you want to be a nine bowl player huh at that time i i was just a nine ball player no one pocket no nothing and uh he said just go on and practice your break about 10 hours a day he said don't worry about everything else you'll figure everything else out he said just practice your break about 10 hours a day okay he's made he's made a stripe here and again these two guys the way the last rack was a little different but the way uh these two are breaking the balls meaning from out in the center and they have so much power effortless power that they don't get many balls tying up okay he's gonna he's gonna draw back for the 15 here the nine goes by the seven there's a little angle on the 11 on the side but it's not bad and you got the angle to get to that you may use the nine first i'm not sure i ain't got the bad angle on the nine to get to the 11 so that was a mistake i would have probably just kind of stopped my ball maybe shoved it for an inch should still be okay well this match is a gun fight yeah there's no stalling either tell you that now seven to six we've played 13 games in 52 minutes so you're looking at uh with a player timeout you're looking at what is that four four minutes a game if i'm correct on my map well a turning stone uh shaw beat mika 21 minutes he sent mika to the bar well now a lot of pressure on shaw i mean there's there's pressure out there anyways and a lot of pride going on these two are great competitors but i would say right now at seven to six considering the circumstances i think shaw shaw's hearts beating a little bit faster than chains wouldn't you say danny i hope so or else he's not human but sometimes he doesn't appear human anyway that's right now last racquel he got a little bit of a funny break on the balls they all ended up on one side of the table so it wasn't the consistent uh opening like we've seen oh watch the cue ball i seen it going a little that side with the top sometimes it'll warp right in the side pocket okay he's made a solid and really again nothing really tied up he's got he's got a seven ball that's a little bit on the side rail that i'm sure he'll take care of pretty quickly uh yeah yeah i think i think i like uh can't get at the five now but he wants to remove the five to open up the one so the four will get them to the three eventually yeah but this isn't out believe it or not as open as they are and the way they're sitting though just one little shot could get him a little funny he's got a couple things he needs to take care of whether he shoots the two and then i can't tell if he can shoot the five next and then hold the ball for the one otherwise he may shoot the combination oh he's shooting a combination all right do you go to the seven now or wait well it depends on the combination it depends on if i know for sure i can come back across and get on the one the one's not going to get away from me i like going ahead and doing this and then getting on the one if the 12 wasn't there he would shoot the 4-3 then drop on the 7 last but and he still may do so but he doesn't have much of a path to get from the 3 to the 7 with the 10-15 being there in the 12 cutting off that bottom rail i still can't fault this route but he's going to have to play uh a real nice nice angle on this three and it's it's probably not going to be too much angle either you'll see that's what he's looking at if the 12 wasn't there there's a lot of room to get to fall to the bottom rail and come up for the seven but this is definitely some concern right he's got he might have to just accept the long shot on the seven yeah he got too straight here on the rail too if he can cheat it just a little bit and get up the long shot on the seven shouldn't be a whole lot of a problem yeah he would have liked to have gotten a little more just because shoot he doesn't want to shoot the eight from off angle and being on the rail okay do you punch it forward and shoot the eight in the corner or do you try to draw back shoot the eight in the side i just get to keep off the rails oh miss we called it he had to accept a long shot on the seven this match is gonna get shaky now for shaw yeah and it really uh could end up being out of his hands a little bit meaning uh bamboni breaks yes vamboni won the lag and this is the type of situation the lag matters right from jump street but this is the situation if he gets out here to where the lag can't really show up he almost didn't get a shot on anything to start right there i'll tell you that if that nine doesn't creep up a little bit more he's he's got to come with one he's coming with one now i mean the nine is not a gimme and especially control to the next ball watch out no he got good yeah and in a second there's not going to be a problem like right now bumping these balls well he's got a paul on the 14 right now i believe yeah i think you're expecting the angle to do it perfect he's got a little angle to get better on the 10 off of this ball and he can play the 10 with a little angle if he wants or if he can punch it over to get full okay and he'll shoot the 15 and either go two rails or bounce out one rail for the 10 on the side that's kind of preference there right danny right i like going forward because it's much easier speed to control and that's one shot i think today that uh i think simone's cloth helps with that shot getting it going that top english and now that one was pretty easy because he didn't have to strike it too hard but even when you need to get all the way up to the other side rail like around the side the guys today have really mastered that shot get you out of a lot of jams and now 7-7 with a lot on the line we talked about it earlier if jason shaw wins this match he he gets uh he gets a ticket to the final here at 9 30 tonight to play corey duel and if shane uh shane wins here the suspense isn't over our second match will determine who gets to the final that's between dennis or coolio and joshua fuller so if for the tournament excitement you want shane to win because the other match means something later we've talked about it these guys it means something to these guys not only financially if they can't make it to the final but uh bragging rights right just the just the competitive nature of all these guys now he's got to shoot the solids does he have the four on the side i think he does well he's got to pour in the corner anyway yeah i'm looking at how he's gonna get at the eight danny well that's a year from now yeah but it's something that he would rather address early if he needs to bump it open a little bit like the nines got it covered up for the upper right hand corner i don't think it goes anywhere else i like it like the 10's got it cut off to everywhere else right so this is uh he would like to be able to shoot the two and come across a bump but you gotta make sure you have something else to shoot at and the balls that open the pocket for the eight are not his group right yeah if the stripes if you have the stripes is much better but we're playing take what you make he made one solid on the brakes so and at this level especially i think that's definitely the best way to play eight ball is uh the guys are just too good to play uh open table on any ball made well while he's still got insurance balls he's got to go into the 10. i think so and he's got to hit if he hits the bottom side that's the problem the top side i don't see many problems he missed it yeah he's not gonna like that at all and he may not have a shot he may have just an edge on the one i can't quite tell i think he could curve it a little and make the one but that's not gonna help him with the eight he needed to hit that ten and eight with that shot usually he shoots that good yeah not only just to open the eight to hold position he would have the seven in the upper right or the three in the side so now the 15's covering up the three he's looking at a cross corner i think but still at the same time not only does he have to make a great shot here he's got to produce on the eight danny yeah so really up against it here in mom if you if you ask my opinion it's an easier bank if you know that you got the eight later yeah you know mentally he doesn't this is not going to help him with the eight what danny's saying is for all these guys they get they get a little more motivated when they know it's a definite winning shot right that wasn't but he hit it very well but he's such a champion yeah he's got a good shape here does the seven go by the nine in the side i don't think so no i was looking at that a second ago and that would be that would be huge for him but he's trying to break it now well he didn't do that now now it's getting worse yeah what he needs to do is hey how can i get a bank on this thing is there any way to even get a bank i think all the banks are covered too danny there's a bank from behind the ball like banking at long rail where the 15's at but how does he get positioned there oh i'll tell you what he could do he's got to cut it to the left pocket danny right you can go three rails go three rounds with a ton of spin two to because to get low of the 12 hit the side rail and still get at the eight you're going to need a lot of spin on that ball and the 12 is in the right in the way even if you hit it good yeah so he's gonna have to draw it a little bit to create the angle to get by and not catch the 12 off the second rail meaning right side rail i don't see any future and cutting it to the to the right pocket does the 8 bank the long way i don't think so it looks to me the 14's in the way i don't know about what you think he finally hung one up yeah that'll be fatal now in this situation tournament style pool do you take a chance on the run out here i don't i don't know i mean maybe i guess i don't know why not the 10 goes does it go sure does it for sure though oh i'm pure if it for sure goes that makes a difference but i think it goes for sure what i'm saying he can't afford uh to not get out and open the eight here no you don't have to i think the ten goes well it definitely goes in the upper left it definitely goes in the upper left i just looked at it past the 15 too yeah it goes if it goes easily that way you got to try and run out that's for sure but i've seen a few times this week where the these players uh they've they've passed on taking the best of it meaning the way the balls lay just not taking any chances yeah great shot that's why we were talking earlier about the stripes were better because you could get to the eight shooting the stripes right but oh great he needs to win this match so badly and he got a little roll there that shaw couldn't do anything with that layout and now the eight in the side to take an eight seven lead and breaking if he gets out uh beyond the hill yeah if he happens to get out here he'll get uh a couple breaks to win the match he happens to win this game definitely controls on destiny controls his own destiny from here as a matter of fact but like i said for the fan interest you rather have rambones win this because the match later with pillar means more means nothing if if shaw wins yeah it means nothing according to the final is what danny's alluding to uh but again there's a lot of shaw fans out there also that would love to see him and corey face off in the final so it's just what your personal preference is as far as players needs a square hit here and watch the cue all have some height oh oh my goodness and they had a height all right and he's gonna look at the solids if the six is not a problem well ed it's worse the six banks yeah well the six goes in the it goes on the side you just gotta get a little like around where the two's at is okay a little bit off the rail but one thing he knows about the six is there's a good chance he may have to move the eight ball which is maybe what he wants to do anyway it does cut in the side just in case the sixes move he's trying to get on it right now for some reason i mean i totally don't i don't blame him necessarily but but he didn't get there i don't think maybe he did no he's shooting d4 well you'll notice all those stripes around there if he gets a little angle on this ball where he's got it he's got to move the eight he's got to be really aware of where he's moving it to just get it out in the open so it goes in that corner right so that's talking about six or eight inches right oh he didn't hit it and i kind of like that with the two being there the eight's very cuttable on the side and you don't have to take much chance at where you're moving it so here he should just follow forward and play the seven on the side or draw back if he doesn't have the angle to go to the bottom rail yeah play the seven on the side then you'll fall nice position on the five to come around the 14 for the two or he may draw to where okay i thought he could go just a little forward and have a little bit of a cut just to come over on the back side of the 14 but nevertheless he wants to he doesn't want to fall straight in on the two though wants to have a little bit of an angle you always want that cue ball off the rail honda yeah he got a little bit of an angle he might have to go forward now could he pound this in answer yes oh it's simona's cloth you don't you don't have to pound it like it was uh years ago just real clean strikes grayed out and now as quick as uh jason's future was in his own hands now he's got to wait for a miss or a mistake and an unlucky role or something and these guys are playing at an incredible pace 16 games in 68 minutes and the great thing and the incredible thing about it to me is without hardly any mistakes not many mistakes at all perfect match both guys playing good and like we say this could have very well been the final match absolutely two of the top not sure exactly what the rankings are now i know it's changed since the u.s open but gotta be two of the top four in the world right now on the rankings i'm guessing exactly okay is this the time for the drive oh his same thing same pocket everything well shaw has to take advantage now now he did break dry so that does make a difference as far as he would have been shooting but ball in hand behind the line makes a huge difference getting your pattern the way you want it to go okay he's got some he's got a lot of issues though dan oh bright they're not all open like they've been taking the solids that's what i was thinking if the six goes by them balls you gotta shoot the six to open the one take care of these uh four most likely on that end of the table then come down and do your work on the five seven and three oh he's going to get on it now and i don't blame him i don't blame him at all he'd do a lot he'd do really well to knock off the five and seven also right exactly get on the five on the side he did that now is he gonna just follow to the gap in between the thirteen eight to chip to seven in is that what you do or is he punching is he punching for short side he's going short side good shot and great control good decision now he'll just fall on the one you'll notice he doesn't mind being a little bit further away it's just all about getting real full on that one that way you don't have to mess with any of those stripes meaning the cue ball going into any of those stripes now he's just got to make sure he's on the right angle to follow the ball in between the 11 14 off of one rail is that what you're looking at yeah i think he's got that it's not that full of hit yeah he doesn't want too much cut on this two though he wants to really get into that side rail as quick as possible is he drawn by it okay he's drawn by nothing wrong with that either especially where they're gonna stop oh he's over the top a little yeah i'm surprised he didn't run the ball a little bit more there but hey can't fault this that's for sure oh he's on the hill this will be his last break of the match so there's different opinions on that i was talking to some people the other day you know what do you have mentality wise whenever you're breaking the balls your last last time you know i used to be the type that would tell myself don't scratch don't scratch don't scratch you know what i mean but what i would do from that is i would consequently hit the rack different than i had been doing the entire match so i got away from that years ago and told myself i want to hit him even better now heck with the scratch who cares you know i used to talk when it was breaking like hill hill i'd say make a ball make a ball make a ball and then i never did i broke him terribly well the break's always been a big part of the game but i think even more so these days just because i kind of think the equipment as good as it is you know it's a little easier to run out right this is a big break right here yeah it's his last break oh i don't think he made any sure didn't the table was open oh boy sure didn't bad time to turn up dry but there's a lot of work out there i'll tell you that he's there's some there's the 11 ball that's funny if you take the stripes the 15 is a little funny if you take the stripes obviously if you're looking at the solids not only the threes covered up but the one so we're gonna yeah we're not sitting real good hard for me to take the solids though i got to look at and maybe i'm overlooking something but i i think just you gotta take this stripes i thought he might do something like that but the problem with that is this right here and if he doesn't have the gap on this nine ball he doesn't have a shot i think he's got the nine you may have to spin it with a little right english one good thing about that 15 that now is really the only problem is the tens right there to get good position on it the 12 goes in the side oh yeah i thought he had to spin it but soft spin it uh he had to get around that ball and throw the nine in a little bit and i i think he thought he was clear can't you just shoot the five and just barely bump this three to the rail and hold for the seven or the one right dan the only problem there is get to three to shootable you gotta don't overhit it though very little you're only knocking it three inches right like that perfect great shot he's got the seven so we don't have to really shoot jacked up on the one right right yeah i would rather shoot to 70. can't take a chance on that being elevated the ones got a big pocket so a little distance on the one really isn't a problem yeah i'd like to not wait on the three for the last ball myself i would like to go ahead and get on the three what do you think david agree i agree you can't leave the three to get to the eight a lot could go wrong yeah get rid of that three while you have balls you could fall on yeah well the reason being is that ten is such a big ball for the proper angle on the three to get on the eight if the 10 wasn't there no big deal leaving the three for last but and he's gonna get so close to the three here he should be okay just stop i think okay he's gonna draw it past the ten instead of punching out nothing wrong with that either oh he did punch okay jason shaw is gonna get to the finals to meet corey duel tonight at 9 30. he played a solid match here yeah both of them did a couple scratches on the break not really many misses to speak up one missed by jason i think one missed by by shane but an incredible match and and gave us a lot of information on what's going to happen tonight at 9 30. well thank you very much ladies and gentlemen i'm jeremy jones with video uh accustomed video productions joined by danny deleberto we'll be back at 2 30 with fielder and a coolio y'all stay [Music] tuned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the future of billiards training is here introducing the digicue a small electronic coach that fits inside of a custom rubber housing and attaches to the butt end of any pool snooker or carrum queue simply slide the digicue onto the butt end of your queue push the power button and then play the game of your choice the digicue constantly monitors your stroke for inconsistencies and gives you immediate feedback by silently vibrating when it detects jab strokes steering body english or movement standing up during your stroke the digi-queue will force you to bear down on every shot it will condition you to keep your head and body still during your follow-through leading to a lasting improvement in the consistency of your stroke the digi-queue comes in three different modes beginner intermediate and advanced get serious about your game this is q training evolved can you beat the digi-q introducing lucasi hybrid a whole new level of performance and technology a queue with a revolutionary dampening system eliminating vibration g5 grip technology for enhanced traction and stability results in maximum q control total sweet spot construction means unmatched power and the zero flex point ferrule provides dead-on accuracy giving you the confidence you need in every shot lucasi hybrid the only cue that matters [Music] you
Channel: Accu-Stats Video Productions
Views: 113,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, Accu-Stats, accustats, Cue Sports (Sport), Pool (Sport), Aramith, Simonis, Diamond Billiard Tables, Billiards, Billiard Ball (Sports Equipment), Billiard Table (Sports Equipment), Rack
Id: XfV6o2MnbKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 50sec (4550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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