8 (4x2) Awesome and easy TRANSITIONS // featuring Premiere Basics // Premiere Pro Tutorial

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Hello and welcome to Storysium. In this two part tutorial we're going to look at 8 awesome and easy transitions that you can make in a matter  of seconds. Even though you could make a preset for some of them these transitions are so simple that  they don't require a preset at least in my opinion. This two-part tutorial is a collaboration with the  second channel from Cinecom namely premiere basics presented by Gill. Hey everyone glad to be here You can find the first four transitions in this video and the other four in the video that is linked at the end of this one. Anyway it's time to start some editing after the quick message from our sponsor Videvo.net Videvo is a great source for free and premium stock footage. For example all the clips used in this tutorial video are coming from Videvo. And besides the more than 100 000 video clips  they've also got a big collection of music and sound effects. Be sure to check them out and  use the discount code storysium20 to claim a 20 discount on one of their premium plans. The links can be found in the video description. Ok now it's time to jump over to premiere and look  at the first transition. The first one is a simple zoom transition. And i've already got two clips ready on the timeline to show you how to do this one. The first step here is creating an adjustment  layer. You can do this in the project panel click on the new icon and then select adjustment layer. And then accept the default settings and click ok. you can now drag this adjustment layer over to the  timeline and place this on top of the two clips   then shorten the length of the adjustment  layer until it's somewhat equal on both sides   next we're going to add an effect  in the effects panel we're going   to search for the transform effect. You'll  find this one under Video effects>Distort. I'm going to apply this effect to the  adjustment layer and then put the playhead   right between the two clips. And you can also  zoom in to be sure that it's right in the middle. now i'm going to move over to the effects control  panel and i'm going to look at scale properties   of the transform effect. First i'm going to enable  keyframes by clicking on the stopwatch icon here. Then i'm going to move that first keyframe  with value 100 a couple of frames back   and then create another keyframe with  value 100 and move that one a bit forward. the playhead is still in the middle between the  two clips and that's where we're going to create a   new keyframe with value 300. And now as you can see the zoom effect is there but it's a little boring but we're going to improve this by adding a bit  of motion blur we can do this by disabling the   option for use composition shutter angle and we  can set the shutter angle to 360. And 360 will give the maximum amount of motion blur, if you want a little less motion blur you can change this to 180 for example. And to make it even more smoother  we're going to right click on the first keyframe and then select ease out and we'll do the same for  the last keyframe and we'll select ease in. and as a final optional step you can also add the cross  dissolve effect between the two clips. You might want to do this in case the cut still feels a  bit too rough. Adding the cross dissolve will make this look a lot smoother. You can simply add this cross dissolve between the two clips and make it last a couple of frames. That's it for this first  transition, let's have a look at the final result. And now we're going to jump over to Belgium  for the next transition presented by Gill. Awesome! So for the next transition we're going  to need few clips place them behind each other in the timeline and cut a part of the second clip take this to track number two and place it above video one line up the endings of the two clips  and then drag the end a bit over the second video okay now we're going to cut the top clip in half on the first part we're going to place the invert effect which we can find in the effects panel then make a mask from the opacity property you can choose the shape of this mask but make sure that it takes up the entire width of your screen and also don't make the mask too high then animate the mask so that it starts off screen in the beginning and slides down until the end of the clip we can do this by animating the mask path with keyframes now this creates a scan effect but we don't have  the full transition yet so let's take that second half of our clip place the invert effect on it and also the crop effect now animate the bottom property so that it goes from 100 to 0 in the middle of the clip then from the middle section place a keyframe for the top value and place a keyframe at the end of the clip making a top value 100. now don't forget to ease those  keyframes and now we have an x-ray scan transition Thanks a lot Gill that one was very nice. It's time to move on to the next transition and for this one I've got these two clips on the timeline. This time we're going to use a color matte for the transition. To add this go to the project panel click on the new item icon and select color matte. You can accept the default resolution and frame rate settings and click ok. Next you need to pick a color and for this one i'm  going to select the yellow from the wall behind the man. And it will look even better if we go for  a more saturated yellow, and then click ok. And then i'm going to give the color matte the name yellow and click ok. Next we can add the color matte on top of the two clips and then shorten the length. and in this case i'll go for duration of 1 second And then center it on top of the two clips. Then we need to go to the effects panel and search for the Push effect. You will find this one under Video transitions>Slide. Now you can apply this effect to the beginning  of the color matte and then shorten the length until it's right in the middle between the two clips. And then apply a second push transition to the end of the color matte. and now you've got a basic color matte transition. in case you want to transition to go a  bit faster you simply select the color   matte and then shorten the length and then of course also reposition the push transitions. And to make it all a bit more exciting we're  going to add another color matte. So i will go back to the project panel click on the new item icon and then select color matte I'll accept the default settings and in this case I'll pick the red color on the wall behind the man And also here I'll go for a bit more saturated variant then I'll name this one red and then click ok. Now we can place the second color matte on top of the first one and then offset it for a couple of frames. and also add the push transitions to  the beginning and the end of the color matte. and also offset these a couple of frames. That's it for this one let's have a look at the final result. And the next transition is a simple glitch  transition create an adjustment layer and place it above the cut of your videos make it about five frames long on each side of the cut now from the effects panel look for the  vr digital glitch effect and animate the master amplitude going from 0 to 100 right on the cut and then back to zero at the end then use the distortion properties to  customize the look of your glitch now these are my settings but you don't have to copy these exactly then we're going to add the vr rotate sphere effect to this adjustment layer and we're going to animate the z-axis roll going from 0 to 45 on the cut and then back to zero and now you've got this awesome glitch transition Thanks again Gill and that  indeed was awesome and easy. and that also concludes this first  part of the eight easy transitions   let me know in the comments if you would like  to see another transition collaboration video   with Storysium and Premiere Basics. And now you can click here to see the other four transitions. That's it for this one. Thanks a lot for  watching and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Channel: Storysium
Views: 57,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transitions premiere pro, transition effects, Premiere Pro, premiere pro transitions, transitions premiere pro tutorial, video transitions, free transitions premiere pro, smooth transition, seamless transitions, transition, वीडियो संक्रमण, 8 transitions, storysium, premiere basics, easy transition, transitions, transition premiere pro free, transition premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro best transition effects, zoom blur transition premiere pro, premiere pro cc transition effects
Id: k6cZUbG4SY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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